"" • 1 SEP 13,1946 .r>r\' T i. -r- E COUNTY GREENE COUNTY'S / *•"*« «.„„*„, OBK.VB WEEKLY NEWSPAPER COO'TT EXAMJ>ER-BECOBDKB XitablUheU 1»S8 CORDER FOREMOST sES • : CaUklll Kecordtr Toonded Cr«ne 17»S County E x a m i n e r . • < . J- - - . - ' . J 18J0 LARGEST WEEKLY CIRCULATION IN G R E E N E COUNTY DANIEL CARD1NALE INSTANTLY KILLED WHILE OPERATING HIS BULL-DOZER ^ f!pnt« Catskill, N. Y., September 12,1946 Vol. 9 — No. 13 Ninety Years Old TWELVE MEN ARE PLACED IN 1-A BY DRAFT BOARD For Greek War Relief S9 ftrt P A r \ r p n * GREENE COUNTY FIREMEN TO HOLD ANNUAL CONVENTION HERE FRIDAY Struck on Head Will Assemble in Evening at Auditorium of Catskill Their investigation indicated that High School—Big Parade Scheduled Cardinale had apparently been sitClassifications Announced ting in the driver's seat, and that For Saturday Afternoon while the.bucket was in a raised —Six Teen-Agers Reposition, that he had reached forport for Registration Woodruff, President, Village o& . The 58th Annual Convention of ward to disengage a cable t h a t ) Catskill the Greene County Firemen's Assohad become caught in the tread of Response: E r n e s t J. Foster, Presciation will convene in Catskill toA group of 12 men were placed the machine. While he was in ident, Greene County Firemen's morrow evening and the program is in 1-A as fit for military service, this bent over position the bucket Association as follows: while 19 men were listed as disdescended and struck his head. Business Session of the Convencharged, according to a list of clas7:00 P. M.—Registrationof deleMrs. Cardinale reported that her tion: President Ernest J. Fossifications announced by the Greene gates and members a t Convenhusband did not come home for ter, presiding County Board of Selective Service. tion Hall (Catskill High School supper, stating that he had some Order of Business: Six teen agers registered after Auditorium) extra work to do, but that he ex1. Appointment of Committee reaching their 18th birthdays. pected to be home early in the 7:30 P. M.—Convention called to oron Credentials Following is the list of classifievening. When he did not appear der by Roy C. Moon, Chair2. Report of Committee orl cations: by 11 o'clock she. became extrememan, Committee on Firemanic Credentials 1-A—William H. Lasher, Franly worried, and finally, shortly after Activities of Catskill, New EVA D. CONINE 3. Calling roll of membership cis A. Straight, William H. Brown, midnight, set out in search for him. York, Inc. 4. Acting on questions relatSaturday, Sept. 7—and Eva D, Searles S. Jaycox, Milton D. OverShe contacted the -police departPresentation of Colors ing to membership and due3 ment and a taxi was secured for Conine was busy as usual about her baugh, Corliss F . Varnuum, Allen Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 5. Reading of minutes and a c , her"and she and her son, Daniel, household a t the home of her T. Schoonmaker, William D. J a n of the United States of Amertion thereon daughter, Mrs. A. T. Tompkins, at sen, John E. Keyser, Paul E. Bark(Continued on page 8) ica 0. Report of standing commitOak Hill. To her it was just anoth- man, James T. Pavlos, William My Country 'Tis of Thee (all tees er Saturday morning really—sure, Fort. PEDIGREED JERSEYS "FLY" T O GREECE—Thre© aristocrats of sing) 7. Report of special commitit was her birthday, but why show ' l-G—Fred E. Vail, Clifford L. CBS's "County F a i r " program—two Jersey belfers and. a Jersey Opening Prayer: Rev. Louis V. S. tees any special attention to it as her Callahan. bull—enter a Veterans' Air Transport at Newark, N. J . Airport for] Hutton, Pastor, F i r s t Baptist 8. Reports of President, Secfriends and relatives seemed to be . 2-C—Ivan S. Moore, Nuzio J . their flight to Greece. The prized stock, valued at more than $10,009 Church of Catskill retary and Treasurer doing?. She'd seen lots of birth- Tufano, William E. Coager. . and donated by the Borden Company, are winging their way overAddress of Welcome: Everett E. (Continued on page 7) seas as part of the Greek Wat-Relief Association's "Give A n days - come" - and~gb f but of course 3-A—Ellwood D. Brandt, HerAnimal" campaign, which calls-for the re-stocking of Greece's this was her 90th . . . t h a t might The September term—of the bert A. Truesdell, George H. Scott. The second Greene County Hobby small farms now. Until these animals can bring farm production 1-C (enlisted)—Samuel B. MunShow is two months away, but col- Greene County Supreme Court con- make it a special day and tomorback to pre-war levels, the Greek War Relief is urging all America row she was going back to her vened here on Monday, with Justica roe, Sr., Howard N. McManus, Jr., lectors and creative hobbyists to send pennies or dollars to the Association that a §12.75 thirty-five pound food package may b e "telegraphed" today t o i h e heroio throughout the county are entering Francis Bergah presiding and there "winter" home in Prattsville where Norman P. Wager. sha_ has many friends and relatives. were 76 cases on the calendar. but starving people of Greece. 