Agenda Item From: Joe_Doria Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 1:56 PM To: Bruce Robb; Clerks Richmondhill Cc: Subject: RE: Committee of the Whole Meeting, June 17,2014 Attention: Mr. Bruce Robb, Senior Planner Clerk's Office Town of Richmond Hill 225 East Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3P4 Subject: Heathwood Homes (Jefferson) Limited Town File Nos. D02-12034 and D03-12008- (SRPRS.14.16 And 211 Jefferson Sideroad (Doria) Plan 1916-Lot 11 Dear Sir, We are the owners of 211 Jefferson Sideroad immediately to the west of the Heathwood subdivision. In my letter of May 10, 2013 to the Town we indicated our concern and issue with the potential for a draft plan of subdivision approval which would have the effect of landlocking the southerly portion of our property. A proposed modification to the draft plan by Heathwood shifted a public roadway where its alignment would follow along the south limit of our property and we were in agreement with it, "The Original Plan" (map 3, 310). The revised draft plan now presented to the Committee shows the new public road located further to the south and does not provide any future access to lot 11. We do not support this revised proposal and request that the application be approved as shown in the Original Draft Plan. I wish to address the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday June 17, 2014 and ask that I be scheduled to speak to Committee when this matter is considered. I would respectfully notice of any decision by Council with respect to the draft plan of subdivision and notice of any meeting where the zoning bylaw will be presented to either Committee or Council. I would request notice of any action taken by Council to either approve or refuse the zoning bylaw amendment. 623 I thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Should there be any questions or concerns please advise and I will attempt to be of assistance. Regards Joseph 0. Doria 624 211 Jefferson Sideroad Richmond Hill, Ontario L4E 3N5 May 10, 2013 Town of Richmond Hill 225 East Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3P4 Attention: Mr. Bruce Robb, Senior Planner - Subdivisions, Town of Richmond Hill Planning & Regulatory Services Department SUBJECT: 211 Jefferson Sideroad Plan 1916 - Lot 11 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4E 3N5 In relation to Zoning Change for the property noted above and upon review of Plans being submitted to date for the future development of the area, known as Harris Beech Infill Study we the residents and property owners of 211 Jefferson Sideroad, Richmond Hill Plan 1916-Lot 11 wish to express our concerns and opposition to having our property landlocked for any future development. The proposal that was endorsed by a majority of the owners was not chosen by Heathwood Homes or council. This proposal would have provided access for any future development. We as the owner of Lot 11 request that our property does not become landlocked and any plans for the adjacent bordering lands would allow for future development of our said property. Thank you for your attention to this matter, Yours truly, Joseph G. Doria Theresa E. Doria c.c : Lynn Foster, Councillor-Ward 4, Town of Richmond Hill Salvatore Aiello, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Manager of Development, Richmond Hill Phoebe Chow, B.E.S., M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Planning & Regulatory Services, Richmond Hill 625 E X IS 7 INGRESIDEAMAL t....QMN SPACE -7 .. . . , 1" • 1'4 3.74n •". . •••• .12 I.: co . 3. ... -- I, . ,...,......&,..„..... r7, 2ze --- rr. 1i1 ■ r 0 n 23 m ,. .t..- - 0 24 tr, IT C..i n n n *.1. - 14.1 I j T .. • or a 1 !... n 'A A — STREET a - ,...„,,.!„,.. 110 0 l' u 403 1 107 y BLOCK 116 Open Space -- in ha a • OPE N SPACE 1 Block 09 REVISED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION BR/SS SRPRS. 14.116 MAP 2- File No.002-12034 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ---- STREET 'IC' EILOCX 115 Phr( 57 eus a BLOCK Open S zor■ja 1 Block 09 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION BR/SS SRPRS.13.193 MAP. 5 File Nos.002-12034 D06-12008 Town of Richmond Hill Planning and Regulatory Services De b artrn en - SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 87-14 This is Schedule "A" to By-Law No. 87-14 passed by the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill on the 23rd Day of June 2014 Mayor Town Clerk 610241.11 EA SUBJECT TO THIS BY-LAW 2 12034A.OGN BRISS
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