MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes

MapMarker Australia v15.14
Release Notes
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February 2014
These Release Notes accompany the MapMarker Australia v15.14 release. This provides
information on new features, behavioural changes in the software, fixes for customer-reported
issues, and known issues that may require your attention. This document should be used in
conjunction with the MapMarker AUS User Guide and Developer Guide. All of these documents
and these Release Notes are located at the Pitney Bowes Software Product Documentation
These Release Notes are cumulative and describe features, requirements, and issues related
to MapMarker AUS v15.5 and subsequent v15 point releases.
Table of Contents
MapMarker AUS v15.14 Features and Enhancements . . . . . . . . . 2
MapMarker AUS v15.5 through v15.13 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Operating Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Fixes to MapMarker AUS Customer Reported Issues. . . . . . . . . 25
Known Issues and Clarifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
MapMarker AUS v15.14 Features and Enhancements
MapMarker AUS 15.14 incorporates several enhancements and behavioural changes that build on MapMarker AUS
15.5 onwards.
Updated Address Dictionaries
MapMarker AUS 15.14 includes an updated G-NAF address dictionary. The dictionary vintages are:
The standard PSMA street segment address dictionary has a vintage of October 2013 (2013.10).
The G-NAF data has a vintage of November 2013 (2013.11).
New Fields Returned from G-NAF Data
MapMarker AUS 15.14 returns several new fields from the G-NAF data source. These are returned in both the
Desktop application and in the Developer product (in the candidate Additional_Fields).
Address_Class Field
The Address_Class is constructed using a combination of elements from the G-NAF Data Dictionary source tables.
The components of the Address_Class field are:
Components of Address_Class Field
Principal Address
The primary or officially recognised rural or urban address is defined as
the principal address.
Alias Address
Unofficial addresses also appear in G-NAF as aliases. Alias addresses
are addresses, other than the principal address, that refer to the same
physical location as another address record.
Primary address
Primary address is defined as an address that does not have a flat
number but which matches a secondary address in all other respects.
Alternatively, PSMA can designate a primary address as owning a
secondary address. For example, an address on a private road in
complex development could be designated as a primary address.
Secondary address
Secondary address is defined as any address with a flat_number (or
more literally any address where flat_number_prefix, flat_number or
flat_number_suffix is not null). Alternatively, PSMA can designate a
secondary address as being linked to a primary address. For example,
an address on a private road in complex development could be
designated as a secondary address.
Address_Class Return Values
MapMarker AUS G-NAF candidates can return the following values in the Address_Class Field:
A – Alias address record
P – Principal address record
PP – Principal primary address record
PS – Principal secondary address record
AP – Alias primary address record
AS – Alias secondary address record
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
To support this feature, the AUS_UserCandidateAddress class provides the GNAF_ADDRESS_CLASS key:
Parcel_ID Field
The Parcel_ID is a generic parcel id field provided by custodial data, and represents a Lot on Plan description that is
useful for government agencies. The exact format varies.
MapMarker AUS further populates and enhances this field when points lie within the parcel boundaries and have a
parcel_type_code of 1, 2 or 3. Parcel types are defined by PSMA.
Parcel Type Codes
Parcel Type Code
A spatial representation of surveyed land referred to in a
land title. This is the most common form of parcel and not
specifically defined by any other parcel type.
Parcel identified in a plan representing a strata subdivision.
Parcel identified in a plan representing land as being
volumetric or stratum.
MapMarker AUS 15.14 supplements the PSMA source data to populate over 12,730,000 G-NAF records with a
Parcel_ID information.
To support this feature, the AUS_UserCandidateAddress class provides the GNAF_PARCEL_ID key:
SA1 (Statistical Area Level 1)
The SA1 (Statistical Area Level 1), as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, is the second smallest geographic
area defined in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). Mesh Block is the smallest unit. The SA1 is
designed for use in the Census of Population and Housing as the smallest unit for the processing and release of
Census data. For the 2011 Census, SA1s are the basis of output for most data, the exception being some Place of
Work destination zones. For 2011, SA1s also serve as the basic building block in the ASGS and are used for the
aggregation of statistics to larger Census geographic areas.
The SA1 is represented by a unique seven-digit code.
SA1s are designed to remain relatively constant over several Censuses. Future change will largely be dealt with by
splitting existing SA1s. For the 2011 Census, there are approximately 54,000 SA1s throughout. This includes the other
territories of Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Jervis Bay. SA1s cover the whole of Australia with no gaps or
To support this feature, the AUS_UserCandidateAddress class provides the GNAF_SA1 key.
