Other Humanitarian Funding to Afghanistan 2014 Table H: List of commitments/contributions and pledges to projects not listed in the Response Plan as of 20-January-2015 http://fts.unocha.org (Table ref: R4) Compiled by OCHA on the basis of information provided by donors and recipient organizations. Donor Funding* USD Uncommitted Pledges USD Channel Description Canada ICRC ICRC Emergency Appeal 2014 - Afghanistan (D-000619) 4,488,330 0 Canada Canada RC To strengthen ARCS disaster management and emergency health response capacity 4,200,000 0 8,688,330 0 Canada Sub Total: Denmark Denmark ME General contribution (46.H.7-11-118) 18,498 0 Denmark SC Immediate relief assistance to families affected by flash flooding as consequence of torrential rains in Northern areas of Afghanistan (Faryab, Jouzjan, Balkh and Sari Pul Provinces) (46.H.7-4-147) 73,706 0 Denmark Denmark RC ICRC appeal (46.H.7-1-206) 739,919 0 Denmark Denmark RC Protracted crisis (46.H.7-1-206) 369,959 0 Denmark Denmark RC IFRC protracted crisis (46.H.7-1-206) 369,959 0 1,572,041 0 Sub Total: European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department MAF Man-made crises / Flight Operations for Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan (FLOFA 13) (ECHO/-AS/BUD/2014/91001) ((not aligned with the SRP) 2,530,780 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) Afghanistan (ECHO/-AS/BUD/2014/91000 unallocated balance of total funding decision of Euro 31.5mn) 19,805,970 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department ICRC ICRC health and protection activities in Afghanistan (ECHO/-AS/BUD/2014/91002) 3,457,815 0 25,794,565 0 635,324 0 1,358,696 0 1,994,020 0 Sub Total: Germany Germany ICRC Orthopaedic activities in Afghanistan in 2014 (VN05 440.70 AFG 02/14) Germany ICRC Assistance, protection, prevention and cooperation activities (VN05 AFG 05/14) Sub Total: Japan Page 1 of 4 Donor Channel Description Japan IOM "(non-CHAP): Assistance to Vulnerable Migrants and Capacity Building in Afghanistan: Assistance to Victims of Trafficking, Return of Qualified Afghan from Iran, Capacity building in border management" Japan ICRC Assistance to address protection, economic security, health services, prevention, cooperation etc in Afghanistan Japan SC Support programme for education in Bamiyan, Afghanistan (non-SRP aligned) Japan AAR Japan Distribution of NFIs in Badakhshan Velayat Japan Bilateral (affected government) Japan Funding* USD Uncommitted Pledges USD 2,863,379 0 10,700,000 0 1,352,179 0 29,576 0 Emergency Assistance in Response to the Landslides Disaster (tents, blankets, sleeping pads) 107,275 0 AAR Japan Mine Risk Education and Victims Assistance activities in Kabul and Parwan Provinces in Afghanistan 458,189 0 Japan NFUAJ Food distribution in IDPs camps in suburb of Kabul 120,726 0 Japan SVA Support programs for after school activities in Kabul and Nangarhar Provinces 919,908 0 Japan CWS Japan Education training programs in Nangarhar Province 64,242 0 Japan SVA Distribution of foods and relief items to Waziristan refugees in Afghanistan 380,486 0 16,995,960 0 1,985,917 0 1,985,917 0 691,563 0 691,563 0 Sub Total: Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Bilateral (affected government) in-kind Food assistance Sub Total: Luxembourg Luxembourg ICRC ICRC Afghanistan Programme (AH/CICR/2012/0004) Sub Total: Norway Norway AiN Afghanistanko miteen i Norge AFG-12/0017/Community-Based Disaster Risk Management i Badakhshan Province 38,723 0 Norway Norway RC AFG-12/0009/Norwegian Red Cross in Afghanistan - multi year coopration agreement 2012-14 6,600,660 0 Norway INSO AFG-14/0007/INSO - Security for NGOs in Afghanistan 2014 500,501 0 Norway AiN Afghanistanko miteen i Norge AFG-12/0017/Community-Based Disaster Risk Management i Badakhshan Provinsen 194,417 