Medical Control - Minutes - Old Dominion EMS Alliance

1463 Johnston-Willis Drive
Richmond, VA 23235-4730
804-560-3300  FAX: 804-560-0909
Medical Control Committee Meeting
August 9, 2012
Dr. Allen Yee, Chair; [email protected]
Article VI, Section 5 states:
“A quorum shall consist of 8
members and 1 officer.”
Attendance: Drs. Allen Yee, Frank Ramsey, Joe Ornato, Richard Gill, and Cam Crittenden, Al Thompson, Mike Watkins
Via Tele-conference: Drs. Joanne Lapetina, and Lori Harbour
Staff: Lynn Barbour, Holly Sturdevant.
Materials Distributed: Agenda, Previous Minutes
Responsible Person
Dr. Allen Yee called the meeting to order at 08:05 a.m. There was no quorum at the time
Call to Order
the meeting was called to order.
St Med Control
Dr. Yee - getting rid of physician’s signature, working on white papers.
Lynn – all new drug kits are in the field. We are still pulling old boxes in and are offering
them for sale once we get ODEMSA insignia removed. Staff is slowly getting back to
normal from this massive undertaking. Clearly Inventory is moving along nicely. Still
tweaking areas with company.
Hospitals –
Cam – construction moving along at St. Marys. The ambulance entrance is almost done.
St. Francis Stroke Survey being completed today. Cam introduces Dr. Richard Gill,
Emergency Department Director for St. Francis.
Frank Ramsey – new hospital administrator at Chippenham, Tim McManus, and we have
some new hospitalists joining group.
Agencies -
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Al - Mike Harmon retiring at Chesterfield. In addition, Chief Ed Smith is resigning at
Henrico and Lisa Baber has assumed the Interim Chief role with New Kent.
1463 Johnston-Willis Drive
Richmond, VA 23235-4730
804-560-3300  FAX: 804-560-0909
Old Business
Heart Failure /
CHF Protocol
Dr. Yee - Inadvertently left morphine in this protocol. This has created confusion, as
morphine is no longer in the drug kit. Do we make exclusion; do we change to fentanyl or
eliminate opiates? Discussion follows.
Dr. Ornato – Erik Peterson’s work through clinical research done about 4 or 5 years ago,
looked at differences in outcomes in patients with ACS. There seemed to be a higher
mortality rate in those who did not receive morphine, but we should point out this was not
a randomized trial. IT is perfectly logical to speculate that patients who got morphine were
probably sicker. Sort of a teaser as it doesn’t really answer the questions but means
these may be valid questions. Don’t know if it’s a class opiate effect or morphine effect.
Real statement is very little likelihood that anyone would do randomized trial so we would
all know what to do. Morphine is generic, inexpensive but so are many of the others. No
pharmaceutical company will pay to do the trial. So what do we do? No real way to
resolve. ACLS guidelines acknowledged this also, which dumps it back into the OMD’s
lap. Some systems say get rid of it, others say continue to use it. We could defend any
position we take.
Dr. Yee - Morphine has been taken out in Chesterfield and something similar in Henrico
and Will Mills is saying take it out. Consensus is to remove morphine in those affected
protocols and change to Fentanyl. Data is only for ACS not Heart Failure but consensus
is not to use narcotics or fentanyl either, for heart failure.
New Business
Intranasal Meds
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Dr. Yee - Protocol training went very well throughout the region. ODEMSA did a great job.
Randy Geldreich is interested in adopting regional intranasal meds, especially Fentanyl.
Discussion follows. We should consider intranasal for fentanyl, versed, glucagon, and
narcan. We could put medication kit for nasal sprays in the drug boxes and make it
system wide or have agencies purchase themselves. Need to consider whether rural
agencies would be able to adopt if it was agency specific due to education and association
of use. What would the impact be at our hospital facilities – that’s a pharmacy question.
How many times would we actually use since only real indication is for PEDS? Can also
use for people who you cannot get IV access to, or even heroin overdose. If OMD
endorsed the use of intranasal drugs, but utilize it like we do epi pens, then it could be
agency specific. Consensus is to endorse agency specific use of intranasal meds.
