UC Classics Library New Acquisitions April – June 2014 1. Etymologies / Isidore de Seville. Paris : Belles Lettres, 1981Auteurs latins du Moyen Age. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. AE2 .I8314 1981. livre 5. 2. Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer (1790-1861) : der Gelehrte und seine Aktualitat im 21. Jahrhundert : Konferenz der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Kommission fur interdisziplinare Sudosteuropaforschung der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen (Munchen, 6. Juni 2011) / herausgegeben von Claudia Martl und Peter Schreiner ; vorgelegt von Claudia Martl in der Sitzung vom 13. Juli 2012. Munchen : Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ; Munchen : In Kommission bei Beck, 2013. Abhandlungen (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse) ; n.F., Heft 139. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. AS182 .M817 n.F. Hft.139. 3. Acme; annali della Facolta di lettere e filosofia dell'Universita degli studi di Milano. Milan, Universita, Facolta di lettere e filosofia. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. AS222 .M6. v.63(2010). 4. Der tanzende Satyr aus Mazara del Vallo / Christina Wolf. Roma : Scienze e lettere, editore commerciale, 2013. Memorie (Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche) ; ser. 9, v. 30, fasc. 4. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. AS222 .R64 ser.9 v.30 fasc.4. 5. Ways of approaching knowledge in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages : schools and scholarship / edited by Paulo Farmhouse Alberto, David Paniagua. Nordhausen : Traugott Bautz, 2012. © 2012. Studia classica et mediaevalia ; 8. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. AZ321 .W39 2012. 6. Apeiron; a journal for ancient philosophy and science. Clayton, Victoria, Australia, Monash University, Dept. of Classical Studies. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. B1 .A64. v.44(2011). 7. Oxford studies in ancient philosophy. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1983LOCATION = CLASS Journals. B1 .O95. v.45(2013). 8. Theophrastus of Eresus, sources for his life, writings, thought and influence. Commentary. Leiden [Netherlands] ; Boston : Brill, 1995LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B108 .P5 v.136. 9. Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy / edited by John J. Cleary. Lanham, MD : University Press of America, c1986LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B171 .B698 1986. v.28. 10. Nature and the best life : exploring the natural bases of practical normativity in ancient philosophy / edited by Gabriela Rossi. Hildesheim : George Olms Verlag, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B185 .N38 2013. 11. La comprensione del soggetto umano nell'antichita classica / Rodolfo Mondolfo ; presentazione di Giovanni Reale ; bibliografia degli scritti di Mondolfo di Claudia Bianco. Milano : Bompiani, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B187.M25 M66 2012. 12. Massime / Democrito ; a cura di Guglielmo Ruiu. Milano : La vita felice, 2011 (2012 printing). Saturnalia ; 25. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B296.E742 I8 2011. 13. La fiducia secondo gli antichi : "pistis" in Gorgia tra Parmenide e Platone / Milena Bontempi. Napoli : Editoriale scientifica, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B305.G34 B66 2013. 14. L'evenement Socrate / Paulin Ismard. Paris : Flammarion, c2013. Au fil de l'histoire (Flammarion (Firm)). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B316 .I78 2013. 15. Tutti gli scritti socratici / Senofonte ; saggio introduttivo di Giovanni Reale ; introduzione ai testi, traduzione, note e apparati di Livia De Martinis. Milano : Bompiani, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B316.X2 T88 2013. 16. Plato's Cratylus : the comedy of language / S. Montgomery Ewegen. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [2014]. Studies in Continental thought. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B367 .E94 2014. 17. Glosae super Platonem. Texte critique, avec introd., notes et tables par Edouard Jeauneau. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1965. Textes philosophiques du Moyen Age ; 13. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B387 .G8. 18. Il Timeo : esegesi greche, arabe, latine : relazioni introduttive ai seminari della V "Settimana di formazione" del Centro interuniversitario "Incontri di culture, la trasmissione dei testi filosofici e scientifici dalla tarda antichita al Medioevo islamico e cristiano," Pisa, Santa Croce in Fossabanda, 26-30 aprile 2010 / a cura di Francesco Celia, Angela Ulacco ; prefazione di Gianfranco Fioravanti. Pisa : PLUS-Pisa University Press, c2012. Greco, arabo, latino. Studi ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B387 .T57 2012. 19. Il disordine ordinato : la filosofia dialettica di Platone / Maurizio Migliori. Brescia : Morcelliana, giugno 2013. Filosofia. Testi e studi ; 43-44. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B395 .M56 2013. v.1. 20. Il disordine ordinato : la filosofia dialettica di Platone / Maurizio Migliori. Brescia : Morcelliana, giugno 2013. Filosofia. Testi e studi ; 43-44. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B395 .M56 2013. v.2. 21. Plato revived : essays on ancient Platonism in honour of Dominic J. O'Meara / edited by Filip Karfik and Euree Song. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B395 .P5195 2013. 22. Platon y el orfismo : dialogos entre religion y filosofia / Alberto Bernabe. Madrid : Abada Editores, [2011]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B398.R4 B47 2011. 23. Aristotle's Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin traditions / edited by Sten Ebbesen, John Marenbon, Paul Thom. [Copenhagen] : Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2013. Scientia Danica. Series H, Humanistica 8 ; v. 5. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B438 .A975 2013. 24. Peri hermeneias / Aristoteles ; eisagoge, keimeno, metaphrase, hermeneutikes semeioseis Alexandros Kesisoglou, Georgios Papatsimpas. Athena : Smile, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g B439 .K47 2012. 25. Aristotele interprete di Platone : anima e cosmo / Lucia Palpacelli. Brescia : Morcelliana, ottobre 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B485 .P23 2013. 26. Aristotle / Christopher Shields. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B485 .S44 2014. 27. Physique et metaphysique chez Aristote / etudes reunies et editees par Maddalena Bonelli. Paris : Vrin, 2012. Bibliotheque d'histoire de la philosophie. Nouvelle serie. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B491.M4 P49 2012. 28. Encheiridion and spurious works / Domninus of Larissa ; introduction, critical text, English translation, and commentary by Peter Riedlberger. Pisa : Fabrizio Serra editore, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B517 .D6513 2013. 29. Being different : more Neoplatonism after Derrida / by Stephen Gersh. Boston : Brill, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B517 .G485 2013. 30. Il problema del lekton nello stoicismo antico : origine e statuto di una nozione controversa / Michele Alessandrelli. Firenze : Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B528 .A33 2013. 31. The role ethics of Epictetus : stoicism in ordinary life / Brian Earl Johnson. 1311. Lanham : Lexington Books, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B563 .J64 2013. 32. Galen : psychological writings / edited by P.N. Singer ; translated with introductions and notes by Vivian Nutton, Daniel Davies and P.N. Singer ; with the collaboration of Piero Tassinari. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B577.G24 G25 2013. 33. Meditations. Books 1-6 / Marcus Aurelius ; translated with an introduction and commentary by Christopher Gill. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B581 .G55 2013. 34. Gnosticism, Platonism and the late ancient world : essays in honour of John D. Turner / edited by Kevin Corrigan, Tuomas Rasimus ; in collaboration with Dylan M. Burns, Lance Jenott, Zeke Mazur. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B638 .G595 2013. 35. The Studia Philonica annual. Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press, c1989Brown Judaic studies. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. B689.Z7 A16. v.25(2013). 36. Ancilla theologiae : to philosophein kai theologein kata to Mesaiona kai to Vyzantio / Konstantinos G. Athanasopoulos. Athena : Ekdoseis Parousia, 2004. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g B721 .A888 2004. 37. The many faces of Byzantine philosophy / Borje Byden & Katerina Ierodiakonou. Athens : The Norwegian Institute at Athens, 2012. Papers and monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. Series 4 ; v. 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g B722.B97 M36 2012. 38. Aristotelische Logiken : dargestellt als algebraische Kalkule / Wilfried Neumaier. Hildesheim : Georg Olms Verlag, 2013. Philosophische Texte und Studien ; Bd. 113. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BC135 .N495 2013. 39. Le lierre et la statue : la nature et son espace litteraire dans l'epigramme greco-latine tardive / textes reunis et presentes par Florence Garambois-Vasquez et Daniel Vallat. Saint-Etienne : Publications de l'Universite de Saint-Etienne, 2013. Memoires (Centre Jean Palerne) ; 37. Collection Antiquite. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BD581 .L54 2013. 40. Chronos : ho krymmenos archontas tes historias : mia diachronike, philosophike prosengise tes ennoias tou chronou apo ten epoche tou Homerou mechri te Vyzantine periodo / Konstantinos D. Mantzanares. Athena : Psephida, 2006. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BD638 .M367 2006. 41. Oneira, horamata kai prophetikes diegeseis sta historika erga tes hysteres vyzantines epoches / Elias Taxides. Athena : Ekdoseis Kanake, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BF1777 .T39 2012. 42. The poetics of phantasia : imagination in ancient aesthetics / Anne Sheppard. London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BH108 .S54 2014. 43. Untangling heroism : classical philosophy and the concept of the hero / Ari Kohen. New York : Routledge, 2014. Routledge innovations in political theory. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BJ1533.H47 K65 2014. 44. Comparer en histoire des religions antiques : controverses et propositions / edite par Claude Calame et Bruce Lincoln. Liege (Belgique) : Presses universitaires de Liege, 2012. Collection Religions (Liege, Belgium) ; 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL48 .C657 2012. 45. Les representations des dieux des autres / sous la direction de Corinne Bonnet, Amandine Declercq, Iwo Slobodzianek. Caltanissetta : Sciascia, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL51 .R375 2012. 46. The gods of Olympus : a history / Barbara Graziosi. 1403. New York : Metropolitan Books, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL783 .G675 2014. 47. Cults, creeds and identities in the Greek city after the classical age / edited by Richard Alston, Onno M. van Nijf & Christina G. Williamson. Leuven : Peeters, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL785 .C85 2013. 48. Religiose Vielfalt und soziale Integration : die Bedeutung der Religion fur die kulturelle Identitat und politische Stabilitat im republikanischen Italien / herausgegeben von Martin Jehne, Bernhard Linke und Jorg Rupke. Heidelberg : VA, Verlag Antike, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL803 .R455 2013. 49. Religious networks in the Roman empire : the spread of new ideas / Anna Collar. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL805 .C65 2013. 50. Religion and identity in Europe : the makings of religious enemies in antiquity and today / Susanne William Rasmussen. Odense : University Press of Southern Denmark, [2013]. ©2013. University of Southern Denmark classical studies ; v. 24. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL805 .R385 2013. 51. Il sacrificio a Roma : riti, gesti, interpretazioni / Valentina Rotondi. Roma : Aracne editrice, maggio 2013. Scienze dell'antichita, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche ; 930. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL808 .R68 2013. 52. Arcana verba : Fortuna e Iuppiter nel loro background indoeuropeo / Marcello De Martino. Roma : Quasar, 2013LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL820.F7 D42 2013. v.1. 53. Notizen zum "Trojanischen Pferd" aus der Sicht eines Naturwissenschaftlers -- zu Ehren Homers und des "hippos" / H.-J. Gregor. Munchen : Verlag Documenta Naturae, 2008. Documenta historiae ; Bd. 6. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. BL820.T75 G74 2008. 54. Ho Dionysos sten Andro, e, Hoi metamorphoseis henos mythou / Demetres I. Kyrtatas. Athena : Ekdoseis Agra, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BL980.G8 K97 2012. 55. Einfuhrung in die agyptische Religion ptolemaischromischer Zeit nach den demotischen religiosen Texten / Martin Andreas Stadler. Berlin : Lit, [2012]. ©2012. Einfuhrungen und Quellentexte zur Agyptologie ; Bd. 7. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL2455 .S834 2012. 56. Art, history, and the historiography of Judaism in Roman antiquity / by Steven Fine. Leiden : Brill, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BM150 .F56 2014. 57. Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio iberica. Turnhout : Brepols, 1998Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca ; 36, 42, 45, 52, 58, 78. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .C43 v.78. 58. Titi Bostrensis Contra Manichaeos libri IV, Graece et Syriace / textum Graecum librorum I-III, 30o edidit Agathe Roman, adiuvante Thomas S. Schmidt ; textum Syriacum ediderunt Paul-Hubert Poirier et Eric Cregheur. Excerpta e Sacris parallelis Iohanni Damasceno attributis / edidit Jose Declerck. Turnhout : Brepols, 2013. Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca ; 82. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .C43 v.82. 59. Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera. Versio Arabica antiqua / edita a Jacques Grand'henry ; cum prooemio a Justin Mossay. Turnhout : Brepols, 1996Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca ; 34, 43, 57, 85. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .C43 v.85. 60. Liber prefigurationum Christi et Ecclesie. : Liber de gratia Novi Testamenti / cura et studio Greti Dinkova-Bruun. Turnhout : Brepols, 2007-2014. Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis ; 195. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .C455 v.195:Suppl. 61. Flori Lugdunensis Opera polemica / edidit Klaus Zechiel-Eckes ; ad impressionem praeparavit Erwin Frauenknecht. Turnhout : Brepols Publishers, 2014. Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis ; 260. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .C455 v.260. 62. Anselmi Laudunensis Glosae super Iohannem / cura et studio Alexander Andree. Turnhout : Brepols, 2014. Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis ; 267. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .C455 v.267. 63. Epiphanius I : Ancoratus und Panarion haer. 1-33 / Herausgegeben von Karl Holl ; Zweite, erweiterte Auflage herausgeben von Marc Bergermann und ChristianFriedrich Collatz ; mit einem Geleitwort von Christoph Markschies. 1402. Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013. Die griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der Ersten Jahrhunderte ; Neue Folge Band 10. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .G7 n.F. Bd.10. t.1. 64. Epiphanius I : Ancoratus und Panarion haer. 1-33 / Herausgegeben von Karl Holl ; Zweite, erweiterte Auflage herausgeben von Marc Bergermann und ChristianFriedrich Collatz ; mit einem Geleitwort von Christoph Markschies. 1402. Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013. Die griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der Ersten Jahrhunderte ; Neue Folge Band 10. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .G7 n.F. Bd.10. t.2. 65. Le lectionnaire albanien des manuscrits georgiens palimpsestes N Sin 13 et N Sin 55 (Xe-XIe s.) : essai d'interpretation liturgique / par Charles Renoux. Turnhout : Brepols, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BR60 .P3 t.52 fasc.4. 66. Mystagogy : a monastic reading of Dionysius Areopagita : 1 Cor 3:16, John 14:2123 / Alexander Golitzin ; with the collaboration of Bogdan G. Bucur ; edited by Bogdan G. Bucur. Collegeville, Minnesota : Cistercian Publications, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR65.D66 G65 2013. 67. Ancoratus / St. Epiphanius of Cyprus ; translated by Young Richard Kim, Calvin College. Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, [2014]. Fathers of the church ; v. 128. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR65.E653 A5313 2014. 68. Eusebius / Aaron P. Johnson. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR65.E76 J646 2014. 69. To see into the life of things : the contemplation of nature in Maximus the Confessor and his predecessors / Joshua Lollar. Turnhout : Brepols, 2013. Monotheismes et philosophie. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR65.M413 A435 2013. 70. Histoire ecclesiastique / Philostorge ; texte critique, J. Bidez (CGS) ; traduction, Edouard des Places ; introduction, revision de la traduction, notes et index, Bruno Bleckmann, Doris Meyer, Jean-Marc Prieur. Paris : Les Editions du Cerf, 2013. Sources chretiennes ; no 564. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR65.P473 E2314 2013. 71. Edition und Erforschung lateinischer patristischer Texte : 150 Jahre CSEL : Festschrift fur Kurt Smolak zum 70. Geburtstag / herausgegeben von Victoria Zimmerl-Panagl, Lukas J. Dorfbauer und Clemens Weidmann. Berlin : De Gruyter, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR67 .E358 2014. 72. Forgery and counterforgery : the use of literary deceit in early Christian polemics / Bart D. Ehrman. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR67 .E37 2013. 73. The Early Byzantine Christian Church : An Archaeological Re-assessment of FortySeven Early Byzantine Basilical Church Excavations Primarily in Israel and Jordan, and their Historical and Liturgical Context / Bernard Mulholland. Oxford ; New York : Peter Lang, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BR133.B91 M85 2014. 74. Convegno internazionale "Storiografia e agiografia nella tarda antichita : alla ricerca delle radici cristiane dell'Europa" (Roma, 21-22 Gennaio 2005) / a cura di Biagio Amata, Gabriele Marasco. Roma : LAS, 2005. Salesianum ; annus 67, no. 4 (October-December 2005). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR138 .C66 2005. 75. Between personal and institutional religion : self, doctrine, and practice in late antique Eastern Christianity / edited by Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, Lorenzo Perrone. 201312. Turnhout, Gelgium : Brepols, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BR195.C5 B48 2013. 76. Eine unbekannte Konzilssynopse aus dem Ende des 9. Jahrhunderts / ediert, ubersetzt und kommentiert von Lars M. Hoffmann und Wolfram Brandes. Frankfurt am Main : Lowenklau-Gesellschaft e.V., 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BR200 .U534 2013. 77. Emperors and bishops in late Roman invective / Richard Flower. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR205 .F56 2013. 78. Crisis management in late antiquity (410-590 CE) : a survey of the evidence from episcopal letters / by Pauline Allen, Bronwen Neil. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR219 .A45 2013. 79. Vescovi, Sicilia, Mediterraneo nella tarda antichita : atti del I Convegno di studi (Palermo, 29-30 ottobre 2010) organizzato dalla Pontificia facolta teologica di Sicilia "S. Giovanni Evangelista" e dall'Istituto siciliano di studi patristici e tardoantichi "J.H. Newman" / a cura di Vincenzo Messana e Vincenzo Lombino ; con la collaborazione di Salvatore Costanza. Caltanissetta : Salvatore Sciascia editore, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR877.S5 C68 2010. 