Record of Achievement 2013–2014 academic school year mathematics, sciences, technology and social sciences Morgan represented The Study at the 15th annual Montreal Brain Bee at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital. T The Study’s grade 2 class participated in the international o.r.e.o. project (Our Really Exciting Online Project) with other grade 2 classes around the world. The Study’s average was 17.2 / 18! iffany Mach and Catherine Boisvert (both ’15) were awarded bronze medals at the Canada-Wide Science Fair in Windsor, Ontario. The team was also awarded a $1,000 entrance scholarship to Western University. At the Montreal Regional Science & Technology Fair (mrstf) hosted by John Abbott College Tiffany and Catherine received the McGill University Faculty of Science Award and the Super Expo-Sciences Hydro Quebec Experimentation & Design Award and they were also runners-up to attend the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair in Los Angeles. At the Provincial Science Fair in Terrebonne, Deschanel Li ’17 won the Prix de Camillle Rousseau. At the mrstf Deschanel won the gold medal in the junior category as well as the McGill University Faculty of Science Award and the Super Expo-Sciences Hydro Quebec Experimentation & Design Award. Other award-winning Study participants at the mrstf, Emma Dubroca and Zoe Wong (both ’17) received bronze medals in the junior category. Sophie Battat ’15 received the Concordia University – Women in Engineering & Computer Science Award, Victoria Beaulé ’15 and Rachel Kwong ’15 received the McGill University Psychology Award, Bridget Zicha received the McGill University Physics Award, Madison Meehan ’14, Kate Haichin ’15, Sarah Petrecca ’16 all received highest and great distinctions. The Study’s Junior Robotics team – Alice Yeo-Jung Kim, Léa Monty, Patricia Rose Brisebois, Tessa Hason, Annika Waschke, Tara Seirafi, Mia Calandriello and Eva Payen (all ’20) and Erica Di Battista, Lily Creaghan, Sydney Kelly (all ’19) – and coach received the Inspiration Award for extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit at the First Lego League Robotics Festival held at Montreal’s Uniprix Olympic Stadium. Grade 10 students Tiffany Mach, Chloë Mavridis, Catherine Boisvert, Rachel Kwong, Marisa Dariotis and Amanda Les élèves de la sixième année ont encore une fois exposé leurs projets de sciences sur le corps humain à l’Hôpital Général de Montréal. Les élèves de la 5e ont visité le laboratoire de chimie de l’université McGill et Professeur Gauthier. Eight students participated in the Mathematics competition at the University of Waterloo: Yonjee Rhee ’18, Emma Dubroca ’17, Melissa Lu ’16, Rachel Kwong, Victoria Beaule (both ’15), Olivia Charette, Victoria Kent and Jessica McDonald (all ’14). Rachel Kwong ’15 ranked first in Quebec in the Beaver Computing Challenge. Dans le cadre du cours de géographie de 8e année, les élèves ont participé au concours provincial de photographie lancé par l’organisme Action patrimoine. Sur 826 photos reçues à travers 46 écoles participantes, Zoe Wong s’est retrouvée dans les dix premières et Gabriela Carrara à la 30e place. Eighteen students from grades 7 and 8 participated in the Let’s Talk Science Challenge in May. debating and public speaking T he Study had the honour of hosting the Quebec Junior Student Debating Association this year. Junior verse speaking winners: Deschanel Li ’17 was the top speaker, while Layla Razek ’17 and Elodie Petrecca ’18 were runners-up. Senior verse speaking winners were Sophie Battat and Marisa Dariotis (both ’15). Sophie Battat and Chlöe Shahinian (both ’15) placed third as a team at the Marianopolis College High School Debate Tournament. Chlöe was the top Quebec speaker at the tournament, she placed third overall individual. In addition, at the McGill High School Debate Tournament, they ranked in the top six teams from Quebec and went on to represent The Study at the Oxford Cup in Vancouver. qais Senior Public speaker finalists were: Layla Razek ’17 and Sophie Battat ’15. Aitana Juristo Andrade ’16 s’est mérité la troisième place au concours d’art oratoire senior qais. Leah Annia Plante-Wiener ’17 s’est mérité la première place au concours d’art oratoire junior qais. Sophie Battat and Chlöe Shahinian (both ’15) attended the Queens University High School Debate Championship. Les élèves de 11e année ont participé à un concours organisé par Société historique du Canada. Quatre élèves de 10e année ont participé durant trois jours à une simulation les travaux de l’Assemblée Nationale, Chlöe Shahinian, Camille Zeitouni et Frédérique Cannon et Sophie Battat. Sophie a été choisie afin de représenter la vice-présidence à la chambre d’Assemblée. writing and essay competition E very year, the Commonwealth Essay Competition inspires young writers from Commonwealth countries scattered all over the world, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, India, Jamaica, and South Africa. This year 9,500 entries were received from young people in 44 Commonwealth countries and territories. Leah Annia Plante-Wiener ’17 was named the overall Junior Runner-Up in the Royal Commonwealth Society’s 2014 