1 CALIFORNIA RAILROADS (2) – SL 182 work in progress 10.02.14 PASSENGER STATIONS & STOPS Northwestern Pacific RR (120-135) and associated Short Lines (140-145) page 1 of 5 Based on 1858 Dinsmore Guide (x), USA Official Guide (G)1875 (y), 1893G (z),Company Public (t) & Working (w) TTs as noted, 1976G (e) and current Amtrak TTs (f), MG: Rand McNally Guide; TD: 1899 Travelers Directory Former names: [ ] Distances in miles Gauge 4’ 8½” unless noted (date)>(date) start/end of passenger service op. opened; cl. closed; rn. renamed; rl. relocated; tm. terminus of service at date shown; pass. passenger service Certain non-passenger locations shown in italics thus: (name) # Histories, #? Passengers? Reference letters in brackets: (a), location shown in public timetable, but no trains stop. x-f = xyzabcdef etc. w+ Working TT implies trains will make conditional stops but no s or f symbol shown. NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC RR (NWP) 120. SAUSALITO – EUREKA ex San Francisco & North Pacific Alton-Eureka ex Eel River & Eureka Scotia-Alton ex Pacific Lumber Co. (1899TD) Electrified Sausalito to San Rafael Ferry connection from San Francisco to: 6.5 7.5 7.7 8.4 9.2 9.9 11.0 12.3 12.6 13.0 14.3 14.9 15.7 16.5 17.0 18.1 19.6 20.0 21.1 21.7 22.0 23.5 24.9 27.8 31.3 33.1 37.6 38.5 41.0 42.0 43.3 43.8 46.1 48.3 48.7 50.8 51.3 53.8 58.5 59.8 Sausalito [Saucelito ] Shops 1899TD ** 1. Pine [Alameda Point ] Waldo [Waldo Point 1899TD ] Manzanita Almonte [Mill Valley Junction ] Alto [Blithedale ] Chapman Corte Madera ** 1. Baltimore Park (127) Detour Green Brae (126) California Park [Schuetzen Park ] [Schuetzen ] Oakmere San Rafael Glen Park [Wagner Siding ] Forbes Golf Gallinas [Brick Yard ] Miller [Miller's ] St. Vincent De Witt 1945G [Hamilton Field ] Ignacio Novato Burdell [Burdell's ] San Antonio Lakeville Junction z [Junction ] Petaluma y Crown [Corona ] Ely [Ely’s y ] Penn Grove [Penn’s Grove y ] Goodwin’s y Cotati [Cotate z] [Page’s y here? ] Cotate Ranch y Wilfred Oak Grove Bellevue Santa Rosa y Fulton y Mark West y 62.9 66.4 68.0 70.2 71.9 75.8 78.8 81.3 86.2 86.5 87.1 89.8 91.8 95.3 96.8 100.1 103.9 109.6 114.0 120.1 122.1 124.0 131.4 139.5 143.7 148.7 152.5 157.2 158.2 161.8 166.5 168.0 169.0 171.1 174.4 175.5 180.0 184.3 186.2 189.3 194.5 200.3 209.1 211.6 216.6 221.5 225.1 228.3 Windsor y Grant [Grant's y ] Healdsburg y Chiquita Lytton [Litton's Springs y] [Litton's z] Geyserville y Chianti Asti [Truett's y here? ] Cloverdale y(tm) McCray Preston Echo Cummiskey Pieta Fountain Hopland Largo El Roble [El Robles ] Ukiah Calpella Redwood Valley [Basil ] Laughlin Ridge [Summit ] [Ridgewood ] Willits Outlet Arnold Longvale Carbon Farley Tatu Dos Rios Indian Springs Deer Lodge Woodman Camp Rest Nashmead [Nash ] Spyrock Bell Springs Richards Ramsey Island Mountain Kekawaka Alderpoint Steelhead Fort Seward Brock Creek Eel Rock Tanoak 2 230.1 232.2 236.0 237.3 238.5 241.6 242.3 242.4 243.1 245.6 250.0 255.6 257.0 258.7 259.8 260.2 262.7 264.5 266.1 268.7 269.5 271.0 273.9 277.8 281.8 284.1 Sequoia McCann Pacific Spur South Fork Perrott Creek Larabee Pacific Lumber Spur Larabee Ranch 1956t Bryan Shively Elinor Scotia Nanning Creek Rio Dell [Robinson's Ferry 1912t pass? ] Canyon Park Metropolitan Alton [Alton Junction 1899TD ] Rohnerville Fortuna Fernbridge Singley [Singley's ] Loleta [Swauger's 1899TD] Beatrice [Salmon Creek 1899TD] South Bay [Field's Landing #] Bucksport 1899TD Eureka ** 1. Former route until 1884: 7.5 10.5 11.5 13.5 121. 