,s :t. E rn , frE^. &-rE+'e]F q {8, k,x /v d,a:tg+&L' L, -rfrffiwi+ztn E , ifEl- E-yj+yniE DD ^,*ffi.ffi@tr drEE, E, E ^, +l'fi,i(' E, # L, +t#, k, + tri {s, it( tr, k. + H, _rfrffi+H =WB\+k Ei_"\E )XiF ( -) .................. .. €-lts (-r'.........'........ H=ffi (=) #trtR €E E.\g f4nLlft a+? ............ . . .................... 1 ................... ...........6 ......'..................."'.............................I2 ......... ..".................... .................I8 1&n ? ......... ...................................-.-.................24 l friH ? (r) +E,^tHtit€...............,................,..30 H i.R t:L4! ? Ht;R Ag )12 ...." H/\)4 -**,_ .. ................................................................32 ? ...........'.................................... ...'.40 .................................................,............. 47 €+..8 8Aftt F?"""""":""'.............'..54 H+X tbffi7. { $iH ............. .'.................62 ? (2) &)E+fr!&+................................ .6e H+-X riEiI tr .,...............,'..........................................70 s-1- -:E 6+1+7 nE? . .................... ....................................80 tn*R Glgfr ....'........... .........................................88 s+=iR H+roffi ffi+5;F txx lEA#? ...........'""........................................e6 ................104 -+ E*,J.fi&2 (3) ...... {fr1[iH H+&r* iFtE-,, s y.'tTtz -t--r-:E s+i \tx g-J-+:s ftffi ry,EF..) ? Ffigl&itH4t1m1t........... ...III lEEr........... .. ...............".. ......".....122 tfttlHt#8, if rs? .......... ..................... 32 1 ffEe............. ......,.................................r40 'l ELEMENTA H=+iF g--L_,\rE H-+:in H-+=$F € - -+ rmlg s--]-rla SPOKEN CHINESE inLdgiEi6€+ EW.Rffi 6!*IEIiE. e UIt.!f ?8, tl4lEB9rr,.ftHifrI*{FriE**4ffi " iEgttrlEg, l:.1Iti'i'H,#{S The common language of the Han nationality in the People's Republic of China is Mandarin Chinese. Beijing phonetics axe regaded as the standard pronunciation and the basic dialect is the dialect of the northern part of the country. The standard modem Chinese writter works become grammar examples. EeiFtr, -ffireii,, -^n+€-+g'15" {riFB9€$f4iElt&ffiS, ..&6 FS. ffiAfflFffirEfr. F4ag.$dittJ<, *A21^" F4EEAI*FTI€ffi€, n ar-+Br4. F$!&fi SS!& -4 " *iE iF +Ft*J EtH{ft l+p+BEEfl Hr, &iE#g Afi€eBgt4/EBrffid " - ,''" Efiffi€**zrFiE. Gerrelally speaking, a sing,le chincse character is equal to a syllable. The stluctule of an "initial" and a "final" with a tone. An "initial" is the first part of a syllable and thsre are 2l in total, Following the "initial" is the "final" , which can be classified into three types: the simple final, a Chinese syllable is quite simple, usually being composed of compound final and final with a nasal ending. Tones can distinguish meanings in Mandarin Chinese. The Chinese phonetic alphabet have four tone placed on the major vowels of o 7n the "final" t Pr ' t n q, X ,Sh t marks, " , which are ELEMENTARY SPOKEN CHINESE -/v\ FWzTHK; Fififili,E€fiiE$-ffffit4n$t, nF/+-ftX,.o oe iu ij,,. Tone marks are marked on the main vowels of the syllable, and tfte order normally as iui.i". d6dd 666d 666d iiii 0[ut 6-: !' la\ iel Ldpl i#l L:i b6 00il ,. oo e H-fi b bo bo bu p po po PU m mo mo mu I lo lo fu d do t n no I lo s go k ka h h0 ;n iFtfrE dl du ll IU nl .nu nu u lu ju q qi qu z zo ze c co ce s so se si zh zho zne znl zh! ch cho cnl chu sh sho sne shl shu re rl ru I : zl z\) Icg , sLl (-) 1 $ / E ELEMENTARY SPOKEN CHINESE i4TEfi1:*S (-) w6 (.:) bi Read the following syllables (1\.) nI (4,t) (€) ch6 $" shD t6 (.t&) (4) (6) (a) 'snu (d). snl . $r (Al) h6 (€) (r4) zhu k0 ( 9t) nU .ji bd (4f (J. chi (pa) ) ) m6 (4) cho (4) trri*rm*fi, flimlii* ! First read the following syllables aloud, then distinguish the syllables (-) md md md md l0 16 ru rD la f6 fd fd qr qr ql I I i I H-+n ;lmAiE (-) (:) l. b a;ti'x dd l ld( li I n0 I lnil ] 2,c a--. .