GOVERNMENT OFINDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAtLWAYBOARD) No'2074/E(TRG.l/6hs/(38thAMp) New Derhi,dated 27.02.iot4 TheGeneralManagers, Ail ZonarRairways & production , vvuL'ur| \Jr Units rr5 COFMOW The Pay& Accountsofficer Ministryof Railways, RailwayBoard The Directo, rRrMEE J a, m a r p u r the DirectorGeneral N A I RV, a d o d a r a RDSO,Lucknow sub:- 3gthAdvanceManagementprogramme to be conductedat NAIR/Vadodara,tCLtF/Malaysia& | NSEAD/Singapore. The38thAdvanceManagementProgramme would be conductedas per schedulebelow: NAIR/VADODARA 10.03.2014to 21.03.201,4 2' ICLIF/MALAYSIA INSEAD/SINGAPORE to 1, u / .u+.zu14 to I7.O4.ZOT4 Thefollowingofficersare beingnominated to attendthe 3gthAMp:REGUTAR S.No I I ServiceI 16 IRAS IRPS IRTS IRTS IRTS IRTS IRSE IRSE IRSE IRSE IRSE IRSE IRSE IRSE IRSE IRSE II IRSE ;z 3 4 5 6 q 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 18 19 20 IRSE IRSE IRSE 2t IRSE 22 IRSE IRSEE IRSEE 23 24 IK)5h 26 l/ IRSS IRSS nulo N a m e( M r . / M r s . / M s . / D r . ) 2693371 I V I A I \ U J K U M A R D U B E Y 8277034 A N S A RNI U R U D D I N X 8162108 5374469 5HARAI SUDHAKARCHANDRAYAN 4936379 T A R U NJ A I N 681s0s4 8s63348 3984784 7815848 9949033 9277022 1435258 3665971 3722549 5 5 9 9 8 21 6048028 913247! 3334191 88474L0 I\AVII\ KUMAR JHA Rlv. D.O.B. Year RB NR 01.05.70 1993 1.992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1992 1992 1992 L992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 )tK 06.01.69 19.02.66 WR 23.10.68 NWR RB RB 06.07.68 01.01.66 13.05.69 09.07.68 16.10.66 09.08.64 16.09.68 ELK S A N J AP YR A S AS DI N G H * NFR TIAJPU I R A N V E E RS I N G H WCR S A N J E EAVB N A V E * WR V I N I E I K U M A RS R I V A S T A V A * NR L3.72.7t SER NER RDSO 04.12.67 26.07.67 S A N J AS YA H U * s A N J T EKVU M A R J A Y A N TK U M A R C H A II D H A R V + A K H I L b sK HU M A R 3s81213 A5HUI O5H GUPTA 5140787 2849039 1180392 A N I LC H O U D H A R Y EALI.]TVRAJ 37't8329 KALYANPA INAIK 9837278 7888470 P R A GK U M A RG O Y A L ANURAG AGARWAL s795480 UHIHAJJAIN RB ECR ECR SER CR RDSO ER CLW ECOR RB NCR ECR 07.o7.70 0I.1.0.70 08.08.71 04.07.66 11..07.68 1,7.08.70 09.06.68 04.0s.68 02.05.68 04.07.69 18.06.70 23.09.71 1993 1993 1q q ? 1993 1993 1993 1993 1992 1q q ? 1993 1993 1993 28 29 30 <l 5Z 33 34 35 IRSS IRSME IRSME IRSME IRSME IRSME RPF RPF 256049s P A S S A NCGH H E R I N G 689327r R A J E SM HA L I K * 35s0303 V. VARAHASATYASRINIVAS L404483 2 81 4 3 8 3 8022362 1 4 5 5 5 81 4223284 RAVISH KUMAR* S A M I RL O H A N I * T A R U NH U R I A D.B.KASAR A.N.MISHRA RCF COFMOW SWR DLW IRIMEE 09.05.6s 26.05.72 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 WR 06.01.73 1993 WR RB 14.04.68 10.01.65 1990 1990 Rlv. D.O.B. 31.05.67 21.11..66 L2.01.71 30.10.65 10.03.66 02.10.71 23.04.66 L6.r0.71. STANDBY S . N o Service 1 IRAS 2 IRAS 3 IRPS I IRTS 5 IRTS 6 IRSE 7 IRSE 8 IRSE 9 IKJE 10 IRSE 11 IRSE T2 IRSE I5 IRSE L4 IRSE L5 IRSE IO IRSE It I RSE 18 19 IRSE IRSEE IRSEE IRSEE 20 21 22 23 l4 25 26 27 28 IRSME IRSME IRSME IRSME IRSME IRSME IRSS Name(Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.) 8012804 tt0976t 8736248 2820261 7423909 9 31 2 9 3 5 201.1703 9396869 5002549 295416r 81-19371 660221.7 8509225 3907088 s1,52459 7033772 4462866 2722460 525s078 9 5 8 31 2 4 6740546 4651"21.1 6283689 1934900 6443134 3817299 840371.2 2986240 SIRRA S A N T HR I AJU N . S R I N I V ARSA J U REKHAYADAV A N U PD A Y A N A NS DA D H U P R A D E EKPU M A RO J H A KANHAIYAJHA A R U NK U M A RC H A T U R V E D I KAMESH K U M A RA G A R W A L BIJAYA KUMARADAS PRAVEENKUMAR G A U T A MM A N G OB I R H A D E KODAVALISIMON ASHOK KUMAR R A MK I S H O RAEG R A W A . KISHANLAL MEENA O M P R A K A SM HE E N A H I R E N D ES R I N G HR A N A N A D G EM O H A NN A G O R A O C . RH . ARISH V I M A LK I S H O RNEA G A R PYARELAL MEENA RAMNIK SINGH A M I T A V AC H A U D H A R Y S H E EBLH A D R A UJJALHALDAR V I N O DP A L B R I J E SDHI X I T R .S O U N D A R A R A J A N S A MK O S H Y S . KS . AINI SCR SCR RB SWR WCR WR NWR WCR ECOR WR CR SCR NF(Con.) SR NWR NWR NCR CR SR WR NWR NR CLW NR ER RCF/RBL RDSO SR 02.03.69 22.07.70 25.06.69 L5.O7.68 25.01.68 05.06.68 06.08.67 31.05.69 26.0L.70 27.01.69 02.02.70 07.L1.66 20.05.66 07.03.72 03.01..70 73.06.72 27.09.72 1,6.07.72 08.07.71. z J . L Z . O/ 11.09.70 Year 1993 1993 1oo/l 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1990 20.05.60 29 I RSS 8465s84 )K 22.05.59 5U RPF 961.6821, NER 20.04.63 N a m e sm a r k e dw i t h ( * ) i n d i c a t e s e c o n dt i m e n o m i n a t i o na s R e g u l a p r a r t i c i p a n to. n e m o r e f i n a l c h a n c e would be givento theseparticipants as Regularnominees. 