80. Christliches Agypten in der spatantiken Zeit : Akten der 2. Tubinger Tagung zum Christlichen Orient (7.-8. Dezember 2007) / herausgegeben von Dmitrij Bumazhnov. Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2013]. ©2013. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum ; 79. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR1380 .T83 2013. 81. Martyrdom and persecution in Late Antique Christianity : Festschrift Boudewijn Dehandschutter / edited by J. Leemans. Leuven : Uitgeverij Peeters, 2010, ©2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR1601.3 .M378 2010. 82. Saint Antoine le Grand dans l'Orient chretien : dossier litteraire, hagiographique, liturgique, iconographique en langue francaise / Eliane Poirot. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, [2014]. ©2014. Patrologia ; Bd. 30. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BR1720.A6 P65 2014. v.1. 83. Saint Antoine le Grand dans l'Orient chretien : dossier litteraire, hagiographique, liturgique, iconographique en langue francaise / Eliane Poirot. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, [2014]. ©2014. Patrologia ; Bd. 30. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BR1720.A6 P65 2014. v.2. 84. Homelies sur la Resurrection, l'Ascension et la Pentecote. Tome premier / Jean Chrysostome ; introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index par Nathalie Rambault. Paris : Les Editions du Cerf, 2013. Sources chretiennes ; no 561. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR1720.C5 A6 2013. 85. Vetus Latina : die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel / nach Petrus Sabatier ; neu gesammelt und hrsg. von Erzabtei Beuron. Freiburg : Herder, 1949LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. BS73 1951. Bd.17:Fasc.1. 86. Vetus Latina : die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel / nach Petrus Sabatier ; neu gesammelt und hrsg. von Erzabtei Beuron. Freiburg : Herder, 1949LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. BS73 1951. Bd.17:Fasc.3. 87. Das koptisch-sahidische Johannesevangelium sa 506 aus dem Jeremias-Kloster von Sakkara : mit Textvarianten der Handschriften in Barcelona, Cairo, Dublin, Naqlun, New York / herausgegeben von Karlheinz Schussler. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013. Arbeiten zur Biblia Coptica ; Bd. 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BS2614.C6 K678 2013. 88. Ascetic pneumatology from John Cassian to Gregory the Great / Thomas L. Humphries, Jr. Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BT121.3 .H86 2013. 89. He eschatologia tou Hagiou Gregoriou Nysses : philosophikes kai theologikes peges, deutera parousia, paradeisos, kolase, apokatastase / Anastasios G. Maras. Athena : Herodotos, 2002. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BT820 .M372 2002. 90. Reallexikon fur antike und christentum; sachworterbuch zur auseinandersetzung des christentums mit der antiken welt. In verbindung mit Franz Joseph Dolger und Hans Lietzmann und unter besonderer mitwirkung von Jan Hendrik Waszink und Leopold Wenger hrsg. von Theodor Klauser. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1950LOCATION = CLASS Reference. BT1101 .R4. Lfg.202. 91. Reallexikon fur antike und christentum; sachworterbuch zur auseinandersetzung des christentums mit der antiken welt. In verbindung mit Franz Joseph Dolger und Hans Lietzmann und unter besonderer mitwirkung von Jan Hendrik Waszink und Leopold Wenger hrsg. von Theodor Klauser. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1950LOCATION = CLASS Reference. BT1101 .R4. Lfg.203-204. 92. Reallexikon fur antike und christentum; sachworterbuch zur auseinandersetzung des christentums mit der antiken welt. In verbindung mit Franz Joseph Dolger und Hans Lietzmann und unter besonderer mitwirkung von Jan Hendrik Waszink und Leopold Wenger hrsg. von Theodor Klauser. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1950LOCATION = CLASS Reference. BT1101 .R4. Lfg.205. 93. Recherches sur la tradition manuscrite du Contra Eusebium de Nicephore de Constantinople / Alexis Chryssostalis. Paris : CNRS editions, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BX395.N415 C47 2012. 94. Routes of faith in the medieval Mediterranean : history, monuments, people, pilgrimage perspectives : international symposium, Thessalonike 7-10/11/2007 : proceedings / edited by Evangelia Hadjitryphonos. Thessalonike : European Centre of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments, 2008. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BX2320.5.M43 R68 2008. 95. Viator. [Turnhout, Belgium, etc.] : Brepols [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CB3 .V53. v.45:no.1(2014). 96. East and West in the medieval eastern Mediterranean / edited by K. Ciggaar and M. Metcalf. Leuven ; Dudley, Mass. : Uitgeverij Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, 2006-<2013> Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta ; 147-<199> LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CB251 .E19 2006. v.2. 97. Cahiers des etudes anciennes. Montreal : Presses de l'Universite du Quebec, 1972-2012. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CB311 .C24. v.44-46(2007-09). 98. Cahiers des etudes anciennes. Montreal : Presses de l'Universite du Quebec, 1972-2012. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CB311 .C24. v.47-49(2010-12). 99. Acta praehistorica et archaeologica. Berlin, Bruno Hessling Verlag. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC1 .A25. v.45(2013). 100. Antiquity. [Gloucester, Eng.] Antiquity Publications [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC1 .A7. v.86(2012). 101. Arkheologiaiaa. Sofia : Bulgarska akademiaiaa na naukite, 1959LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC13.R9 A7. God.51-52(2010-11). 102. Archaeometry. [Oxford] : Oxford University, Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC23 .A7. v.54(2012). 103. Akten des 14. Osterreichischen Archaologentages am Institut fur Archaologie der Universitat Graz vom 19. bis 21. April 2012 / herausgegeben von Elisabeth Trinkl. Wien : Phoibos, 2014. ©2014. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Klassische Archaologie der Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz ; Bd. 11. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. CC51 .O784 2012. 104. Industria apium : l'archeologie : une demarche singuliere, des pratiques multiples : hommages a Raymond Brulet / sous la direction de Marco Cavalieri en collaboration avec Eric De Waele et Laure Meulemans. Louvain-La-Neuve : UCL, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2012. ©2012. Fervet opus ; no 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC67 .I538 2012. 105. Excavation / Steve Roskams. Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2001. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC76 .R67 2001. 106. Oriente e Occidente : metodi e discipline a confronto, riflessioni sulla cronologia dell'eta del ferro in Italia : atti dell'Incontro di studi, Roma, 30-31 ottobre 2003 / a cura di Gilda Bartoloni e Filippo Delpino. Pisa : Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2005. Mediterranea (Pisa, Italy) ; 1. Mediterranea : quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di studi sulle civilta italiche e del Mediterraneo antico del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Pisa ; Roma : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2005LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC78 .M43. v.1(2004). 107. Mediterranea : quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di studi sulle civilta italiche e del Mediterraneo antico del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Pisa ; Roma : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2005LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC78 .M43. v.2(2005). 108. Mediterranea : quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di studi sulle civilta italiche e del Mediterraneo antico del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Pisa ; Roma : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2005LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC78 .M43. v.3(2006). 109. Mediterranea : quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di studi sulle civilta italiche e del Mediterraneo antico del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Pisa ; Roma : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2005LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC78 .M43. v.4(2007). 110. Mediterranea : quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di studi sulle civilta italiche e del Mediterraneo antico del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Pisa ; Roma : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2005LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC78 .M43. v.5(2008). 111. Mediterranea : quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di studi sulle civilta italiche e del Mediterraneo antico del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Pisa ; Roma : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2005LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC78 .M43. v.6(2009). 112. Mediterranea : quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di studi sulle civilta italiche e del Mediterraneo antico del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Pisa ; Roma : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2005LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC78 .M43. v.8(2011). 113. Geophysical data in archaeology : a guide to good practice / by Armin Schmidt. Oxford : Oxbow Books, 2013. Archaeology Data Service and Digital Antiquity guides to good practice. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC79.G46 S36 2013. 114. Archeologia e calcolatori. Firenze : All'Insegna del Giglio, ©1990LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CC80.4 .A73. v.19-20(2008-09). 115. Archeofoss : open source, free software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologica : atti del VI Workshop, Napoli, 9-10 giugno 2011 / a cura di Francesca Cantone. Pozzuoli : Naus, 2012. Quaderni del Centro studi Magna Grecia ; 13. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. CC80.4 .A73 2011. 116. Knochen, Scherben und Skulpturen : 100 Jahre Archaologie an der Universitat Basel : Begleitpublikation zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Foyer des Rosshofs, Basel, 22.10.-19.12.2012 / Anna Laschinger und Annemarie Kaufmann-Heinimann (Hg.). Basel : Departement Altertumswissenschaften, Universitat Basel, 2012. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC97.S9 K56 2012. 117. Procheiron archaiologikon 1828-2012 / Vasileiou Ch. Petrakou. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CC101.G8 P487 2013. v.1. 118. Procheiron archaiologikon 1828-2012 / Vasileiou Ch. Petrakou. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CC101.G8 P487 2013. v.2. 119. All the king's horses : essays on the impact of looting and the illicit antiquities trade on our knowledge of the past / edited by Paula Kay Lazrus and Alex W. Barker. Washington, D.C. : SAA Press, Society for American Archaeology, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC135 .A458 2012. 120. Destruction : archaeological, philological and historical perspectives / Jan Driessen. Louvain-La-Neuve : Presses Universitaires de Louvain, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC175 .D47 2013. 121. Catalogue du fonds ottoman des Archives du Monastere de Saint-Jean a Patmos : les vingt-deux premiers dossiers / Nicolas Vatin, Gilles Veinstein et Elizabeth Zachariadou. Athenes, Fondation nationale de la recherche scientifique, Institut de recherches byzantines, 2011. Peges (Institouto Vyzantinon Ereunon) ; 15. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CD1399.P38 V38 2011. 122. American journal of numismatics. New York : American Numismatic Society, 1989LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CJ1 .A63. 2nd ser.:v.25(2013). 123. The Numismatic chronicle. London, Royal Numismatic Society. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CJ1 .N7. v.173(2013). 124. Auktion. Lorrach : Munzen & Medaillen Deutschland, [1997]LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ47 .A93. no.40(2014:June 4). 125. Auktion. Munchen : Gorny & Mosch. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ47 .G67. 218(2013:Dec.). 126. Auktion. Munchen : Gorny & Mosch. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ47 .G67. 220(2014:Mar.). 127. Auktion. Munchen : Gorny & Mosch. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ47 .G67. 222(2014:Jun). 128. Auktion. Munchen : Gorny & Mosch. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ47 .G67. 223(2014:Jun). 129. [Auction sales catalogs]. Luzern : Adolph Hess AG. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. CJ49 .A3. no.326(2014:May 28). 130. Auktion / Numismatik Lanz Munchen. Munchen : die Gesellschaft. Numismatik Lanz Munchen, Luitpoldblock-Maximiliansplatz 10, D-8000 Munich 2, West Germany. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ49 .N86. no.158(June 5, 2014). 131. Argentum signatum : le origini della moneta d'argento a Roma / Filippo Coarelli. Roma : Istituto italiano di numismatica, 2013. Studi e materiali (Istituto italiano di numismatica) ; 15. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ115 .C63 2013. 132. Nub Nefer - gutes Gold : Gedenkschrift fur Manfred Gutgesell / herausgegeben von Robert Lehmann, Bernd Hamborg, Anne Viola Siebert,SImione Vogt und Christian E. Loeben. Rahden/Westf. : VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2014. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ208 .N83 2014. 133. Dated coins of antiquity / by Edward E. Cohen. Lancaster, Pa. ; London : Classical numismatic group, c2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ245 .C65 2011. 134. Kos I / Vasilike E. Stephanke ; epistemonike epimeleia Angelike Giannikoure. Athena : Hypourgeio Paideias kai Threskeumaton, Politismou kai Athletismou, Archaiologiko Institouto Aigiakon Spoudon, Tameio Archaiologikon Poron kai Apallotrioseon, 2012. Nomismata - Nomismatike Aigaiou. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CJ439 .S83 2012. 135. Polyrrenia : he nomismatike paragoge apo ton 4. aiona p.Ch. mechri ton 1. aiona m.Ch. / Manoles I. Stephanakes. Rethymno : Mesogeiake Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2013. Eulimene seira ; 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CJ475.P65 S74 2013. 136. Mites, ofrenes funeraries i monedes : XV Curs d'Historia Monetaria d'Hispania / coordinacio cientifica del Curs, Marta Campo. Barcelona : Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. CJ809 .C87 2011. 137. Judaea and Rome in Coins 65 BCE - 135 CE : papers presented at the International Conference hosted by Spink, 13th - 14th September 2010 / edited by David M. Jacobson and Nikos Kokkinos. London Spink, 2012. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ975 .J84 2010. 138. Holokotinon : meletes Vyzantines nomismatikes kai sigillographias ste mneme tou Petrou Protonotariou = Studies in Byzantine numismatics and sigillography in memory of Petros Protonotarios / epimeleia: Helene G. Papaeuthymiou, Ioannes P. Touratsoglou. Athena : Hellenike Nomismatike Hetaireia, 2013. Vivliotheke tes Hellenikes Nomismatikes Hetaireias ; 10. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CJ1209 .H65 2013. 139. The British Museum and the future of UK numismatics : proceedings of a conference held to mark the 150th anniversary of the British Museum's Department of Coins and Medals, 2011 / edited by Barrie Cook. London : British Museum, 2011. Research publication (British Museum) ; no. 183. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. CJ2474.2.L66 B75 2011. 140. Studii si cercetari de numismatica / Academia Republicii Populare Romine. [Bucuresti] : Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romine, 1957LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CJ3330 .A3. n.s.:v.3(2012). 141. N' akougetai apo makria mia physarmonika... : 32 poiemata gia te Thessalonike (1966-2013) / Toles Nikephorou. Athena : Mandragoras, 2013. Synchrone Hellenike poiese (Mandragoras (Firm)). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CLASSICS GIFT 20131121. 142. Inscriptiones graecae : imagines epigraphicorum = Epigraphikerbildnisse / [text und redaktion: Klaus Hallof ; herausgegeben von der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften]. Berlin : Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CN61 .H35 2012. 143. Inscriptions and their uses in Greek and Latin literature / edited by Peter Liddel and Polly Low. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. ©2013. Oxford studies in ancient documents. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CN340 .I57 2013. 144. Epigraphes Polyrrenias / A. Martinez Fernandez. Athena : Ekdose tou Tameiou Archaiologikon Poron kai Apallotrioseon, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CN380.C53 M37 2012. 145. Literatura epigrafica : estudios dedicados a Gabriel Sanders / Xavier Gomez Font, Concepcion Fernandez Martinez, Joan Gomez Pallares, editores. Zaragoza : Libros Portico, [2009]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CN528.V4 L58 2009. 146. Inscriptions latines de Narbonnaise (I.L.N.). Paris : Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1985Supplement a "Gallia" ; 44. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CN573.F74 G37 1985. v.8. 147. Prosopographia Ponti Euxini externa / by Alexandru Avram. Leuven : Peeters, 2013. Colloquia Antiqua (Series) ; 8. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CS2349 .A973 2013. 148. Experience and teleology in ancient historiography : 'futures past' from Herodotus to Augustine / Jonas Grethlein, Heidelberg University. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D56 .G74 2013. 149. Thinking, recording, and writing history in the ancient world / edited by Kurt A. Raaflaub. 1312. Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014. Ancient world--comparative histories. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D56 .T47 2014. 150. The histories / Herodotus ; translated by Tom Holland ; introduction and notes by Paul Cartledge. New York : Viking, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D58 .H4713 2014b. 151. Historien : Griechisch/Deutsch / Herodot ; ubersetzt von Christine LeyHutton ; herausgegeben von Kai Brodersen. Stuttgart : Reclam, 2002Universal-Bibliothek (Stuttgart, Germany) ; Nr. 18221-2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D58 .H4715 2002. 5.Buch. 152. Slavoi ste mesaionike Hellada / Phaidon Malinkoudes. Thessalonike : Ekdoseis Kyriakide, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g D542.4.S62 M37 2013. 153. 'See how the Gods favour sacrilege' : English views and politics on Candia under siege (1645-1669) / Basil C. Gounaris. Athens, Greece : Department of Neohellenic Research, Institute of Historical Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2012. Department of Neohellenic Research ; 131. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DA45 .G68 2012. 154. Chedworth : life in a Roman villa / Simon Esmonde Cleary ; foreword by Tony Robinson. Stroud, Gloucestershire : The History Press : in association with National Trust, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DA147.C293 E86 2013. 155. Colchester : fortress of the war god : an archaeological assessment / by Adrian Gascoyne and David Radford ; with contributions from Philip Crummy, Nina Crummy, Rosalind Niblett, Dave Stenning, Steve Benfield, Peter Murphy and Andrew Phillips ; edited by Philip J. Wise. Oxford : Oxbow Books, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DA690.C7 G37 2013. 156. Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DB920 .A25. v.50(2010). 157. L'altre Olimp : Els Pirineus a l'antiguitat : societat, economia i religio : guia de l'exposicio : Museu Nacional de Arqueologic de Tarragona, del 29 de gener al 16 de maig de 2010 / [textos i documentacio, Claudine Jacquet ... et al.]. [Tarragona] : Museu Nacional Arqueologic de Tarragona, [2010]. Cultura (Catalonia (Spain). Departament de Cultura). Museus. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DC611.P984 A48 2010. 