First United Methodist Church of Dothan Sunday, October 19, 2014 Commitment Sunday Eight Fifty-Five and Eleven O’clock Dr. James B. Sanders, lll • Senior Pastor IGNITE: service Prayer • Generosity • presence • witness • service As we look back on the past four years, it is overwhelming to think about how much God has blessed us through our service at FUMC. Many times we look at service as a way to help others; in reality, the blessings we receive far outnumber those that we give. We have had the opportunity over the past few years to serve as youth counselors for the amazing young people in our congregation. This “volunteer” or “service” opportunity has given us a new family. Since we do not have children of our own yet, we have inherited quite a few teenagers we would happily claim as ours. God opened the door and allowed us to find our home at First United Methodist Church in Dothan and helped us feel like we were an integral part of the church family. God has used our act of service to draw us into a deeper relationship with him. Taylor grew up in our church and Molly joined our church four years ago, but neither of us completely understood how much outreach and good is done in the life of the church. As we’ve grown in our personal relationships with Christ and become more involved, we realized just how many people it took to fulfill God’s call to be the hands and feet of Christ. From Pumpkin Patch sitting, to weekly MYF, to sleeping on air mattresses for a week in North Carolina, to loving on the sweet people of Guatemala, we could have never imagined what God had in store for us when we accepted his call to serve. We encourage you to find where God is calling you to serve in our church. The more time we spend just “being present” the more God allows us to feel our purpose -- that we are needed and that our church depends on all its members. Molly and Taylor White Robin Dill CONGREGATIONAL RESPITE CARE This Summer I started exploring the possibility of a Respite Care Ministry at our church. As I investigated, visited, and inquired about the best respite programs, I found they all had one thing in common. It was a book called Walking with Grace by Robin Dill. She wrote THE manual on Congregational Respite/Memory Care programs and is here with us today. Robin will give us inspiration and vision as she shares stories about the people and the memory care ministry she runs called Grace Arbor. Please join Robin this morning at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall as she shows us how to share God’s love with a friend or a loved one who might no longer even remember that we are friends. This is a very important and exciting time as we explore what this could look like for our church. Robin is a very dynamic faith filled speaker you will not want to miss. If you are unable to come this morning, Robin will speak again to the community this afternoon at 2:00 in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome. Katie Holland “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 New to First Methodist? Text the word F IRST to 334-468-5499 to connect to our faith family’s news and activities. THE ORDER OF MORNING WORSHIP Eight Fifty-Five and Eleven O’clock Senior Pastor, Dr. James B. Sanders, III Ministers, All Members of First United Methodist Church THE WORDS OF MEDITATION How quiet the forest would be if only the most talented bird sang. ~ Anonymous. The Christian cause in every generation is crippled and handicapped by the dormant gifts of its adherents. ~ Morgan P. Noyes. THE RINGING OF THE CHIMES Dr. Bob Allen THE PRELUDE “My Tribute” (To God Be the Glory) Composer: Andrae Crouch, 1971 THE GREETING Dr. Jim Sanders * THE CALL TO WORSHIP It only takes a spark to get a fire going, And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. Set us on fire for you, O God! Ignite our disciplines of praying, generosity, presence, witnessing and serving. Blessed be the name of the Lord! * THE PROCESSIONAL HYMN -- 569 “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations” THE ACT OF PRAISE “I’m in the Lord’s Army” (8:55) SonShine Time Singers and Joyful Noise “God with Us” (11:00) CrossFlame Youth Choir Mrs. Shelley Keeley, Director THE PARISH JOYS AND CONCERNS The Reverend Lynn Smilie Nesbitt (8:55) The Reverend Wes Kelley (11:00) THE PRAYER CHORUS -- 593 Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the night. I will go, Lord, if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart. THE MORNING PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. * THE HYMN -- 714 “I Know Whom I Have Believed” (Stanzas 1 and 2) W In the 11:00 service, children 4th grade and younger, are invited to come to the chancel during the singing of the hymn. THE TIME WITH YOUNG DISCIPLES (11:00) THE FAITH MEETS LIFE MOMENT Mr. Rodney Holland (8:55) Mrs. Michelle DeVane (11:00) THE EPISTLE LESSON II Timothy 1:1-7 Pew Bible New Testament (Page 211) The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. THE RITUAL OF FRIENDSHIP W All are welcome. Print your name and address as you pass the Friendship Folder from the center to the side aisle. When it reaches the end of the pew, pass it back to the other side noticing the names of others. After the service, please greet them and introduce yourself. THE PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS THE OFFERTORY ANTHEM “A Jubilant Song” (8:55) Arranger: Allen Pote Chancel Choir; Mr. Michael Keeley, Director “River of Peace” (11:00) Arranger: Jay Rouse REVELATION * THE DOXOLOGY -- 95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. THE