rffi*as ffi^1=mr )E1lfu6-au-rlz ,{rtrc rfe+rau yxfu{w frq Rr€ r-*o fi#flrh,r, .ftre{F, frifoD1' *d-J }?{qrfat (rig,g) s ys', riH-s ,m", ds-8, rmfrror-g r ge' HLio lfrA' fi+n+ar )"r.d;kr (E.f".;, ftlza Ftrr f*q mn+,lr, ,reEg f,i.fr.1, itft" F_l-ro n__{6 UUT fYs-F ete il-ff) . Hft+ 7i. pary74}lffi7 zo t +t;)rt\Q fir$ : lpog _Q.l\ fus':- 9-d-d'EdnrDrE 7 fes uutl ** u_O 4' mifi vH rfErfr fft* drfi-g,-s_zor+ aoerge nrffil 1'0 Srid-r ffi a Fiiq fu ry'u;fr d ftrfu?' srgr ] f{ dEt + eET }?ii E-t€t i &€T FlJrsi t fEiu,roqhl oe1 96g' BiftflrlE Eiifi ffa-dr u*rsr aee,ftry, m fuo t, 3i fr i<rorrsehm o g-.d' Lid-ftfl{E {$ sfl,o * oT *a=ra* ats' F' r& rfua !-dru-tr urf *. 3 t6 ffi ftfu-*q-d 3 a-ae'fery rio': t ) E-_d-6 2) 3) Lrqd on {qo drfi Uq-d 2.0 l) ftE 6*'s-B ntrfi oefu fun if#-d 16 :_ ngr eeo ff*dT &i-dr6 zor+ ffs i ffiz' ffi'A' ffir 6e1 iq? + e€T hi3 ffi,B, 2) rao.fllffiu6 )2'ut riq-d 3 f€-d ( A )?rj B) ffirrrir frs F-{+ + &+ ar{,-gi t fufori'€e1 s,-dT ddA fuJ Udlusr conduct d-de-_ffi ry3 fuH b-d'TB 681 HIJ' z ui2 e' i*a'rfufua'-sfr tfu-dr ud's8 €'& f€id ffi €1 E etr s. tcrs eeg Iffie Td, rJd n+ m*s (210 mmx 297 mm)d-sd'H-dT Etc g-dfrtd FS m H-{S d 6-d-f,d t r fe-fun+tge} )fitlti atl ffig, ta;ftg feFfl?-Eqlzl. d }-6 f6q ipn'ru'c . . ' 3) ngu 2l ffi f,ar, Crayaons, Water Colour gas Fu-E u-s0 oa:- Relevance of the theme depicting the selected topic. Execution of concept/ theme overall visual appeal, handling of given space and use of appropriate colour combition. qffiu6 trid'i ua,rygr )?r.'r{i riqd €q-€u (A )oti i vxdttr3 i zg trjsd, +l tfu'a Ud'86 s.zflr* fds dEl S Flol-6 fr2r66if ' 4 ffi zotq +d fuH €1 lda fu6 conduct *eE," A-6 fuftfl?d onserve bnergy lor Brighter. Future bijli bachao, prakash badao }4r_dFE r*i oa r UtkI 3 Hf#, 6Et Save Energy, secure your future B) t rao-t: ' d6, riil+ )',{i e€T ilJrJi o-6 fr2r6ffi ' g' )?i,r# ry3 *€'f,t+Ei 6Et Global Warming is Global Warning Make it Right, change your Light Urja bachat ki sanskriti ka kare vikai-j"*"I hoga bhavishya aur ghar ghar prakash. (Alternatively) * Save Electricity to illuminate more homes. * Develop E,nergy saving culture. Light more homes for briehter future. r 6s* Sfr, )fl-} e€t gr+B'ES Frtdt, t?ffi hri &$ TTIfEi dffi EEr3 el Ftq-fifjrv Er v G "-'t-' gfEH .i+dTt hf} LrEq'r: r-,., prior i * ftt61'yd€, fmrns urd-' d q-*,fu-s ai * $urr Es€ ItFffi d.de fu{*, g-n6 t+dT's€H irr} urs-urs u-{E 5) F-*s ffiftru €Elrd dlEhfli eu + rot* ae'dro1 fu# z-z) tffi o ;8", ltr.erg d :o mis-d. zoj4 *d td ftrB LB } ffi :_ r Er. Balvir Singh Sinhmar Director/ HRD & Consultancy -cum-Nodal Officer BBMB, Plot No. 6-8, Sector - l9 B, Chandigarh Mobile No. 09417216042 ) 6 Eriq-J r-=au fivlZ frmu6 r_ao fuu ffi E'Etfr (A h{3 B) ffB ftfe.al,-sq}ra, t fu-)f', fEF E1 Td-6' HaraE + gft Ervlre rirs a'or ?ifi ;t€'g1i -2 ry-ssrs S{o-d-J LrJ 3 536 )?-dFkr (BBMB) ii-€, G-trr61 u-ofur2, pg1 d ffi ffi B'e' ff,q'ffiafi'vr.€rnr rfi.fr./fr.fn..) d €T +h-rrr';n?r ftE€' ?