Course Policies and Objectives – Heat Transfer MAE 423 − Spring 2014 Instructor: Dr. Andrew Nix 271 Engineering Sciences Building (ESB) Annex Email: [email protected] Phone: (304) 293-0801 Mailbox: 301 ESB Office hours: Tu - Thu 2:00 – 3:30 PM, other hours by appointment. Note: I have an “open door” policy. If I am in my office and I am available to talk to offer help, I will. However, I do prefer visits during office hours or by appointment. Textbook: Introduction to Heat Transfer, Bergman T.L., Lavine, A.S., Incropera F.P. and DeWitt, D.P., 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Note: You may purchase a copy of Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th Edition or Fundmental of Heat and Mass Transfer, 7th Edition. Just be sure Bergman, Lavine, Incropera and DeWitt are the authors. Prerequisites: Students in MAE 423 must have passed MATH 261 (Differential Equations) with a grade of C or better and MAE 320 (Thermodynamics). See your instructor immediately if you have not passed the prerequisite courses. Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge of the three modes of heat transfer - conduction, convection and radiation and the basic laws relevant to each mode. The course will provide students with the methods needed to formulate analytical and numerical solutions to heat transfer problems. Applications will be presented and discussed. Classes: Class will meet for lectures three times each week, MWF- 9:00-9:50 AM. Attendance is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged, and will be used as an aid in assigning borderline grades at the end of the semester. Unexcused absences on exams will NOT be made up, except as required by WVU policy. Reading Assignments: The planned course content shows the material to be studied in this course. It is valuable if students read the text material before each class meeting. Typically, I will discuss at the end of class the topics to be covered the next few lectures. It is essential to keep up to date and see your instructor promptly if you have any difficulty. About 1 hour of work outside of class is needed per class meeting. Homework: Generally, homework will be due about once each week (as announced in class). Assigned homework will be given in class and may include problems from the textbook and from other sources. Help on homework will be available in class, during office hours or by appointment. Some or all homework will be collected at the beginning of class. Late homework will not be accepted. Collaboration on homework is strongly encouraged to the extent that it promotes mutual understanding by all involved. It is expected that all work submitted for grading will be the work of the individual, no common responses are allowed. Copying of homework solutions from another student or a published solution will result in a grade of 0 on the assignment. Homework is meant to strengthen the concepts in the course and is EXTREMELY important, both in your understanding of the material AND since, along with the class project, it is 20% of your final course grade. Written homework should be submitted properly headed (name, date, course and assignment number), professional and should be neat and legible. Points may be deducted from improperly prepared and/or sloppy homework. The final page of this syllabus details homework solution format. Solutions for homework assignments will be distributed via email or posted online on the course website on MIX. Tests and Exams: Two tests and a final exam will be given. All tests and exams will be closed book and closed notes. Formula sheets will be prepared by the students (or provided by the instructor), the format will be discussed prior to the exams. The tests will cover the assigned material whether discussed in class or not. If a test is missed, a grade of zero will be recorded unless excused by proper authority because of illness or emergency. Make-up tests will be given only in case of illness* or by arrangement in advance with the instructor. Grading: Homework and Project: Test 1: Test 2: 20% 25% 25% Final Exam: 30% The letter grade will be based on a straight 90-80-70-60… scale. Students should keep copies of ALL homework and exams in case of errors in grading records by the instructor. The final exam is comprehensive, and will cover all material from the semester with weighting toward the last few chapters. Expected Learning Outcomes: This is a detailed course in Heat Transfer. Typically, students taking this course are mechanical engineering (ME) and aerospace engineering (AE) students. In this course, you will: • develop an understanding of physical concepts, rate equations, conservation equations and analogies to other disciplines of heat transfer the modes of heat transfer • enhance your analytical, mathematical, numerical and experimental (as applicable) skills in applied heat transfer concepts • Establish the relationship of the concepts of heat transfer to thermal system behavior and the design process ABET Outcomes: This course, consistent with the expected learning outcomes above, supports ABET Outcomes: “Graduates will have” A - “an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.” B - “an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze data.” C - “an ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs.” E - “an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.” H - “Graduates will have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context”. J - “Graduates will have a knowledge of contemporary issues” Class lectures, homework and projects will be aimed at promoting these outcomes as they apply to this course. Teaching Philosophy: As the instructor, I will do everything possible to help you learn and understand the material, but you must do your part. The student is ultimately responsible for actually learning the material In my course, a grade of “C” means that you have gained an average knowledge of the topic material and have a grasp of only the basic concepts. It is not a trivial matter to obtain an “A” in my course, but by the same token, it is also difficult to get an “F”. If you have a question on material, the textbook and homework, how I graded, and life in general, come and see me. I am always open to answering your questions or meeting with to discuss your questions and concerns. . I teach engineering courses because I love helping students learn and enjoy the interaction with students. Please DO NOT hesitate to ask for help at any time. Notes on Class Etiquette: * A note from a physician or the university infirmary is required. • • • • Make sure cell phones are turned off, or at minimum set to vibrate, during lecture. I do not want to hear your cell phone. Please do not type text messages or listen to music in class. If you are so tired that you will likely fall asleep in class, stay home. Your bed will be much more comfortable than the desk. Do not engage in idle chat with friends during lecture. It is distracting to me and there are students around you that want