5414 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER, 1946 ROYAL AIR FORCE REGIMENT. Appointment to commission. As Squadron Leader, extended service (four years on the active list)] : — i6th May 1946. Douglas Allan WATSON (70715). As Flight Lieutenant, extended service (four years on the active list] : — 23rd May 1946. Victor Hugh DEAN (118427). As Flying Officer, extended service (jour years on the active list)] : — 12th Feb. 1946. John Derreck BELSHAW (182326). RESERVE OF AIR FORCE OFFICERS. GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH. Commission resigned. Wing Commander R. M. COAD, A.F.C. .(3423*) retaining the rank of Group Captain. 7th Oct. 1946. EQUIPMENT BRANCH. Promotion. Squadron Leader (temp.) J. B. QUARRINGTON (31293) is granted the rank of Squadron Leader (war subs.), ist Oct. 1946. ROYAL AIR FORCE VOLUNTEER RESERVE. GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH. Appointment to commission. Notification amended. I3th Apr. 1943 (-p. 1652, col. 2) for Anthony Francis Dowaker WILLIAMSON (150085) read Francis Anthony Dowaker WILLIAMSON (150085). Confirmation and promotion. Pilot Officers on probation confmd. in appts. and to be Flying Officers (war subs.):— D. G. EVANS (201675), 3rd Sept. 1945. C. C. WALKER (203317), 2?th Mar. 1946. D. L. RANGE (202846), 4th Oct. 1946. R. A. PALMER (203130), loth Oct. .1946. R. W. ROTHWELL (203205), iith Oct. 1946. Transfer between branches. Flight Lieutenant E. PERT (170014) to the Tech. Br., ist Oct. 1946 (seny. izth Aug. 1946). The undermtd. to the Admin, and Spec. Duties Br.:— Flight Lieutenants:— A. SHUTTLEWORTH (143747), 4th Oct. .1946 (seny. 25th Feb. 1946). H. R. G. JEBB (89065) retaining his seniority, iSth Oct. 1946. Flying Officers:— A. C. J. NEWMAN (185068), 7th Oct. 1946 (seny. zznd Aug. 1945). D. P. CLARKE (166530) retaining his seniority, i6th Oct. 1946. F. R. CHANCE (190530) .retaining his seniority, •17th Oct. 1946. Flight Lieutenant S. SOOBIAH (153631) to the Equip. Br. retaining his seniority, i7th Oct. 1946. Forfeiture of seniority. Flying Officer N. V. FEEST (1.65597) takes rank aoud precedence (with effect from 28th Sept. 1945) as if his appt. as Flying Officer bore date i6th Mar. 1945. Pilot Officer J. VALLANCE (201289) takes rank and precedence (with effect from 9th May 1946) as if his appt. as Pilot Officer bore date 25th Nov. 1945Commission relinquished. The undermtd. (on account of medical unfitness for Air Force servica) retaining their rank:— Flight Lieutenants:— J. VARTY (162943), 22nd Oct. 1946. J. E. PERKINS (124852), 26th Oct. 1946. Flying Officer:— V. R. N. RYAN (189116), 22nd Oct. 1946. Commission re-signed. The undermtd. retaining their rank:— Flight Lieutenants:— J. F. GOLAY (165380), 27th Sept. 1946. f Retaining their existing ranks under wartime rules. Relative seniority in substantive rank will be determined later. 7th Oct. 1946. C. A. CLACK (160851). D. J. FLEMING (88194). C. E. GLANVTLLE (108523). V. T. LOYD (151223), 3th Oct. 1946. N. /E. JONES (171016), gth Oct. 1946. W. R. BLOOR (124851), i2th Oct. 1946. 18th Oct. 1946. W. H. CASLEY (151255). I. W. STURROCK (12491). R. YEARWOOD (177944). 2oth Oct. 1946. R. FLETCHER (127987). J. F. PISTORIUS (80277). 2ist Oct. 1946. D. L. BROWN, D.F.C. (108985). W. E. WARD (150029). 22nd Oct. 1946. D. LAWRENCE (153376). A. R. VATCHER'(128600). D. C. WILLIS (145024). A. E. JONES (159983), 23rd Oct. 1946. Flying Officers:— J. S. McFADYEN (198354), 2ISt Oct. 1946. 23rd Oct. 1946. B. G. RIGGS (195839). E. S. SAVAGE .(184813). GVF. H. EWING (198923), 24th Oct. 1946. Notification amended. ipth Oct. 1946 (p. 5084, col. 2) concerning Flying Officer J. H. BEAN (151352) for Flying Officer read Flight Lieutenant. TECHNICAL BRANCH. Appointment to commission. As Pilot Officers on probation (emergency):— i2th Sept. 1946. 1519694 Corporal Kenneth William NEAL (203504). I I 7 3699 Leading Aircraftman Ronald Jesse KIMMIS (203503). Confirmation and promotion. 'Pilot Officer on .probation K. B. KIME (202534) confmd. in appt. and to be Flying Officer (war suibs.). nth Oct. 1946. Promotion. Flight Lieutenant (temp.) F. 'H. STOWE (84552) is granted the rank of Flight Lieutenant (war subs.), ist Oct. -1946. Commission relinquished. Flying Officer L. B. FLETCHER (142254) (on account of medical unfitness for Air Force service) retaining the rank of Flight Lieutenant. 23rd Oct. 1946. Commission resigned. Flight Lieutenant (temp. Squadron Leader) H. H. RICKETTS (72563) retaining the rank of Squadron 'Leader. 22nd Oct. 1946. Flying Officer W. H. GRIFFITHS (129650) retaining his rank. i2th Aug. 1946. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH. Appointment to commission. As Pilot Officer: — Charles Ernest HEIGHTON (203732). - i/jlh Oct. 1946. As Pilot Officer on probation (emergency): — 1392693 Warrant Officer Henry Thomas JEFFREY, M.M. (203537). igth Sept. 1946. Notification amended. loth Oct. 1939 (p. 6801, col. 2), concerning •Harold George DAVID (74772) and John Gerald RATCLIFF (74780) for Pilot Officers on probation read Flight Lieutenants on probation (any promotions to the ranks of Flight Lieutenant or below subsequent to date of appt. are cancelled). Promotion. Flight Lieutenants granted the rank of Squadron Leader (war subs.): — D. D. MORGAN (79799). loth Aug. 1946. B. G. S. BURLEIGH, M.B.E. (80916). ist Oct. 1946. The undermtd. are granted the rank of Flight Lieutenant (war subs.): — Flight Lieutenants (temp.): — F. R. LOVELL (79397). ist Aug. 1946. A. H. PARKER (60926). ist Oct. 1946. A. V. DAY (61330). 4th Oct. '1946.
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