1-C (discharged)—William H. exhibits with the Committee. Owing to the fact t h a t Justice Ninety .years "young" is the ap- Steenburn, Jr., Joseph P. Konopka, This year's show will again be . * sponsored by the St. Martha's Bergan excused so many trial and propriate phrase to describe this Claude A. Drake, Venizelos KousCatskill taxi operators seem to Issuance of the w e e k l y . OP A grand jurors, it was necessary to alert, sweet old lady who is beloved pos, Rudolph Coby, Leonard O. EdGuild of St." Luke's Episcopal be of the almost unanimous opin- Commodity Ceiling Price Posters Church in Catskill and it is expect- draw extra panels of both. Seventy by her many friends and relatives wards, Fred J. Covey, Thomas M. ion although there may be some for fresh fruits and vegetables, beed t h a t during the week of Novem- extra trial and 35 grand jurors in Prattsville and Oak Hill. She Macko, Albert Zimmerman, Wilexceptions, .that this year's busi- gun on March 23, 1944, has been ber 11 through 16 that thousands were drawn, the latter not to r e - was born Eva Tuttle, in the Town liam R. Teator, Donald Thome, ness for them was not so lucrative discontinued until further notice, in of Greene Countyites will visit the port until next Monday morning. of Ashland, Sept. 7, 1856; married William Francis, H a r r y E. Rose, as in several past seasons. the 16-county Albany area and t h e Court was then recessed until Wedto Dwight Conine. Her children Charles W. Myer, Michael Zowak, Richard E. Turrell, Greene CounThe Catskill Board of Education display. They give a couple of reasons remainder of OPA Region- I I , nesday at 10 a. m.' are Chester of Prattsville and Mrs. Clinton Cook, Charles B. Legg, Jr., a t its meeting on Monday night, ty 4-H Club Agent for the past for this. One is t h a t more people Over 100 hobbies ranging from The following additional Grand Laura Tompkins of Oak Hill. She William R. Erie, Donald C. Ding- fixed a tax rate of $22.50 per $1,000 three years, will sever his connec- used their own cars, this being the Lester W. Herzog, OPA Adminisstamps, coins, clocks, buttons, has three grand-children and two man. property valuation for school and tion here on Oct. 15, and will return first year since the war began, trator, announced. painting, needlecraf t through china, Jurors were drawn: Timod with t h e discontinuance great grandchildren. library purposes. This ' is an in- to Oneonta to enter farming. George E. Deyoe, Athens, R. F . D. 1 The following were new registhere there was no gasoline rationglass, silver and a host of others of these posters throughout the crease of 70 cents over last year's . Mr. Turrell tendered his resigna- ing. Another is t h a t arrivals by Mrs. Conine is well, active, keen- t r a n t s : will be shown. The evening's en- Leon Copleston, Coxsackie country, the move follows Secretion at a meeting of the executive rate of $21.80. minded and well-read; keeping her 12.541 Ronald F . Morse, Windham Day Line boats were not so numertertainment will include programs Alfred Bullivant, East Durham tary of Agriculture Clinton P . Anboard of the 4-H Club Association, Perry Weirs, Ashland The budget approved by the hands busy with making fancy ous as in the last three years. • 12,498-A Donald C. Dingman, Coxof music, movies and special talks Board totals $163,110 of which $74,- which accepted it with regret. On local taxi operator sold out derson's order, effective September sackie on hobbies by the exhibitors and Frederick G. Reinhardt, Greenville rugs, sewing and knitting as gifts During his three year .stay J n the jWn-ia .for school .purposes and $4,to friends and relatives and keep- 12.542 Ira'Powell, Tannersville : -J.hefore the_£jid o^ -ihe.jseasoni. rHe 1, freeing, all^freahfruits and vegeothers who are volunteers for the Herbert Kerr, Tannersville county, he and Mrs. Turrell have William K. Hobart, Acra l-T^O-for the library. ing hex mind active witfi reading said he obtained a better price for tables, except oranges and bananas," 12.543 Mario F . Ribet, Catskill occasion, and these special proCollector Lewis A. Freese will be made a host of friends. the newspapers and staying abreast 12,541-A Charles Mintzer, Catskill his car than if he had waited until from price control, because they g r a m s ; offer an opportunity to hear Claude Campbell, Ashland with current events. Mr. Turrell assumed the duties later and he was satisfied with are not in short supply. 