158. Aux origines d'Antibes : antiquite et Haut Moyen Age. Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) : SilvanaEditorial ; Antibes : Musee d'archeologie, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DC801.A62 A99 2013. 159. Studien zu Hofheim / unter der Leitung von Hans Ulrich Nuber und Gabriele Seitz. Rahden/Westf : M. Leidorf, 2011-<2013> LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DD901.H758 S33 2011. v.2. 160. Die romischen Beinartefakte aus dem Gebiet der Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten) / Patrick Jung ; unter Mitwirkung von Hubert Berke und Astrid Dingeldey ; mit einem Beitrag von Ina Vanden Berghe und Marina Van Bos. Darmstadt : Verlag Philipp Von Zabern, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DD901.X3 J86 2013. 161. Die Capitolsinsula der Colonia Ulpia Traiana : siedlungsgeschichtliche Entwicklung / Gundolf Precht. Darmstadt : Verlag Philipp von Zabern, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DD901.X3 P74 2013. v.1. 162. Die Capitolsinsula der Colonia Ulpia Traiana : siedlungsgeschichtliche Entwicklung / Gundolf Precht. Darmstadt : Verlag Philipp von Zabern, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DD901.X3 P74 2013. v.2. 163. Medelhavsmuseet : focus on the Mediterranean. Stockholm, Sweden : Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities (Medelhavsmuseet), 2004-2011. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DE1 .M415. v.4-6(2009-11). 164. Archeologia classica. Roma. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DE1 .A73. v.62(2011). 165. La necropoli occidentale di Castiglione di Ragusa (Sicilia) : scavi 1969-1971 / Laurence Mercuri. Roma : Giorgio Bretschneider editore, 2012. Monumenti antichi ; 69. Monumenti antichi. Serie miscellanea ; v. XV. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DE2 .R625 v.15. 166. Atti della Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. Rendiconti / Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. [Roma?] : Tip. poliglotta vaticana, 1923LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DE2 .R73. Ser.3:v.78(2005-06). 167. Atti della Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. Rendiconti / Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. [Roma?] : Tip. poliglotta vaticana, 1923LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DE2 .R73. Ser.3:v.79(2006-07). 168. Atti della Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. Rendiconti / Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. [Roma?] : Tip. poliglotta vaticana, 1923LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DE2 .R73. Ser.3:v.80(2007-08). 169. Atti della Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. Rendiconti / Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. [Roma?] : Tip. poliglotta vaticana, 1923LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DE2 .R73. Ser.3:v.81(2008-09). 170. Regionalism and globalism in antiquity : exploring their limits / edited by Franco De Angelis. Leuven : Peeters, 2013. Colloquia Antiqua (Series) ; 7. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE2.5 .R445 2013. 171. Calamus : Festschrift fur Herbert Grassl zum 65. Geburtstag / herausgegeben von Rupert Breitwieser, Monika Frass und Georg Nightingale. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE3 .C253 2013. 172. J.R.B. Stewart, an archaeological legacy / edited by A. Bernard Knapp, Jennifer M. Webb and Andrew McCarthy. Uppsala : Astroms forlag, 2013. Studies in Mediterranean archaeology ; v. 139. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DE3 .S83 v.139. 173. Essays in ancient and modern historiography / Arnaldo Momigliano ; with a new foreword by Anthony Grafton. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE8 .M65 2012. 174. Ancient Cyprus : cultures in dialogue : exhibition catalogue / exhibition organized by the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, on the occasion of Cyprus' presidency of the Council of the European Union, 2012 ; Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, October 31, 2012 - February 17, 2013 ; editors, Despina Pilides, Nikolas Papadimitriou. Nicosia, Cyprus : Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DE46.5.B78 A63 2012. 175. Labrys : studies presented to Pontus Hellstrom / edited by Lars Karlsson, Susanne Carlsson and Jesper Blid Kullberg. Uppsala : Uppsala Universitet, 2014. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Boreas ; 35. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE59 .L33 2014. 176. Antiquity : Greeks and Romans in context / Frederick G. Naerebout and Henk W. Singor. Chichester, West Sussex, UK ; Malden, MA : Wiley Blackwell, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE59 .N3413 2014. 177. Ricerche a confronto : dialoghi di antichita classiche e del Vicino Oriente : Bologna-Trento, 2011 / a cura di Viola Gheller. Montorso Vicentino (Vicenza) : Saecula, [2013]. Tempo nel tempo ; 6. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE59 .S446 2011. 178. Ancient Mediterranean civilizations : from prehistory to 640 CE / Ralph W. Mathisen. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE86 .M37 2012. 179. Archaiologikon deltion. Athenai : Hypourgeio Politismou, LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g DF10 .A7. t.56-59:pt.B2(2001-04). 180. Archaiologikon deltion. Athenai : Hypourgeio Politismou, LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g DF10 .A7. t.56-59:pt.B3a(2001-04). 181. Archaiologikon deltion. Athenai : Hypourgeio Politismou, LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g DF10 .A7. t.56-59:pt.B3b(2001-04). 182. Archaiologikon deltion. Athenai : Hypourgeio Politismou, LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g DF10 .A7. t.56-59:pt.B4(2001-04). 183. Archaiologikon deltion. Athenai : Hypourgeio Politismou, LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g DF10 .A7. t.56-59:pt.B5(2001-04). 184. Archaiologikon deltion. Athenai : Hypourgeio Politismou, LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g DF10 .A7. t.56-59:pt.B6(2001-04). 185. S'habiller, se deshabiller dans les mondes anciens / [auteurs Florence Gherchanoc ... [et al.]. Paris : Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales ; Athenes : Daedalus, 2008. Metis (Paris, France : 1986) ; n.s., 6. Metis. [Paris : E.H.E.S.S., 1986LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DF10 .M4. n.s.:v.6(2008). 186. Dossier : meres et maternites en Grece ancienne. Paris : EHESS ; Athenes : Daedelus, 2013. Metis (Paris, France : 1986) ; n.s., 11. Metis. [Paris : E.H.E.S.S., 1986LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DF10 .M4. n.s.:v.11 2013. 187. Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente. Roma : Scuola archeologica italiana di Atene [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DF11 .A8. ser.3:v.9:t.2(2009). 188. The Annual of the British school at Athens. London : MacMillan, LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DF11 .B6. no.108(2013). 189. Ancient Greece : a political, social, and cultural history / Sarah B. Pomeroy .. [et al.]. New York : Oxford University Press, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF77 .A595 2012. 190. Archailogika themata / Semnes Karouzou ; ekdidontai hypo Vasileiou Ch. Petrakou. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF77 .K37 2011. t.1. 191. Archailogika themata / Semnes Karouzou ; ekdidontai hypo Vasileiou Ch. Petrakou. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF77 .K37 2011. t.2. 192. L'Occident grec, de Marseille a Megara Hyblaea : hommages a Henri Treziny / textes reunis et edites par Sophie Bouffier et Antoine Hermary. Arles : Errance, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF77 .O33 2013. 193. El campamento militar griego en epoca clasica / Mauricio Alvarez Rico. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas : Polifemo, 2013. Anejos de Gladius ; 15. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF89 .A58 2013. 194. Des femmes en action : l'individu et la fonction en Grece antique / sous la direction de Sandra Boehringer & Violaine Sebillote Cuchet. Paris : Editions de l'EHESS, 2013. Metis (Paris, France : 1986). Hors serie ; 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF93 .D47 2013. 195. Kythera : ho Hagios Georgios sto vouno : minoike latreia kai neoteroi chronoi / Gianne Sakellarake. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221 .K5 S348 2013. 196. Kythera : to Minoiko hiero koryphes ston Hagio Georgio sto vouno / Gianne Sakellarake. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2011LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221.K5 S35 2011. v.1. 197. Kythera : to Minoiko hiero koryphes ston Hagio Georgio sto vouno / Gianne Sakellarake. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2011LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221.K5 S35 2011. v.2. 198. Kythera : to Minoiko hiero koryphes ston Hagio Georgio sto vouno / Gianne Sakellarake. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2011LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221.K5 S35 2011. v.3. 199. Anaskaphes Mykenon / Spyrou E. Iakovide. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2006Vivliotheke tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Hetaireias ; ar. 244, 258, 278, 288. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221.M9 I356 2006. v.3. 200. Anaskaphes Mykenon / Spyrou E. Iakovide. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2006Vivliotheke tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Hetaireias ; ar. 244, 258, 278, 288. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221.M9 I356 2006. v.4. 201. To chroniko tes anaskaphes ton Mykenon, 1870-1878 / Dora Vasilikou. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221.M9 V37 2011. 202. Akroteri Theras : trianta chronia ereunas (1967-1997) : epistemonike synantese, 19-20 Dekemvriou 1997 / epimeleia Christou Douma. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2008. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221.T38 A47 2008. 203. Hoi arches tes Aigaiakes proistorias : hoi anaskaphes ste Thera kai te Therasia ton 19o aiona / Iris Tzachile ; prooimio, Chr. Douma. Athena : Kathemerine, 2006. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221.T38 T97 2006. 204. Marathon - 2,500 years : proceedings of the Marathon conference 2010 / edited by Christopher Carey & Michael Edwards. [London] : Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2013. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement ; 124. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF225.4 .M37 2010. 205. Filipo II y el arte de la guerra / Arturo Sanchez Sanz. Zaragoza : HRM Ediciones, [2013]. H de historia ; 3. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF233 .S26 2013. 206. Alexander the Great : the story of an ancient life / Thomas R. Martin, College of the Holy Cross; Christopher W. Blackwell, Furman University. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF234 .M37 2012. 207. Alexandre le Grand, les risques du pouvoir : textes philosophiques et rhetoriques / traduits et commentes par Laurent Pernot. Paris : Belles lettres, c2013. La roue a livres ; 64. 1150-4129. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF234.3 .A644 2013. 208. From Eurasia to Europe : Crete and the Aegean world in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages (3rd-early 1st millennia BC) / Y.V. Andreyev ; [translated by J.J. van Damme]. Louvain : Peeters, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF261.A177 A5313 2013. 209. Tabula Imperii Romani. J35 - Smyrna / by P. Karvonis & M. Mikedaki ; with the collaboration of G. Zachos. Athens : Academy of Athens, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.A177 T23 2012. v.1:pt.1. 210. Tabula Imperii Romani. J35 - Smyrna / by P. Karvonis & M. Mikedaki ; with the collaboration of G. Zachos. Athens : Academy of Athens, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.A177 T23 2012. v.1:pt.2. 211. Chaironeia / Charas Tzavella-Evjen ; me te symvole Eugenias Adam, Kyriakes Chatzelazaridou, Catherine Perles. Athenai : En Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.B5 T9 2012. 212. Artemis Vrauronia : latreutika agalmata kai anathemata apo ta hiera tes theas ste Vraurona kai ten Akropole tes Athenas / Giorgos I. Despines. Athena : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.B77 D47 2010. 213. Corinth in contrast : studies in inequality / edited by Steven J. Friesen, Sarah A. James, and Daniel N. Schowalter. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF261.C65 C667 2014. 214. Delphi : a history of the center of the ancient world / Michael Scott. Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF261.D35 S36 2014. 215. Elateia : hellenistike kai romaike periodos / Georgios A. Zachos. Volos : Archaiologiko Institouto Thessalikon Spoudon, 2013. Meletes (Greece. Tameio Archaiologikon Poron kai Apallotrioseon) ; 3. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.E3 Z33 2013. 216. To Idaio Antro : heiro kai manteio / Gianne Sakellarake, Ephes Sapouna-Sakellarake. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.I36 S348 2013. t.1. 217. To Idaio Antro : heiro kai manteio / Gianne Sakellarake, Ephes Sapouna-Sakellarake. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.I36 S348 2013. t.2. 218. To Idaio Antro : heiro kai manteio / Gianne Sakellarake, Ephes Sapouna-Sakellarake. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.I36 S348 2013. t.3. 219. Ta nesia tou Ioniou Pelagous kata tous historikous chronous / Alkestes Choreme-Spetsiere. Athena : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.I6 C56 2011. 220. Ancient Corinthia : from prehistoric times to the end of antiquity / editor, Konstantinos Kissas, Ephor of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Corinthia ; translation from the Greek, Alexandra Doumas. Athens : Foinikas Publications, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.K67 K57 2013. 221. Monumenta : Studien zu mittel- und spathelladischen Grabern im Messenien / Michaela Zavadil. Wien : Verlag der Osterreichischen 2013. Denkschriften (Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse) ; 450. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF261.M45 Z38 2013. 222. Das Athenaheiligtum von Priene : die Nebenbauten : Altar, Halle und Propylon und die bauliche Entwicklung des Heiligtums / Arnd Hennemeyer. Wiesbaden : Reichert Verlag, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DF261.P8 H455 2013. 223. Samos : ta archaiologika mouseia / keimena, Konstantinos Tsakos, Maria Viglake-Sophianou. [Athens, Greece] : Koinopheles Hidryma Ioanne S. Latse ; Eurobank, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DF261.P98 T73 2012b. 224. Early Thermos : new excavations 1992-2003 / I.A. Papapostolou. Athens : The Archaeological Society at Athens, 2012. Vivliotheke tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Hetaireias ; ar. 227. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.T445 P36 2012. 225. Salvare la democrazia : l'egemonia dell'Areopago ad Atene, 480-161 a.C / Monica Berti. Tivoli (Roma) : Tored, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF285 .B49 2012. 226. The Parthenon : power and politics on the Acropolis / by David Stuttard. 201310. London : The British Museum Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF287.P3 S88 2013. 227. Travaux et memoires / Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance. Paris : Editions E. de Boccard, 1973LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g DF503 .C4. Bd.17. 228. Treis Vretannoi meletetes tes aigles tou Vyzantiou : Robert Browning (1914-1997), Sir Steven Runsiman (1903-2000), Chris M. Woodhouse (19172001) : Hemerida tes Diethnous Epistemonikes Hetaireias Plethonikon kai Vyzantinon Meleton, 19 Dekemvriou 2001 / [genike epimeleia, Linos G. Benakes]. Athena : Diethnes Epistemonike Hetaireia Plethonikon kai Vyzantinon Meleton, 2004. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF505.5 .D54 2001. 229. The Middle Byzantine historians / Warren Treadgold. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF505.5 .T74 2013. 230. Byzantine hours : works and days in Byzantium : Athens, Thessaloniki, Mystras. Athens : Ministry of Culture, Directorate of Byzantine and Postbyzantine monuments, 2001. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF521 .B935 2001. 231. Byzance, la naissance de l'Empire : IVe-VIe siecles / Charalambos Petinos. Paris : L'Harmattan, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF553 .P48 2012. 232. L'empereur Nicephore Phocas : Byzance face a l'islam, 912-969 / Charles Personnaz. Paris : Belin, [2013]. Portraits (Belin (Firm)). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF595.5 .P47 2013. 233. Journal of modern Hellenism. Brookline, Mass. : Hellenic College Press, ©1984-2011. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g DF701 .J67. no.27-28(2009-11). 234. Poleis kai mnemeia sten Hellada tou Othonos : kritike theorese kai scholiasmos mias martyrias tou Friedrich Stauffert architektonos tou demou Athenaion kata te ete 18351843 / Alexandrou Papageogiou-Veneta. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF725 .S7315 2010. 235. Das Alte im neuen Griechenland : Gesellschaft - Sport - Architektur - Sprache Literatur / herausgegeben von Horst-Dieter Blume und Cay Lienau. Munster : Lienau, 2013. Choregia ; Heft 11. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF741 .A37 2013. 236. On the unhappiness of being Greek / Nikos Dimou. Winchester, UK : Zero Books, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF741 .D56 2013. 237. A concise history of Greece / Richard Clogg. 1402. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF802 .C57 2013. 238. Praktika ... Epistemonikes Synanteses N.A. Attikes. Kalyvia : Koinoteta Kalyvion : Epimorphotikos Syllogos Kalyvion, 1985[2008] - Kalyvia : Hetaireia Meleton Notioanatolikes Attikes, [2008] LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF901.A8 E65a. 14th(2011). 239. Proteros kai klassikos mesaionas, 685-1071 m.Ch. / Aristoteles K. Koskinas. Kerkyra : Corfutopia, 2013. Historia ton Kerkyraion ; B, 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF901.C7 K67 2013. 240. Othomanikes peges gia te neotere historia tes Leukadas / epimeleia - eisagoge Elias Kolovos ; metaphraseis, Elias Kolovos, Marinos Saregiannes ; prolegomena, Spyros I. Asdrachas. Herakleio : Panepistemiakes Ekdoseis Kretes, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF901.L4 O85 2013. 241. Epistemoniko Symposio ste Mneme Nikolaou V. Drandake gia te Vyzantine Mane : Karavostasi Oitylou, 21 -22 Iouniou 2008 : praktika / epimeleia Evangelia P. Eleutheriou, Angelike Mexia. Sparte : Hypourgeio Politismou kai Tourismou, 5. Ephoreia Vyzantinon Archaioteton : Demos Oitylou, 2008-2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF901.M34 E65 2008. 242. Thessalia : historia kai politismos = History and culture of Thessaly. [Thessalonike] : Periphereia Thessalias, [2009]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DF901.T7 T428 2009. 243. He eparchia Servion ton 16o aiona mesa apo Othomanikes peges / Kostas Kampourides, Giorgos Salakides. Thessalonike : Syllogos Philon Demotikes Vivliothekes Kozanes ; Ekdotikos Oikos Ant. Stamoule, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF951.K634 K35 2013. 244. Engrapha Hierodikeiou Rethymnes, 17.-18. ai. : hoi metaphraseis tou "Vematos" Rethymnes / epimeleia, Giannes Z. Papiomytoglou. Rethymno : Demosia Kentrike Vivliotheke Rethymnes, 1995. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF951.R4 E54 1995. 245. He kataktese tes dytikes Kretes apo tous Tourkous : he stase ton katoikon tou diamerismatos Rethymnou / Giannes Gryntakes. Rethymno : Demosia Kentrike Vivliotheke Rethymnes, 1998. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF951.R4 G786 1998. 246. Thessaloniki - eine historische Reise : aus der Geschichte lernen Multikulturalitat in Thessaloniki : Postkarten aus der Sammlung Ilhami Yazgan / Evangelische Migrations- und Fluchtlingsarbeit Bonn / Integrationsagentur (Hrsg.). [Bonn] : Free Pen Verlag, [2013?]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF951.T45 T44 2013. 