The GEOCONTAINMENT field has been returned with G-NAF candidates beginning with MapMarker AUS 15.9. The
definition of GEOCONTAINMENT has been updated and clarified in line with the standard PSMA definition. See
GEOCONTAINMENT on page 6 for a revised definition of this field.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Examples of New G-NAF Returns
Following is an example of the new Additional Fields returned by G-NAF candidates from the MapMarker AUS 15.14
server. The Geocontainment, Address_Class, Parcel_ID, and SA1 fields and returns are highlighted in bold.
Input Address:
298 New South Head Road
- <AdditionalFields>
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
<AreaName3>DOUBLE BAY</AreaName3>
<MainAddress>NEW SOUTH HEAD</MainAddress>
<Point srsName="epsg:4326">
Preference to Return Street Type Abbreviations or Full Street Types
MapMarker AUS 15.14 includes a new preference to control whether candidates return standard street type
abbreviations or fully spelled out street types. This preference is supported in both the Developer product and in the
Desktop application, and is effective for both standard and G-NAF data.
Previously, the Full Street Type was always returned. This is still the default behaviour. If you prefer candidates to
return the Abbreviated Street Type (for example, ST instead of STREET), use the ReturnGNAFStreetTypeAbbrevs
preference to control this behaviour.
To support the street type abbreviation preference, MapMarker AUS 15.14 provides a Java API
AUS_GeocodeConstraints methods and a corresponding XML API key.
AUS_GecocodeConstraints method is:
// returns true or false
Alternatively, you can set the street type abbreviation preference with the following AUS_GecocodeConstraints key:
In the updated Desktop application, select the Return Street Type Abbreviation checkbox if you prefer candidates to
return street type abbreviations. If you do not select that checkbox, the full street type will be returned as the
Thoroughfare type and in the Formatted Street Address. The Quick Find dialog also supports this street type
abbreviation preference.
After a session is closed, the default of Full Street Type is reset.
Improved Range / Level Handling for G-NAF Candidates
Previously,G-NAF candidates with an Address_Class of "principal" (Value P or PP) and number-ranged addresses
could also return other Principal Address_Class candidates with the same flat number, number first, and street
address. With MapMarker AUS 15.14, only one “principal” address is returned with an accompanying “alias”
addresses, if appropriate.
This improvement is the result of refined G-NAF data processing rules by PSMA.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Updated G-NAF Address Dictionary Source
Starting with G-NAF vintage 2013.02, the G-NAF address dictionary returns Mesh Block values based on 2011 PSMA
sources. This supersedes the 2006 Mesh Block values that were used in MapMarker Australia 15.10 and earlier.
This updated G-NAF source was available starting with MapMarker AUS 15.11, but was not explained in
Release Notes at that time.
MapMarker AUS v15.5 through v15.13 Features
The new features and enhancements described in these Release Notes are cumulative. See MapMarker AUS v15.14
Features and Enhancements on page 2 for a description of new features that are specific to v15.14.
This section covers MapMarker AUS features that were introduced with MapMarker AUS v15.5 through MapMarker
AUS v15.13.
Additional G-NAF Fields Returned
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.9, the following G-NAF fields are returned with each candidate:
STREET_TYPE_ABB This is a PSMA standard abbreviation for the street type. PSMA official street type
abbreviations are different than those returned by MapMarker, so this additional G-NAF field is provided for National
Address Management Framework (NAMF) compliance.
GEOFEATURE This field returns a geocode feature type if that was not provided in other G-NAF fields.
GEOFEATURE corresponds to Geocode Types (GEOCODE_TYPE_AUT Codes) that are described in the PSMA Data
Product Description Version 2.7 (Aug. 2012).
GEOCONTAINMENT This specifies whether the returned coordinates are inside or outside the address boundary.
Values are YES for coordinates within, or NO for coordinates outside the boundary. Candidates with a G-NAF
Reliability Level of 2 are considered within the address site boundary. Candidates with a G-NAF Reliability Level of 3
are generally considered within the address site boundary, although exceptions may exist. The exceptions are
identified by a spatial point-in-polygon operation and receive GEOCONTAINMENT value of NO. Other Reliability
Levels, are considered outside the address site boundary.