-;'\ zo zno zhr 4.[,t str*ct 4En! I ch chd ]cf Lc0l l i I chrj d1 ) huxr ( *'i. ) sli ( sJir) Itisd ( 46 ) 4ti4+! ru ]cd chl Listen and read 4++Tl ld F"-3 I zd znd I zr zhI I chizUch6 ( | Fl,l nI ) zh qiche ( i{.4 l I f6 ]m6 mu tu tu f0 Imu t0 [,85i* k tdurlLJ 2. n (=) 1.m I r---: fdro.imo lo lzi g td l" t6.' (E) I. z 3. *fi4 nji ( s.rL ) dddT (*rii) fs6 (x&) dishu nUti *z piru ( Ax*. lzne \ aLa ( .r ) v' Mndor ziji ( 6 e) How are Xidxiel Thanks! Zdijidnl Goodbyel Du)buqll Sony/Ex{use me! B0 kdqil Not at alll 'ou! ) (*S t ) r F' on ton uon ln qng Uon UN . eng ueng ong, SEifi4'.H er t er; ft,fi AiB.FTffiF4, btrfl ": The syllables consisting of er [er] do not have an two). JL (6r, son). 4 (6r, ear)', andsoon. 'tyiffE4q4Ffrat WrnL#EAtFffi fr, " (dr), "initial" (6r). B (6r) " 4F. ,, : (ilr, , for exampte: JL )LiLffi-, tn, Reftoflex-the rolling of the tongue can be used to pronounce some syllables in Chinese. For example: xidohdir ,tL play ) (,l.tirL kd). yididnr ( -dtL a little ) , t6ur()fJLleader), w6nr(rA llrl f.il xiFlf E iti Sili 1$i p. i, s, @y// 3 e. I I e. E r s I F E. L B q * a. 6 ! d g d 5 8 I t I 8 6 E g E 5 I d d s d d a II a 3 I 8 s $ s B d o o- g E 0 t E L f I I I E a F ! e liii q llri li' $ E s ir p + lr. 5 "j 6 ,:l a E 5 5 5 g 4. 5 I d 3 E 3 g $ ii I s 8 .: a a E 0 E q q c 3 ,F ,j' ; 3 9- d B q I ill' E a d B I aI g 3 p. ,B 8 e E 3 c g I 3 3. il ri {., li' il l!: I I E 8 g €. rLil a q ;, 3 I _3 I 5 d E 3 as tll I, P I I I a' l1;' il' d E l"r 't;: 6 E: 3 a q ! ,/fig ilil l p t 9 g: ii l:i r.it L e. d s E g 3 c E E E a 2 g 1. ri =F' I 5 I a E_ P e i .t: i: 3 I I a rl s t: fll di tt I {.1 il ii, It1 EIUIFEiGI , /.' ELEMENTARy spoKEN cHTNESE ii Exercises rii I ! i*lma.:et Read ihe following sy abtes bdi (E r6n f6i (-() IAna (irt) ) (A) l6ng (,+ h6ng'"(,! ) nl[ (f) (5) fdn (ff,) d6u (*F) ( .{S ) ) .jid ( a) jln (!t ) nido (!l) xi€ lidns qlng (-it) qi6ng ( f' shul ( zK ) sudn (&) kin (6) chu6ng (,4. ) xu6 (*) xudn ( jun (F) A. /-l ( ffi ) shudl ( /f ) qt) (*) ! mdo txei*r-mm*fi, '6 qi6n hud ) ) ( 4{, ) (it zud ) (4) r*trri+H First read the following syllables aloud, then distinguish the syllables (-) cdi c6i cdi cdi sh6u sh6u sh6u shdu jido ji6o jido jido tdng t6ng tdng tdng gud gu6 gu6 gud xud xu6 xu6 xud (I) l. oo,/ ou 2. ot / el.. 3. B / (a) 1. on / ong 2. en / ue m di xue pd I ju6 h6 I qu6 tel tud eng 3. ln ,/ ing 4. iong ,/ long son song fdn l6n l6ng ch6n ch6ng min ming qi6ng qi6ne mdn mdng bEn bdng iln irns iidns bdn bdng hdn bin bing f6ng hdng xTn xrng xiong xi6n€l jiSng fr:x tE#F (-) ddxu6 jiddn ( 4& shit6ns ( pi)iu ( 'giE ) Af ) ( xidngjido ) shulgtr6 ( ,FX ) *.* ( ) 6fi xYzdo ( 4R ) lonqt ) wffi shdnSdidn ( 6E ) ( ^'1" -'-)ll ,0 /. 0; t i6nqi[ ( fir* ni(ndi ( +4ri ) ns (4t4i \ ch0zuph6 ( ndini0 ( 4't* ) *tE+ ) ) ) $ E I / ff ELEMENTARY SPOKEN CHINESE (&6) midnbdo F' I tido wU ( th# hDzhdo ( #ts, ) ) Z I r lri $ iiI nl gongsdnd (:) Sche ( z,}+,i+ hudr ( it,)L w6 ) (fr,)l> gudzhir' ( X.'f 10 .rL ) ) bdngdngshi ( r+a\E ) gdir (.#..rt ) cdiddnr ( *.+rL ) binggDnr ( }F*!?lL ) xidoh6ir ( d.i*rL kdim6nr (f il/L) hudr ( ,4rL ) ) H:* xiF#g (-) Po!!yIslffEffi:[ t'tk:(ft,. 2 9,r1h2 3 +\"tr'Xtt. 4 ti'.6tt,-iA. 5 qAAl . M6lgudnxi. Du6shoo qi6n? How riluoh? Wd tTng bu d6ng. I can't catch it. QYng zdi shu6 yi bidn. I beg your pardon. Ny'ingbaile. I got it. It doesE't matter, i \J 11
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