247. Bulletin analytique d'histoire romaine. Strasbourg, Association pour l'etude de la civilisation romaine. 1, Rue de Rome, 67- Strasbourg. LOCATION = CLASS Ref Index. DG11 .B83. n.s.:v.22(2013). 248. Melanges de l'Ecole francaise de Rome. Moyen age. Rome : L'Ecole, 1989LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DG12 .E23. v.121(2009). 249. Melanges de l'Ecole francaise de Rome. Moyen age. Rome : L'Ecole, 1989LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DG12 .E23. v.122(2010). 250. Melanges de l'Ecole francaise de Rome. Moyen age. Rome : L'Ecole, 1989LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DG12 .E23. v.123(2011). 251. Viator : il viaggio dei romani / Angela Donati. Bologna : Patron editore, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG41 .D66 2013. 252. Centuriazione romana : il caso di Firenze (Florentia) / Mauro Bacci. [Firenze] : Press & archeos, [2012?]. Quaderni di archeologia fiorentina. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG55.F534 B33 2012. 253. Kaulonia : la citta dell'amazzone Clete : gli scavi dell'Universita degli studi di Firenze a Monasterace Marina / a cura di Lucia Lepore, Maria Rosa Luberto, Paola Turi ; con contributi di Maria Battafarano ... [et al.]. Roma : Aracne, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG55.M656 K43 2013. 254. Carta archeologica della provincia di Prato : dalla preistoria all'eta romana / a cura di Paola Perazzi, Gabriella Poggesi. Borgo S. Lorenzo (Firenze) : All'insegna del giglio, [2011]. ©2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG55.P73 C37 2011. Text. 255. Carta archeologica della provincia di Prato : dalla preistoria all'eta romana / a cura di Paola Perazzi, Gabriella Poggesi. Borgo S. Lorenzo (Firenze) : All'insegna del giglio, [2011]. ©2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG55.P73 C37 2011. CD-ROM/Maps. 256. La bourgeoisie municipale d'Afrique romaine / Kouame Rene Allou. Paris : Harmattan, c2013. Etudes africaines (Harmattan (Firm)). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG59.A4 A55 2013. 257. La guerre dans l'Afrique romaine sous le Haut-Empire : actes du CXXXVIe Congres national des societes historiques et scientifiques "Faire la guerre, faire la paix", Perpignan, 2011 / sous la direction de Michele Coltelloni-Trannoy et Yann Le Bohec. [Paris] : Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2014. CTHS histoire ; no 54. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG59.A4 G84 2014. 258. Idrografia e viabilita nel territorio centro orientale die Aquileia Romana : conferme, nuove osservazioni, aggiunte e correzioni / Diego Cencig, Giuseppe Franceschin. Mariano del Friuli : Edizioni della Laguna, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.A6 C46 2012. 259. Capri romana imperiale con Augusto e Tiberio / Carmine Melino ; [presentazione di Giuseppe Aprea ; introduzione storica di Enzo di Tucci ; illustrazioni e grafica di Gerry Melino]. Roma : Kappa, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.C2 M45 2013. 260. Paesaggi piceni e romani nelle Marche meridionali : l'ager Firmanus dall'eta tardo-repubblicana alla conquista longobarda / Simonetta Menchelli. Pisa : Pisa University Press, c2012. Instrumenta (Pisa, Italy) ; 3. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.F49 M46 2012. 261. Museo civico archeologico Lavinium = Lavinium archaeological museum / [testi a cura di/ texts Filippo Avilia and 8 others; traduzione, English version, Chloe V. Ercoli Bannister ; cura redazionale, Gloria Galante]. Roma : Gangemi, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.L373 M87 2013. 262. Il Canto delle vergini locresi : la musica a Locri Epizefrii nelle fonti scritte e nelle documentazione archeologica (secoli VI-II a.C. / Angela Bellia. Pisa ; Roma : Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.L6 B45 2012. 263. Locri Epizephiri e le altre colonie della Magna Grecia / Katia Brizzi. Locri (Reggio Calabria) : F. Pancallo, [2010]. Poleis/urbes ; 24. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.L6 B75 2010. 264. Le tombe da Riserva del Truglio al museo Pigorini di Roma / Maria Taloni. Roma : Officina edizioni, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.M3545 T35 2013. 265. Norba-Conversano : archeologia e storia della citta e del territorio / Angela Ciancio ; contributi di Annalaura Amatulli [and others]. Bari : M. Adda, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG70.N643 C53 2013. 266. Olbia romana / Giovanna Pietra ; presentazione, Rubens d'Oriano. Sassari : Carlo Delfino editore, [2013]. Sardegna archeologica. Scavi e ricerche ; 8. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.O42 P54 2013. 267. Ocriculum (Otricoli, Umbria) : an archaeological survey of the Roman town / by Sophie Hay, Simon Keay and Martin Millett ; with contributions by Luana Cenciaioli ... [et al.] ; and illustrations by Sophie Hay ... [et al.]. London, UK : British School at Rome, 2013. Archaeological monographs of the British School at Rome ; no. 22. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.O86 H39 2013. 268. La fibule de Preneste / Christian Touratier. Aix-en-Provence : Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2013. Langues et langages ; 23. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.P33 T68 2013. 269. Pompeii : under the sign of Isis / Cinzia Dal Maso. Milan : 24 ORE Cultura, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.P7 D35 2013. 270. Robert Rive : un album fotografico di Pompei / Ernesto De Carolis. Pompei (Napoli) : Associazione internazionale amici di Pompei, 2013. Quaderni di studi pompeiani ; 6. 1972-3148. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.P7 D373 2013. 271. Materiali per Populonia, 10 / a cura di Giulia Facchin, Matteo Milletti. Pisa : ETS, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.P77 M38 2002. v.10. 272. Museo nazionale romano : Evan Gorga, la collezione di archeologia / a cura di Alessandra Capodiferro ; con Barbara Ciarrocchi, Letizia Rustico, Sabrina Violante. Milano : Electa, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG77 .M87 2013. 273. Infant health and death in Roman Italy and beyond / edited by Maureen Carroll and Emma-Jayne Graham, with contributions by M. Carroll, A. Chamberlain, T. Derks, R. Gowland, E.-J. Graham, D.R. Grocke, C. Laes, A.R. Millard, L.A. Powell, R.C. Redfern, W. Southwell-Wright and A. Sparreboom. Portsmouth, Rhode Island : Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2014. Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series ; no. 96. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG78 .I44 2014. 274. Imperium und Romanisierung : neue Forschungsansatze aus Ost und West zu Ausubung, Transformation und Akzeptanz von Herrschaft im Romischen Reich / Alexander Rubel (Hg.) ; unter Mitwirkung von Iulia Dumitrache. Konstanz : Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 2013. Studien zu Archaologie und Geschichte des Altertums ; Bd. 1. 2196-7393. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG87 .I68 2013. 275. Nalazi rimske vojne opreme u Hrvatskoj = Finds of the Roman military equipment in Croatia / [urednik: Ivan Radman-Livaja ; prijevod: Tomislav Bilic, Sanjin Mihelic ; autori tekstova u katalogu: Mato Ilkic [and others]]. Zagreb : Arheoloski muzej u Zagrebu, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG89 .N27 2010. 276. He diatrophe stous archaious Romaikous chronous / Helene Patera. Athena : Ekdoseis Propompos, 2006. Eidikes epistemonikes ekdoseis. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DG101 .P38 2006. 277. The archaeology of the dead : lectures in archaeothanatology / Henri Duday ; translated by Anna Maria Cipriani and John Pearce. Oxford : Oxbow Books ; Oakville, CT : David Brown Book Co., c2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG103 .D7813 2009. 278. Wasser, Wein und Ol : die Lebenssafte der romischen Welt / Karl-Wilhelm Weeber. Darmstadt : WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft : Primus, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG105 .W443 2013. 279. The divinization of Caesar and Augustus : precedents, consequences, implications / Michael Koortbojian, Princeton University. New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG124 .K66 2013. 280. The rise of Rome : twelve lives / by Plutarch ; translated by Ian Scott-Kilvert, Jeffrey Tatum, and Christopher Pelling ; introduction and notes by Jeffrey Tatum ; with a series preface by Christopher Pelling. London : Penguin Books, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG207 .P58 2013. 281. La villa romana dei Cecina a San Vincenzino Livorno : materiali dello scavo e aggiornamenti sulle ricerche / [a cura di] Fulvia Donati ; con contributi di Anna Anguissola [and others] ; apparati grafici e revisione editoriale di Maria Cristina Panerai. Ghezzano (Pisa) : Felici, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG209 .V55 2012. 282. Ambassadeurs et ambassades au coeur des relations diplomatiques : Rome, Occident Medieval, Byzance (VIIIe s. avant J.-C. - XIIe s. apres J.-C.) / etudes reunies par Audrey Becker et Nicolas Drocourt. Metz : Centre de recherche universitaire Lorrain d'histoire, Universite de Lorraine, site de Metz, 2012. Centre de recherche universitaire lorrain d'histoire, Site de Metz (Series) ; 47. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DG214.5 .A53 2012. 283. Il santuario etrusco di Pietramarina / Fabrizio Volpi. Trento : Edizioni del Faro, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG223.7.S57 V65 2012. 284. Hannibal, Scipion et les guerres puniques dans l'art et l'archeologie = : Hannibal, Scipio and the Punic wars in art and archaeology / Geoffroy de Galbert. [Paris] : Editions de La Magnanerie, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG247 .G34 2013. 285. Sulla : a dictator reconsidered / Lynda Telford. Barnsley, South Yorkshire : Pen & Sword Military, 2014. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG256.7 .T454 2014. 286. Cicero oder der letzte Kampf um die Republik : eine Biographie / Wolfgang Schuller. Munchen : C.H. Beck, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG260.C5 S34 2013. 287. The Roman Empire at bay, AD 180-395 / David S. Potter. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG271 .P68 2014. 288. Caius Iulius Caesar : dal dictator al princeps, dal Divi filius al Cristo : Augusto e le maschere del potere / Felice Costabile ; con un contributo di Rossella Laurendi ; indici di Paola Latella e Claudia Neri. Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG279 .C648 2013. 289. Tiberio : amo del mundo, esclavo de si mismo / Jose Luis Lledo. Madrid, Espana : Vision Libros, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG282 .L54 2013. 290. Neros Wirklichkeiten : zur Rezeption einer umstrittenen Gestalt / Christine Walde (Hrsg.) ; unter Mitarbeit von Michaela Hellmich, Andreas Lenz und Christian Stoffel. Rahden/Westf. : VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2013. Litora classica ; Bd. 7. 1869-6813. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG285.3 .N47 2013. 291. Hadrian : art, politics and economy / edited by Thorsten Opper. London : British Museum, 2013. Occasional paper (British Museum) ; 175. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG295 .O694 2013. 292. La vie de Commode dans l'histoire Auguste / Agnes Molinier-Arbo. Nancy : Association pour la diffusion de la recherche sur l'antiquite, 2012. Etudes anciennes ; 49. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG299 .M65 2012. 293. Coniuratio ad principem occidendum faciendumque : der erfolgreiche Staatsstreich gegen Commodus und die Regentschaft des Helvius Pertinax (192/193 n. Chr.) / Steve Pasek. Munchen : AVM, Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft Munchen, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG299 .P37 2013. 294. Valerian : Kaisertum und Reformansatze in der Krisenphase des Romischen Reiches / Toni Glas. Paderborn : Schoningh, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG307.3 .G53 2014. 295. Der Fall Roms : die Auflosung des romischen Reiches im Urteil der Nachwelt / Alexander Demandt. Munchen : Beck, 2014, c1984. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG311 .D46 2014. 296. Constantine the Emperor / David Potter. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG315 .P68 2013. 297. Konstantin der Grosse : Kaiser zwischen Machtpolitik und Religion / Klaus Rosen. Stuttgart : Klett-Cotta, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG315 .R67 2013. 298. La via etrusca del ferro : dal Tirreno all'Adriatico, dall'isola d'Elba alle valli di Comacchio sulle tracce della strada piu antica d'Europa / Gianfranco Bracci, Marco Parlanti. Portogruaro (Ve) : EdicicloEditore, 2013. Escursionismi ; 10. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG416 .B73 2013. 299. Theoderic and the Roman imperial restoration / Jonathan J. Arnold, University of Tulsa. New York, NY USA : Cambridge University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG507 .A76 2014. 300. La Roma degli antiquari : cultura e erudizione tra cinquecento e settecento / Ingo Herklotz. [Roma] : De Luca Editori d'Arte, 2012. ©2012. Studi sulla cultura dell'antico ; 8. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG812.1 .H47 2012. 301. Storia dei bizantini di Sicilia / scritta da Luigi Santagati. Caltanissetta : Lussografica, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG867 .S26 2012. 302. Tesori di Puglia : una passeggiata archeologica fra Messapi, Greci, Peuceti e Dauni / Nello De Gregorio. Taranto : Scorpione, ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG975.A65 D424 2012. 303. Land- en waterwegen der Romeinen, voornamelijk in de Maas-, Waal- en Rijndelta omstreeks het begin onzer jaartelling, met afbeeldingen en uitslaande kaart : historisch-geografische schets / door L.A. Langeveld. Den Haag : W.P. van Stockum, 1930. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DJ51 .L36 1930. 304. Il Mar nero. Roma : Edizioni Quasar di Severino Tognon s.r.l., c1994LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DJK61 .M37. v.3(1997-98). 305. Il Mar nero. Roma : Edizioni Quasar di Severino Tognon s.r.l., c1994LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DJK61 .M37. v.5(2001-03). 306. Il Mar nero. Roma : Edizioni Quasar di Severino Tognon s.r.l., c1994LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DJK61 .M37. v.6(2004-06). 307. From Goths to Varangians : communication and cultural exchange between the Baltic and the Black Sea / edited by Line Bjerg, John H. Lind & Soeren M. Sindbaek. Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DK71 .F76 2013. 308. Die Krim : goldene Insel im Schwarzen Meer : Griechen, Skythen, Goten : eine Ausstellung unter der Schirmherrschaft der Ministerprasidentin des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Hannelore Kraft und des Botschafters der Ukraine in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Pavlo Klimkin / in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Archaologischen Institut der Nationalakademie der Wissenschaften der Ukraine in Simferopol und der Vor- und Fruhgeschichtlichen Archaologie der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn ; Herausgeber: LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn ; Redaktion: Stephanie Muller, Michael Schmauder ; Ubersetzungen aus dem Russischen: Valentina Mordvinceva, aus dem Japanischen: Masako Shono-Sladek, aus dem Englischen: Michael Haupt. Darmstadt : Primus, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DK508.9.K78 K733 2013. 309. La musealizacion del patrimonio arqueologico in situ : el caso espanol en el contexto europeo / Victor Manuel Lopez-Menchero Bendicho. Oxford : Archaeopress, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DP22 .L675 2013. 310. Los cultos egipcios en Hispania / Jaime Alvar. [Besancon, France] : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comte, c2012. Institut des sciences et techniques de l'antiquite (Series). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DP94 .A57 2012. 311. De fronteras a provincias : interaccion e intregracion en Occidente, ss. III-I a.C / Enrique Garcia Riaza (ed.). Palma (Ille Balears) : UIB, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DP94 .D424 2011. 312. Las invasiones barbaras de Hispania : el ocaso del Imperio Romano / Jose Antonio Lopez Fernandez ; ilustraciones de Felix M. Felden. Madrid : Almena, 2012. Guerreros y batallas ; 84. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DP94 .L67 2012. 313. Museo Nacional de Arte Romano : 25 anos de una nueva sede / autores: Nova Barrero Martin, Rafael Sabio Gonzalez. [Merida, Spain] : Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DP402.M45 B37 2012. 314. Baria. II, La conquista romana de Baria / Victor Martinez Hahnmuller. Almeria : Editorial Universidad de Almeria, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DP402.V5434 M37 2012. 315. Neues zum romischen Gutshof von Dietikon : die Resultate der Grabungen seit 1995 / Daniel Kach ; mit Beitragen von Luisa Bertolaccini, Marlu Kuhn, Elisabeth Langenegger. Zurich : Baudirektion Kanton Zurich, Amt fur Raumentwicklung, Kantonsarchaologie, 2013. Zurcher Archaologie ; Heft 31. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DQ851.D51 K33 2013. 316. Romische Kleinstadt Schleitheim-Iuliomagus : Streifenhauser im Quartier Z'underst Wyler / Valentin Homberger ; mit Beitragen von Cornelia Alder, Sabine Deschler-Erb, Elisabeth Marti-Gradel, Jonas Nyffeler, Patricia Vandorpe. Schaffhausen : Baudepartement des Kantons Schaffhausen, Kantonsarchaologie, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DQ851.S35 H653 2013. 317. He proime Othomanokratia ste Thrake : ameses demographikes synepeies / Georgios Vogiatzes. Thessalonike : Herodotos, c1998. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DR50.7 .V64 1998. 318. Roman cities in Bulgaria / edited by Rumen Ivanov. Sofia : Prof. Marin Drinov Acrademic Publishing House, 2012. Corpus of Ancient and Medieval settlements in modern Bulgaria ; volume I. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DR62 .R66 2012. 319. The Lower Danube Roman Limes (1st - 6th c. AD) / [20 authors] ; edited by Lydmil Vagalinski, Nikolay Sharankov, Sergey Torbatov. Sofia : National Archaeological Institute and Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DR95.D3 N38 2012. 320. The Byzantine monuments of the Evros/Meric,River Valley / Robert Ousterhout & Charalambos Bakirtizis. Thessaloniki : European Center for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments, 2007. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DR95.M3 O977 2007. 321. Novae : legionary fortress and late antique town / [edited by Piotr Dyczek]. Warsaw : Center for Research on the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe, University of Warsaw, 2008LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DR98.N57 N68 2008. v.2. 322. Tabula Imperii Romani : K 35/2, Philippopolis / edited by Rumen Teofilov Ivanov ; National Institute of Archaeology with Museum Bulgarian Academy of Science. Sofia : Tendril Publishing House, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DR98.P55 T23 2012. 323. Pontica. [Constanta, Romania] Muzeul de Arheologie Constanta. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DR211 .P65. v.42(2009). 324. Across the Hellespont : a literary guide to Turkey / Richard Stoneman. England I B Tauris & Co 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DR429.4 .S766 2010. 325. Analyse raisonnee de l'ouvrage intitule "Charte Turque" / Jacovaky Rizo Neroulos ; eisagoge, ekdose, metaphrase, heureteria Bertrand Bouvier, Anastasia Danae Lazaridou = Kritike analyse tou syngrammatos pou epigraphetai "Tourkike Charta" / Iakovake Rizou Neroulou. Athena : Morphotiko Hidryma Ethnikes Trapezes, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DR471.G73 R59153 2013. 326. Die Nekropolen von Diokaisareia / von Johannes Christian Linnemann. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2013]. Diokaisareia in Kilikien ; Bd. 3. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DR741.O53 L56 2013. 327. Studies on the history of Cyprus under Ottoman rule / Theoharis Stavrides. Burhaniye-Beylerbeyi, Istanbul : Isis Press, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS54.7 .S73 2012. 