For example, the XML returned with a geocoded candidate includes the following AdditionalField values:
Return Address Components Exactly as Stored in Source G-NAF Source Data
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.7, data is returned exactly as it appears in the G-NAF source. This includes street
names, street types, and abbreviations.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Return numeric street names as it appears in G-NAF source. Street names are returned exactly as stored in
G-NAF source data. For example the following input address conforms to G-NAF standards:
MapMarker AUS 15.14 returns the street name (THIRD STREET) as is, without converting it to 3RD ST.
Return G-NAF official level and street type abbreviations. MapMarker AUS 15.14 recognises and returns the
official G-NAF level type and street type abbreviations. This may be different than the Australia Post abbreviation
standard. Official level types include the following. See the PSMA G-NAF Product Description Version 2.6. for a
complete listing and description of flat types, level types, street types, and other data features of the Geocoded
National Address File.
G-NAF Level Types
Level Type
Additional level types may also be recognised.
Return street names, street types, and street suffixes exactly as in G-NAF source data. Street names, street
types (thoroughfare types), and street suffixes (usually directionals) are now returned exactly as in the G-NAF source
data. Consider the following examples:
Consider this example:
7 Murray Hobart, TAS
A close G-NAF candidate is returned, as indicated in the S8 result code. The street type was omitted from the input
address, but the official postThoroughfareType (Street) is returned since this is part of the G-NAF record. The following
revised examples also show the additional G-NAF fields that are returned with subsequent point releases, including
MapMarker AUS 15.14.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
<Point srsName="epsg:4326">
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
The following example contains a directional suffix (W) as part of the street address.
9 The Strand W Thabeban, QLD 4670
The street suffix (W) is returned in both the postDirectional and GenericField2 fields.
<MainAddress>THE STRAND</MainAddress>
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
<Point srsName="epsg:4326">
The following example contains a non-directional suffix (Center) as part of the street address.
680 MacArthur Ave Center, Pinkenba, QLD 4008
The street suffix (CN) is returned in the GenericField2 field. No postDirectional is returned because this is a
non-directional suffix. The official postThoroughfareType is also returned.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
<Point srsName="epsg:4326">
Return principal address from alias address input , If the returned candidate is an alias address, MapMarker AUS
15.7 returns the GNAF_PRINCIPAL_PID of the associated principal address. You can then do a PID lookup to get the
principal address. (Note that GNAF_PRINCIPAL_PID is returned only if the if the matched record is an alias). G-NAF
PID lookup is described in the MapMarker Australia Developer Guide.
The Principal PID may be found on a range. If range units are present, any principal PIDs will be associated with the
units, not with the range.
In the following example, the Principal PID is associated with the range.
397 South Street, Harristown QLD 4350
The G-NAF PID and G-NAF_PRINCIPAL_PID are returned in the candidate and in the range associated with that
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
In the following example, the Principal PID is associated with the range unit.
Unit 1 1 Caroline Street, Pottsville NSW 2489
The G-NAF PID and G-NAF_PRINCIPAL_PID are returned with the RangeUnit. Some of the output below has been
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Improved Handling of Spelled Numeric Street Names Some G-NAF addresses have "spelled" numeric street
names, such as:
MapMarker AUS 15.14 recognises these types of numeric street name addresses and geocodes them accurately.
Improved Handling of Single Line Input
Starting with MapMarker AUS v15.7, unformatted (single line) input is geocoded more accurately than previous
Improved Handling of Ambiguous Single Line Addresses For single line (unformatted) addresses, suburb names
that are prefixed by a directional (North, South, East, or West) are handled more accurately. A directional as part of a
suburb name can be ambiguous. Because the address is unformatted, the directional can be seen as a street name
postDirectional (Toorak Rd South) or as part of the suburb name (South Yarra).
For example:
In these examples, the suburbs are South Yarra and East Melbourne. The MapMarker AUS 15.14 geocoder
recognises these ambiguous addresses and correctly geocodes these and similar suburb examples.
Non-delimited input addresses are handled more consistently. For example, this address now geocodes
1008 High St Armadale
Previously, addresses that started with a three or four-digit house number were not consistently geocoded because the
number could be mistaken for a postal code.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Addresses with fully spelled state name and no postal code are geocoded correctly. MapMarker AUS 15.14
handles single line addresses with the fully spelled state name and no postal code. For example, the following address
with Queensland fully spelled now geocodes correctly:
184 Torquay Rd Hervey Bay, Queensland
Previously, the state abbreviation (QLD in this example) was required.