12,535-C Delbert Higgins, Hunter. given the w a r r a n t and will s t a r t first hand about the exhibits on James Overbaugh, Catskill Mr. Herzog reminded all fruit Fred Chamberlain, Westkill collecting the tax next week. of acting county 4-H Agent in what he had earned with his taxi. " I had rather wear out than rust display in the main hall. and vegetable retailers that in view Egbert Dibbell, Elka P a r k "I was about $1,100 to the good," August, 1943, succeeding John D. In his annual report which was out" is a phrase she often uses and A snack bar will be run for the Charles Weissel, Leeds submitted to the Board Monday Merchant. Serving during the war he said, "and I sold my car at a of the fact that oranges and banaher recipe for a long life is to entire week for the benefit of the J?fl3-A_re_sjill_und.er_prlcfi control, Harold Conine, Ashland make it a busy one. Last year, a t jiight^-SuperintendenL iLT«_Sek]-years T _ho-and.-his-predecessoi 1 -sa\v*j-P rofi . t ^- L*ave-no-other-means-ofpublic and exhibitors. Last year's these dealers must continue to figearning a livelihood." Howard-VedderrHunter -89"she T-ode~^hrmiglr"th"e~^uow" "on lers stated that the policy of pro- 4-H membership reach an all time -show-was—a—gTeatr-Hucces3~and~lt ure their retail prices for both Another taxi operator said he a tractor when the car couldn't moting success by the maintenance high. looks like 1946 will exceed .the Raymond Yager, Tannersville these items in accordance with ex- . get through. of smaller classes, use of helping During their stay in Catskill, ran three car3 this summer and earlier show in interest of exhibit- Robert Warren, Catskill isting OPA markup regulations. was perfectly satisfied with his Last week a t Oak Hill, where she William Spencer, Windham, R.F.D Prattsville, N. Y.—The 137 local teachers and providing extra help both Mr. and Mrs. Turrell became earnings. ors and the public as well. OPA said the maximum retail to pupils had resulted most satismembers of the Reformed Church spends her summers, she was en- patron-members of the Cooperative Several hundred Greene county Philip Whitmore, W. Coxsackie prices for California oranges and "I didn't operate a taxi last factorily. and actively identified with its intertained at parties and a lunchGrange League Federation Exbusiness men have assisted by be- Douglas DeLong, Hunter eon. ' H e r friends in Oak Hill look change will conduct their_annual Superintendent Sellers reported terests. Mr. Turrell served as a year," he said, "so I can't make for bananas, effective Thursday, coming the underwriting sponsors Arthur Eldred, Climax forward to her return next sum- meeting Thursday, Sept. 12, at 8:30 that a drop in registration during member of the consistory, and was any comparisons. But I did a good September 5, 1946, are unchanged of the show. This year's show will Ralph Boehm, Climax business all through the season from the previous week. mer. p. m. (E. D. S. T.) in the Masonic the past 10 years had been suc- also active in the Catskill Rotary and am perfectly satisfied." feature an entirely separate Phila- Ed. Wilson, W. Coxsackie Decontrolled by Secretary AnderHall a t Prattsville, R. Cecil Beers, ceeded by a definite increase notab- Club, which he now heads as presitelic and Numismatic Exhibit of Charles W. Becker, Prattsville son's order, and by individual OPA Catskill probably h a s . a s many dent. Prattsville, committee chairman, ly this year. stamp and coin collections, the re- Arthur Palmer, Surprise as if not more taxis than any place orders issued within the past year, The Board authorized the clerk Before coming to this county, he of its size along the river. Many were the following fresh fruits and announced today. sponse being so large to the re- David Sherman, Catskill to sign a contract with the Veterwas supervisor of a large farm of local residents patronize them vegetables: Paul Augustine, Sr., Greenville Two members of the