MEDICAL CONTROL BOARD EASTERN AND WESTERN DIVISIONS EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS FOUNDATION The regular scheduled meeting of the Medical Control Board was held by videoconference, pursuant to Okla. Stat. tit. 25 & 307.1, On Wednesday May 14, 2014 10:00 A.M. at the following locations: Best Western 1200 N 8th Street Stroud, Oklahoma NOTICE AND AGENDA for the regular meeting of the Medical Control Board of the Emergency Physicians Foundation, Eastern and Western Divisions, was posted in the Office of the Deputy City Clerk of Tulsa at 1:49 PM, May 9, 2014, and in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Oklahoma City at 1:00 AM, May 9, 2014 and amendment filed at 2:16 PM on May 9, 2014, more than 24 hours prior to the time set for the regular meeting of the Medical Control Board. 1. Roll Call disclosed a quorum at 10:02 A.M. and the meeting was called to order by Dr. Jeff Reames. MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Roxie Albrecht Dr. Mark Blubaugh Dr. Jeff Dixon Dr. Justin Fairless Dr. Jeff Reames Dr. David Smith Dr. Mike Smith Tammy Appleby, OMD Michael Baker, TFD James Davis, EMSA IT Dr. Jeffrey Goodloe, OMD David Howerton, OMD Sonny Geary, AMR Mark Kessler, AMR Kris Keopsel, Riggs and Abney Law Firm Duffy McAnallen, OMD Marian Nolen, EMSA IT Greg Ostrum, JFD Rick Ornelas, AMR Howard Reed, OMD Dinorah Rivera, OMD Jim Travis, OCFD Barbara Ward, OCFD Stephen Williamson, EMSA MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Jennifer Amen Dr. Chad Borin Dr. Curtis Knoles Dr. John Marshall 1 2. Discussion and Approval of March 12, 2014 Minutes. For approval by MCB, Dr. Jeff Reames presented the minutes of the March 12, 2014 Medical Control Board meeting, with no revisions submitted. Upon motion by Dr. David Smith and seconded by Dr. Justin Fairless the Medical Control Board voted to approve the March 12, 2014 minutes with no revisions. AYE: Dr. Mark Blubaugh, Dr. Jeff Dixon, Dr. Justin Fairless, Dr. Jeff Reames, Dr. David Smith, and Dr. Mike Smith ABSTENTION: None ABSENT: Dr. Roxie Albrecht, Dr. Jennifer Amen, Dr. Chad Borin, Dr. Curtis Knoles, and Dr. John Marshall 3. Consideration and vote upon an executive session of the Medical Control Board, as authorized by Title 25, Section 307 B.1. of the Oklahoma Statutes, for the purpose of discussing the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, or disciplining of the Medical Director, Dr. Jeffrey Goodloe. Dr. Reames introduced Kris Keopsel, the lawyer representing the MCB, and gave notice to the reasoning for the executive secession today. Upon motion by Dr. David Smith and seconded by Dr. Jeff Dixon the Medical Control Board voted to convene to executive session authorized by Title 25, Section 307 B.1. of the Oklahoma Statutes, for the purpose of discussing the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, or disciplining of the Medical Director, Dr. Jeffrey Goodloe. AYE: Dr. Mark Blubaugh, Dr. Jeff Dixon, Dr. Justin Fairless, Dr. Jeff Reames, Dr. David Smith, and Dr. Mike Smith ABSTENTION: None ABSENT: Dr. Roxie Albrecht, Dr. Jennifer Amen, Dr. Chad Borin, Dr. Curtis Knoles, and Dr. John Marshall Page 2 4. Discussion and possible board action on matters discussed in executive session. Dr. Reames re-convened the open Medical Control Board meeting and thanked everyone for their patience with the Board while they were in executive session. During executive secession, no discussion points became action items for vote. There were three items from the executive secession that the Medical Control Board disclosed: 1. The Medical Control Board will review any future contracts with the University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine for Dr. Goodloe’s services and explore alternatives in maintaining his services. 2. Direct oversight involvement for any contracts involving the Medical Director. 3. The Medical Control Board supports Dr. Goodloe and the efforts he has directly made for this EMS system and the citizens served. Dr. Reames specifically commented that Dr. Goodloe has brought this EMS system to new heights from where it has been from past Medical Directors. The Medical Control Board is very supportive and is looking forward to moving on to the great things Dr. Goodloe will continue to bring for this EMS system in the future. 