Country name at end of address is handled. MapMarker AUS 15.14 handles the country name (Australia) at the
end of the address. For example, the following address now geocodes correctly:
160 Edward Street, Brisbane Australia
Previously, the presence of the country name (in either single line or multiline formatted addresses) caused a
geocoding failure.
Single line addresses with ambiguous street types. MapMarker AUS 15.14 has improved single line handling of
addresses with ambiguous street types. For example, the following address now geocodes correctly, returning
WEMBLEY STREET as the MainAddress and LANE as the postThoroughfareType:
22-26 Wembley Street Lane Brooklyn TAS
Previously, this address did not return a close match.
Complete G-NAF Information and Improved Handling of Units
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.7, complete G-NAF information with ranges and units is returned. This information
includes the G-NAF PID, plus returns for G-NAF reliability, confidence, geocode level, original longitude and latitude,
and principal PID where appropriate. MapMarker AUS 15.14 also recognises a greater variety of unit types (flat types).
Return complete G-NAF information with ranges and units Candidates with ranges and units now return complete
G-NAF information associated with the ranges and units. For example, consider the following address:
Unit 64 Level B 59 CURRONG STREET N Braddon ACT 2612
This returns a single range and a number of units for that range (units must always be associated with ranges). A
portion of the returned XML is shown below. This is abbreviated to highlight the G-NAF information associated with the
range and range units.
- <Range>
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
<placeName>CURRONG APARTMENTS</placeName>
- <KeyValuePair>
- </Range>
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Multiword flat/unit types Multiword flat type (or unit types) are recognised more accurately. MapMarker AUS 15.14
uses the official flat types according to G-NAF standards. Recognised multiword flat types include:
Strata Unit
Marine Berth
Sub Basement
Other multiword unit types may also be recognised.
Non-numeric flat/unit values: Non-numeric unit values are better recognised and geocoded. The following example
specifies the abbreviation for Unit (U) and the non-numeric value (F). See Flat/Unit Types and Abbreviations on
page 19 for a list of unit types and their abbreviations that are supported by MapMarker AUS 15.14.
U F 28 Ida St
NSW 2304
This returns an S8 close match candidate from the G-NAF address dictionary. The unit information is returned in both
the formatted address and in the AdditionalFields. The unitType and unitValue fields are shown in this example.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
<Point srsName="epsg:4326">
Lot Numbers and Units Handled Consistently
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.6, addresses that have a lot number but are missing a house number are geocoded.
These addresses are returned with the lot number if present in the data. This is true even though there is no
associated house number in the data.
After a house number has been assigned, only the house number is returned in the MainAddress. However, the lot
number may still be returned in the LOT_NUMBER additional field.
Lot number address: This example specifies lot number 250.
This returns an S8 close match candidate from the G-NAF address dictionary. The LOT_NUMBER field is returned, as
shown in this example.
- <KeyValuePair>
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
<Value>P301996 250</Value>
<MainAddress>LAKE PRESTON</MainAddress>
<Point srsName="epsg:4326">
Addresses with lot numbers, levels, and units are geocoded more accurately. Level information is handled
more accurately. MapMarker AUS 15.14 also returns lot numbers and level/unit information more accurately, whether
the address input is in multiline or single line format. This is a general geocoding enhancement for
MapMarker AUS 15.14, and is also supported in single line geocoding.
Level with Unit Information Returned
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.6, Level type and level number information is used and returned consistently. The
level type is returned in the LEVEL_TYPE field of the returned candidate. Level number is returned in the
LEVEL_NUMBER field. Level number prefix or suffix information, if any, is returned with LEVEL_NUMBER. Level may
also be accompanied by unit information.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Level Types The following level types and abbreviations can appear in Australian addresses. Following are some
level types and abbreviations can appear in Australian addresses according to G-NAFstandards. This is only a partial
list. See PSMA G-NAF Product Description Version 2.6. for a complete listing and description of level types.
G-NAF Level Types and Abbreviations
Level Type
Lower Ground Floor
Upper Ground Floor
Flat/Unit Types Flat/Unit information is used and returned consistently. Level may accompany unit information, or unit
may occur without level.
Following are some flat/unit types and abbreviations can appear in Australian addresses according to
G-NAFstandards. Note that some words can be used as either a level type or flat/unit type, but their abbreviations are
not necessarily the same. For example, the level type abbreviation for Lobby is LB, but the flat/unit type abbreviation
for Lobby is LBBY.
