Methods of Heat Transfer

Thermal Energy and Heat: Methods of Heat Transfer
Directions: Read Book M: Force, Motion, & Energy; Chapter 6: Heat and Heat Technology; Sections 2 & 3 to help
you complete the study guide.
Heat is the transfer of energy between objects due to a difference in their temperatures. Temperature is
the indirect measure of the average kinetic (moving) energy of the particles of the object. Heat transfers
easily from one object to another unless an insulator (a substance that resists heat transfer) stops the
movement of the particles. Examples of this are that you reach out to stir the soup in a pot on the stove
and the spoon you left in the soup burns your hand. The basement of your house is cool, even on a
sweltering hot day. Heat transfers by conduction through solids; convection through gases and liquids,
and by radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves.
 Heat is the transfer of energy between objects
at different temperatures
Section 1  Temperature is a measure of the average
kinetic energy of the particles in an object
Heat transfers by conduction, convection, and radiation
Directions: Fill in the diagram below and write a brief explanation for each method of heat transfer. Be sure to mention what kind of
material (metal, wood, water, air, solid, liquid, gas etc.) that works with each method of heat transfer.
3 Methods of
Heat Transfer
C. ________
A. _________
B. _______
A. ________________________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________________________
C. ________________________________________________________________________
Directions: For each question, tell the method of heat transfer (MHT): conduction or insulation, convection,
radiation / what happens to the particles (WHP): particle to particle, current pattern, electromagnetic wave /
and the result which way the energy transfers.
1. How does heat get from
the stove burner into your
MHT ________________
WHP ________________
R ___________________
2. How does a cooler keep
drinks cold on a hot day?
MHT __________________
WHP __________________
R _____________________
3. When two cars sit in the
sun all day, the one with
the black roof gets hotter
than the one with the white
shiny roof. What makes
that happen?
MHT ________________
WHP ________________
R ___________________
4. How does the heat from
the sun, thousands of miles
away, reach your body?
MHT _________________
WHP _________________
R ____________________
5. What makes some cooking
pots have wooden handles?
MHT _________________
WHP _________________
R ____________________
6. What makes clean snow
melt more slowly than dirty
MHT ________________
WHP ________________
R ___________________
7. What makes the metal spoon
in your cup of hot chocolate
MHT _________________
WHP _________________
R ____________________
8. How does a cold can of
soda become warm on a
hot day?
MHT _________________
WHP _________________
R ____________________
9. What makes the attic of a
house always warmer than
the basement?
MHT ________________
WHP ________________
R ___________________
10. What makes a plastic spoon
in hot chocolate feel warm?
11. How does a microwave oven
get your food hot?
12. What makes your house
warm on a cold day even if
you haven’t turned on the
MHT ________________
WHP ________________
R ___________________
MHT _________________
WHP _________________
R ____________________
MHT _________________
WHP _________________
R ____________________
13. How does the warmth get to
14. What makes you warmer with
you when you turn on a heater?
several layers of clothes than
a heavy jacket?
MHT _________________
MHT _________________
WHP _________________
WHP _________________
R ____________________
R ____________________