Patron's quest t h a t these collectors exhibit, Committee will be elected to suc- ans' Administration for the educa- purebred Jersey3 and Herefords a t throughout t h e year and do not t h a t a special division has been Ernest G. Cole, Tannersville Apricots, cherries, hothouse "Wilbur Mott, Catskill ceed George H. Vermilyea, Lex- tion of veterans in the Catskill Oneonta. When Mr. Turrell and consider the fares charged as ex- grapes, pears, plums, set up. Italian his family return to t h a t com- orbitant. One can go to any p a r t ington, and Claude G. Conine, schools. prunes, berries, table grapes, apJunior exhibits of the arts and Leon Osborn, Windham The purchase of a hand trailer munity, he will resume farming, of the village for a quarter and The annual financial campaign Prattsville, whose terms are exples, grapefruit, lemons, peaches, crafts as well as junior collections George Pflegl, Catskill, R.F.D. ; for use around the school grounds having been conveyed a large acre- that is reasonable enough. T. Merritt Elliott, Greenville piring. Chairman Beers, W. P. for the Catskill district, of the tangerines, cantaloupes, onions, will be shown. Special awards will age by Mrs. Turrell's father. Greene County Council; Boy Scouts Dibble and W. B. Ives, all of Pratts- was authorized. The matter of inspinach, snap beans, carrots, letbe presented by a corps of judges Raymond Smith, Catskill creasing the insurance on the Ross J. Ruland, Cairo ville continue as committeemen. E. of America, will open on Sept. 16, tuce, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, cuand on the opening day all exschool property was discussed, but cumbers, eggplant, peas, peppers, is is announced by Vernon Over- B. Lutz is' the local agent-buyer. hibits will already have been judg- Carlton Engle, Cooksburgh no action was taken. white potatoes and cabbage. baugh, village finance chairman. ed for the excellence of the display. Perez Steele, Windham. District Manager Fred Norton When court reconvened on WedThe campaign will run for 14 Also decontrolled were a large Hobbyists desiring to participate will review the last year's operanumber of canned and frozen fruit3 should write or phone Rev. L. Dud- nesday morning, case No. 40, Ro- days, and is scheduled to close on tions and the program will inSalvato-Antonelli and vegetables, peanuts and peanut ley Rapp, St. Luke's Church, Cats- sary Perrella against Florence L. Sept. 30. A large staff of work- clude slides of G. L. F . services. Hognestad and James E. Hogne- ers is being recruited for the drive. Chairman Beers pointed out that products, popcorn and edible tree Resources of savings and loan a s kill, N. Y. Marie Antonelli, daughter of Mr. Although this is not the year for sociations of the State of New- nuts. stad, a negligence action, was reThe Council's goal for 1946 has local patrons' annual meetings pro- and Mrs. Nicholas Antonelli, Thomo town elections in Greene County, ported settled. N. Joseph Fried- been set at $35,000, of which $20,- vide patron-member3 with the o son street, Catskill, and Robert A. several towns have filed with the York increased B.l^r or $59,158,759 man for the plaintiff and Carter & during the first half of 1946, from 000 is needed for Council operating machinery for controlling their co- Snlvato of Jefferson Heights, were Leon F. Spoor Appointed Board of Elections designations to Conboy for the defendant. including camp operation. operative. Local committeemen married nt St. Patrick's Rectory at fill vacancies. They are as fol- total resources of $728,848,214 as Performed Fine Service Village Clerk by Board Case No. 53, Theresa Story expenses, of January 1, 1946 to $788,006,973 The remainder will help with need- elected at these meetings not only As Traffic Officer against Edward G. Reimers, to re- ed capital improvements for per- determine policies for G. L. F . oper- 1:30 p. m. Sunday," Rev. John lows: on June 30, 1946, according to figWojtna, assistant pastor, officiatAt a meeting of the Catskill Vil- cover for personal injuries, was set Windham — For town clerk, ures just released by Zebulon V. manent development of the camp- ations in the local community but ing. It was a double ring cereGrant F. Morse, Republican. lage Board of Trustees on Monday down for trial. H. M. Chadderdon Special Police Officer Bernard Woodnrd, Executive Vice-President site a t East Jewett. in addition play an important p a r t mony. Greenville—For assessor, four of the New York State League