-fr s,!T re ed,)Fdr e flrgB u-A t6 fufiro4+ Name of the Student Tel/Mobile No. of Parents Father's/ Mother's N ame Standard School name and postal address Govt. School in Rural area (Write ves o. School Tel. No. / Mobile No/ Signature of School Principal s ) yar 8e e'E m-3 feFf,yl|'dEh?' O nau LiHl )i{i Director General Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power (Government of India) +&' Tr3nfii at3 re6ffia f€ ilEA f giH qfr*t e'e fsF€ra-dEhr.r d frrdz ro-sf,aiz et tr3, rtan g) ffir+' riffu Eg6 qffiu"r t a63'if€r + H # fi+d f<fe4.n-seh4 e H,fimr s)flil. +ffiryt rE-dfrrrr'-, gu FE-d Ffr dt+fi+ p56fuf I 0 ) gS i€1 tf-dT *€6 t56 hr.dFfd (Er. Balvir Singh Sinhmar) A u] 3 fi a-fifir na a, la bii uftfi r r Ministry of Power and Bureau of Energy Efficiency rl) F-=d6' ff Ae fJF- &d&, &16' Bool<let 12 ) fl.te& rgg i f)?e (A )d3 B) e a+r 9i0 30 ? gilf "G H.EJI HF6t (2012-13) BEE f a u? 3 hf3 a' o1 riu e-.egs ? ri} J 100% f<iera6q1 g-d-J d& fJry'-d at] we eo1 fadT | fds painting comperition I * s"r .i,rd i um, gfr hr} itflr Tild eE ilH riqfi tfr.dr Hq'-d Lrn-B ftr+ Hrol e LrflFe frs ya 6-tr I raB rue;s-rciu feffi |-d's8 fi=fu yar & H-{e oa nri s'g riqs j rrftr&, CH} h€ ffi xqr6 n,.,-, t€drd f,f Hd-E d5 fuFetri'o'e1 U-d,:se r t fu6rH 6sl di ft6ff Et e-J fer drfr uq'-fr Udrs8 q_*_o i:_ Rs 15,000/- Consolation Rs.2,500/- (10 nos.) d)fr dq--d 3 et sJ fur fs-6.Hi 15*ro t lcatugory_ A ):_ Rs 1,00,000/- Consolation (8 nos) Rs. 25,000/- (10 nos) Rs. 10,000/- (10 nos.) ftF a d-cr BEE t& ro udt';Ebf V-i- D-f-dr fs3 ilE-& tffi { eEE prize E$ r0,000/_Trrg I d)fr LfTd 3 fr6ryr et € fer T{d t lcatugorr_ B ):_ ctJt o. c--. tco,H ft-aryr e1 lffiflr,t' Td.H I LITJ6' (lno) Rs 1,00,000/- 2 gH'ili (2 nos) Rs 50,000/- 3 -+5tr-1g' (3 nos) Rs. 25,000/- 4 Consolation (6 nos) Rs. 10,000/- (10 nos.) ta:- r ) \\?iru-dr fln-ax-6 fru collage / patchwork fr eai *as et )ilfumr a;& u€dil^ I 2) qr€-{J friB' Liq-S f&?1r ftThir d.fr, }F.'s) fr€- Jury/Experr el6r d1 GrEt66 iia'r (F-=d6, Committee *& L_'L arfu i-*a-s*-"dr=d6fFft rha tlf,,eJ nf6 d,TE zi. nmcrzn)+frt 20 4/ &ol4 fi S n-n ,, ,. :-c. geE IuFI sf |ofrinr O ddT d'€eE1 ftfu aff,r?1' gigr - l-,.', a6 t R.4n n+s ltr-ot _4,, 1 1. FUd fdq' HrfsF Auvsfrs, ?if,'g 2. st.DH. (frH.hf's1.Dlr. ) ] 1 rrHez-s-h-#fiituh{, o uirrEl / ^fV Annexutre -l SALIENT FEATURES OF THE SCHOOL TEVEL PAINTING COMPETITION SCHEME a' schoor Lever paina,lq.a.oroetition 2014 categ ory ,A,,(4th , 5th & 6th standard students)' category "B" (7th,8th & 9th standard siudents) has been launched in all the states/ur through an advertisement in the prints media by sv Bureau euredl of Energy "rev'e Efficiency(BEE), Ministryof power, Govt. of lndia. b' school Principals are requested to organize painting competitio n of 2hours duration at c:n use anv size or paper prererabry A4 size ll,L::n',t::,t::::::'-::_'d:'t-s #5i,n!'il:ffirT"X: Topics:- Proposed Theme Topics School Level Category'B, 4th,5th & 6th standards) Save Energy, secure your futtrre ( 7th, 8th 9th standards GlobalWarming is Global W.r.ri,rg Conserve Energy for Brighter Make it Right, change your Lighf *bijli bachao, ptatiJinUaOro **urja bachat kisanskriti trGre viGs, uiiawal hoga bhavishya aur ghar ghar prakash. *cfr,6, (4,s rnio *'M*qt fi fu('t I{ *n*, srtuq=rffrd'qrcrt b fr(r 3;dt - +ireJur 61tl *Fsr* fin'3fr, Fntar Erdrgil 5.'trftT STFds-q I * g fi' frenffut ft(rt rdfdrcT qrffi?r F, rfriqd qTH?il Sd lr& ot, 3rqar rtthTqr ftdl (7, s (Ri **Ff r+afrffi 5trerfr ilrn &Tfdsq sft{ Tr-ER qtflqy (Alternatively) * Save Electricity to illuminate more homes. * *.D-evelop Energy saving cufture, Light more homes for brighter future. lSflsq6 sq t) * fufrfr qsrll, 3rft*, q$ Eht rflna ffifl ** 5qt ftrd 6r TiFffi o-r qrt h6Ts, Filtar ildn eThsq .lik w_w r6Tar \*F c' The chifdren caniuse pencir, crayo?:: pencir corours vysrs, corours. The chjtdre may consider the foilowing pointswhirepainting. & water Luruurs. s . o ' o)1 ^\-/ Relevance of the theme depicting the setected topic Execution of concept theme. / overall visual appeal' handling of given space and use of appropriate cotour combination. d. The respective school Principats witl conduct the painting competition for both categories separately at the A and B school level. e. School principars wit send the 2 ,.r..ted paintings from category A and separately to the Nodal Officer B by 3O,n S"pJ.rUur, iOr+."' f. students for both A and B categories separatery at schoor rever as per Annexure _2. ilri Schoo|principffiatealnE?iilIiilIabouttota|participationof fhe back of the information: Father/ Motherrs Name Name of student Tel/Mobile No. of parents Standard School name and .rl; area (Write yes or woj -. .Rur:- Govr. _._ Schootin ._. _ l. N o./M Signature of School principal Sch o o I Te h' ob i f e No- All the participating students at Schoof will get a ,certificate of Participation' and best 2 setecieo level painting competition paintings wiii'g?, .cunificate of Merit, which wirf i' j' eu,.., i.J.rv Efficiencv, rvrinistry power or ["J:t:il.ili...............r::::j,.PrinciRal 'nu "r Paintings not signed by the school principat or sent directly by student,s parents will not be accepted. Paintings are to be sent only at the address of Nodat officer and not on the addresses of Ministry of power and Bureau of Energy efti.i"".V'feeq. k' lt is to be mentioned that ihose schools who would record Loo%participation category 'A" (for the students of 4th , 5th & 6th siandards) & category .8, in the (7th,gth 9th standard students) at the school level painting iorputitibn, their names wi, be included in the painting Competition booklet prepared by BEE. I' The Lst /2nd/ 3rd Prize winners at state/UT rever during the tast two years (2012& 13) of categorY "A" and The tst prizes winners tziai3rd at state/UT year (2013) of category of previous "8" are not erieiore'i;'Julti.iprt" in thisrevet year i.e .2014 competition' But the consolation Prize winners of ltatelur rever b;il are eligible to participate. categories but they would be consider"a "f if they ro,, prizes only secure tro position.rhe detairs of state r_"u"1 prir"s for categories A & B are as !,llo!"lio, I l consotatbi-O-dnol The detaifs ,\ ,'n .of Nationaf Levef prizes for 3I9 as under:_ ln addifion, Burea,, nr r_ ;il;::;:fi::ioTril:Jflf.ciencv The details of NaHg.nal level prizes for wi,r arso se,e* 10 paintings for the award of Ca wurb", gI9 3s under:ofpri.es---- consolatrb-n-FE Note:The decision , of theiury/ iurv/ expert ou^^-_ committe€ le finar. tee rr r, r^..-r at all tsvEr' levels ortne -- v';t of tf Painting Useofcol|age/patchworkwillnotbenerrr,i++",." Jse of collage/oat competition wirl hrar^-r- .. .,, -' ^ vvrrr not b€ permitted :ompetition in the ... s..E paintings parnungs at r,ames of Names afl levels levefs o if," scho the srhn^r- ...r . , shall rpplicable) wilt recc be ,ffi:;fi11,:tffii:#ij:'l'::,i:.catesories :i!l::ff#:H;l*il;:;,;iilTfi1l,:,.ff ,r Enersy Erriciencvl*lf;; ":ft,,yl'tl :ffi :H;:,T,:T:[TfiA & B (as :,:"!T - n 15 aarvffihsinhmar Directir/HRD & Consultancy _curn- NodalOfficer BBMB PIotNo.6-8, Secto r_19_8, _ Ch a n diga r-h Mob: 09417216042 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Annexure _ 2 State/ UT _ Schoof Name and Address School Status I Urban/Ruraf Signature of principal Signature of the Nodal Officer *-'
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