This is only a partial list. See PSMA G-NAF Product Description Version 2.6. for a complete listing and description of
flat/unit types.
Flat/Unit Types and Abbreviations
Flat/Unit Type
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Flat/Unit Types and Abbreviations (continued)
Flat/Unit Type
Marine berth
Level with unit number: Level 11, unit 115 on 22 Kavanagh Street is specified in the street input address. This input
example illustrates a standard format for entering unit number. The abbreviation for Level (L) is used in the input. See
G-NAF Level Types and Abbreviations on page 19 for a list of level types and their abbreviations that are supported
by MapMarker AUS 15.14.
L 11 115/22 Kavanagh Street
This returns an S8 close match address point candidate from the G-NAF address dictionary. The level and unit
information is returned in both the formatted address and in the AdditionalFields. These Level and Unit fields are
returned, as shown in this example.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
<Point srsName="epsg:4326">
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Correct Point Returned For Units With Unique Coordinates
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.6, G-NAF street frontage coordinates are returned exactly as found in the source
G-NAF data. Previously, MapMarker AUS always returned the same coordinates for different units associated with the
same house number. In most cases, multiple units at the same house are located at the same point, but that is not
always true. If units have unique coordinates, that information is now returned.
Candidates from G-NAF 456 Dictionary Show Correct Dictionary Indicator
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.6, the API candidates now show the correct dictionary number indicator. For
example, configuredDictionaryNumber: 3 indicates that G-NAF456 is configures as dictionary number 3, assuming a
typical configuration with G-NAF and street segment dictionaries. Previously, the returned
configuredDictionaryNumber was incorrect.
Better Support for Creating Point User Dictionary
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.5, the User Dictionary Utility can be installed with the MapMarker AUS v15.5
Developer product. This utility simplifies the steps for creating user dictionaries. This utility has been updated and
improved to better support the creation of point-based user dictionaries.
Point User Dictionaries Return Six Significant Digits After the Decimal Point
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.5, point user dictionaries return longitude and latitude precision of six significant digits
after the decimal point. Candidates returned from user dictionaries built with the MapMarker AUS User Dictionary
Utility will have this level of accuracy.
Previously, user dictionaries were limited to an accuracy of five significant digits. The five digit limitation is still effective
for existing user dictionaries, unless you rebuild them with the MapMarker AUS 15.5 User Dictionary Utility.
Note that the G-NAF dictionary and point-based user dictionaries can also return original longitude/ latitude
coordinates. The G-NAF dictionary can return original coordinates accurate to 8 digits after the decimal. Point user
dictionaries can optionally return any number of digits as original coordinates, depending on the accuracy of the source
data. For more details, see Return Original Longitude / Latitude in Point User Dictionaries.
Return Original Longitude / Latitude in Point User Dictionaries
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.5, when you create a point user dictionary using the User Dictionary Utility you can
optionally map the original longitude and original latitude column. This enables you to return the original
longitude /latitude coordinates. The server can return any number of digits as original coordinates from the point user
dictionary, depending on the accuracy of the source data.
Only the server can return point user dictionary original coordinates. The Desktop application does not support
this feature.
Original longitude/ latitude were already returned by the G-NAF dictionary. The MapMarker AUS 15.5 enhancement
extends this feature to point-based user dictionaries.
To implement this feature, the user dictionaries must be created by the User Dictionary Utility, since that utility enables
you to map the original longitude / latitude columns. See Original Longitude (X) and Original Latitude (Y) in the table
of Optional Column Mappings for Point User Dictionary.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
There are two new keys for accessing the original longitude and original latitude fields from a point-based user
dictionary candidate. The new keys in the AUS_UserCandidateAddress class are:
Original Ranged House Numbers Returned from User Dictionary
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.5, If the original address in a user dictionary includes a ranged house number, this
range is returned. In previous releases of MapMarker AUS, this was possible when geocoding with the G-NAF
dictionary but not with custom user dictionaries.
For example, consider a user dictionary that contains the following street address:
128-134 Cubitt Street
Previously, if you geocoded the address 130 Cubitt Street, that same street number was returned. Starting with
MapMarker AUS 15.5, the original dictionary address (128-134 Cubitt Street) is returned.