0.0 1.1 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.0 122. 0.0 1.4 2.4 3.2 4.8 6.3 123. 58.5 60.6 61.4 63.9 65.8 66.4 66.7 Shops Lyfords y Summit y Corte Madera DONAHUE BRANCH (NWP) Junction Campbell Rotto Lakeville y Donahue y Donahue Landing SEBASTOPOL BRANCH (NWP) Santa Rosa Osborne Kenilworth Wright Llano Sebastopol GUERNEVILLE BRANCH (NWP) Fulton Meacham [Meacham’s Woolsey [Olivet ] Carrigers 1899TD Trenton [Laguna ] Forestville Mirabel Dell ] 67.5 68.7 69.4 69.9 70.9 72.2 73.7 73.9 74.7 75.2 75.6 75.9 76.7 76.9 Green Valley Hacienda [Cosmo ] Hilton Odd Fellow Korbel [Korbel’s ] Rionido [Eagle Nest ] Guerneville (1st) Guerneville (2nd) Guernewood Park Vacation Beach [Graystone ] Montesano Russian River Heights Camp Vacation Northwood [Rio Campo ] > 77.1 River Landing 77.6 Bohemia > 78. Bohemian Grove (branch - excursions) 78.2 Monte Rio 124. SONOMA VALLEY BRANCH (NWP) ex Sonoma Valley 24.9 26.9 28.5 29.5 30.6 30.8 31.4 Ignacio Homefarm Black Point Rose # Serena # Reclamation Greenwood # 30.0 Sonoma Landing q 33.4 Sears’ Point > 35.2 Fairville 36.0 Quarries 36.7 McGill [McGill's 1886AG ] 37.8 Wingo 40.4 Schellville 42.2 Vineburg [Vineyard ] 43.0 Batto # 43.5 Buena Vista (later, Bonilla? #) 43.9 Stando # 44.3 Sebastiani # [Milani #] 44.8 Sonoma 46.1 Verano 46.3 Coney Island 46.5 Pioneer Grove 1886AG 46.8 Boyes Springs [Boyes’ Hot Springs ] 47.4 Fetters Springs 47.7 Agua Caliente 48.5 Watriss 49.1 Madrone [Whitman's 1886AG ] ** 1. (operated over SP, 58) 49.8 Eldridge (SP) 51.2 Glen Ellen (SP) ** 1. ** 1. Former route until 1934: was passenger service still operated in 1934? 49.1 49.8 51.2 125. Madrone Eldridge [Hill's 1886AG ] Glen Ellen (NWP) ALMONTE – MILL VALLEY (NWP) 3 9.9 10.3 10.9 11.2 11.7 126. 6.5 7.5 10.4 11.4 14.9 127. 13.0 13.4 14.0 14.7 15.5 16.2 16.5 17.2 17.6 17.9 18.3 18.8 19.7 20.5 21.4 21.5 22.0 22.4 23.1 24.5 25.2 25.8 26.6 27.9 29.0 29.8 31.2 32.9 34.2 36.4 39.0 40.5 43.9 45.4 46.0 47.4 48.1 49.1 49.4 51.2 53.1 55.2 Almonte High School Locust Avenue Park Avenue Mill Valley [Millwood ] TIBURON – GREEN BRAE (NWP) Tiburon Hilarita Reed [Reed's ] Meadowsweet [San Clemente Green Brae (120) BALTIMORE PARK – CAZADERO ] (NWP) Baltimore Park (120) Larkspur Escalle Kentfield [Tamalpais ] [Kent 1900t ] Ross [Ross Park ] Bolinas Avenue San Anselmo Yolanda Lansdale Pastori Fairfax [Fairfax Park ] Manor [Pacheco 1899TD here? ] Roys ** 1. Bothin Mailliard ** 1. Woodacre Lodge Woodacre Alderney [Alderneys 1899TD ] San Geronimo [Nicasio 1880MG] Forest Knolls Lagunitas Bottini Camp Berkeley Camp Taylor Taylorville Jewell [Irving ] [Jewells y ] Tocoloma [Tocoloma (Grove) z] Garcia North Bend Point Reyes [Olema ] Bivalve [Wharf Point ] Millerton [Miller's Wharf ] Marconi [Fisherman’s ] Marshall [Marshall’s ] Havenwood [Cypress Grove ] McDonald Blake’s Landing Pierce Hamlet Keyes Creek [Camp Pistolesi ] [Pistolesi 1900t ] Tomales Fallon [Griffins 1899 ] [Fallons 1900t ] 56.8 Clark Summit [Clark's Summit 1899TD ] 59.5 Valley Ford 62.2 Bodega Road [Bodega Roads ] 63.7 Freestone 67.6 Occidental [Howard’s ] 69.0 Camp Meeker 70.0 Newana [Sonoma Mills 1899TD here? ] [Ochre ] 70.9 Streeten Mills y 72.4 Tyrone [Camp Tyrone 1905t ] [Tyrone Mills ] 73.8 Monte Rio [Russian River ] [Monte Rio Park ] 74.3 Fern Cove [Cascade ] 74.6 Villa Grande [Mesa Grande ] [Big Flat ] 75.5 Sheridan 76.3 Moscow [Moscow Mills ] 77.1 Duncan Mills 79.9 Markham (branch) 78.2 Casini 78.5 Austin Creek 79.4 Fraser 80.3 Thayer Camp 80.8 Kidd Creek [Kidd Creek Mills 1899TD ] 81.6 Royaneh [Watsons ] [Watson ] 82.4 Magnesia 83.5 Cazadero Redwoods [Elim Grove ] 83.7 Stelmo 83.9 Miller’s Retreat [Miller Retreat ] 84.3 Cazadero [Ingrams ] ** 1. Former route until 1904: 19.7 22.7 23.5 24.3 128. 