Essay Competition for her essay titled “United We Stand.” Chlöe Shahinian ’15 was one of five winners of the Compassion in Action Essay Contest, a collaboration between learn and Encounters with Canada. Chlöe’s essay earned her a week in Ottawa at Encounters with Canada. Pour la 27e année, le Barreau de Montréal a organisé un concours de composition pour les élèves de la 5e à la 11e année. Cette année, à The Study, des élèves de 5e et 6e année ont participé en français. Dans la catégorie des élèves du 3e cycle du primaire, dans le secteur francophone, pour son originalité et la qualité de son texte, la grande gagnante est Anna Shi ’20. De plus, le texte de Laura Maréchal Houillon ’19 a aussi été remarqué pour la qualité de la langue. Eleven Study students placed at their grade level in the McEntyre Essay writing competition. Ella Rose Coderre ’24 won second place, Clara Marcoux ’ 23 won first place, Isabella Michel-Decker and Megan Higgins (both ’22) won first and second place, Anna Xuyao Shi ’20 won third place. In the Senior School, Maya Bedjaoui ’17 won third place, Aitana Juristo-Andrade and Samantha Levy (both ’16) won second and third place, Samantha Sambrook ’15 won third place and Julia Cohen ’14 won third place. Eva Redondo Cruselles ’14 received an honourable mention. Cent soixante-deux élèves de The Study ont écrit la dictée « Dictée Paul Guérin ». Erica Di Battista ’19, gagnante de la finale régionale de dans la catégorie immersion. the arts T he cast and crew from grades 9 to 11 delivered two sold-out performances of The Music Man. The 29 cast and crew members received standing ovations after each performance. The Study’s Senior Choir, Concert Band, and Senior Jazz Band all received a Silver Ranking at the 2014 New York City World Strides Heritage Performance Festival. Les filles de 5A et 6A ont présenté « La quête d’Opaline » et « La Lune de Baltadine ». Les filles en 5B ont présenté « Coraline, reporter étoile » et les filles en 6B ont présenté « Les lunettes de Bonheur ». Les filles ont ébloui la salle avec leurs productions, réalisées entièrement en français. The grade 7 and 8 Study Players presented a crowd-pleasing At the Murder Mystery, produced by grade 11 students Julia Cohen and Victoria Hayman. For the 22nd year in a row Study carollers in grades 3 and 4 performed at the Annual Toy Tea, chaired by Study past parent Claire Kruyt, benefitting 5,000 children of battered women in Montreal. The Study took part in an international virtual concert with schools from South Korea, Australia and the United States. Olivia Charette ’14 was selected to perform at the 2014 High School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall in February. She performed with the Honors Choir as a soprano singer. Grace Jast ’16 was also selected for the 2014 Honours Performance Series at Carnegie Hall. She performed at Carnegie Hall in June with the Honours Choir as an alto vocalist. Cellist Juno Adelman ’20 won the 2013 Quebec Music Educators Association Competition. Three Study girls performed at the Montreal Jazz Festival, Grace Jast ’16 and Olivia Charette ’14 performed on the TD Outdoor Stage, while Study alumna Martha Wainwright ’93 performed at the Maisonneuve Théâtre. athletics E lodie Petrecca ’18 won gold in the singles category of the Greater Montreal Amateur Athletic Association (gmaa) Tennis Championship (she was playing at the juvenile level although she is only Bantam age). Her sister Sarah Petrecca ’16 won silver in the Juvenile singles. Julia Takacsy and Alexa Antoniazzi (both ’14) received silver in the doubles category. The Study’s tennis team placed first overall and took home the gmaa banner. The Juvenile Basketball team made it all the way to the gmaa playoffs and finished second in their division. The Bantam Basketball team made it to the finals at the Bishop’s College School Tournament. The grade 8 Basketball team finished first in their division. In the Juvenile category at the gmaa golf tournament, Emily Nolan ’14 and Victoria Kent ’14 placed second and third. In the Bantam category Alexandra Cossette ’17 placed second. The Juvenile Volleyball team finished first in their division and went on to win gold in the gmaa finals. The u15 soccer team travelled to the Holy Trinity School in Richmond Hill, Ontario to compete in the cais National u15 Soccer Tournament. The Juvenile soccer team competed in the cais National Senior Soccer Tournament in Montreal. Emily Nolan and Julia Takacsy (both ’14) took home gold in gmaa Juvenile Badminton. Morgane-Marie Dackiw and Alexandra Kouri (both ’17) took home gold in the Bantam category. Erica Di Battista ’19 finished first in the Bantam category at the gmaa Cross Country Run. Followed by Grace Manning ’17 in third place and Rachel Kwong ’14 in tenth place in the Juvi category. Sixteen Study students participated in the nba Fit Clinic led by the Director of the Timberwolves Basketball Academy and Basketball Hall-of-Famer Robert Parish. In the Halo Road Race, in the 1 km run, Laurence Bérard ’22 came first. In the 2 km race Tessa Hason came second, Amel Melanson third and Victoria Hason came fifth (all ’20). In the Senior School, in the Bantam