5. EMSA Director Report For informational purposes the information submitted by Mr. Williamson of response time compliance reports for the months of February and March 2014 for Eastern and Western Divisions with exclusion summaries was acknowledged. Mr. Williamson had left the MCB meeting to attend other business before this item was reached on the agenda. 6. Medical Director Report Dr. Goodloe thanked the Board for their deliberations in executive session this morning. He extended his gratitude to all the agencies represented here today, and those that could not attend for their unanimous support of him and of the Medical Control Board during these recent weeks. Dr. Goodloe noted that many good things have happened clinically within the EMS System for Metropolitan Oklahoma City and Tulsa over the past couple of months, but due to time considerations, he would leave the Medical Director’s report to these comments and would answer any further questions. No further questions were posed. Page 3 7. Review and Approval CAP 1.6 OMD Protocol Handling Timeline The CAP 1.6 OMD Protocol Handling Timeline is an internal policy that has been revised to further clarify the process in which the MCB treatment protocols will be completed and hand delivered to the Oklahoma State Department of Health EMS Division for the approval process with receipt. Protocols will then be placed on the OMD website after final approval has been granted by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Once protocols are approved and placed on OMD website an email will be sent to all agencies in the system notifying them of such approval. Upon motion by Dr. Mike Smith and seconded by Dr. Mark Blubaugh, the Medical Control Board voted to approve the CAP 1.6 OMD Protocol Handling Timeline as written AYE: Dr. Roxie Albrecht, Dr. Mark Blubaugh, Dr. Jeff Dixon, Dr. Justin Fairless, Dr. Jeff Reames, Dr. David Smith, and Dr. Mike Smith ABSTENTION: None ABSENT: Dr. Jennifer Amen, Dr. Chad Borin, Dr. Curtis Knoles, and Dr. John Marshall 8. Review and Approval of the January, February and March 2014 Medical Control Board Financial Statement. Submitted for the MCB’s review and approval, Mrs. Tammy Appleby gave details regarding the January, February, and March unaudited Financial Statements. The staff practiced fiscally restrictive measures throughout the budget year and continues to be in good accordance with the budgeted amounts. Upon motion by Dr. Mike Smith and seconded by Dr. Justin Fairless the Medical Control Board voted to approve the January, February, and March 2014 Medical Control Board Financial Statements. AYE: Dr. Roxie Albrecht, Dr. Mark Blubaugh, Dr. Jeff Dixon, Dr. Justin Fairless, Dr. Jeff Reames, Dr. David Smith, and Dr. Mike Smith ABSTENTION: None ABSENT: Dr. Jennifer Amen, Dr. Chad Borin, Dr. Curtis Knoles, and Dr. John Marshall Page 4 9. Review and Approval of the Medical Control Board 2014-2015 Annual Budget Dr. Goodloe discussed the 2014-2015 Annual Budget with the Medical Control Board. Dr. Goodloe reviewed with the Medical Control Board the cost center amounts requested for the upcoming fiscal year. Dr. Goodloe will present the MCB/OMD Annual 2014-2015 Budget to Oklahoma City City Council and Tulsa City Council in the upcoming weeks for approval. Upon motion by Dr. David Smith and seconded by Dr. Roxie Albrecht, the Medical Control Board voted to approve the MCB/OMD 2014-2015 Annual Budget as presented. AYE: Dr. Roxie Albrecht, Dr. Mark Blubaugh, Dr. Jeff Dixon, Dr. Justin Fairless, Dr. Jeff Reames, Dr. David Smith, and Dr. Mike Smith ABSTENTION: None ABSENT: Dr. Jennifer Amen, Dr. Chad Borin, Dr. Curtis Knoles, and Dr. John Marshall 10. New Business – None noted 11. Next Meeting – July 9, 2014 12. Adjournment Upon Motion by Dr. Jeff Dixon and seconded by Dr. Justin Fairless, the Medical Control Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 12:50 PM. Approved By: Chad Borin, M.D MCB Secretary Date Approved: Page 5
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