of Cummings will retire from the sernight, Leon F . Spoor was appoint- for the plaintiff and Mnynard & "I am confident t h a t the people in deciding policies of the Central The bride was attired in a melon- years, Frank O'Hnra, Democrat; Savings and Loan Associations. ed village clerk to succeed Alan O'Connor for the defendant. vice on Saturday and expects to bo of Catskill will respond again this G. L. F., which is used by more colored gabardine suit, white lace Chnrles F. Mesow, Republican. Piser, who resigned. on duty again next year. year in their usual generous and than 150,000 farmers in New York, blouse and gloves nnd a white Savings in these institutions inLexington—For school director, This summer, in addition to his Mr. Spoor is a veteran of World full-hearted manner," Mr. Over- New Jersey and Northern Pennsyl- featheT hat. She wore a corsage Hergert J. Cross, Democrat; Ellis creased likewise during thi3 same duties at Catskill Point during the War II and is employed at the Tan- Officers Elected by baugh stated, in announcing tha vania. period from a total of $631,490,900 arrival and departure of the Day Vredcnburgh, Republican. of white astors and baby's breath. ners National Bank. He has begun campaign date. "I have o Prattsville—For assessor, Chas. on J a n u a r y 1, 1946 to $692,904,791 Line steamers, he has been doing Mrs. Anthony Barra was matron Catskill Rod & Gun Club opening his new duties. no doubt but that our quota will Moore, Democrat; Everett Fan- representing an increase of $61,- traffic duty at Main nnd Bridge of honor and she wore a blue suit, Potatoes for Ensilage The board approved the sale of again be over subscribed." cher, Republican; for collector, 413,891 or 9 . 7 ^ for the period. streets, where he performed excelpink lace blouse and gloves, with At the annual meeting of the the former Merkle residential propLouis P. Apy, Democrat, Nellie R. (Continued on pago 8) Available to Farmers While the increase in savings lent service. He not only directed pink fenther hat. She wore a corerty on North street, bid in by the Catskill Rod & Gun Club held last Ives, Republican; for school direc- nnd loan resources was 1.6% less , Q . traffic, but also looked after the sage of pink roses. Friday night at Edgewater Inn on village for unpaid taxes, to Charles tor, Aldrodgc Newcombe, Demo- than the increase shown for these safety of pedestrians. Greene County farmers interestupper Main street, the following Albert Salvato was best man for SENTENCED TO J A I L and Louis Porto. crat, May W. Shaver, Republican. associations for the same period of One day recently two small boy« ed in raising potatoes for ensilage his brother. officers were elected: Birger Swanson of Cairo was arThe board set Sept. 30 a s - t h e 1945, the increase in savings for the who were walking across the street, President, Roy C. Moon (reelect- raigned before Justice of the Peace are urged to make application as Following the reception tliero date for n public hearing on the first half of 1946 was 28.7% greater undoubtedly would have been run ed); first vice president, James William E. Weber on Tuesday, on soon as possible with the Agricul- was a reception for about 50 guests Christian Science Radio petition of . the Adirondack and than that recorded during the com- down by a car, but for the watchful Connolly; second vice president, a charge of disorderly conduct and tural Conservation Department, nt Hickory I/odge in Kiskntom, Mountain View Coach lines for perProgram on Air Sunday parable 1945 period. eye of Officer Cummings. Louis Snulpaugh; secretary, Floyd was sentenced to six months in th? where detailed Information is avail- following which the bridal couple mission to enter the village through o — able, it was announced by H a r r y A. This is the most dangerous spot Ward; treasurer, Roy Hover; di- Greene County jail. left for n trip to New York. On upper Main street from Route 9-W "Forgetting Those Things Steele, assistant in conservation. Tuesday they went to Columbus, in the village and many Catskillrectors for three years, W. Walter as well as at Bridge street. Percy H. Gardner The local office will assist in pre- Mo., where Mr. Snlvato will enter Which Are Behind" is the subject inns believe t h a t a traffic officer Henderson, Charles Mautecr and of a Christian Science radio proshould be on duty there during cerStrike Closes Day Line paring the necessary blanks for for- the University of Missouri. Charles Foote, all reelected. gram