EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR SELECTION OF ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT & CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (EPCM) CONSULTANT(S) FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SOUTH KALIAPANI CHROMITE UNDERGROUND MINE IN JAJPUR DISTRICT OF THE ODISHA MINING CORPORATION LIMITED (OMC) BHUBANESWAR-751001 EOI No.135/OMC/PMC/14 1.0 Date: 15.02.2014 All about the company Odisha Mining Corporation Limited (OMC) was jointly established by the Union Government and the State Government of Odisha in 1956. Subsequently in 1963, it became a wholly State owned Corporation of Govt. of Odisha. OMC is the first public sector undertaking in the mining sector in India. As on date OMC is a 100% Debt-free Company and classified as a “Gold” Category State PSU. OMC owns mining properties containing Iron, Chromite and Manganese spread over the state of Odisha. OMC has been mining chrome ore since about four decades and has established itself as the leading merchant seller of chromite ore in the country. Bangur Chromite mines is the only underground mines of OMC which is in development stage. 2.0 All about the objective South Kaliapani Chromite mine is located in the district of Jajpur, Odisha which is about 150 Km from the state capital Bhubaneswar (which is the nearest Airport), and is connected with Jajpur Keonjhar Road (JK Road) Railway Station on the Howrah-Chennai trunk line of East Coast Railways by 52 Km all weather road. The chrome ore occurs in the Sukinda valley as near vertical strata-bound deposits and five such Chrome ore bands are inside the OMC’s lease hold, where opencast operation is in progress. As the depth of the open cast mine and the constraints of space for overburden disposal is increasing day by day there is now a need for a change of technology to go over to underground mining methods for mining the ore in future and sustain the production of chrome ore. OMC plans to appoint a reputed EPCM Consultant(s) for undertaking the project in different phases from concept to completion. Conceptual study and detail feasibility study for the project is planned to be completed in the first phase with exploration and reserve estimation, necessary geotechnical and hydrogeology work. Subsequently, the project is envisaged to be undertaken on EPCM basis by the selected EPCM consultant(s) in the second phase. 3.0 Scope of work OMC now invites Expression of Interests (EOI) from reputed EPCM consultants having experience and expertise of working in Underground Mining projects and willing to work with OMC in development of this project in all the following areas in different phases: i) Pre feasibility study ii) Exploration & reserve estimation iii) Conceptual feasibility study iv) Detail feasibility study with necessary geotechnical & hydrogeological works v) EPCM services for the South Kaliapani Chromite underground project. Contd-pg2 4.0 4.1 -2Instruction to the consultants Information to be furnished by the interested EPCM consultants are as follows: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) Name of Organization / Nature of Firm & Corporate Profiles Year of Establishment Address & Contact Number Key In-house personnel with details of qualification & experience Experience of the organization in the related areas Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) / Agreement in case of consortium / joint EOI Annual Turn-over of last three financial year Brief of Major Consultancy Assignments Undertaken in last ten Financial Years Copy of Registration of the organization Audited Accounts for last 3 financial years Suggestions on Objectives & Projected Scope of Work 4.2 Besides the above, interested EPCM consultants should submit their detailed approach / methodology for undertaking the project through the EOI, to be received by 3.00PM on Dt. 19.03.2014 in a sealed envelope, clearly marked “Expression of Interest (EOI) for selection of EPCM Consultant(s) for development of South Kaliapani Chromite Underground project of OMC” to the following address: Additional General Manager (Mining) Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd., OMC House, Bhunbaneswar-751 001 E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone : 0674 – 2393495, Fax: 0674 – 2396889 Website: 4.3 Any EOI received beyond the scheduled submission period, shall not be entertained. 4.4 OMC may seek additional information from the interested EPCM consultants following submission of EOI. However, OMC reserves the right to reject / accept the EOI or invite fresh EOI, if so required. A pre-selection meeting may be organised for effective interaction with the EPCM consultants for clarification of doubts, details of scope of work, etc. The date and venue for the same will be intimated after the EOIs are assessed by OMC. The interested EPCM Consultants, who are going to respond the EOI, invited by OMC, for “selection of EPCM Consultant(s) for development of South Kaliapani Chromite Underground project for OMC”, may bid later during the tendering phase as sole bidder or as consortium in the same configuration as have responded to the EOI. The cost incurred by Consultants in preparing this EOI, in providing clarification or attending discussion/conferences in connection with this process shall be borne by the Consultants and the OMC in no case will be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the process. Decision of CMD, OMC Ltd shall be final and binding in case of any dispute that may arise during the process of selection of EPCM Consultant. OMC will facilitate visit and inspection of the mines in question prior to submission of EOI, If such request is made in advance. 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 OMC Ltd reserves the right to accept or reject in full or part, any of the EOIs submitted without assigning any reason whatsoever. Sd/Addl. General Manager (Mining)
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