Postal Code Override
Starting with MapMarker AUS 15.5, the MapMarker AUS server can return a close match candidate if the input
postcode and street address match, even if the city is missing or incorrect. A preference allows the postcode to
determine a close match, regardless of the city input.
This feature is supported in the Developer product only, not in the Desktop application.
See the related bug Address with correct postcode but invalid city name fails to return candidate.
To support the postal code override preference, MapMarker AUS 15.5 provides a Java API AUS_GeocodeConstraints
method and a corresponding XML API key.
The AUS_GecocodeConstraints method is:
// returns true or false
By default, this setting is false.
Alternatively, you can set postal code override with the following AUS_GecocodeConstraints key:
AUS_GeocodeConstraints.KEY_POSTAL_CODE_OVERRIDE, "true"
Operating Requirements
This section describes the software and hardware requirements for running MapMarker AUS.
Hardware and Memory Requirements
The minimum system requirements for MapMarker AUS are:
5 GB available disk space (including 1 GB for address dictionary)
For optimal performance we recommend:
Dual core processor or better
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
10 GB available disk space
Supported Operating Systems
MapMarker runs on the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32 and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Windows 2008 Server
Microsoft Windows 7
Solaris 2.9 and 2.10
HP-UX 11
Red Hat Linux 4.0 and 5.0
SUSE Linux 9, 10 and 11
For Unix platforms, MapMarker supports 32-bit systems only.
JVM Requirements
MapMarker AUS requires a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). MapMarker AUS ships with:
MapMarker AUS ships with:
JVM 1.6
JVM 1.5 is still supported.
During the installation, you will have the option of installing the JVM that ships with MapMarker or using one that you
already have installed on your computer.
Database Support
MapMarker AUS supports the following ODBC databases and drivers.
SQL Server 2008
SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2000
Microsoft Access 2007 (Link to download: driver for Microsoft Access 2007)
Microsoft Access 2003
Microsoft Access 2000
MapMarker also supports the following Oracle drivers:
Oracle 11
Oracle 10G Release 2
You must install the Oracle driver separately. To use the driver, you must have the Oracle client installed.
Supported Web Servers
The MapMarker server allows you to develop geocoding applications on any Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
(Java EE) application server that supports JDK 1.5 or JDK 1.6.
MapMarker AUS ships with:
Apache Tomcat 6.0
Tomcat 5.5 is still supported.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Fixes to MapMarker AUS Customer Reported Issues
A number of issues were resolved in MapMarker AUS v15.5 or subsequent AUS point releases. These are
summarised here to provide cumulative coverage for all MapMarker AUS software fixes from v15.5 onwards.
Incorrect selection regarding ODBC supported formats. The Select Data Source dialog box lists Excel files as a
as a valid MapMarker AUS ODBC data source. However, MapMarker does not support the Excel (xls) format as an
ODBC data source.
Incorrect original latitude returned under certain conditions. Under certain circumstances, G-NAF candidates
return an incorrect original latitude. This has been fixed.
Also, the Introduction chapter of the User Guide incorrectly says that MapMarker AUS can geocode Microsoft Excel
workbooks via ODBC.
Perfect city match is not reflected in result code. Perfect input returns the expected perfect close match but the
result code indicates that the city was not matched. For example, the input address of 18 BURSARIA ST, O'CONNOR
ACT 2602 returns a result code of S8HPNTS–ZG. The apostrophe in the city name caused the inaccurate result code.
This has been fixed and the result code of S8HPNTSCZG now indicates the perfect match.
Addresses with parentheses cause and unexpected error. An input address with parentheses generates an
unexpected error. For example, the address Shop 8 (T1/T2) Central AV Ropes Crossing NSW 2760 generates a fatal
exception. This has been fixed.
Some specific addresses do not geocode properly. When using the street range address dictionary, the Canberra
airport address did not geocode as expected. For example, the airport address of 2 BRINDABELLA CIRCUIT,
CANBERRA, ACT 2609 did not return a close match candidate if you required a match on house number. This was a
data-related problem with the street range address dictionary. This address is now geocoded properly and returns a
close match.
Address with correct postcode but invalid city name fails to return candidate if the city/state input is invalid or
missing, it should still be possible to get a close match if the postcode and street are correct. This was not working as
expected. This behaviour is now possible with a Java API AUS_GeocodeConstraints method and an XML API key to
allow postal code override. This feature is supported in the Developer product only, not the Desktop application.
For more details on this enhancement, see Postal Code Override on page 23.
