Proceedinss of the District Election Officer & Collector. Krishna. Machilipatnam Present: Sri M. Raghunandan Rao, I.A.S., Dt.11.09.2014 Rc.Hl(B)/ 2345 /2014 Elections - Krishna District - Bye-election to 2O2 Nandigama (SC) Assembly constituency - Schedule announced - Various preparatory arrangements has been taken up and expenditure incurred - Budget released by the C.E.O, A.P., Hyderabad - Allocation of funds to the Constituency A.R.O & Tahsildar, Nandigama - Orders Issued. This Offi ce Msg. No. R c.HL (Bl I 2345 / 20 L4, Dt.28.O8 .2O L 4 2) Lr.No.Rc.A2l13/2OL4, of the A.R.O & Tahsildar, Nandigama, Dt. 10.09.20 14 and Ll.O9.2OL4 3) This Offrce Lr.No.Rc.H L (Bl l 2345 l 20 14, Dt. 1 1.09. 20 1 4 4) G.O.Rt.No.3116, Dt.11.09.2014 of the Gen.Admn (Elecs.C) Dept, A.P., Hyderabad. Read : - 1 ) ORDER: In the reference 4th read above, the Chief Electoral Officer, A.P., Hyderabad has released Budget to a tune of Rs.1,00,00,000/- (One Crore) under various Heads for the ensuing Bye-Election to 2O2 * Nandigama (SC) Assembly constituency. Details are as follows: Rs. u 1lo-T.E/r.A - S.P & TELEPHONES Rs. 21 131 3) 132 - O.O.E 41 134 * HIRING OF VEHICLES 51 21O 121 1 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 6124O - P.O.L 71 260 - ADVT/PUBLICITY 81 28O /284 - OTHER PAYMENTS , TOTAL 28,2O,OOOl- 5,00,000/- Rs. 35,00,000/Rs. 10,00,000/Rs. 10,00,000/- Rs. Rs. Rs. 5,00,000/1,80,000/5,00,000/- Rs.1,00,0O,000/- Out of the above, the Collector, Krishna is authorized to draw the funds on A.C Bills under T.A and O.O.E Heads. The C.E.O, A.P, Hyderabad has requested to ensure that funds are used only for the purposes, for which it has been sanctioned and should not be spent for other Department works with due attention to consideration of economy and efliciency and shall submit expenditure particulars to the Government. In view of the above, sanction is here by accorded for re-allotment of funds to the Constituency Asst. Returning Oflicer & Tahsildar, Nandigama..He is permitted to draw the funds allotted under 111 - T.A and t32 - O.O.E Heads o, Ab"tract Contingent (A.C) Bills when ever need arises to the minimum extent required from out of the funds which shall be adjusted by preferring Detailed contingent (D.C) Bills within a month from the date of drawl of the advance subject to the condition that the entire allotment shall not be drawn on A.C Bill in one lump sum. Allocation of funds under each Head is as follows. (Pro) :2i sl. Amount allotted to (in Rs.) Collector's Tahsildar, Name of the Head No / 110 TE 2 131- Service Postage, Telegrams & Telephone Charges 3 132 - Other office Expenses 4 L34 - Hiring 111 T.A of Private Vehicles 2LO - Supplies & Materials 2Ll - Materials & SupPlies 6 24O - Petrol, Oil & Lubricants 7 260 8 - Advt/Publicity 28O - Professional Services 284 - Other Payments 120000 2820000 100000 400000 500000 1600000 1900000 3500000 100000 900000 1000000 500000 500000 1000000 200000 300000 500000 o 180000 180000 325000 175000 500000 4525000 5475000 10000000 1700000 1 5 Reserve Nandigama / Total Total (in Rs.) 1 The A.P.S.R..T.C Hire charges will be paid centrallv from Krishna Office of Private either make Tahsildar, Vehicles or from O.O.E Heatls. The Constituency A.R.O the within A.R.Os of other Nrodig"ma should bare the expenditure and Constituency i.e., Tahsildar, Chandarlapadu/Veerullapadu Kanchikacherla basing on the number of Polling Stations in each Mandal. Further, the Constituency A.R.O should take prior approval of the Returning Officer concerned while incurring the expenditure and drawl of funds. Please keep in view that the allotted funds should not be used to clear the pending Bills kept with them. Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously. The Tahsildar, Nandigama is requested to regulate the expenditure to the extent of funds now allotted. The expenditure sanctioned in the reference read above shall be debited to "2015 - Elections - M.H. 104 Charges for conduct of Bye-election to State Legislative Assembly - S.H. (04) Conduct of Elections to State Assembly". The Dy. Director, District Treasury, Krishna, Machilipatnam is requested to issue necessary authorization to the Sub-Treasury Officer, Nandigama immediately. Sd/- M. Raghunandan Rao, District Election Officer & ll To: F.B.o /l Collector, Krishna <-]_ -,(tlry Superintendent'Bt ". - The Tahsildar, Nandigama copy to Dy. Director, District Treasury, Krishna $yith 2 spare copies. Copy to the Sub-Treasury Officer, Nandigama Copy to the R.O., 2O2- Nandigama (SC) A.C & P.D, D.R.D.A, Krishna, MTM. Copy to the Tahsildar, Kanchikacherla, Veerullapadu and Chandarlapadu Copy to Superintendent 'H', K.C.O, Machilipatnam. Copy to C. C to Collector/ Jt. Collector/ Addl.Jt. Collector/ D. R. O, Krishna
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