3. The abovenominatedofficersare requestedto conveyconfirmationto attendthe programme in the Annexure-lattached,positivelyby 03.03.2014.The same may be forwardedto TrainingDte through FAX at 0L1-23385099/011-23303532 and/or mail it to [email protected] or ddtrg.rb@gmail"com. Thefinal list of 35 officerswill be issuedon receiptof confirmations.Shortfallin the Regularnominatedofficerswould be met out of the Standbyofficerswho would be nominatedon first-comebasis'In the eventof insufficient confirmations, TrainingDirectoratewould nominateofficers from the Standbylistas Regularnominees,department-wise, dependingon the shortfall. 4. TheAdvar Boardno".",o:;", ilTI'#JIJJ ilTffii ffi::*#';iJffi H:::T::i:ilT: H:T,,' :I not undergonethis programme' Exemptions,if any, may be forwarded to the undersigfred approved by the GM or dury DG(in case of officers working on zonar rairways/pUs) concerned(in caseof officers or Board Member working in Rairwayeoaraf aependingon where the nominee at the time of nomination. is posted other thanthatmentioned i.,", ,[Jffi#;:]'::i,:JT"J:l#"'*ing ona Rairway against his/her anv orricer has proceeded ondeput..,";:::"":['Ji[:#1r,:x1n]H:ffi.J:il:,rlmJ ::r:H""rt["J,ffi;j;. tn" extantpolicvsuchofficers are not considered erigibte for trainings 6' online confirmation: Nominatedofficers are arso requestedto fit up the Training programmeuploadedin forms for the the respectiveRUIDsin confirmation of their attendanceof the programme. rt ::t;";['J:"JJ|::::,!|"?,];JJ5,1::''* rirred andupdated, wherever necessarv rheonrine rorm totheofficerconcerned(password,,.nuffi;:::trililJil:j:*:ffj;i*j clickingon 'Training'appearing on the webpage. In case of any v' s"v probrem, the tne Onlcer Pruuretrr, off. contaCtthe TrainingDireCtorate. cOncerned may 7' The nominatedofficersmay reportto NAIRfor the training commencingfrom LothMarch2014 and contact sr'Professor/FM, Mr' Tanveer Ahmed (mobire no. 9974003513, emair id: spfm@nair'railnet'gov'in), the courseDirectorfor this programme, in advancefor confirmationof their participation so that transportand other arrangements can be madebv NAIR. 8' Detailsof the international moduleof the Programme(rCLrF/Maraysia and TNSEAD/singapore) viz' pre-departure formalities,politicalclearance, traveldetails,flightdetailsetc. wouldfollow. Encl:Annexure-l bn +w (H Moharaha) Director(Training) RailwayBoard Fax:011_23385099 Emailid: [email protected] Copyto:(1) Dy.CpO(Gaz.) and Dy.CAO(G), Ail zonatRaitways and pUs (2)OSDsto all Board Membersfor information. (3) DG(RPF), AM(B),AM(T),AM(cE),AM(ME),AM(signar), Adv.(staff)/Rairway Board (4) Nominatedofficersin Board,soffice Annexure-l 1 ) Serialnumberin the list(Regular/Standby): 2 ) Completename(no abbreviations); 3 ) E-mailaddress; 4 ) completeofficeaddiess incruding buirding, street& citynameandpincode; s) Service: 6) Designation (no abbreviations); 7) Phonenumberincludingcountry and city code; Railwap y h o n eN o . P & TN u m b e r : F a xn u m b e r : 8 ) Dateof birth: e) M o b i l en u m b e r : 10)Foodpreference(vegetarian or non_vegetarian); 1 1 ) WhetherattendedanyAMp conducted by NAtRin the past. 12) Following details regarding spouse/childrenaccompanying(ifany) for the i n t e r n a t i o n aml o d u l e t o b ef u r n i s h e d : Name Spouse Age Veg/Non-Veg Children L3) Details of training programmes attended/undertakenin the past(if required a separatesheetmay be attached): a ) W i t h i nI n d i a b) ForeignTraining I certifythat presentryI am not undergoing any major/minorpenartyproceedings. I accept the terms and conditions mentioned in Board,s retter dated27.02 .201.4. I confirm thatI amwining to attend Hi?l,-{ffi:s')/6/1s(38*AMp1 Signature (Name) Railway:
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