Jake Fratkin – Integrating Functional Medicine with a TCM Practice

Jake Paul Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac. Pacific Symposium • San Diego, CA November 7, 2014 WHAT IS FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE? INTEGRATING FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE INTO A TCM PRACTICE –  A modern approach to health and disease •  ASracts holisTc MDs, chiropractors, naturopaths and pracTToners of TCM –  Closely observes physiology and eTology of disease •  Relies on, or contributes to, recent medical and scienTfic studies UTILIZES LAB TESTS for idenTfying Recognizes environmental toxins as new exogenous factors, and to assess and persistent stressors on health consequences on health, parTcularly on organ funcTon: Metals PesTcides, herbicides PlasTcs, solvents, paints, etc PharmaceuTcals GMO foods UTILIZING LAB TESTS: Endocrine and Hormone Status: Pituitary, pineal, thyroid, adrenal, ovary NeurotransmiSer vitality affecTng: Behavior Developmental disorders Liver funcTon Adrenal funcTon Cardiovascular funcTon Blood sugar regulaTon UTILIZING LAB TESTS: Stomach and esophageal funcTon Small intesTne permeability Skin disorders InfecTous diseases Sleep disorders Jake Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac. 1 PROBLEMS WITH FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE A therapy for the affluent •  FM doctors can recommend up to 10 different supplement products at the same Tme. •  Very expensive, $200-­‐$500 per month POSITIVE ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE FOR THE TCM PRACTITIONER •  FM doctors can recommend too many lab tests, with an iniTal visit cosTng $300-­‐$2000 1.  UNDERSTANDING DISEASE ETIOLOGY OUTSIDE OF CLASSICAL TCM FRAMEWORK a. Consequences of Environmental Toxins on: NeurotransmiSer disorders Behavior, ADHD, auTsm Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, senility b. Consequences of Poor Diet or Lack or Exercise •  Cardiovascular disease •  Metabolic syndrome •  Skin condiTons due to food allergies Liver funcTon Hormone regulaTon Skin disorders c. Consequences of PharmaceuTcals d. Consequences of Allergies (food, drug, chemical, pollen) •  Leaky Gut Syndrome (anTbioTcs) •  Adrenal faTgue (steroids) •  Skin condiTons •  Systemic damage due to •  Behavior problems chemotherapy and radiaTon therapy Jake Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac. •  Leaky Gut syndrome 2 POSITIVE ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE 2.  Allowing Modern Understanding of Physiology and ETology to Influence Treatment Of Classical TCM PaSerns b. ABNORMAL DIETARY OVERLOAD AFFECTING ZANG-­‐FU •  Metabolic syndrome affecTng spleen and liver •  Diminishing of stomach fire and spleen a. ADRENAL FATIGUE AS KIDNEY DEFICIENCY affecTng: Chronic pain and inflammaTon Lowered immunity Sleep disturbance c. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF MODERN INFECTIONS Shingles Lyme’s disease West Nile Chronic faTgue yang causing gastric reflux •  Adrenal funcTon POSITIVE ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE 3. IntegraTng Modern Lab Tests for ConfirmaTon of Illness and Focus •  Thyroid funcTon •  Liver funcTon •  Kidney funcTon •  Blood sugar •  IntesTnal permeability •  Food allergy •  Heart disease Jake Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac. 3 a.  Amino acids for neurotransmiSer and sleep disorders POSITIVE ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE 4. Understanding and Using NutriTonal Supplements b.  Nutrients (vitamins and trace minerals) for liver detoxificaTon and heavy metal detoxificaTon c.  AlternaTves to pharmaceuTcals to control 1.  Blood lipids 2.  Sugar regulaTon ADVANTAGE OF TCM IN PRACTICE OF FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE •  Organ regulaTon •  Disease progression •  Return of vitality 1. Chinese Herbal Therapy and Acupuncture •  Return of immune funcTon More EffecTve than NutriTonal Supplements •  Return of digesTve funcTon •  Slowing down of aging ADVANTAGE OF TCM IN PRACTICE OF FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE •  Bacterial infecTons •  Viral infecTons •  Hormone regulaTon 2. Chinese Herbal Therapy as EffecTve •  Disease progression or More EffecTve than PharmaceuTcals •  Return of health and vitality Jake Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac. 4 •  Liver toxicity as regulaTon of liver blood, yin, qi and heat ADVANTAGE OF TCM IN PRACTICE OF FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE 3. TCM DemysTfies Many Disease Processes •  OrganizaTon of the repair of Leaky Gut syndrome: •  Damp-­‐heat inflammaTon in SI, soothing of liver qi and blood, boosTng of spleen qi and yang •  Hormone regulaTon as balance of kidney and liver funcTon •  GERDs as deficiency of spleen yang with liver qi stasis IN CHINA, MODERN TCM RECOGNIZES NEWER ORGANIZATION Doctors in China are also confronted with People’ Medical Publishing House (Beijing) for example, offers the following Ttles, reflecTng a willingness of current TCM in China to address modern diseases: these newer diseases, and offer books, clinics and formulas Jake Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac. 5 Class 1:
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine eLearning will be offering the following classes on the IntegraTon of TCM with FuncTonal Medicine taught by Jake Paul Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac. Class 5:
Class 6:
Class 7:
Metabolic Syndrome and Weight Control Gerds (Gastro-­‐Esophageal Reflux Disease) Irritable Bowel Syndrome Class 11: Detoxing Heavy Metals Class 12: SupporTng Chemotherapy and RadiaTon with Chinese Herbal Medicine Class 13: Case Study Mentorship Class 2:
Class 3:
Class 4:
Class 8:
Class 9:
IntegraTng TCM with FuncTonal Medicine: An Overview Detox Protocols for Liver and Kidney Adrenal FaTgue Thyroid DysfuncTon Leaky Gut Syndrome -­‐ 1: Physiology and ETology Leaky Gut Syndrome -­‐ 2 Treatment Class 10: NeurotransmiSer Disorders ESSENTIAL
Chinese Formulas
Jake Paul Fratkin
Jake Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac. 6