race, Grace Manning ’17 came first. At the gmaa track and field championship, Shilloh Brathwaite ’17 won medals in all five of her events: gold in the 80-meter sprint hurdles, silver in the long jump, bronze in the 100-meter sprint, bronze in the 200-meter sprint and bronze in the high jump. Grace Manning ’17 won a silver medal in the 3000-meter run at the gmaa track and field championship. Emma Dubroca ’17 took home a bronze medal in the Midget 1500-meter sprint run, and a bronze in the 4x400 relay along with Lisa-Marie Melatti, Layla Razek, and Alexandra Wexler (all ’17). The Study Bantam track team placed third out of 21 teams. The Study received a gmaa sportsmanship certificate for effort, positive attitude and courteousness to others, teams and players alike. Victoria Sebag, Aitana Juristo Andrade, Kaela Alexander-Young, Grace Jast (all ’16), Marisa Dariotis and Victoria Beaulé (both ’15) were awarded a bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. Amanda Nicol ’13 was honoured at a special ceremony and received the Lieutenant-Governor Medal for Youth. This medal recognized her outstanding commitment to academics and community service. Ballerinas Mia Calandriello ’20 and Melissa Lu ’16 were selected to dance in lead roles Les Grands Ballets Canadians performance of The Nutcracker. guest speaker at The Study’s Father Daughter grades 5 to 8 breakfast. Head of School Nancy Sweer was appointed to the Greater Montréal Amateur Athletic Association (gmaa) Board of Directors. community service at the study S i on exige des élèves de 11e année qu’elles effectuent 40 heures de travail communautaire, les finissantes de The Study en 2014 ont consacré en moyenne plus de 100 heures au bénévolat. Ella Rose Coderre ’24, Laurence Bérard, Thérèse Fotso, Sophia Harasymowycz, Charlotte Lebon, Ava Roza (all ’22), Alexandra Kaine, Bianca Maselli, Mia Su (all ’21), Mia Calandriello, Julia Capolicchio, Emma Goucher, Tessa Hason, Victoria Hason, Tara Seirafi and Anna Xuyao Shi (all ’20) took part in the television show Look Kool, an educational series about math on tvokids. Ainsi, nos élèves de l’école secondaire ont généreusement donné plus de 4,000 heures de bénévolat à différents organismes, comme Jeunesse au Soleil, Le bon Dieu dans la rue, l’Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants, diverses résidences pour personnes âgées, Tyndale St. Georges Community Centre, Splash & Dash, L’institut Diria au Nicaragua, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns. Sarah ’16 and sister Elodie ’18 Petrecca also shone on the national junior elite tennis circuit. All 20 grade 11 girls who wrote the Advanced Placement (AP) French Language and Culture exam received a five-on-five prefect score of excellence. Students in grade 1 to grade 4 raised $4,662.97 for the Terry Fox Foundation. special achievements Sabrina Nolan ’12 won the Governor General’s Medal from Marianopolis College and was accepted into the McGill University pre-medicine program. Yonje Rhee ’18 won seven medals at the Provincial Swimming Championships, she also ranked number one in Canada for her 50-meter Fly at the competition. Erica di Battista ’19 came seventh in the Canadian Youth Tennis Championship in Calgary. T he Ministry of Education (mels) results for the June 2013 exams noted The Study in the number 2 spot among all private high schools in the province, and number 1 spot among all English private schools in Quebec. Jessica Lu ’12 won the Margaret Taussig award for excellence in Biology at Marianopolis College. She was accepted into the McGill University pre-medicine program. The Study, together with five other girls’ schools in the area, presented over $120,000 to help treat women’s cancers at St-Mary’s Hospital at the 19th Annual Girls for the Cure Walk. The girls in grade 7 and 8 went on community service day trips to the Friendship Circle, Dianne Richler Jteens of Westmount, Step-by-Step Child & Family Centre and the Tyndale St. Georges Community Centre. The Study hosted its second All Girls’ Student Leadership Conference for grades 5, 6, and 7. The conference empowered over 140 young women from local Montreal schools. The honourable Madam Justice Sarah Pepall ’69 received The Study’s prestigious Judy Elder Alumna Award. Olivia Charette and Victoria Kent (both ’14) were awarded a gold Duke of Edinburgh award. Alumna Genie Bouchard ’11 became the first Canadian to reach a senior woman singles Grand Slam Final at Wimbledon. Fifteen Senior School girls traveled for a ten-day intensive Community Service trip to our sister school in Diria, Nicaragua. The girls raised over $3,000 on “Open Your Heart Day” and took with them suitcases full of technology equipment. Clara Leduc, Noella Alexander-Young (both ’14) and Victoria Beaulé ’15 were awarded a silver Duke of Edinburgh award. The Honourable Justice Thomas (Tom) Davis, father of two Study alumnae (Courtney ’01 and Jessica ’03), was the Students raised $8,513.29 during the Annual Bazaar for the ymca Kanawana Sam Lazarus Fund. { 3233 The Boulevard Westmount Québec Canada h3y 1s4 Admissions Office (514) 935-9352 x 229 [email protected] }
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