328. The Phoenician period Necropolis of Kition / by Sophocles Hadjisavvas. Nicosia : Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 2012. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS54.95.K58 C43 2012. v.1. 329. Histories of Ottoman Larnaca / edited by Evangelia Balta, Theoharis Stavrides, Ioannis Theocharides. Istanbul : Isis Press, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS54.95.L37 H574 2012. 330. Tombs of the late bronze age in the Limassol area, Cyprus (17th-13th centuries BC) / by Vassos Karageorghis and Yiannis Violaris ; with appendices by Andreas Charalambous ... [et al.]. Nicosia : Municipality of Limassol, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DS54.95.L56 K37 2012. 331. Historic Nicosia / edited by D. Michaelides. Nicosia, Cyprus : Rimal Publications, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DS54.95.N53 H57 2012. 332. Landscape and interaction : the Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus / by Michael Given, A. Bernard Knapp, Jay Noller, Luke Sollars and Vasiliki Kassianidou ; with contributions by Hugh Corley, Ian Evans, Sevina Floridou, Ruth Smadar Gabrieli, Myrto Georgakopoulou, Erin Gibson, Marios Hadjianastasis, Mara T. Horowitz, Jean Humbert, Tracy Ireland, Sarah Janes, Sturt W. Manning, Carole McCartney, Emmanuel Moutafov, Maria Ntinou, Chris Parks, Danielle A. Parks, Robert Schon, Charlotte Schriwer, Neil Urwin, Joanita Vroom and Kristina Winther-Jacobsen. Oxford : Oxbow Books, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS54.95.T76 G48 2013. v.1. 333. Reallexikon der Assyriologie / unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgelehrter herausgegeben von Erich Ebeling und Bruno Meissner. Berlin : W. de Gruyter & Co., 1932LOCATION = CLASS Reference. DS69.1 .R42 1932. Bd.13. 334. Models of Mesopotamian landscapes : how small-scale processes contributed to the growth of early civilizations / edited by T.J. Wilkinson, McGuire Gibson, Magnus Widell. Oxford, England : Archaeopress, 2013. Oxford, England : Distributed by Hadrian Books. ©2013. BAR international series ; 2552. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS69.5 .M64 2013. 335. Zeitschrift fur Orient-Archaologie / Deutsches Archaologisches Institut Orient-Abteilung. Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DS69.9 .Z45. Bd.6(2013). 336. The Levant, crossroads of late antiquity : history, religion and archaeology = Le Levant, carrefour de l'antiquite tardive : histoire, religion et archeologie / editors, Ellen Bradshaw Aitken MDiv, ThD, John M. Fossey DesL, FRSC, FSA ; associates, George Kellaris MA, Jeffrey Keiser MA, PhD ; assistants, Ryan Bailey MA, Ginette Gauvin BFA. Leiden : Brill, [2014]. McGill University monographs in classical archaeology and history ; no. 22. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS96.2 .L48 2014. 337. Antiochus the Great / Michael J. Taylor. Barnsley : Pen & Sword Military, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS96.2 .T39 2013. 338. Tell Beydar : the 2010 season of excavations and architectural restoration : a preliminary report = Tell Beydar : rapport preliminaire sur la campagne de fouilles et de restauration architecturale 2010 / Marc Lebeau & Antoine Suleiman (editors). Turnhout : Brepols, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS99.B48 T45 2014. 339. Etudes ougaritiques / sous la direction de Marguerite Yon et Daniel Arnaud. v.1 Paris : Editions recherche sur les civilisations, c2001-<2013> v. 2-3 Leuven ; Walpole MA : Peeters. Ras Shamra-Ougarit ; 14, 20-21. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS99.U35 R37 1983 t.21. 340. Ho panieros naos tes Anastaseos Hierosolymon : to ergo tou Kalpha Komnenou 1808-1810 / Theodosios G. Metropoulos. Thessalonike : Europaiko Kentro Vyzantinon kai Metavyzantinon Mnemeion, 2009. Meletes (Europaiko Kentro Vyzantinon kai Metavyzantinon Mnemeion (Thessalonike, Greece)) ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS109.4 .M47 2009. 341. Gezer VII : the middle Bronze and later fortifications in fields II, IV, and VIII / by Joe D. Seger ; with contributions by Seymour Gitin, James W. Hardin, John. R. Osborne, and Karen E. Seger ; edited by Joe D. Seger and James W. Hardin. Winona Lake, Indiana : Eisenbrauns, 2013. Annual of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology ; v. 9. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS110.G5 S425 2013. 342. Masada notebooks : report of the research project 2013 / Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, Rebeka Vital. Firenze : Edifir, 2013LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS110.M33 B48 2013. v.1. 343. Excavations at Tel Zahara (2006-2009) : final report : the Hellenistic and Roman strata / edited by Susan L. Cohen. Oxford : Archaeopress, 2013. BAR international series ; 2554. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS110.T559 E93 2013. 344. Flavius Josephus, translation and commentary / edited by Steve Mason. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2000-<2014 > LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS116 .J7 2000. v.7B. 345. La guerra de los judios y la destruccion de Jerusalen (66-70 d.C.) / Eduardo Pitillas Salaner. Zaragoza (Espana) : Libros Portico, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS121.7 .P58 2013. 346. Les zelotes : une revolte urbaine a Thessalonique au 14eme siecle : le dossier des sources / traduction des sources sous la direction de Marie-Helene Congourdeau ; introduction, notes, conclusion par Marie-Helene Congourdeau ; index par Alexis Chrissostalis. Paris : Beauchesne, [2013]. Textes, dossiers, documents ; 18. 0244-5735. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS135.G72 T588 2013. 347. Tell Abu Al-Kharaz in the Jordan Valley / Peter M. Fischer. Wien : Verlag der Osterreischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS153.3 .F57 2006. v.3. 348. Erythromorphe keramike apo ten Pella : to topiko ergasterio / Nikolaos Akamates. Thessalonike : Ekdoseis Zete, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS154.9.P43 A33 2013. 349. Amisos bis zur romischen Eroberung 71 v. Chr. : Samsun in alter Zeit / Aynur Keskin. Hamburg : Diplomica, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS156.A52 K47 2012. 350. Synasos : historia henos topou choris historia / Chrestos Chatzeioseph. Herakleio : Panepistemiakes Ekdoseis Kretes, 2005. Seira Historia kai koinonia (Herakleion, Greece). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS156.C3 C62 2005. 351. Historia tes Perges : politike kai ekklesiastike / Euangelou I. Galane. Athena : Hidryma Meizonos Hellenismou, 2003. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DS156.P38 G35 2003. 352. Zeugma. I, Fouilles de l'habitat. Beyoglu : Institut francais d'etudes anatoliennes GeorgesDumezil, 2012Varia Anatolica ; 26,62. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS156.Z48 Z49 2012. v.2. 353. Parthica. Pisa : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 1999LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DS329.P2 P37. v.15(2013). 354. A good scribe and an exceedingly wise man : studies in honour of W.J. Tait / edited by A.M. Dodson, J.J. Johnston, & W. Monkhouse; demotic consultant C.J. Martin. S.l. [London] : Golden House Publications, 2014. Egyptology (London, England) ; 21. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT56.9 .G66 2014. 355. La collezione egizia dei Musei civici di Padova / [testi di Claudia Gambino]. Saonara (Padova) : Il prato, [2012]. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT59.P175 C65 2012. 356. Current Research in Egyptology 2012 : Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium : University of Birmingham 2012 / edited by Carl Graves ... [et al.]. Oxford, Uk : Oxbow Books ; Oakville, Ct : The David Brown Book Co., 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT61 .C78 2012. 357. Das Grab des ‘Anch-Hor, Obersthofmeister der Gottesgemahlin Nitokris / Manfred Bietak u. Elfriede Reiser-Haslauer ; mit e. Beitrag von Erhart Graefe u. Relief- u. Fundzeichnungen von Heinz Satzinger. Wien : Verl. d. Osterr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1978LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT73.A82 B54 1978. Plans. 358. Bahriya Oasis : recent research into the past of an Egyptian oasis / edited by Marek Dospel and Lenka Sukova. Prague : Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT73.B33 B258 2013. 359. Qasr Ibrim, between Egypt and Africa : studies in cultural exchange (Nino Symposium, Leiden, 11-12 December 2009) / edited by J. van der Vliet and J.L. Hagen ; with the assistance of C.H. van Zoest and L.E. van de Peut. Leiden : Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten ; Leuven : Peeters, 2013. Egyptologische uitgaven ; 26. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT73.I27 Q387 2013. 360. La decoration des pylones ptolemaiques d'Edfou et de Philae : etude comparative / Laetitia Martzolff. Paris : De Boccard, 2011. Etudes d'archeologie et d'histoire ancienne. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT73.I3 M37 2011. v.1. 361. La decoration des pylones ptolemaiques d'Edfou et de Philae : etude comparative / Laetitia Martzolff. Paris : De Boccard, 2011. Etudes d'archeologie et d'histoire ancienne. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT73.I3 M37 2011. v.2. 362. Herrschaftsraume und Herrschaftswissen agyptischer Lokalregenten : soziokulturelle Interaktionen zur Machtkonsolidierung vom 8. bis zum 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. / Jan Moje. Berlin : De Gruyter, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT89 .M26 2014. 363. The Ptolemies, the sea and the Nile : studies in waterborne power / edited by Kostas Buraselis, Mary Stefanou, Dorothy J. Thompson. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT92 .P79 2013. 364. Agypten und sein Umfeld in der Spatantike : vom Regierungsantritt Diokletions 284/285 bis zur arabischen Eroberung des Vorderen Orients um 635-646 : Akten der Tagung vom 7.-9.7.2011 in Munster / herausgegeben von Frank Feder und Angelika Lohwasser. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT93 .A449 2013. 365. Althiburos / Nabil Kallala et Joan Sanmarti (directeurs) ; auteurs des textes, Maria Carme Belarte (ICREA/ICAC) [and 11 others] ; avec la collaboration de Ramon Alvarez (UB) [and 11 others]. [Barcelona] : Universitat de Barcelona ; Tarragona : Institut Catala d'Arqueologia Classica ; Tunisia : Institut National du Patrimoine, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT251 .A48 2011. v.1. 366. Regards sur le patrimoine archeologique de la Tunisie antique et islamique / ouvrage concu et dirige par Samir Guizani, Mohamed Ghodhbane, Xavier Delestre. Arles : Errance, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT251 .T85 2013. 367. Karthago : die deutschen Ausgrabungen in Karthago / Deutsches Archaologisches Institut ; herausgegeben von Friedrich Rakob. Mainz am Rhein : Philipp von Zabern, c1991-<c2012 > LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT269.C33 K37 1991. Bd.4. 368. Rus Africum. Bari : Edipuglia, 2013LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT269.T48 R87 2013. v.1. 369. Rus Africum. Bari : Edipuglia, 2013LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT269.T48 R87 2013. v.2. 370. Voyage en Algerie antique / photographies, Ferrante Ferranti ; textes, Dominique Fernandez, Michel Christol, Sabah Ferdi. Arles : Actes sud ; Alger : Barzakh, ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT281 .F47 2013. 371. Lambese sous le Haut-Empire : Ier-IIIe siecles : du camp a la cite / Agnes Groslambert. Paris : diff. de Boccard, 2011. Collection du Centre d'etudes et de recherches sur l'Occident romain ; nouv. ser., no 36. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT299.T39 G76 2011. 372. Lixus-3 : area suroeste del sector monumental : (Camaras Montalban), 2005-2009 / Carmen Aranegui y Hicham Hassini, editores cientificos. Valencia, Espana : Universitat de Valencia, Facultat de Geografia i Historia, Departament de Prehistoria i Arqueologia, 2010. Saguntum. Extra ; 8. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT329.L59 L595 2010. 373. Makedonia : chartographia kai historia 15os-18os aionas / epistemonike epimeleia, eisagoge, scholia katalogou Leonora Navari ; keimena Alexandros Garyphallos, Vasiles K. Gounares, Savvas Demertzes, Elisavet A. Zachariadou, Ph.P. Kotzageorges, Viktor Th. Melas. [Greece] : Archeio Chartographias tou Hellenikou Chorou : Morphotiko Hidryma Ethnikes Trapezes, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g GA1077.M33 M34 2013. 374. Environmental problems of the Greeks and Romans : ecology in the ancient mediterranean / J. Donald Hughes. 1404. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GF 581 .H85 2014. 375. Malta : origini della civilta mediterranea = origins of Mediterranean civilization / Luigi Maria Ugolini ; a re-edition with a foreword and an introduction by Andrea Pessina, Nicholas C. Vella ; translation of the edition of 1934 by Louis J. Scerri. Valletta, Malta : Midsea books, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. GN776.22.M35 U3613 2012. 376. Two exceptional sarcophagi from Larnaka / Pavlos Flourentzos. Nicosia : Dept. of Antiquities, Cyprus, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g GN776.32.C93 P45 2011. 377. Das Zinn der Bronzezeit in Mittelasien / von Hermann Parzinger und Nikolaus Boroffka ; [Redaktion: Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, EurasienAbteilung]. Mainz : P. von Zabern, 2003LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. GN778.22.U9 Z5 2003. v.2. 378. Cyprus and the Aegean in the early Iron age : the legacy of Nicolas Coldstream / edited by Maria Iacovou. Nicosia : Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g GN780.32.C93 C97 2012. 379. Making textiles in pre-Roman and Roman times : people, places, identities / edited by Margarita Gleba and Judit Pasztokai-Szeoke. Oxford, UK ; Oakville, CT : Oxbow Books, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GN799.T43 M35 2013. 380. Mediterranean voyages : the archaeology of island colonisation and abandonment / Helen Dawson. Walnut Creek, CA : Left Coast Press, Inc., [2013]. Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London ; 62. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GN848 .D38 2014. 381. Substantive technologies at Catalhoyuk : reports from the 2000 -2008 seasons / edited by Ian Hodder. London : British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara ; Los Angeles CA : Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, c2013. Monumenta archaeologica (Los Angeles, Calif.) ; v. 31. Catalhoyuk Project (Series) ; 9. Monograph (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara) ; no. 48. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GN855.T83 S83 2013. 382. Melissa kai meli : sten archaia hellenike mythologia kai latreia / Magda Chrysostomidou. Thessalonike : Ekd. Nesides, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g GR752.B44 C48 2010. 383. Mujer y vestimenta : aspectos de la identidad femenina en la antiguedad / Carmen Alfaro Giner, Maria Julia Martinez Garcia, Jonatan Ortiz Garcia (eds.). Valencia : SEMA, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GT1720 .S46 2008. 384. Bestattungssitten zwischen Tradition und Modifikation : kulturelle Austauschprozesse in den griechischen Kolonien in Unteritalien und Sizilien vom 8. bis zum 5. Jh. v. Chr. / Nadin Burkhardt. Wiesbaden : Reichert, 2013. Italika ; Bd. 2. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. GT3251.A2 B87 2013. 385. Polemos-Eirene kai Panellenioi Agones : ste mneme Pierre Garlier / epimeleia: Paul Cartledge, Ariadne Gkartziou-Tatte, NIkos Birgalias, Kostas Bourazeles. Athena : A. Kardamitsa, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g GV23 .P65 2013. 386. Gladiateurs et chasseurs en Gaule : au temps de l'arene triomphante : IerIIIe siecle apr. J.-C. / Kevin Alexandre Kazek ; preface de JeanneMarie Demarolle. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, [2012]. Collection "Histoire" (Rennes, France). Serie "Histoire ancienne." LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GV35 .K38 2012. 387. Understanding the crisis in Greece : from boom to bust / Michael Mitsopoulos and Theodore Pelagidis. Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g HB3807.5 .M58 2011. 388. Rome's economic revolution / Philip Kay. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press, 2014. Oxford studies on the Roman economy. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HC39 .K39 2014. 389. L'eau en Mediterranee de l'Antiquite au Moyen Age : actes du 22e colloque de la Villa Kerylos a Beaulieu-sur-Mer les 7 & 8 octobre 2011 / [Jacques Jouanna ... et al.]. Paris : Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 2012. Cahiers de la Villa "Kerylos" ; 23. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HD1697.5.M43 C65 2012. 390. Two oxen ahead : pre-mechanized farming in the Mediterranean / Paul Halstead. 1405. Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HD2055.7 .H35 2014. 391. Byzantine and Ottoman mineral exploration and metal production : the evidence from eastern Macedonia, Greece / Nerantzis Nerantzis. Saarbrucken : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g HD9525.G83 M33 2012. 392. The economics of the Roman stone trade / Ben Russell. Oxford, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, United States of America : Oxford University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HD9621.R662 R87 2013. 393. L'oro dell'impero : banche e banchieri nella Roma antica / Gino Polidori. Roma : Ecra srl, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HG1555 .P65 2013. 394. Economy, family, and society from Rome to Islam : a critical edition, English translation, and study of Bryson's Management of the estate / Simon Swain. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HN10.R7 S85 2013. 395. Social transformation and mass mobilisation in the Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean cities : 1900-1923 / edited by Andreas Lyberatos. Heraklion : Crete University Press : Institute for Mediterranean Studies, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g HN613 .S63 2013. 396. Celibate marriages in late antique and Byzantine hagiography : the lives of Saints Julian and Basilissa, Andronikos and Athanasia, and Galaktion and Episteme / Anne P. Alwis. London : New York : Continuum, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g HQ513 .A49 2011. 397. Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen im antiken Athen / Julia Kaffarnik. Hamburg : Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HQ1134 .K26 2013. 398. He Spartiatissa sten archaioteta : dynamike gynaika monadike mana / Despoina N. Koutsare. [Athena] : Despoina N. Koutsare, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g HQ1134 .K68 2013. 399. Platons Schwestern : Lebenswelten antiker Griechinnen / Rosa Reuthner. Koln : Bohlau Verlag, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HQ1134 .R48 2013. 400. El paisatge periurba a la Mediterrania occidental durant la protohistoria i l'antiguitat : actes del Col·loqui internacional Institut Catala d'Arqueologia Classica, Tarragona, 6-8 maig del 2009 = Le paysage periurbain en Mediterranee occidentale pendant le protohistoire et lantiquite : actes du Colloque international Insstitutl Catalan d'archeologie classique, Tarragone, 6-8 mai 2009 / editades per = editees par Maria Carme Belarte, Rosa Plana. Tarragona : Institut Catala d'Arqueologia Classica, 2012. Serie Documenta (Institut Catala d'Arqueologia Classica) ; 26. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. HT114 .C65 2009. 401. The Urban mind : cultural and environmental dynamics / edited by Paul J.J. Sinclair ... [et al.]. Uppsala, Sweden : African and Comparative Archaeology, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, 2010. Studies in global archaeology ; 15. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. HT114 .U76 2010. 402. Von der Theorie zur Empirie : philosophische und politische Reformmodelle des 4. bis 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. / Panagiotis Argyropoulos. Munchen : Utz, 2013. Geschichtswissenschaften ; Bd. 28. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. JC73 .A67 2013. 403. Forme sovrapoleiche e interpoleiche di organizzazione nel mondo greco antico : atti del convegno internazionale, Lecce, 17-20 settembre 2008 : [progetto Interreg IIIA Sosipolis] / a cura di Mario Lombardo ; con la collaborazione di Flavia Frisone. Galatina (Lecce) : Congedo, 2008. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. JC73 .F67 2008. 404. Why ancient Greece ? : the birth and development of democracy / Nicholas Kyriazis. Athens, Greece : Psichogios Publications, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g JC75.D36 K97 2012. 405. Libertas e civitas in Roma antica / Mario Genovese. Acireale : Bonanno editore, [2012]. Scaffale del nuovo millennio ; 138. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. JC85.L53 G46 2012. 406. Concordia : un ideal de la classe dirigeante Romaine a la fin de la Republique / Philippe Akar. Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013. Publications de la Sorbonne. Histoire ancienne et medievale ; 122. 0290-4500. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. JC88 .A53 2013. 407. Lex et scientia iuris : aspetti della letteratura giuridica in lingua greca / Giuseppina Matino. Napoli : M. D'Auria, 2012. Koinonia (Naples, Italy) Nuova serie ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. K153 .M38 2012. 408. Antiquitatis effigies : recherches sur le droit public et prive de Rome / Michel Humbert. Pavia, Italia : IUSS Press, [2013]. ©2013. Pubblicazioni del CEDANT ; 11. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA147 .H86 2013. 409. Studi sulla tradizione giurisprudenziale romana : eta degli Antonini e dei Severi / Fara Nasti. Napoli : Editoriale scientifica, 2012. Biblioteca universitaria (Naples, Italy) ; 46. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA147 .N37 2012. 410. Fontes iuris : atti del VI Jahrestreffen Junger Romanistinnen und Romanisten : Lecce, 30-31 marzo 2012 / a cura di Pierangelo Buongiorno, Sebastian Lohsse. Napoli : Edizioni scientifiche italiane, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA190 .J34 2012. 411. Societe, economie, administration dans le Code Theodosien / Sylvie Crogiez-Petrequin, Pierre Jaillette, eds. Villeneuve d'Ascq : Presses universitaires du Septentrion, [2012]. Histoire et civilisations (Villeneuve d'Ascq, France). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA457 .S63 2012. 412. Genera actionum : itinerari gaiani / Francesco Maria Silla. Lecce : Grifo, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA882 .S55 2012. 413. Antikensor : timetikos tomos Spyrou N. Troianou gia ta ogdoekosta genethlia tou / syntaktike epitrope Vasilike Leontaritou, Kalliope (Kelly) A. Bourdara, Eleutheria Sp. Papagianne. Athena : Ekdoseis Ant. N. Sakkoula, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g KJA1350 .A58 2013. v.1. 414. Antikensor : timetikos tomos Spyrou N. Troianou gia ta ogdoekosta genethlia tou / syntaktike epitrope Vasilike Leontaritou, Kalliope (Kelly) A. Bourdara, Eleutheria Sp. Papagianne. Athena : Ekdoseis Ant. N. Sakkoula, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g KJA1350 .A58 2013. v.2. 415. Der Eid im klassischen romischen Privat- und Zivilprozessrecht / von Jan Dirk Harke. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, [2013]. ©2013. Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte ; Heft 164. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA2170.O38 H37 2013. 416. Matrimonio e donna / Maria Pia Baccari. Torino : G. Giappichelli, 2012Seminario di diritto romano (Series) ; 22LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA2233 .B33 2012. v.1. 417. Ricerche sul quasi-usufrutto nel diritto romano / Renato La Rosa. Torino : G. Giappichelli, c2012. Pubblicazioni della Facolta di giurisprudenza (Universita di Catania. Facolta di giurisprudenza) ; nuova ser., 263. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA2493.U88 L32 2012. 418. Sulla non patrimonialita del danno e dell'interesse nel diritto romano / Paola Ziliotto. Alessandria : Edizioni dell'Orso, [2012]. Classica philosophica et iuridica. Saggi ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA2616 .Z75 2012. 419. Spatantike Zwangsverbande zur Versorgung der romischen Bevolkerung : rechtshistorische Untersuchungen zu Codex Theodosianus 13.59 sowie 14.2-4 / Christian Heuft. Hildesheim : Olms, 2013. Sklaverei, Knechtschaft, Zwangsarbeit ; Bd. 11. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA3143 .H48 2013. 420. Theodor Mommsen und die Bedeutung des Romischen Rechts / herausgegeben von Iole Fargnoli, Stefan Rebenich. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, [2013]. ©2013. Freiburger rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlungen ; Bd. 69. 0720-6704. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA3340 .T44 2013. 421. To nomikon plaision tes oligarchikes metapoliteuseos en Athenais (411 p. Ch.) / Stephanou-Theodorou V. Stephanopoulou. Athenai : [publisher not identified], 1981. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g KL4361.32.A75 S74 1981. 422. Music in antiquity : the Near East and the Mediterranean / edited by Joan Goodnick-Westenholz, Yossi Maurey and Edwin Seroussi. 1402. Berlin ; Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, [c2014]. Yuval ; ǂv v. 8. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. ML162 .M87 2014. 423. Tradition and innovation in late- and postbyzantine liturgical chant : acta of the congress held at Hernen Castle, the Netherlands, in April 2005 / edited by Gerda Wolfram. Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2008-2013. Eastern Christian studies ; v. 8, 17. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g ML3060 .T69 2008. v.1. 424. Tradition and innovation in late- and postbyzantine liturgical chant : acta of the congress held at Hernen Castle, the Netherlands, in April 2005 / edited by Gerda Wolfram. Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2008-2013. Eastern Christian studies ; v. 8, 17. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g ML3060 .T69 2008. v.2. 425. Munchner Jahrbuch der bildenden kunst. Munchen, Prestel Verlag [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. N9 .M8. F.3:Bd.63(2012). 426. 50 objects 50 stories : extraordinary curiosities from The Nicholson Museum / Michael Turner. Camperdown, N.S.W. : The Nicholson Museum, 2012. 201205. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. N5336.A8 T87 2012. 427. He archaia hellenike techne kai he aktinovolia tes / Manoles Voutyras & Alexandra Goulake-Voutyra. Thessalonike : Institouto Neoellenikon Spoudon, 2011. Archaiognosia kai archaioglossia ste mese ekpaideuse ; 7. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g N5630 .V68 2011. 428. Minoan realities : approaches to images, architecture, and society in the Aegean bronze age / Diamantis Panagiotopoulos, Ute Gunkel-Maschek. Louvain-la-Neuve : Presses universitaires de Louvain, c2012. Aegis (Series) (Louvain, Belgium) ; 05. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N5660 .M56 2012. 429. Art in Pompeii and Herculaneum / Paul Roberts with Vanessa Baldwin. London : British Museum Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N5770 .R58 2013. 430. Dumbarton Oaks papers. Washington [etc.] Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies. 1941LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g N5970 .D8. no.67(2013). 431. Medieval and Renaissance Famagusta : Studies in Architecture, Art and History / edited by Nicholas Coureas, Peter Edbury and Michael J.K. Walsh. Burlington : ASHGATE, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g N7290.C92 F366 2012. 432. Alte Kunst aus Afghanistan : Zeugnisse aus der Zeit vor und nach Alexander dem Grosen / Sylvia Winkelmann, Klaus Marquardt. Rahden/Westf. : VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. N7292 .W555 2013. 433. Otro Egipto : colecciones coptas del Museo del Louvre / [catalogo autores, Dominique Benazeth ... et al. ; traduccion, Zoraida de Torres Burgos]. Barcelona : Fundacion "la Caixa", 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g N7382 .O48 2011. 434. Poseidon and the sea : myth, cult, and daily life / curated and edited by Seth D. Pevnick; contributions by Robert I. Curtis ... [et al.]. 201403. Tampa : Tampa Museum of Art ; London : in association with D. Giles Limited, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N7763.P67 .P85. 435. Vorsicht Lebensgefahr! : Sirenen, Nixen, Meerjungfrauen in der Kunst seit der Antike : Katalog einer Ausstellung im Winckelmann-Museum vom 20. Oktober 2013 bis 19. Januar 2014 / herausgegeben im Auftrag der Winckelmann-Gesellschaft von Max Kunze ; Konzept und Katalog, Eva Hofstetter unter Mitwirkung von Andreas Hillert, Udo Reinhard und Michael Schneider. Ruhpolding : Verlag Franz Philipp Rutzen ; [Wiesbaden] : In Kommission bei Harrassowitz, 2013. Ausstellungskataloge der Winckelmann-Gesellschaft. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. N7763.S55 V67 2013. 436. Ho eikonographikos kyklos ton Eothinon Euangelion sten Palaiologia : mnemeiake zographike ton Balkanion / Nektarios Zarras. Thessalonike : Kentro Vyzantinon Ereunon, 2011. Vyzantina keimena kai meletai ; 57. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g N8053.7 .Z37 2011. 437. Ho kyklos tou viou tes hagias Paraskeues tes Romaias kai tes ex Ikoniou ste christianike techne / Silas Koukiares. Athenai : [s.n.], 1994. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g N8080.P37 K68 1994. 438. Immagine e scrittura : presenza greca a Messina dal Medioevo all'eta moderna = Image and scripture : Greek presence in Messina from the Middle Ages to Modernity / cura scientifica del catalogo e coordinamento, Renata Lavagnini; [testi di] Kalafati Kalliopi-Phaidra, Francesca Campagna Cicala, Michele Bacci, Maria Teresa Rodriquez, Daniele Macris, Rosario Moscheo, Giovan Giuseppe Mellusi, Cinzia Cigni, Jannis Korinthios, Andrea Giovanni Noto, Eugenia Chalkia. Palermo : Fondazione Federico II, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. N8189.I82 M475 2013. 439. Nikolaus : ein Heiliger fur alle Falle : Leben - Legenden - Ikonen : Katalog zur Ausstellung im Ikonen-Museum Recklinghausen, 19. Oktober 2013 bis 23. Februar 2014 / Eva Haustein-Bartsch (Hrsg.) ; Texte von Michael Grunbart, Ana Faye Bachmann, Eva Haustein-Bartsch. Recklinghausen : Eikon, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g N8189.3.N5 N55 2013. 440. In Search of Greece : Catalogue of an Exhibit of Drawings at the British Museum by Edward Dodwell and Simone Pomardi ; from the Collection of the Packard Humanities Institute / John McKesson Camp II ; with contributions by Ian Jenkins, Fani-Maria Tsigakou, Kim Sloan. Los Altos, California : The Packard Humanities Institute, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N8214.5.G8 C36 2013. 441. Tan Men/Pale Women : Color and Gender in Archaic Greece and Egypt, a Comparative Approach / Mary Ann Eaverly. 1312. Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N8217.G397 E28 2013. 442. [Catalogue of auction]. London : Christie, Manson & Woods. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N8640 .C42 L66. 2014:Apr.2(1:00 P.M.). 443. [Catalogue of auction] / Christie's. New York, N.Y. : Christie's, LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N8640 .C42 N499. 2014:June 5(10.00 a.m.). 444. Paradigmenwandel : vom Baukorper zur Raumgestaltung am Beginn europaischer Architektur / Heiner Knell. Freiburg : Syntagma, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA260 .K538 2012. 445. The earth, the temple, and the gods : Greek sacred architecture / Vincent Scully. 1308. San Antonio, Texas : Trinity University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA275 .S3 2013. 446. Theatro kai theama sten archaia Makedonia / Polyxene AdamVelene = Theatre et spectacle en Macedoine antique / Polyxeni Adam-Veleni. Thessalonike : University Studio Press, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA278.T5 A33 2010. 447. The Parthenon enigma / Joan Breton Connelly. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA281 .C66 2014. 448. The restoration of the Propylaia of the Athenian Acropolis / Maria Ioannidou. Athens : Ergon IV Architecture Book Pub., c2007. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g NA283.P76 I53 2007. 449. Domus Augustana : neue Forschungen zum 'Versenkten Peristyl' auf dem Palatin = Investigating the 'Sunken Peristyle' on the Palatine Hill / Natascha Sojc (Hrsg.). Leiden : Sidestone Press, [2012.]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NA320 .D646 2012. 450. Designing for luxury on the Bay of Naples : villas and landscapes (c. 100 BCE-79 CE) / Mantha Zarmakoupi. Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA324 .Z37 2014. 451. The temple of Augustus / [text by Alka Starac; edited by Kristina Mihovilic]. Pula : Archaeological museum of Istria, 2004. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA335.P8 S73 2004. 452. Nuove ricerche sull'anfiteatro di Sabratha / Gilberto Montali. Macerata : Simple, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NA335.S23 M66 2013. 453. He ennoia tou chorou ste Vyzantine architektonike : Seminario 4o, 2o Seminario Kyklou II : Thessalonike, Archaiologiko Mouseio, 13 Iouniou 2008 / epimeleia Euangelia Chatzetryphonos = The notion of space in Byzantine architecture : 4rd [sic] seminar, 2nd seminar series II : Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum, June 13, 2008 / edited by Evangelia Hadjitryphonos. Thessalonike : University Studio Press, 2011. Kyklos Seminarion II : Theoretika Zetemata Mesaionikes Architektonikes ; 4. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA370 .A56 2011. 454. Tropoi ergasias ton vyzantinon architektonon kai archimastoron : mneme Manole Chatzedake, Akademia Athenon, 4 martiou 2008 / Charalampos Bouras. Athena : Akademia Athenon, Kentro Ereunas tes Vyzantines kai Metavyzantines Technes, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA370 .B68 2010. 455. Mosaici e pavimenti della Toscana : II secolo a.C.-V secolo d.C / Michele Bueno. Roma : Quasar, 2011 (2012 printing). Antenor quaderni ; 22. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NA3770 .B84 2011. 456. I mosaici di Cirene di eta ellenistica e romana : un secolo di scoperte / Filippo Venturini. Roma : L'Erma di Bretscnheider, [2013]. ©2013. Cirene "Atene d'Africa" ; 5. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NA3770 .V458 2013. 457. Cyprus : Byzantine churches and monasteries, mosaics and frescoes / Andreas Jakovljevic. Nicosia : Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g NA3780 .J35 2012. 458. Argolida, hoi ekklesies & ta monasteria tes : eulaviko proskynema se topous hierous / keimena, photographies, Petros Sarantakes ; metaphrase, Maria Koutsoukou = Argolida churches and monasteries : a humble pilgrimage in sacred places / texts, photos, Petros Sarantakis ; translation, Maria Koutsoukou. Nea Smyrne, Athena : Oiatis Editions, 2007. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA5599.A74 S37 2007. 459. He rotonta tou Hagiou Georgiou ste Thessalonike : archaiologike ereuna kai anastelose tou mnemeiou / N. K. Moutsopoulos ; epimeleia V. K. Katsaros = The rotunda of St. George in Thessaloniki : archeological research and restoration of the monument / N. K. Moutsopoulos ; ed. V. K. Katsaros. Thessalonike : Ekdoseis Kyriakide, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g NA5601.T45 M68 2013. 460. Il mausoleo degli "Acilii Glabriones" ad Alife e i sepolcri a tamburo su podio, con camera coperta a cupola / Enrico Angelo Stanco. Roma : Scienze e lettere, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA6141 .S73 2013. 461. Abitare su Antri : il ritorno di Tiberio a Sperlonga / [a cura di] Francesco Venezia. Melfi (Potenza) : Libria, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA7357.S64 A35 2013. 462. Ho symvolismos tou chorou tes archaias Hellados / Alexandros PH. Lagopoulos. Athena : Akademia Athenon, 2012. Demosieumata tou Kentrou Ereunes tes Hellenikes Koinonias ; 16. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA9201 .L35 2012. 463. Topographia tou Athenaikou pediou kata te metavyzantine periodo : oikismoi, hodiko diktyo kai mnemeia / tou Giorgou Palle. Thessalonike : Kentro Vyzantinon Ereunon : Ekdotikos Organismos P. Kyriakide, 2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA9348.G8 P35 2009. 464. Aphrodite am Pfeiler : Studien zu aufgestutzten/angelehnten weiblichen Figuren der griechischen Marmorplastik / Mustafa Kocak. Istanbul : Ege Yayinlari, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB90 .K633 2013. 465. Im Zeichen der Schonheit : Form, Funktion und Stellenwert klassischer Skulpturen im Hellenismus am Beispiel der Gottin Aphrodite / Kathrin Barbara Zimmer. Rahden/Westf. : VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2014. Tubinger Archaologische Forschungen ; Bd. 9. 1862-3484. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NB90 .Z56 2014. 466. Archaic colors / [text, Dimitrios Pandermalis ... et al. ; translation, Lilia Psarrou]. Athens : Acropolis Museum, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NB93 .A73 2012. 467. Le mythe de la Grece blanche : histoire d'un reve occidental / Philippe Jockey. Paris : Belin, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB93 .J63 2013. 468. I marmi nella Roma antica / Patrizio Pensabene. Roma : Carocci, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB115 .P46 2013. 469. Cittadini a confronto : i rilievi funerari con figure di politai nell'Asia Minore ellenistica e romana / Manuela Puddu. Roma : Scienze e lettere, 2013. Collezione archeologica (Scienze e lettere (Firm)) ; 9. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB133.5.S46 P83 2013. 470. Koroplastika erga tou Archaiologikou Mouseiou Peiraios / Eirene Peppa Papaioannou. Athena : Kardamitsa, c2011. Periodiko "Parousia." Parartema ; ar. 80. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NB153 .P47 2011. 471. Ta pelina eidolia : Ethniko Archaiologiko Mouseio / keimena, Euangelos Vivliodetes, Christina Avronidake. Athena : Tameio Archaiologikon Poron kai Apallotrioseon, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NB155 .E84 2013. 472. Late Byzantine sculpture / Nicholas Melvani. Turnhout : Brepols, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NB172 .M45 2013. 473. Making and breaking the gods : Christian responses to pagan sculpture in Late Antiquity / Troels Myrup Kristensen. Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, [2013]. ©2013. Aarhus studies in Mediterranean antiquity ; 12. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB958 .K75 2013. 474. Peri tes archaias Hellenikes zographikes : hermeneia ton philologikon martyrion / Stamatiou Eu. Bouse. Athena : Ethniko kai Kapodistriako Panepistemio Athenon, Philosophike Schole, 2008. Vivliotheke Sophias N. Saripolou ; 105. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g ND110 .B68 2008. 475. Eloge d'un prince daunien : mythes et images en Italie meridionale au IVe siecle av. J.-C. / par Claude Pouzadoux. Roma : Ecole franc,aise de Rome, 2013. Bibliotheque des ecoles francaises d'Athenes et de Rome ; fasc. 352. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. ND115.D37 P68 2013. 476. La bottega delle immagini parietali, I sec. a.C.-I sec. d.C / Angealea Malgieri. Roma : Scienze e lettere, 2013. Fecit te ; 3. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. ND2575 .M355 2013. 477. He zographike sto Hagion Oros stis arches tou 17ou aiona : ho zographos Daniel Monachos / K. Vapheiades. Thessalonike : Ekdoseis Mygdonia, 2008. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g ND2753.A8 V26 2008. 478. La villa romaine de Boscoreale et ses fresques / sous la direction d'Alix Barbet et Annie Verbanck-Pierard. Arles : Errance, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. ND2757.B6 B37 2013. v.1. 479. La villa romaine de Boscoreale et ses fresques / sous la direction d'Alix Barbet et Annie Verbanck-Pierard. Arles : Errance, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. ND2757.B6 B37 2013. v.2. 