Some MapXtreme geocoding requests produce an exception in MapMarker Australia When a MapXtreme
application requested address ranges, the geocoding operation failed. This was because the order of XML elements
was not as expected. To fix this problem, XML elements now appear in the expected order and the XML schema has
been updated to reflect the corrected order. This allows MapMarker AUS to correctly geocode MapXtreme requests
with address ranges.
User Dictionary Utility is not accurately documented. The 15.0 MapMarker Australia Developer Guide does not
adequately describe the procedure for creating a user dictionary via the User Dictionary Utility. Also, the procedure for
creating a point-based user dictionary was not covered. The MapMarker Australia 15.5 Developer Guide was updated
and corrected to cover this content.
See also Creating a Point User Dictionary with the User Dictionary Utility for more information and mapping
requirements for creating a point-based user dictionary via the User Dictionary Utility.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Known Issues and Clarifications
This section covers some known issues that require further explanation.
Incorrect Information Regarding ODBC Supported Formats
The Select Data Source dialog box lists Excel files as a selection. This is incorrect. You cannot use xls as an ODBC
data source.
The Introduction chapter of the User Guide also incorrectly says that MapMarker can geocode Microsoft Excel
workbooks via ODBC. This is an error in the MapMarker AUS User Guide. MapMarker does not support the Excel (xls)
format as an ODBC data source.
Creating a Point User Dictionary with the User Dictionary Utility
The MapMarker AUS User Dictionary Utility can be installed with the MapMarker AUS Developer product. This utility
simplifies the steps for creating user dictionaries. This utility includes a User Dictionary Type dialog which allows you to
specify User Dictionary with Address Ranges or User Dictionary with Point Based Addresses.
If you choose to create a point-based user dictionary, the required and optional column mappings are different than for
a street range address dictionary.
Required Column Mappings for Point User Dictionary
Required Column
Street Name
Name of street
Four-digit postcode
State or territory
Town / Suburb
Municipality or locality
Address Number
House number. For point-based user dictionaries each record has a
single house number with no left/right range indicator as there can be for
street range user dictionaries.
Optional Column Mappings for Point User Dictionary
Optional Column
Local Government Area
See the User Guide for description of LGA.
Odd or even (O=odd, E=even, B=both). For point-based user dictionaries there is
one odd/even indicator (rather than a left and right odd/even indicator as there is for
street range user dictionaries). This is because there is only one house number per
record, not a starting and ending number.
Place Name
A place name is typically a company, organisation, business name, or building name.
Place Name is supported by User Dictionaries and also supported by the G-NAF
Address Dictionary.
Unit Number
Unit Numbers are associated with Unit Types,
Unit Type
Unit Types include Apartment, Building, Flat, Suite, and others. See the User Guide
for more information.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes
Optional Column Mappings for Point User Dictionary (continued)
Optional Column
Original Longitude (X)
Original longitude coordinates returned as a string with the same accuracy as the
source data.
Original Latitude (Y)
Original latitude coordinates returned as a string with the same accuracy as the
source data.
Installing and Removing the MapMarker Server as a Windows Service
To install or remove the server as a Windows Service, first open an Administrator Command Prompt
1. Access the Start Menu and select All Programs > Accessories. Right-click the shortcut titled "Command Prompt"
and from the menu that appears, select Run as administrator. The command prompt that opens allows
commands to be executed with administrator credentials applied.
2. From the Command Prompt, run the commands to install or remove the service.
For more detailed information, select one of the following links to the Apache Web site.
Help with installing Tomcat 5.5 as a Windows service.
Help with installing Tomcat 6.0 as a Windows service.
UNIX / Linux-Related Issues
On UNIX/Linux platforms, there are some installation and startup issues related to administrator rights.
Administrator Rights Required for Installation: For UNIX and Linux installations, you must have administrator rights
on the target machine to install MapMarker. If you attempt to install on a machine where you do not have administrator
rights, you will receive an error message.
Starting the Tomcat Server: On UNIX/Linux platforms, the Tomcat server must be started and stopped by a user with
administrator rights.
Reinstall Failure after Improper Uninstall: To properly uninstall MapMarker, you must run the Uninstaller.If you did
not run the Uninstaller, but instead deleted the MapMarker directories, you will not be able to routinely reinstall the
product. Contact Pitney Bowes Software Technical Support if you need assistance.
MapMarker Australia v15.14 Release Notes