0 Norway ICRC QZA-14/0003/ICRC Renewed Emergency Appeal 2014 1,466,921 0 Page 2 of 4 Donor Channel Description Norway INSO AFG-14/0007/To assist humanitarian aid organisations in fulfilling their own mandates through the provision of essential security cooperation and information services. Funding* USD Sub Total: Uncommitted Pledges USD 500,751 0 9,301,973 0 386,598 0 386,598 0 37,498 0 37,498 0 27,663 0 27,663 0 Poland Poland ICRC Support for operations of Red Cross in Afghanistan Sub Total: Private (individuals & organisations) Private (individuals & organisations) IPPF life-saving sexual and reproductive services through its medical health clinic to survivors of Afghanistan landslide Sub Total: Spain Spain IFRC Provision of food and NFI. (MDRAF002) Sub Total: Sweden Sweden Sweden RC Communities affected by humanitarian crises are more resilient and have the ability to anticipate, reduce impact of, cope with and recover from disasters and crises 1,278,714 0 Sweden ICRC Int. Human Law. Protection. WASH 2,311,248 0 Sweden MSB Disaster Risk Reduction 286,533 0 3,876,495 0 Sub Total: Switzerland Switzerland WFP WFP Secondment – Asset Creation Expert (7F-09245.01) 125,523 0 Switzerland ICRC ICRC Emergency Appeals 2014: Second Allocation (7F-08393.11) 837,989 0 963,512 0 Sub Total: United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates RC in kind - 21 tons of relief items of pharmaceutical materials and medical supplies, blankets and clothing (AFG-2014-001) 110,728 0 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates RC in kind - Provision of assorted relief items to the affected people by landslides ground caused by heavy rains in the state of Badakhshan. Relief items were purchased from the local markets of Kabul [through UAE Afghanistan Committee] (AFG-2014-002) 816,771 0 927,499 0 8,250,825 0 Sub Total: United Kingdom United Kingdom Page 3 of 4 ICRC To support the humanitarian system in addressing humanitarian needs in Afghanistan by providing support to 2014 Emergency Appeal of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (DFIDARIES 204394-102) Donor Channel Description Funding* USD Sub Total: Uncommitted Pledges USD 8,250,825 0 265,165 0 18,551,647 0 United States of America United States of America Various Recipients Administrative Support (USAID/OFDA) United States of America Various Recipients Humanitarian Assistance (STATE/PRM) United States of America AKF Humanitarian Coordination and Information Management, Logistics Support and Relief Commodities, Natural and Technological Risks, Risk Management Policy and Practice (USAID/OFDA) 1,008,496 0 United States of America ICRC 2014 First and 2nd Tranche Contribution (Afghanistan), ICRC Emergency Appeal ICRC (USA/BPRM) 20,400,000 0 40,225,308 0 50,913,478 0 Sub Total: 50,913,478 0 Grand Total: 172,633,245 0 Sub Total: World Food Programme World Food Programme WFP Food aid (Activities not covered by SRP) * Funding = Contributions + Commitments Contribution: the actual payment of funds or transfer of in-kind goods from the donor to the recipient entity. Commitment: creation of a legal, contractual obligation between the donor and recipient entity, specifying the amount to be contributed. Pledge: a non-binding announcement of an intended contribution or allocation by the donor, which does not necessarily specify which organisation it is intended for or if it is for an appeal or response plan project. In some cases, pledges are recorded early in a crisis and there is a time lag in the commitments and contributions resulting from the announcement. As soon as commitments are made from that pledge, only the remaining balance of the pledge appears in the pledge column in FTS. European Commission includes all EU institutions. Page 4 of 4
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