to hear the lecture. Social Justice Statement: “West Virginia is committed to social justice. I concur with that commitment and expect to maintain a positive learning environment based upon open communication, mutual respect, and nondiscrimination. Our University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, color or national origin.” Any suggestions as to how to further such a positive and open environment in this class will be appreciated and given serious consideration. Special Needs: If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order to participate in this class, please advise your instructor and make appropriate arrangements with Disability Services (293-6700). Any student with a special need should feel free to meet with the instructor to discuss possible accommodations. Academic Dishonesty: The integrity of the classes offered by any academic institution solidifies the foundation of its mission and cannot be sacrificed to expediency, ignorance, or blatant fraud. Therefore, I will enforce rigorous standards of academic integrity in all aspects and assignments of this course. For the detailed policy of West Virginia University regarding the definitions of acts considered to fall under academic dishonesty and possible ensuing sanctions, please see the Student Conduct Code http:// Should you have any questions about possibly improper research citations or references, or any other activity that may be interpreted as an attempt at academic dishonesty, please see me before the assignment is due to discuss the matter. Constructive criticism: Suggestions relative to the conduct, format, and content of the course are welcome. If you have suggestions at any time during the semester contact your instructor. I take this VERY seriously. PLANNED COURSE CONTENT The subjects below are the planned material to be covered in this course. Material may be removed or added as the semester progresses. The instructor will note when removal or addition of material occurs. 1. Introduction to Heat Transfer (Chapter 1) A. Modes of Heat Transfer: Conduction; Convection; Radiation B. Fundamental mechanisms of heat transfer 2. Conduction (Chapters 2 - 5) A. Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction (Chapter 2) i. Definitions : Thermal conductivity, Thermal diffusivity ii. Applications to a steady one-dimensional slab, hollow cylinder iii. Electrical analogy B. Heat Conduction Equation (Chapter 2) i. Derivation in Cartesian coordinates C. Steady One-Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation (Chapter 3) i. Heat conduction across: Plane slab, cylindrical shell, spherical shell (briefly) - Governing equations, boundary conditions, temperature profiles, heat loss ii. Thermal resistance and networks iii. Composite slabs, shells iv. Contact Resistance iv. Heat conduction with internal heat generation - slab, cylinder D. Fins (Steady, One-Dimensional Heat Conduction) (Chapter 3) i. Constant area rectangular fin ii. Pin fin (same as the constant area rectangular fin) iii. Three cases: short fin, infinitely long fin, and insulated fin iv. Fin efficiency, fin resistance, Total surface efficiency E. Multi-dimensional Steady Heat Conduction (Chapter 4) i. Review three-dimensional heat conduction equation ii. Boundary conditions and initial conditions iii. Solution to a two-dimensional heat conduction equation (also, handouts on Separation of Variables) iv. Conduction shape factors v. Numerical analysis - Finite Difference Methods Discretization and solution F. Transient Conduction (Chapter 5) i. Review three-dimensional heat conduction equation ii. Semi-infinite slab iii. Numerical analysis - Finite Difference Methods Explicit and Implicit Methods Discretization EXAM #1 Convection (Chapters 6 - 10) A. Introduction (Chapter 6) Types of convection: Forced and Natural; Internal and External; Laminar and Turbulent; Fully developed flow and Entrance effects B. Boundary Layers (Chapter 6) i. Basic concepts; Thermal and Hydrodynamic B.L. ii. B.L equation (briefly) and boundary conditions C. Fundamentals of Convection (Chapter 6) 3. i. ii. D. E. F. G. H. Dimensional analysis Internal flows Determination of mixed mean temperatures (inlet/outlet) iii. Corrections for variable property effects Forced Convection (External Laminar and Turbulent Flows) (Chapter 7) i. Flow over (a) Flat plate, (b) Circular cylinder and (c) Sphere Convection analysis (Chapter 7) i. Derivation of the continuity, momentum and energy equations. ii. Boundary layer equations (laminar) and an introduction to turbulent B.L equations Forced Convection (Internal Flows) (Chapter 8) i. Tubes and Ducts (circular ii. Entrance effects iii. Ducts (various cross-sections) Correlations for internal duct flows will be covered for laminar and turbulent flows (for various Pr number fluids) Natural Convection (Laminar and Turbulent) (Chapter 9) i. Introduction (also briefly cover the two-dimensional steady-flow boundary layer equations for free convection over a vertical plate) ii. Flow over a vertical wall Boiling and Condensation (Chapter 10) i. Boiling Modes ii. Pool Boiling Correlations EXAM #2 Assign Design Project 4. 5. Heat Exchangers (Chapter 11) A. Introduction i. Types of heat exchangers ii. Configurations iii. Temperature profiles B. Overall heat transfer coefficient C. Log Mean temperature difference D. Analysis of a one-tube pass evaporator E. LMTD-F factor approach F. Effectiveness-NTU approach (briefly) Radiation (Chapter 12) A. Introduction to radiation physics i. Electromagnetic spectrum ii. Planck's Blackbody Spectral Energy Distribution iii. Wien's Displacement Law iv. Stefan-Boltzman Law B. Radiation exchange between surfaces i. Exchange between black bodies ii. Shape factors iii. Electrical network analogy (blackbodies) iv. Exchange between diffuse gray surfaces FINAL EXAM – Friday, May 2, 2014, 8 – 10 AM HOME WORK SOLUTION EXAMPLE PAGE KNOWN: State concisely what is known about the problem. FIND: State concisely what must be found. SCHEMATIC: Draw a schematic of the physical system being considered. Label important variables. If application of the conservation laws is anticipated, represent the appropriate control volume or control surfaces by dashed lines. Be sure to identify processes associated with control volume/surfaces. PROPERTIES: List the solid and/or fluid thermophysical properties used in your solution. Identify the table from the Text and especially the temperature at which the property was selected. ASSUMPTIONS: It is important that you put all the assumptions in one place so that they can be reviewed. At the outset, some assumptions may be obvious, like “steady-state conditions,” etc. But as you begin to model more complicated systems, the assumptions are extremely important to the logic of your analysis. ANALYSIS: Provide in sentence format, comments that make clear the logic and organization of your analysis. Be sure to identify by numbers any figures or equations taken from the Text.
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