SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 30 JULY, 1946 (Seny. ist July 1944.) E. C. S. FEWTRELL, D.F.C. (3/673). T. W. PIPER, A.F.C. (37913). (Seny. ist July 1945.) J. S. SHERWOOD, D.S.O., D.F.C. (39132). W. G. CLOUSTON, D.F.C. (39223). Fit. Lt. to Sqn. Ldr. (temp.), ist July 1946: — (Seny,. ist Dec. 1941.) R. B. LANGLOIS, D.F.C. (37938). C. R. C. HEWLETT (39280). T. F. S. BRERETON (39651). (Seny. ist Mar. 1942.) I. W. HUTCHESON (40226). (Seny. ist June 1942.) R. C. D. McKENziE (40405). (Seny. ist July 1943-) S. B. MORLEY (40412). I. A. MclNTOSH (40631). P. M. GARDNER, D.F.C. (40527). (Seny. ist Jan. 1944.) R. J. BENNETT (40982). (Seny. ist July 1944.) A. B. GOLDIE (41281). N. N. H. DUNLOP (41269). (Seny. ist July 1945.) A. J. HILL (42004). Forfeiture of seniority. Wg. Cdr. E. G. PALMER (37608) takes rank and precedence (with effect from 5th Apr. 1946) as if his appt. as Wg. Cdr. (temp.) bore date ist July 1944Commission relinquished. Fit. Lt. H. D. NEWMAN (36271) (on appointment to R.N.Z.A.F.). ist June 1946, TECHNICAL BRANCH. Promotion. Fit. Lt. to. Sqn. Ldr. (temp.): — W. C. PITTS (28232). ist July 1946. ist Mar. 1941.) (Seny. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH. Commission relinquished (class CC). Fit. Lt. H- E. BROWN (on cessation of duty). 3ist July 1946. ROYAL AIR FORCE VOLUNTEER RESERVE. GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH. Appointment to commission. As Pit. Offs. on prob. (emergency): — Wt. Offs. 1801022 Dennis Charles ELLIOTT (203206). 8th Jan. 1945. 577546 Leonard Charles KNIGHT (58203). nth Mar. 1946. 1267928 Charles Bernard ELSDON, D.F.M. (203226). 22nd Mar. 1946. 1653482 Roy Wingfield ROTHWELL (203205). nth Apr. ^946. 1338000 Cameron Victor THOMAS (203303). i6th Apr. 1946. 1670991 Walter Leslie DOWEY (203196). 2gth Apr. 1946. 1621700 James Edwin LATHAM (203177). ist May 1946. loth May 1946. 1603326 Edward Relph CAMPBELL (203197). J 893539 Robert William PITTA WAY (203179). 1320343 Derek James Bryan WHITEHEAD (203223). i8th June 1946. Fit. Sgts. 1623189 John Geoffrey LAW (203227). i8th July 19,451582233 Ronald George STANTON (202412). 2ist July 1945. 1586085 Frank HOLLAND (203123). ist Aug. 19451566415 Alexander Smith STRACHAN (203178). 2oth Feb. 1946. 1805394 Dennis Robert RUST (203304). ist May 1946. 1893477 Peter Neil Bicknell HUNT (203305). 26th May 1946. 1808278 Alan Norman GREAVES (203306). 3ist May 1946, 1813008 Peter SINGLETON (203244). 6th June 1946. 1580427 Thomas Keith PARKES (203092). loth July 1945. 1814381 Acm. 2nd Cl. Terence Frederick SAFFELL (202203). 28th July 1945. Notification amended. 15th Feb. 1944 (p. 782, col. 2) concerning C. J. ALFE (169921) for ALFE read ALPE. i6th July 1946 (p. 3663, col. i) concerning Malcolmely STAVES (203137) for Malcolmely read Malcolm Ely. Commission relinquished. Fig. Off. D. A. WILLIAMSON (169929) (on appointment to R.C.A.F.). 28th Nov. 1944Commission resigned. Fit. Lts. retaining the rank of Sqn. Ldr.: — J. D. CAZES, D.F.C. (130263). i4th July 1946. D. G. H. MCDONALD (76160). i7th July 1946. W. CREED (139710). 2ist July 1.946. The undermtd. retaining 'their rank: — Fit. Lts.: — D. M. WOOD (113755). i4th Mar. 1946. S. J. CHAPMAN (152392). 25th June 1946. J. E. M. WILLIAMS, D.-F.C. (77370). 2?th June 1946. G. W. BRAKE, D.F.C. (145737). ist July 1946. I3th July 1946. J. D. HERBERT (131541). J. R. A. MCCALLUM (118167). i4th July 1946. R. C. C. CORPS (173036). M. GRAHAM, D.F.C. (67660). A. R. S. PROCTOR (158542). i5th July 1946. P. M. BELLINGER (108238). E. D. EDE (151355)i6th July 1946. D. M. GREENIIOW (149362). R. TILLSy (143675). H. J. MclNTOSH (164012). i?th July 1946. iSth July 1946. W. V. CALDER (125830). F. C. M. MURRAY (130705). Lord OSSULSTON (103562). R. J. ScoWEN (115745). B. R. DODD, A.fF.C. (80239). ^oth July 1946. R. LEACH (137928). 23rd July 1946. D. R. DING (124157). 28th July 1946. Fig. Offs.: — N. M. DAWBER (190594). 2oth June 1946. W. G. FELTHAM (188482). 3oth June 1946. L. S. DRAYTON (168371). I4th July 1946. E. I. MARSH (198130). ^6th July 1946. TECHNICAL BRANCH. Promotion. Fig. Off. to Fit. Lt. (temp.): — F. Cox (147291). ist July 1946 (seny. ist Jan. 1945)Commission resigned. Fit. Lts.: — J. W. BRAMHAM (116113) retaining the rank of Sqn. Ldr. nth Aug. 1946. S. H. ROCHESTER (81140) retaining his rank. 8th July 1946. Fig. Off. C. E. SKERREY (132581) retaining the rank of Fit. Lt. i8th July 1946. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH. Promotion. Fig. Off. to Fit. Lt. (temp.), ist July 1946: — (Seny. ist July 1944.) E. TRILL WOOD (6.1389). (Seny. ist Jan. 1945.) C. A. IRONSIDE (117085). (Seny. ist Jan. 1946.) C. R. KNOWLES (108881). Commission relinquished. Pit. Offs. (on ceasing to be employed): — J. H. MULHOLLAND (198889). i3th July 1946, G. T. LIGHTFOOT (126602). i5th July 1946,
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