1463 Johnston-Willis Drive
Richmond, VA 23235-4730
804-560-3300  FAX: 804-560-0909
Advanced PEDS
Cam –what is OMD’s take on this? It would be a 64-hour course at the community college
level. Completely new role and scope of practice for ALS. However, it is not new. It is
used on Indian reservations in areas where physician access is limited and proven to be
very successful. VCU and RAA tried to put in an intra-grant to explore something close to
that. Cheryl Garland put grant together and at last minute submitted but there was a glitch
in the submission. They are still looking for a future opportunity to submit one, perhaps a
NIH grant at the end of the year. As OMD’s, do you feel liability is increased?
Discussion - Okay provided the protocols are reasonably validated. RAA did what was
called the CHAPS program. Used OMEGA protocols to determine if we could stop
dispatching the ambulance; instead arrange for that patient to be seen elsewhere, clinic,
patient first, etc. Data showed that patient care went well, but the program was eventually
stopped. If we put in a community paramedic, we would want to look at other communities
and tailor it so we had some means of follow up so we could make sure there was nothing
missed, no patient harm, etc. Great idea for rural areas or inner city. Concept is viable but
there is no national certification. Just a course that is taken.
Non-Use of KEDS OMD consensus is to endorse the non-use of KEDS but cannot remove them from the
system. Gentle reminder to OMD’s to share this information as appropriate with their
agencies. Double check with Mike Berg, as a KED type device is required on the
Spinal Motion
We have stated in the past that we were going to develop spinal motion restriction
protocols. Facial trauma is good example. Scoop stretchers would be a better use. Most
of those in use are so old the mechanisms have broken down, but it is definitely gentler on
the patient. Variations on immobilizations are seen in the ED but not with scoop. The
science behind c-collars and backboards is not solid. Obesity is so prevalent, collars don’t
fit right and patients can’t breathe when they are laid flat. We will review the studies and
bring up at next meeting.
Safety Program
Joe –RAA was featured in JEMS last month for their safety program. It is a neat program,
and we encourage others to become familiar and utilize. Has tremendously increased
employee and patient safety. Insurance rates have dropped substantially due to this good
program. It has received national accolades.
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1463 Johnston-Willis Drive
Richmond, VA 23235-4730
804-560-3300  FAX: 804-560-0909
Intubation /
Joe – Dan Davis, part of resuscitation outcomes consortium, has two analyses that are
making their way to press. The consortium was created 6-7 yrs. ago, with ten sites in
Canada and U.S. Together, they have generated 150,000 cardiac arrests and 40,000
trauma cases. They have built one heck of database. Dan has done some wonderful
things for EMS by working with the data set and publishing these items. There are two
papers – CA and trauma patients who were intubated with king airway. It found that there
was a better outcome in those who were intubated correctly. However, it was not a
randomized trial study and you were not able to determine if the King was used first.
There is a high probability that there will be a randomized study to follow to tell whether
you use King first or what. Will be the next big project and flurry you will probably see.
Utilizing D50 out
of the box
Mike Watkins – How do we address utilizing D50 on a patient who then does not want to
be transported to the hospital. Must obtain physician signature within 7 days. Regs are
so old they do not address the computer entry of patient data. No resolution for signing a
PCR that is computer generated. Get signature on a paper copy within 7 days.
CYANO kits expire end of August. Keep on units despite expiration date, until we get a
replacement. This is being addressed tomorrow at the GAB meeting with Mike Berg. The
restocking delay is due to several factors beyond control. There will probably be a 6 week
delay before restocking. Richmond Metro agencies down to Petersburg are the primary
agencies affected.
Alternate Triage
Another item to be discussed at the GAB tomorrow – different triage model called SALT or
MUCK triage was not endorsed initially, then GAB stepped in and asked for presentation.
If endorsed, it would affect the MCI Committee who is looking at doing a triage Tuesday.
This needs to be clarified before MCI Committee rolls out the triage Tuesday practice
sessions with the hospitals.
November 15, 2012; 8:30-10:30 a.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Next Meeting
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