480. Il greco, il barbaro e la ceramica attica : immaginario del diverso, processi di scambio e autorappresentazione degli indigeni : atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, 14-19 maggio 2001, Catania, Caltanissetta, Gela, Camarina, Vittoria, Siracusa / a cura di Filippo Giudice, Rosalba Panvini. Roma : L'Erma di Bretschneider, c2003LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK3840 .G74 2003. v.1. 481. Guida alle anfore romane di eta imperiale : forme, impasti e distribuzione / Tommaso Bertoldi. Roma : Espera, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NK3850 .B43 2012. 482. Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Grece. Athenes--Musee national. Paris : H. Champion, [1932Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Grece ; fasc. 1LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK4640.C6 G8 fasc.12. 483. Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Greece. Thessaloniki--Aristotle University, Cast Museum / Vassiliki Saripanidi. Athens, Greece : Published by the Research Centre for Antiquity of the Academy of Athens, 2012. Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Grece ; fasc. 13. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g NK4640.C6 G8 fasc.13. 484. Davanti allo specchio lucente : ceramiche greche nella Galleria degli Specchi / a cura di Bruno Massabo. Genova : Sagep, c2013. Opere allo specchio. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NK4645 .D39 2013. 485. He sylloge Vlastou-Serpiere : Ethniko Archaiologiko Mouseio / keimena, Anastasia Gkadolou, Giorgos Kavvadias. Athena : Tameio Archaiologikon Poron kai Apallotrioseon, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NK4645 .E84 2013. 486. Melanomorpha gamelia angeia apo tis pyres thysion sto iero tes Eleusinas / Konstantinas Kokkou-Vyride. Athenai : He en Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NK4648 .K65 2010. 487. Per un corpus dei bolli su vetro in Italia : XIV Giornate nazionali di studio sul vetro : Trento, 16-17 ottobre 2010 / atti a cura di Maria Grazia Diani, Luciana Mandruzzato. [Italy : s.n., 2013] (Cremona : Fantigrafica). LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK5152.A1 I58 2010. 488. Kunst im Kleinen : antike Gemmen aus Privatbesitz / bearbeitet und mit Beitragen von Anja Bar, Claudia Boschel, Bernhard Fischer, Verena Hartmann, Philipp Jahn, Sina Kruger, Stephan Lehmann, Sabine Schmidt ; photographiert von Robert Dylka. Halle an der Saale : Archaologisches Museum der Martin-LutherUniversitat, 2013. Langenweissbach : Beier & Beran. ©2013. Kataloge und Schriften des Archaologischen Museums der Martin-LutherUniversitat ; Bd. 4. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NK5555 .K857 2013. 489. Roman seal-boxes in Britain / Colin Andrews. Oxford, England : Archaeopress, 2012. BAR British series ; 567. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK6407.3 .A53 2012. 490. Textilien in der Archaologie / bearbeitet von Annemarie Stauffer. [Bonn, Germany] : LVR-Amtes fur Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland, [2011]. ©2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NK8907 .T48 2011. 491. American journal of philology. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. P1 .A5. v.133(2012). 492. Sievers' law and the history of semivowel syllabicity in Indo-European and Ancient Greek / P.J. Barber. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. Oxford classical monographs. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. P599 .B37 2013. 493. Hethitisches Worterbuch / Johannes Friedrich ; Annelies Kammenhuber. Heidelberg : Winter, 1975Indogermanische Bibliothek. II. Reihe, Worterbucher. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. P945 .Z8 1975. Bd.3/1. 494. Hethitisches Worterbuch / Johannes Friedrich ; Annelies Kammenhuber. Heidelberg : Winter, 1975Indogermanische Bibliothek. II. Reihe, Worterbucher. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. P945 .Z8 1975. Bd.3/2. 495. Cypro-Minoan inscriptions / Silvia Ferrara. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2012-2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. P1039 .F47 2012. v.2. 496. I testi etruschi su piombo / Riccardo Massarelli. Pisa : Fabrizio Serra editore, 2014. Biblioteca di "Studi etruschi" (Florence, Italy) ; 53. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. P1078.Z77 M388 2014. 497. Aevum: rassegna di scienze storiche linguistiche e filologiche. Pubblicata a cura della Facolta di lettere dell'Universita cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Milano, Facolta di lettere e filosofia dell'Universita cattolica del Sacro Cuore. 1927LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .A4. v.86(2012). 498. Arion. [Boston, etc. : Trustees of Boston University, etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .A7. ser.3:v.17(2009-10). 499. Arion. [Boston, etc. : Trustees of Boston University, etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .A7. ser.3:v.18(2010-11). 500. Arion. [Boston, etc. : Trustees of Boston University, etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .A7. ser.3:v.19(2011-12). 501. Arion. [Boston, etc. : Trustees of Boston University, etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .A7. ser.3:v.20(2012-13). 502. Athenaeum. Pavia, Amministrazione dell'Athenaeum [1913LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .A8. v.98(2010). 503. Athenaeum. Pavia, Amministrazione dell'Athenaeum [1913LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .A8. v.99(2011). 504. Gnomon. Munchen [etc.] C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .G6. v.84(2012). 505. Gnomon. Munchen [etc.] C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .G6. v.85(2013). 506. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica. Torino [etc.], Loescher [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .R6. v.137(2009). 507. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica. Torino [etc.], Loescher [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .R6. v.138(2010). 508. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica. Torino [etc.], Loescher [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .R6. v.139(2011). 509. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica. Torino [etc.], Loescher [etc.]. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .R6. v.140(2012). 510. Studi italiani di filologia classica. Firenze : F. le Monnier [etc.], 1893LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .S8. ser.4:v.8-9(2010-11). 511. Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici. Pisa, Giardini. Giardini editori e stampatori in Pisa, 56100 Pisa, Via Santa Bibbiana 28. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA9 .M4. v.71. 512. Tempus : revista de actualizacion cientifica. Madrid : Ediciones Clasicas. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA9 .T46. no.30(2002). 513. Aspetti della fortuna dell'antico nella cultura europea : atti dell'ottava Giornata di studi, Sestri Levante, 18 marzo 2011 / a cura di Sergio Audano, Giovanni Cipriani. Foggia, Italy : Edizioni Il castello, [2012]. Echo (Foggia, Italy) ; 5. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA23 .C46 2011. 514. Foreignness negotiated : conceptual and ethical aspects of the Greek-Barbarian distinction in fifth-century literature / Efi Papadodima. Hildesheim ; New York : George Olms Verlag, 2013. Spudasmata ; Bd. 153. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA25 .S75 Bd.153. 515. De obitu Iohannis Stoefler Iustingani mathematici Tubingensis elegia (Augsburg 1531) : ein Gedicht auf den Tod des Tubinger Astronomen Johannes Stoffler (1452-1531) / Theodor Reysmann ; Edition, Ubersetzung und Kommentar mit einem Verzeichnis der poetischen Werke Reysmanns von Dirk Kottke. Hildesheim ; Zurich ; New York : Georg Olms Verlag, 2013. Spudasmata ; Bd. 156. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA25 .S75 Bd.156. 516. Strategie del commento a testi greci e latini : atti del convegno (Fisciano, 1618 novembre 2006) / a cura di Paolo Esposito e Paola Volpe Cacciatore. Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, [2008]. Collana scientifica. Studi di filologia, letteratura, storia e archeologia del mondo classico ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA25 .S77 2008. 517. Folia graeca : in honorem Edouard Will : Linguistica / sous la direction de Claude Brixhe et Guy Vottero. Nancy : A.D.R.A., 2012. Travaux et memoires (Universite de Nancy II. Institut d'etudes anciennes). Etudes anciennes ; 50. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA26.W555 F65 2012. 518. The digital classicist 2013 / edited by Stuart Dunn and Simon Mahony. [London, England] : Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2013. ©2013. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement ; 122. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA50 .D574 2013. 519. The classics in the medieval and Renaissance classroom : the role of ancient texts in the arts curriculum as revealed by surviving manuscripts and early printed books / edited by Juanita Feros Ruys, John O. Ward, and Melanie Heyworth. Turnhout : Brepols, [2013]. Disputatio (Turnhout, Belgium) ; v. 20. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA55 .C59 2013. 520. Scribes and scholars : a guide to the transmission of Greek and Latin literature / by L.D. Reynolds, Fellow and tutor of Brasenose College, Oxford and N.G. Wilson, Fellow and tutor of Lincoln College, Oxford. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA55 .R4 2013. 521. Hermae : scholars and scholarship in papirology III / edited by Mario Capasso. Pisa : Giardini ; [poi] Fabrizio Serra editore, 2013. Biblioteca degli "Studi di egittologia e di papirologia" ; 10. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. PA83 .H47 2013. 522. Lo studio dell'antichita : Giorgio Pasquali e i filologi classici / Fausto Giordano. Roma : Carocci editore, ottobre 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA85.P35 G56 2013. 523. The genres of rhetorical speeches in Greek and Roman antiquity / by Cristina Pepe. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA181 .P47 2013. 524. A brief history of ancient Greek / Stephen Colvin. Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley Blackwell, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA227 .C56 2014. 525. Etudes sur la grammaire alexandrine / Jean Lallot. Paris : Vrin, 2012. Textes et traditions ; 23. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA251 .L35 2012. 526. Introduction to Attic Greek : answer key / Donald J. Mastronarde. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA522 .M38 2013. 527. Scrittura, epigrafia e grammatica greco-micenea / Massimiliano Marazzi. Roma : Carocci editore, maggio 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA581.M93 M37 2013. 528. Bilinguisme et digraphisme dans le monde greco-romain : l'apport des papyrus latins : actes de la table ronde internationale, Liege, 12-13 mai 2011 / textes rassembles et edites par MarieHelene Marganne et Bruno Rochette. Liege : Presses universitaires de Liege, 2013. Papyrologica Leodiensia ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA2057 .B55 2013. 529. The Noun phrase in classical Latin prose / by Olga Spevak. 1410. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2014. Amsterdam studies in classical philology ; v. 21. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA2165 .S67 2014. 530. Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources / prepared by R. E. Latham under the direction of a committee appointed by the British Academy. London : Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 19752013. LOCATION = CLASS Ref Ovrsz. PA2891 .L28. fasc.17. 531. Sapientia et eloquentia : omaggio ad Antonio Garzya offerto dall'AST sez. di Lecce / a cura di Maria Elvira Consoli. Galatina (Le) [i.e. Lecce, Italy] : Congedo, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3004 .S36 2012. 532. The Classical Tradition : Art, Literature, Thought / Michael Silk, Ingo Gildenhard, and Rosemary Barrow. 1402. Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3013 .S55 2014. 533. Transformations of the classics via early modern commentaries / edited by Karl A.E. Enenkel. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2014. Intersections (Boston, Mass.) ; v. 29. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3013 .T73 2014. 534. Fakes and Forgers of Classical Literature : Ergo decipiatur! / edited by Javier Martinez. 1403. Leiden : Brill, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3014.F6 F35 2014. 535. Ti sia lieve la terra : l'aldila nell'immaginario greco antico / Fabio Molinari. [Rome] : Sensibili alle foglie, 2013. Ospiti ; 102. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3015.D43 M65 2013. 536. Poetic language and religion in Greece and Rome / edited by J. Virgilio Garcia and Angel Ruiz. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3015.R4 P64 2013. 537. Le monde a l'envers : pouvoir feminin et communaute des femmes en Grece ancienne / Suzanne Said. Paris : Belles lettres, ©2013. Essais (Belles Lettres (Firm)) ; 7. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3015.W65 S25 2013. 538. Palabras sabias de mujeres : teatro y sociedad en la antiguedad clasica / Francesco De Martino & Carmen Morenilla editores. Bari : Levante, c2013. Rane. Studi ; 59. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3026 .C66 2012. 539. Profession and performance : aspects of oratory in the Greco-Roman world / edited by Christos Kremmydas, Jonathan Powell, & Lene Rubinstein. London : Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2013. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement ; 123. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3038 .P75 2013. 540. A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities / edited by Thomas K. Hubbard. Chichester, West Sussex, UK : John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3061 .C65 2014. 541. Poeta e filologo : studi di poesia ellenistica / Adele Teresa Cozzoli. Roma : Herder, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3081 .C79 2012. 542. Violenza bestiale : modelli dell'umano nella poesia greca epica e drammatica / Valeria Ando. Caltanissetta : Salvatore Sciascia editore, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3095 .A54 2013. 543. Geography, topography, landscape : configurations of space in Greek and Roman epic / edited by Marios Skempis and Ioannis Ziogas. Berlin : De Gruyter, ©2014. Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes ; v. 22. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3107 .G46 2014. 544. Kauto meli : archaia hellenika erotika poiemata apo antres gia antres kai erotologikos scholiasmos tous / metaphrase, scholiasmos, Spyros Karydakes ; skitsa, Konstantinos Michael. Athena : Analphabet, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA3111 .K37 2013. 545. Lexiko tou archaiou theatrou : horoi, ennoies, prosopa / Savvas Gogos, Kyriake Petrakou. Athena : Ekdoseis Miletos, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA3131.G64 L49 2012. 546. XIII Diethnes Synantese Archaiou Hellenikou Dramatos : he gynaika sto archaio drama. Athena : Europaiko Politistiko Kentro Delphon, [2007?]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA3136 .D54 2007. 547. Choruses, ancient and modern / edited by Joshua Billings, Felix Budelmann, and Fiona Macintosh. Oxford, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3203 .C49 2013. 548. Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Agypten, herausgegeben im Auftrage der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Strassburg, von Professor Dr. Friedrich Preisigke .. Strassburg, K. J. Trubner, 1915LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3316 .P8. v.28. 549. Greek epigram in reception : J.A. Symonds, Oscar Wilde, and the invention of desire, 1805-1929 / Gideon Nisbet. Oxford, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3459 .N57 2013. 550. Geoponiques / traduction Jean-Pierre Grelois et Jacques Lefort. Paris : ACHCByz, 2012. Monographies (Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance (Paris, France)) ; 38. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3487.G5 G74 2012. 551. The Getty hexameters : poetry, magic, and mystery in ancient Selinous / edited by Christopher A. Faraone and Dirk Obbink. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3521 .G488 2013. 552. Tragic irony in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides / Gerasimos An. Markantonatos. Athens : Gutenberg, 2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA3545 .M37 2009. 553. The oresteia / edited by Peter Burian and Alan Shapiro. New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. Greek tragedy in new translations. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3827.A7 B87 2011. 554. Suppliant women / Aeschylus ; [edited and with an introduction, translation and commentary by] A.J. Bowen. Oxford : Oxbow Books, [2013]. Classical texts. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3827.S7 B69 2013. 555. De l'ame. II, (Mantissa) / Alexandre d'Aphrodise ; traduction et annotations par Richard Dufour. [Quebec] : Presses de l'Universite Laval, ©2013. Zetesis. Serie "Textes et essais." LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3864.A3 F7 2013. 556. Imitate Anacreon! : mimesis, poiesis, and the poetic inspiration in the Carmina Anacreontea / edited by Manuel Baumbach and Nicola Dummler. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2014]. ©2014. Millennium-Studien ; Bd. 46. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3865.Z5 I65 2014. 557. Hieroi logoi : soma kai glossa sta oneira henos retora / Ailios Aristeides ; eisagoge, metaphrase, scholia Elisavet Kouke. Athena : Smile, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA3874.A7 G8 2012. 558. Constitucion de los Atenienses / Aristoteles ; edicion critica, traduccion, introduccion y notas de Ines Calero Secall y Raul Caballero Sanchez. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2012. Alma mater. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3893 .P618 2012. 559. Beitrage zu den Fragmenten des Klearchos von Soloi / von Stavros Tsitsiridis. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2013]. ©2013. Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte ; Bd. 107. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3948.C53 T78 2013. 560. Dionysus resurrected : performances of Euripides' The Bacchae in a globalizing world / Erika Fischer-Lichte. Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3973.B23 F57 2014. 561. Euripides : he eikonographia ton ergon tou / Euangelia K. Mimidou ; epistemonike epimeleia Georgia XanthakeKaramanou. Athena : Ekdoseis Papazese, 2013. Meletes (Ekdoseis Papazese). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA3978 .M553 2013. 562. Histories, Book V / Herodotus ; edited by Simon Hornblower. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4002 .A35 2013. 563. Odyssey. Books XIII-XIV / edited by A. M. Bowie, The Queen's College, Oxford. 1310. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4025.A6 B69 2013. 564. Eustazio di Tessalonica, commentari all'Odissea : glossario dei termini grammaticali / Silvia Fenoglio. Alessandria : Edizioni dell'Orso, [2012]. Hellenica (Alessandria, Italy) ; 43. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4035.E8 F46 2012. 565. Held und Heldentum bei Homer : das homerische Heldenkonzept und seine poetische Verwendung / Fabian Horn. Tubingen : Narr, 2014. Classica Monacensia : Munchener Studien zur Klassischen Philologie ; Bd. 47. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4037 .H7777 2014. 566. Homer in stone : the Tabulae Iliacae in their Roman context / David Petrain. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4037 .P47 2014. 567. Menander in contexts / edited by Alan H. Sommerstein. New York : Routledge, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4247 .M37 2014. 568. Mesomede : inno a Physis / Sara Lanna. Roma : Edizioni Quasar, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4248.M182 L36 2013. 569. Testo e macrotesto nelle "Dionisiache" di Nonno di Panopoli / Paolo Nizzola ; prefazione di Giuseppe Zanetto. Reggio Calabria : Leonida, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4251.A33 N59 2012. 