16.5 17.2 17.9 18.5 19.0 Roys Whiteshill Alderneys Mailliard [White's Hill ] SAN ANSELMO – SAN RAFAEL (NWP) San Anselmo Highland West End B Street San Rafael 129. ST. RAFAEL – ST.QUENTIN (NWP) 0.0 St. Rafael San Francisco & San Rafael Crossing [Wood Siding y ] St. Quentin 3.1 1899TD 130. EUREKA – TRINIDAD (NWP) ex Oregon & Eureka RR, ex Eureka & Klamath River RR Arcata to Trinidad 284.1 289.8 Eureka Bayside 4 290.6 292.5 293.6 294.5 297.2 299.8 301.9 302.7 305.4 306.6 308.4 309.4 310.2 310.6 312.3 Bayside Junction Arcata Normal Junction Janes Creek 1905G Essex [Vance ] [Vances 1902G ] Thompsons [Buckman 1900G(tm-here?)] Fieldbrook Camp 5 1902G(tm) Little River Junction Crannell [Bullwinkle ] Moonstone Luffenholtz 25 Junction [Junction 1912t ] Camp 13 1905G(tm) Trinidad 131. ARCATA – SAMOA (NWP) ex Oregon & Eureka RR, ex Eureka & Klamath River RR 0.0 0.7 3.1 5.9 7.1 132. 0.0 1.4 2.4 3.2 4.8 6.3 Arcata Daniels Manila Carsons Samoa 134. 0.0 2.7 4.4 8.8 9.9 12.0 13.9 1. 2. 4.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 8.2 Mill Valley Corte Madera Avenue * Blithedale Hotel * King Street * Shady Lane * Lee Street White Siding Muir Woods Junction [Mesa ] Fern Canyon Boot Jack West Point Mount Tamalpais Tavern [Summit Mount Tamalpais ] 141. MUIR WOODS BRANCH extended to Muir Woods (2nd) 1915 4.0 6.5 1909>1929 Muir Woods Junction Old Inn [Muir Woods (1st) ] Muir Woods (2nd) (1902G) (1902G) 142. CALIFORNIA WESTERN RR (CW) Trains also stopped at any reasonable location on request SEBASTOPOL BRANCH (NWP) Santa Rosa Osborne Crossing Kenilworth Wright Crossing Llano Crossing Sebastopol 133. CARLOTTA BRANCH (NWP) ex Eel River & Eureka RR Alton-Burnell 0.0 0.9 1.4 1.8 4.4 4.9 0.0 Alton Newell Burnell [Burnell’s Williams Kniss Carlotta ] SHERWOOD BRANCH (NWP) Willits Northwestern Sherwood Junction Rowes Sylvan Dale Encima Sherwood 135. ALBION – WENDLING (NWP) passengers? 140. MOUNT TAMALPAIS & MUIR WOODS RLY 1896>1929, ex Mill Valley & Mount Tamalpais Scenic Rly * local "street car type" service to Lee Street. These may have been locations of intermediate stops 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.5 Fort Bragg Pudding Creek (1st) Pudding Creek (2nd) Glen Blair Junction > 6.5 Glen Blair 6.6 South Fork 9.0 Ranch 10.0 Redwood Lodge 12.7 Grove 15.0 Camp Three 16.0 Camp Four 16.4 Camp Noyo [Camp Silverado ] 18.1 Alpine 19.6 Camp Mendocino [Camp Marwedel ] 19.8 Olde Camp Seven [Camp Seven ] 20.5 Noyo Lodge 21.3 Northspur 21.4 Noyo River Tavern 23.9 Irmulco 26.8 Shake City 27.7 Burbeck 28.7 Soda Springs 30.4 Clare Mill 32.6 Crowley 33.8 Crater 35.4 Summit 37.5 Rodgers 39. Main Street Crossing 40.0 Willits unlocated, private stops for residents including: Emmett # (near Northspur) McCarthy #(photo) 143. TEN MILE BRANCH (CW) service for loggers only, operated with passenger stock. 5 0.0 3.0 8.9 12.8 15.1 16.3 17.5 144. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fort Bragg Cleone North Fork Junction Camp 2 Camp 4 Camp 5 Camp 6 ARCATA & MAD RIVER RR Korbel – Camp Bauer Korbel Riverside Blue Lake Glendale Warren Creek Janes Creek Alliance Arcata – 10th Street Arcata
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