which will be broadcast over Percy H. Gnrdner, a former resi- tain hours every day. warding to the state office. , o Station W E A F , Sunday morning, dent of Cntskill and a t one time Republican Clambake Mr. Steele stated that the potaOwing to the maritime strike September 15th a t 8:30. (G60 Kc) employed on the Catskill Mountain ATTENDED REUNION TO CONDUCT BUSINESS toes will probably be shipped loose in New York Harbor, the This broadcast is made possible Railroad, died Tuesday a t his homo William J. Simpkins *« About 400 attended the annual and In carload lots, approximately Hudson River Day Line was Among those attending the 23rd Vincent R. Perrella of Round through the courtesy of the Nain Summit, N. J., following a long clambake of the Greene County Re- Top has filed with the Greene 20 tons to the car. The price is 20 annual reunion of the 51st Piorreer forced to curtail Its Reason by tional Broadcasting Company, ami illness. William J. Simpkins, a former publican Club at Welkcr's in Kiska- County clerk a certificate to concents per hundredweight at the Infantry, formerly the 10th Rega week. is approved by The Christian SciFuneral services will be held at resident of Leeds, died on Sept, 8 tom on Tuesday evening and it was duct a business a t that place under government point of purchase. iment, held a t Flushing, K I., on The company was unable to ence Board of Directors. his late home tonight and the bur- a t his home in Tuckahoe, a t the Shipping charges will be paid by Sunday, were the following from obtain tugs to tow oil tankers pronounced the best event of the the name "Mountaindale House." o . ial will take place tomorrow at 1 age of 82. He was bom in Leeds the farmer. to its boat* and as a result the kind ever put on by this organizaCaUkiU: I N F A N T BAPTIZED p. m. in the Jefferson Rural Ceme- and moved to Tuckahoe in 1PXXV last north-bound boat came np tion. Mr. Steele reported the potatoes Clifford A. Overbaugh, Mr. and tery, Rev. Louis V. S. Hutton, pas- Ho was a member of the police d e - . MEETING POSTPONED Carol Lynn, infant daughter of the riter on Monday and made are now available for shipment Mrs. Hugh Glennon, Mr. and Mrs. Among those present were Contor of the F i r s t Baptist Church, partment in Tuckahoe and waa The meeting of On-U-om ChapMr. and Mrs. Warren Knaust rethe final return trip on Tuesfrom Suffolk and Nassau counties Dewey Robinson, Mrs. Bettie Seegressman J a y Le Fevre and wife chief from 1921 to 1938, when he day. on Long Island, and also from bede and Mr. and Mrs. Percy H. ceived the Sacrament of Holy Bap- officiating at the grave. nnd Supremo Court Justice Isadora ter, D. A. R, called for Saturday, retired. Mr. Gardner was a brother-intism at the morning Service in St. Wayne, Cayuga, Genesee, Orleans, Roe. It was Intended to operate Bookstein. Many prominent Repub- Sept. 14th, a t Bronk House, on 9-W Mr. Simpkins is survived by a Steuben,. Livingston and Wyoming the boats until n e t t Sunday The next convention will he held Luke's Lutheran Church, West law of Mrs. Elmer Cole of Catalicans Jn the county were also han been postponed until Saturday, kill. son, Louis Simpkins. J Camp on Sunday, Sept 8. counties. and Monday. at Hempstead, L. I. ( September 21st, a t 2:30 p . m. present. While operating a bull-dozer in a sand pit in the Embogcht last Friday, Daniel Cardinale, a local excavating contractor and truckman, was killed, but the accident was not discovered until several hours after it happened. I t is believed that Cardinale was caught between t h e hydraulic bucket and the arm of the bulldozer tractor. When her husband had not returned to their home on Division street at 1 a. m. Saturday, Mrs. Cardinale went in search of him, which resulted in finding the body. It is believed that Cardinale met his death between 7 and 8 p. m. on Saturday night. Coroner Mahlon H. Atkinson, M. D., and Trooper H. J. Burmester of the Catskill outpost, investigated. It Was found t h a t Cardinale had died of a crushed skull. SUPREME COURT MAKING PLANS CONVENESHERE FORHOBBYSHOW TAXI BUSINESS NEW DECONTROL SHOWS DECLINE ORDERSISSUED ISCHOOLTAXRATE 4-H CLUB AGENT FIXED_BY BOARD TURRELL^RESIGNS ANNUAL MEETINGS OF C. GJ^F. LOCAL BOY SCOUT DRIVE STARTSSEPT. 16 DESIGNATIONS TO SAVINGS AND LOAN FILLVACANCIES RESOURCES CLIMB » ^__ Untitled Document . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com . fMBllllHllllllilftliiH B r.wJMMMrttiimMlmillMIMB I
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