570. Poema de Parmenides Da natureza / edicao do texto grego, traducao e comentarios por Fernando Santoro. [Brazil] : Azougue ; [Rio de Janeiro] : OUSIA, Estudios em filosofia classica, 2009. Parmenides (Series) ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4262.A57 S26 2009. 571. Pindar / Richard Stoneman. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 2014. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4276 .S795 2014. 572. Plutarch: "De E apud Delphos" : uber das Epsilon am Apolltempel in Delphi : Einfuhrung, Ausgabe und Kommentar / Hendrik Obsieger. Stuttgart : Steiner, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4368.D273 O27 2013. 573. Conversazioni a tavola. Libro ottavo / Plutarco ; introduzione, testo critico e commento a cura di Tommaso Braccini ; traduzione e coordinamento a cura di Ezio Pellizer. Napoli : M. D'Auria editore, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4368.Q2 B733 2014. 574. The Theban plays / Sophocles ; translated with introductions by Peter J. Ahrensdorf and Thomas L. Pangle. Ithaca ; London : Cornell University Press, 2014. Agora editions (Cornell University Press). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4414.A2 A37 2014. 575. Konig Odipus : Vatermorder und Retter der Polis / von Herbert Bannert. Wien : Holzhausen, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4415.G52 O33 2013. 576. Ho dron logos : rhetorike kai philosophia sto ergo tou Sophokle / Gioule Chronopoulou. Athena : Nissos Academic Publishing, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA4417 .C476 2011. 577. Sophokles : tragiko theama kai anthropino pathos / Demetres E. Perodaskalakes. Athena : Gutenberg, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA4417 .P46 2012. 578. The Pantokrator Monastery in Constantinople / edited by Sofia Kotzabassi. Boston : De Gruyter, [2013]. ©2013. Byzantinisches Archiv ; Heft 27. Byzantinisches Archiv. Munchen, C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung [etc.] 1898LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5000 .B86. Suppl. Hft.27. 579. Keimenodromio : hodoiporiko sta prosopa kai sta keimena tes vyzantines pezographias / Antonios D. Panagiotou ; epimeleia ekdoses Myrsine S. Anagnostou. Athena : Ekdoseis Harmos, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5195 .P463 2013. 580. Ptochoprodromos / kritike ekdose Hans Eideneier ; me schedia tou Alekou Phasianou. Herakleio : Panepistemiakes Ekdoseis Kretes, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5250 .E55 2012. 581. Tristia ex melitogaudo : lament in greek verse of a xiith-century exile on Gozo / Joseph Busuttil, Stanley Fiorini, Horatio C.R. Vella. [S.l.] : Farsons Foundation, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5317.E687 L36 2010. 582. Corrispondenza / Leone Choirosphaktes ; introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e note di commento a cura di Gioacchino Strano. [Catania] : Centro studi sull'antico cristianesimo Universita di Catania, 2008. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5319.L48 Z48 2008. 583. Selected poems / Yannis Ritsos ; [translation by Manolis]. 1310. Victoria, BC : Ekstasis Editions, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5610 .R55 A6 2013. 584. N' akougetai apo makria mia physarmonika... : 32 poiemata gia te Thessalonike (1966-2013) / Toles Nikephorou. Athena : Mandragoras, 2013. Synchrone Hellenike poiese (Mandragoras (Firm)). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5625.I36 N2 2013. 585. Poesie augusteenne et memoire du passe de Rome : en hommage au professeur Lucienne Deschamps / textes reunis par Olivier Devillers & Guillaume Flamerie de Lachapelle. Pessac : Ausonius, c2013. Scripta antiqua ; 50. 1298-1990. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6029.M396 P64 2013. 586. Ich-Entwurfe in spatantiker Dichtung : Ausonius, Paulinus von Nola und Paulinus von Pella / Anika Lisa Kleinschmidt. Heidelberg : Universitatsverlag Winter, [2013]. ©2013. Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften ; n.F., 2. Reihe, Bd. 138. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6051 .K545 2013. 587. L'atellana preletteraria : atti della seconda Giornata di studi sull'Atellana : Casapuzzano di Orta di Atella (Ce), 12 novembre 2011 / a cura di Renato Raffaelli e Alba Tontini. Urbino : QuattroVenti, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6069 .G48 2011. 588. The war with Catiline ; The war with Jugurtha / Sallust ; translated by J.C. Rolfe. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : Harvard University Press, 2013. ©2013. Loeb classical library ; 116. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6156.S25 W3 2013. 589. Sprachlicher und historischer Kommentar zu Ammianus Marcellinus / Pieter De Jonge. Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1935LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6205 .J62. v.18. 590. Quod ipsi gallo inter gravissima crimina ab Augusto obicitur : Augusto e la repressione del dissenso per mezzo del Senato agli inizi del principato / Francesco Arcaria. Napoli : Satura Editrice, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6220.A85 Q63 2013. 591. Silence in Catullus / Benjamin Eldon Stevens. Madison, Wisconsin : The University of Wisconsin Press, [2013]. ©2013. Wisconsin studies in classics. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6276 .S725 2013. 592. Heuristic strategies in the speeches of Cicero / Gabor Tahin. Cham : Springer, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6285 .T34 2014. 593. Ciceros Rhetorik als Theorie der Aufmerksamkeit / Melanie Moller. Heidelberg : Universitatsverlag Winter, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6350 .M65 2013. 594. How to win an election : an ancient guide for modern politicians / Quintus Tullius Cicero ; translated and with an introduction by Philip Freeman. Princeton [N.J.] : Princeton University Press, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6371.C4 A24 2012. 595. Shaggy crowns : Ennius' Annales and Virgil's Aeneid / by Nora Goldschmidt. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. ©2013. Oxford classical monographs. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6382 .G65 2013. 596. Selected letters / Fronto ; [edited by] Caillan Davenport and Jennifer Manley. London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6389.F7 A4 2014. 597. Horacio e a sua perenidade / Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira, Jose Ribeiro Ferreira, Francisco de Oliveira (coords.). Coimbra : Centro Internacional de Latinidade Leopold Senghor, 2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6411.Z5 H67 2009. 598. Prodigien in der romischen Konigszeit : eine motivgeschichtliche und narratologische Analyse im 1. Buch des Livius / Astrid Khariouzov. Berlin : Frank & Timme, ©2013. Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XV, Klassische Philologie ; Bd. 5. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6459 .K43 2013. 599. Epigrammi / Marziale ; a cura di Pietro Rapezzi, introduzione, traduzione e note ; testo latino a fronte. Urbino : QuattroVenti, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6505 .R37 2013. 600. Elegies : suivies de l'Appendix Maximiani et de l'Epithalame pour Maximus d'Ennode de Pavie / Maximien ; introduction, traduction et notes par Benjamin Goldlust. Paris : Les Belles lettres, 2013. Roue a livres ; 65. v. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6511 .M614 2013. 601. He retorike tes "epigonikotetas" : hermeneutikos scholiasmos ton Amores tou Ovidiou / Theodoros Ach. Antoniades ; epivlepon kathegetes, Theodoros D. Papangeles. Thessalonike : Aristoteleio Panepistemio Thessalonikes, Philosophike Schole, Enyaleio Klerodotema, ste mneme Lamprou Enyale, 2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA6537 .A88 2009. 602. Captivi / Titus Maccius Plautus ; edidit Alexis Torino. Sarsina et Urbini : QuattroVenti, MMXIII. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6568 .C2 2013. 603. Pseudolus (Sarsina, 29 settembre 2012) / a cura di Renato Raffaelli e Alba Tontini. Urbino : Quattro venti, 2013. Ludus philologiae. Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates ; 16. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6568.P8 P84 2013. 604. Pliny the Younger : a life in Roman letters / Rex Winsbury. 201311. London : Bloomsbury, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6640 .W56 2014. 605. Asinio Pollione : atti del Convegno Asinio Pollione e la gens asinia fra Teate Marrucinorum e Roma / a cura di Patrizio Domenicucci. Jacques Andre, Vita e opere di Asinio Pollione / traduzione a cura di Mario d'Alessandro. Lanciano : Carabba, [2012]. Collana Uomo e cultura. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6641.P7 A87 2012. 606. Grammaire. Livres XIV, XV, XVI, Les invariables (preposition, adverbe et interjection, conjonction) / Priscien ; texte latin, traduction introduite et annotee par le Groupe Ars grammatica. Paris : Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6642 .P74 2013. 607. Le regole del beneficio : commento tematico a Seneca, De beneficiis, libro I / a cura di Giusto Picone. [Palermo] : Palumbo, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6661.D23 P53 2013. 608. Brill's companion to Seneca, philosopher and dramatist / edited by Gregor Damschen, Andreas Heil ; with the assistance of Mario Waida. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6675 .B75 2014. 609. New approaches to Sidonius Apollinaris / edited by Johannes A. van Waarden and Gavin Kelly. Leuven : Peeters, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6694.S8 N48 2013. 610. Eneida / Publio Virgilio Maron ; introduccion, texto latino, traduccion y notas, Luis Rivero Garcia, ... Miryam Libran Moreno ... [et al.] ; indices de Jose A. Bellido Diaz. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2009-2011. Alma mater (Series) (Madrid, Spain). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6807.A5 L43 2009. v.2. 611. Eneida / Publio Virgilio Maron ; introduccion, texto latino, traduccion y notas, Luis Rivero Garcia, ... Miryam Libran Moreno ... [et al.] ; indices de Jose A. Bellido Diaz. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2009-2011. Alma mater (Series) (Madrid, Spain). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6807.A5 L43 2009. v.3. 612. Eneida / Publio Virgilio Maron ; introduccion, texto latino, traduccion y notas, Luis Rivero Garcia, ... Miryam Libran Moreno ... [et al.] ; indices de Jose A. Bellido Diaz. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2009-2011. Alma mater (Series) (Madrid, Spain). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6807.A5 L43 2009. v.4. 613. Virgilio : etica, poetica, politica / Crescenzo Formicola. Napoli : Liguori, 2012. Biblioteca (Liguori editore). Forme, materiali e ideologie del mondo antico ; 43. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6825 .F535 2012. 614. Humanistica lovaniensia. Leuven, University Press; The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff. LOCATION = CLASS Current Journals. PA8001 .H8. v.62(2013). 615. Baudri de Bourgueil / texte etabli, traduit et commente par JeanYves Tilliette. Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 1998Auteurs latins du Moyen Age ; 12, 26. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA8257.B7 A37 1998. t.3. 616. Dendara : traduction / par S. Cauville ; photographies, A. Lecler. Leuven : Peeters, 1998LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PJ1526.D32 C38 1998. v.5/6. 617. Dendara : traduction / par S. Cauville ; photographies, A. Lecler. Leuven : Peeters, 1998LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PJ1526.D32 C38 1998. v.13. 618. Dendara : traduction / par S. Cauville ; photographies, A. Lecler. Leuven : Peeters, 1998LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PJ1526.D32 C38 1998. v.14. 619. Dendara : traduction / par S. Cauville ; photographies, A. Lecler. Leuven : Peeters, 1998LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PJ1526.D32 C38 1998. v.15. 620. Coptica : koptische Ostraka und Papyri, koptische und griechische Grabstelen aus Agypten und Nubien, spatantike Bauplastik, Textilien und Keramik / bearbeitet von Suzana Hodak, Tonio Sebastian Richter, Frank Steinmann. Berlin : Manetho Verlag, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. PJ2194 .C67 2013. 621. Presence de la danse dans l'antiquite, presence de l'antiquite dans la danse : actes du colloque tenu a ClermontFerrand, 11-13 decembre 2008 / textes reunis par Remy Poignault. Clermont-Ferrand : Centre de recherche A. Piganiol-Presence del'antiquite, 2013. Caesarodunum. Serie bis ; 42-43. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PN56.D29 P74 2013. 622. Scienza antica in eta moderna : teoria e immagini / a cura di Vanna Maraglino. Bari : Cacucci, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. Q124.95 .S4155 2011. 623. Writing science : medical and mathematical authorship in ancient Greece / edited by Markus Asper in collaboration with Anna-Maria Kanthak. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2013. Science, technology, and medicine in ancient cultures ; v. 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. Q124.95 .W68 2013. 624. Archaia hellenike episteme kai technike / Andreas Demaronkonas. Patra : Ekdoseis Panepistemiou Patron, 1997. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g Q127.G7 D46 1997x. 625. He symvole tes archaias atomikes theorias sten proodo tes physikes ton 17o aiona : hoi aparches tes neas epistemologias / I.G. Delles. Patra : Ekdoseis Panepistemiou Patron, 1998. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g QC7 .D45 1998. 626. Philosophia. Book 5, Commentary in Aristotle's Meteorologica = Vivblion pempton, ton meteorikon : editio princeps / Georgios Pachymeres ; prolegomena, text, indices by Ioannis Telelis. Athenai : Akademia Athenon, Kentron Ereunes tes Hellenikes kai Latinikes Grammateias, 2012. Corpus philosophorum Medii Aevi. Commentaria in Aristotelem Byzantina ; 6. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g QC859.A73 P33 2012. 627. The mythology of plants : botanical lore from ancient Greece and Rome / Annette Giesecke. Los Angeles : The J. Paul Getty Museum, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. QK83 .G54 2014. 628. Animals in the ancient world from A to Z / Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2014. Ancient world from A to Z. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. QL355 .K58 2014. 629. Medicina, enfermedad y muerte en la Espana tardoantigua : un acercamiento historico a las patologias de las poblaciones de la epoca tardorromana e hispanovisigoda (siglos IV-VIII) / Luis R. Menendez Bueyes. Salamanca : Universidad de Salamanca, 2013. Acta Salmanticensia. Estudios historicos y geograficos ; 153. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. R138.5 .M46 2013. 630. Medica : die Arztin / Ernst Kunzl. Mainz am Rhein : Nunnerich-Asmus Verlag & Media, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. R692 .K87 2013. 631. Le ble, l'autre or des Romains. [Bavay : Musee-site d'archeologie Bavay-Bagacum, 2010]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. SB191.W5 B62 2010. 632. Technology and society in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds / Tracey E. Rihll. Washington, D.C. : American Historical Association, Society for the History of Technology, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. T16 .R55 2013. 633. In den Gefilden der romischen Feldmesser : juristische, wissenschaftsgeschichtliche, historische und sprachliche Aspekte / herausgegeben von Eberhard Knobloch, Cosima Moller. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. TA516 .I5 2014. 634. Le partage de l'eau : fontaines et distribution hydraulique dans l'habitat urbain de l'Italie romaine / par Helene Dessales ; preface de Pierre Gros, de l'Institut. Rome : Ecole francaise de Rome, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. TD216 .D47 2013. 635. Metal matters : innovative technologies and social change in prehistory and antiquity / Stefan Burmeister, Svend Hansen, Michael Kunst and Nils Muller -Scheesel (eds.). Rahden : VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2013. ©2013. Menschen, Kulturen, Traditionen ; Bd. 12. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. TN16 .M48 2013. 636. Lithon latomein : apo ta latomeia ton Asomaton Veroias sta oikodomemata ton Makedonon vasileon : melete gia ten exoryxe porolithou sten archaioteta / Angelike Koukouvou. Thessalonike : Kornelia Sphakianake Ekdoseis, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g TN277 .K68 2012. 637. The Macedonian war machine : neglected aspects of the armies of Philip, Alexander and the successors (359-281 BC) / David Karunanithy. Barnsley : Pen & Sword Military, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. U33 .K37 2013. 638. Le metier de soldat dans le monde romain : actes du cinquieme Congres de Lyon (23-25 septembre 2010) / textes rassembles et edites par Catherine Wolff. Lyon : CEROR, 2012. Collection du Centre d'etudes et de recherches sur l'Occident romain ; 42. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. U35 .C65 2010. 639. L'aigle et le cep : les centurions legionnaires dans l'Empire des Severes / par Patrice Faure. Pessac : Ausonius, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. U35 .F38 2013. v.1. 640. L'aigle et le cep : les centurions legionnaires dans l'Empire des Severes / par Patrice Faure. Pessac : Ausonius, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. U35 .F38 2013. v.2. 641. Kateuodosis stratou : he organose kai he psychologike proetoimasia tou Vyzantinou stratou prin apo ton polemo (6101081) / Katerina G. Karaple. Athena : Myrmidones, 2010LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g U43.B9 K37 2010. v.1. 642. The Taktika of Leo VI / Leo VI. 201402. Washington, D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks, 2014. Dumbarton Oaks texts ; 12. Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; v. 49. Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae. Series Washingtonensis. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g U101 .L42313 2014. 643. A critical commentary on the Taktika of Leo VI / John Haldon. 1402. Washington D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, [c2014]. Dumbarton Oaks studies ; 44. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g U101.L43 H35 2014. 644. Defenses cretoises : fortifications urbaines et defense du territoire en Crete aux epoques classique et hellenistique / Nadia Coutsinas. Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. UG429.G8 C68 2013. 645. L'acropoli di Gortina : la tavola "A" della carta archeologica della citta di Gortina / Roberto Perna. [Macerata] : Dipartimento di studi umanistici dell'Universita di Macerata, [2012]. ©2012. Ichnia. Ser. seconda ; 6. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. UG429.G8 P47 2012. 646. Black Sea and Sea of Azov pilot : Marmara Denizi, Black Sea and Sea of Azov with adjacent coasts of Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom : United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, 2013. N.P ; 24. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. VK870 .G7 4th ed. 2013. 647. Vom Nil aus um die alte Welt : Rekonstruktionen agyptischer, minoischer und griechischer Schiffe / herausgegeben im Auftrag der Winckelmann-Gesellschaft von Max Kunze ; Autoren und Abkurzungen: Michael Bormann, Stephanie-Gerrit Bruer, Michael Haase, Frank Hildebrandt, Elke Mahlitz-Galler, Axel Rugler, Veit Sturmer ; Redaktion des Katalogs: Kathrin Schade unter Mitwirkung von Elke Mahlitz-Galler. Ruhpolding : Verlag Franz Philipp Rutzen ; Wiesbaden : In Kommission bei Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. VM16 .V65 2013. 648. Books and ideas : the library of Plato and the academy / K. Sp. Staikos, translated by Nikos Koutras, edited by Alexandra Doumas. New Castle, DE : Oak Knoll ; Houten, Netherlands : Hes & De Graaf ; Athens : Aton, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. Z723 .S72513 2013. 649. Ergographia Emmanouel Kriara (2000-2009) / Alexandra LamprakePaganou. Thessalonike : University Studio Press, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Mod Grk. cl-g Z8467.7964 .L348 2010.
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