Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club REGISTRATION APPLICATION 2015 FAMILY DETAILS MOTHER/GUARDIAN Surname Address Suburb Postcode Phone (AH) First name Surname Occupation Mobile Email PLAYER 1 Returning FATHER/GUARDIAN First name Surname Occupation Mobile Email PLAYER 2 New Returning FootyWeb No First name Surname Date of birth Turning in 2015 School Prior Team PLAYER 3 New FootyWeb No First name Surname Date of birth Turning in 2015 School Prior Team Returning New FootyWeb No First name Surname Date of birth Turning in 2015 School Prior Team PAYMENT DETAILS Teams (1) No. Players Fee Amount Tackers – Under 15 $170 $ Colts (Under 16 -17) $195 $ Less: Family Discount (2) Less each additional $10 $ Add: Donation to Sharks $ TOTAL (3) $ NOTES 1. Players will be placed in teams based on their date of birth, with considerations given to written applications to the Director of Football seeking to play in an alternative age group. Approval will be dependent on YJFL Rules, team numbers and our Teams Selection Policy. 2. Family discount applies when there are two or more players in the family, e.g. 2 players are entitled to $20 discount, 3 to $30 etc 3. Players are not eligible for team selection, or a club bonus, until all registration fees are paid Cheques made payable to PONRPJFC Inc for full payment can be mailed with this form to the Registrar – address below Credit card Exp. date: Mastercard / Name on card: X Access code: X Visa for total being paid Card no. Cash for total being paid. Applies to Registration Day Only - Team Managers or Coaches will NOT receive cash payments TO COMPLETE REGISTRATION FOR 2015 Returning players: Complete Registration Application. Tick Returning Player. Complete Consent and Medical Details -for each player - attached Make Registration Payment Office Use Only New Players: Complete Registration Application. Tick New Player. Complete Consent and Medical Details -for each player - attached Must provide a copy of birth certificate or other proof of age Make Registration Payment Complete and sign YJFL Registration/Transfer Form (J) Date paid (dd/mm): Method: / Cheque / Credit Card / Cash Receipt No: Complete and post these forms with your payment to Sharks Registrar Sharks Registrar – PO Box 2281 North Ringwood Victoria 3134 Version 2015 Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club CONSENT AND CODE OF CONDUCT 2015 This form is to be completed and posted to the club at PO Box 2281 North Ringwood 3134 OR Submitted to the Team Manager at the commencement of the season before a player is considered eligible to play PLAYERS DETAILS First name Surname DOB Phone (AH) MOTHER/GUARDIAN First name Surname Occupation Mobile FATHER/GUARDIAN First name Surname Occupation Mobile RETURNING PLAYERS ONLY Online Registration Member No. Registration Receipt No. VOLUNTEERS Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club is a junior sporting organisation that relies upon volunteers at all levels to help create a successful and well run club for players and their families. We are constantly in need of volunteers and would appreciate an indication of where you might be able to assist. Coach Team Manager Trainer Committee role Other (specify) PHOTOS From time to time the Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club may use images of players, officials and parents for promotional purposes. Completion of this form acknowledges you have read and agreed to this use. Parent/guardian signature: Date: FEES and LEVIES The Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club makes available football jumpers for use by registered players, but these remain the property of the club. A $150 fee will be levied for jumpers not returned when requested. Completion of this form acknowledges you have read and agreed to these fees and levies. Parent/guardian signature: Date: CODE OF CONDUCT You will find attached to this Registration Form the Yarra Junior Football League Code of Conduct. It is extremely important, for the good of the club that all club members understand and adhere to the guidelines of the Code of Conduct. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the enclosed Yarra Junior Football League Code of Conduct and agree to abide by these rules. Parent/guardian signature: Date: Player/s signature: Date: Please refer to the Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club webpage - - for our internal policies. Version 2015 YARRA JUNIOR FOOTBALL LEAGUE CODES OF CONDUCT Coaches 1. Abide by the Laws of the Game, Club Rules and League Rules 2. Teach the Rules: Rules are mutual agreements which nobody should break 3. Group players competitively 4. Avoid overplaying talented players 5. Maximise fun: Place winning in perspective 6. Stress safety always 7. Consider maturity levels: Devise training programs to suit all 8. Develop team respect: For opponents , umpires and coaches 9. Recognise the importance of proper injury treatment 10. Keep up to date with Coaching developments 11. Attain Coaching accreditation 12. Avoid derogatory language based on gender or race 13. Shall not engage in the aggressive recruitment of players. (Aggressive recruitment is to be determined on the facts of each particular case. As a guide only, aggressive recruitment will be considered to have occurred where there is contact on more than one occasion with a player (parent/guardian) and/or inducement is offered to a player to change Clubs). Players 1. Play by the laws and rules 2. Don’t argue 3. Control your temper 4. Be a team player 5. Be a good sport 6. Treat all players fairly 7. Cooperate with your coach and teammates 8. Play for fun and improvement 9. Avoid ugly remarks based on race or gender Parents 1. Encourage participation but do not force them 2. Teach that honest effort is the victory, not the winning 3. Encourage to play by the rules 4. Never ridicule mistakes or losses 5. Remember, involvement is for their enjoyment, not yours 6. Remember, they learn best by example. Applaud both teams 7. Recognise positively the recreational contribution of voluntary officials 8. Never publicly disagree with officials. Raise issues privately 9. Support all efforts to remove verbal, racial and physical abuse 10. Support your club officials to foster high standards of behaviour for your Club/League Version 2015 Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club MEDICAL FORM 2015 PLAYERS DETAILS MOTHER/GUARDIAN First name Surname Occupation Mobile Email First name Surname DOB Postcode Phone (AH) FATHER/GUARDIAN First name Surname Occupation Mobile Email DETAILS HEALTH PRACTITIONERS Family Doctor: Address: Family Dentist: Address: Phone: After hours: Phone: After hours: FUNDS Medicare No. Private Health Fund: Card No: Member No: CONDITIONS – Does your child suffer from? (please check box) Heart Condition Dizzy Spells Diabetes Blackouts Food Allergies Medication Allergies Special needs (please specify): Fits of any kind Asthma Migraines Other needs (please specify): INSURANCE The Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club strongly recommends that all Players, Coaches, and Team Officials who participate in training and match day duties, be members of a Medical Benefit Association, and be covered by insurance for their own protection. The Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club does not cover any medical expenses or any costs due to insurance gaps, however limited insurance cover is provided through our cover with JLT Sport and the YJFL. This may be of some benefit to you in the event of an injury sustained whilst performing your duties at training or on match days. It is hereby acknowledged that the Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club Inc. is not in any way responsible for any liability or expense whatsoever and that we will make no claim against the club or its members as a result of any injury to playing members while participating in any activity nominated by the club. Parent/guardian signature: Date: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and AUTHORISATION To the best of my knowledge, all information contained on this form is correct. I authorise Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club Inc. to provide first-aid and consent, where it is impractical to communicate with either the Emergency Contact or person in whose care the player has been placed for the day (e.g. at the game), to the player receiving medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary. Parent/guardian signature: Date: Office Use Only (J) Date received (dd/mm): / Method: Transferred to Team Manager: Note any corrections on this page and post these forms with your payment to Sharks Registrar – PO Box 2281 North Ringwood Victoria 3134 Version 2015
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