PROCLAIMED WORD Igniting Our Service Dr. Jim Sanders “Didn’t we feel on fire...” Luke 24:32a, The Message * THE CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing; Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each Thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace. O refresh us, O refresh us, Traveling through this wilderness Ever mindful of Thy Presence, We shall feel Thy comfort bless. * THE POSTLUDE “To God Be the Glory” Composer: William H. Doane, 1875 I. We are c______________ to serve. * Congregation stand as able. II. Though our service, we can become the a___________ to someone’s p___________. THE OFFERING OF OUR 2015 COMMITMENTS * THE RESPONSE Together, O God, we have committed ourselves to you and to the ministry of the Church in your world. Our hearts’ desire is to honor and serve you in all we do and all we are. Ignite us in our witnessing, our praying, our ministry of presence, our financial generosity, and in our serving. May the fires of faith that warm our hearts burn brightly to your glory and your purposes in Dothan and around this planet. Amen. Let it be so! * THE HYMN OF INVITATION -- 715 “Rejoice, the Lord Is King” W Those desiring to join our family of faith in our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world are invited to meet the pastors at the chancel rail. * THE SENDING FORTH The grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you always. Go in peace to serve God and your neighbor in all that you do. We are sent in Christ’s name. Thanks be to God! The flowers on the altar are given by Dr. William Lies to the glory of God and in memory of his wife Sally Tanner Farmer Lies. Serving on the Altar Guild for October are Joyce Dees, Elizabeth Ivey, and Patricia Sirmon. Rock Solid Celebration All children will remain in worship this morning so that they may participate in Commitment Sunday as a family. There will be a special time for families to come forward with their commitment cards. Parents, talk to your children after the service about why this day is special. This is a great opportunity for you to model the vows you took as a member of our uphold it by our witness, prayers, presence, gifts, and service. ~ Dena Ogletree Fellowship Supper On October 22, our menu includes pork tenderloin with gravy, mashed potatoes, butter beans, salad bar, roll, beverage, and peach cobbler with ice cream. The children’s menu is the same. The cost is $6 for adults and $4 for children. Serving is from 4:45 to 6:00. Sign up online (by clicking on the “Ministries” tab), on Sunday in the Friendship Folder, or by calling the church office at 793-3555. All Saints Day Banner Go by the Parlor and place a bell on the banner in remembrance of your loved one(s). The banner will remain in the Parlor until All Saints Sunday, November 2, when it will be moved to the Sanctuary for the worship services. The Pumpkin Patch The second shipment will arrive today at 12:30. Please come and help us unload the truck. The Patch is open Monday through Saturday from 10 to 6; Sundays from 1 to 6 through October 31. Have a heart for Youth Missions and Ministry? To work a shift in The Patch sign up online at, or outside Andy’s office located in the youth area. Patch sitters are needed for all shifts. Preschool Teachers: To make appointments for storytelling and face painting for your class, call Andy at 793-3555 ext. 301. Calling all Sewers and Crafty People We will be giving finger puppets to all the children who attend the children’s Christmas Eve service. This is a lofty goal for just 1 or 2 people. When several people or groups get together it’s just fun! The puppets take a small amount of sewing, gluing, and cutting. If you are interested in making a set, please email Dena Ogletree at [email protected]. Kits are available for pick-up in the Children’s Ministry office. Trunk or Treat for Church Party Kids "Church Party" is our recreation ministry for children with special needs. On October 28, we will participate in Trunk or Treat in the children's wing parking lot from 6:00 until 8:00. If you would like to be a part of this ministry in providing Halloween treats for 20 to 25 children, please contact Susan Warren (596-1205) or Nina Lisenby (714-7108). In Search Of One of our Meals on Wheels recipients is in need of a used washing machine. Please contact Mark Warren at 596-4282 if you can help. Thank you. BASKETBALL FUMC is sponsoring the following teams this year: 1. Men’s League (age 19-29) 2. Men’s League (age 30 and up) 3. Sr. High Boys (ages 16, 17, 18) 4. Sr. High Girls (ages 16, 17, 18) 5. Jr. High Boys (ages 13, 14, 15) 6. Jr. High Girls (ages, 13, 14, 15) 7. Tweenage Girls (ages 11 and 12) 8. Tweenage Boys (ages 11 and 12) 9. Youth Girls (ages 9 and 10) 10. Youth Boys (ages 9 and 10) 11. Younger Girls (ages 7 and 8) 12. Younger Boys (ages 7 and 8) 13. Mighty Mites for Boys and Girls (ages 5 and 6) Important Dates to Remember • The deadline to register is Friday, October 31. • Games begin the week of December 1. Registration Information Registration forms are available in the CLC or you can sign up on our website at For more information, contact Ryan Deaton at 712-9223 or [email protected]. llllllllll FALL FESTIVAL Emergency Weekend Pastor on Call: 796-9937 Sunday, October 26 • 4:30 ‘til 6:30 Inflatables and Games Chili and Hot Dog Supper Adults $5 • Children $3 Trunk or Treat For additional announcements, please see this week’s “Connections” newsletter at Costumes and Candy
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