and introductory remarks

The dance of stars: dense stellar
systems from infant to old
June, 2-6, 2014 @ Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Welcome everyone!
to MODEST 14
Grab your conference kit and badge
Staying at Physikzentrum (PBH)
Breakfast + lunch + coffee
+ dinner + beer at PBH
Staying at Hotel
Seminaris (HS)
Breakfast at HS, !
lunch + coffee + dinner +
beer at PBH
Common facilities at PBH (conference venue)
Internet (WiFi) throughout the building, also in HS rooms
Reading room
Dining room (PBH-breakfast & lunch)
Cellar (dinner, beer & “Heraeus Abend”)
Foyer (coffee/tea; optionally lunch/dinner)
PC terminals
Printing & photocopying (please be gentle :-)
Parking in front of main building
Lecture hall (this one) at PBH
Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Hörsaal
Ultra-modern lecture hall with approx. 100 seats
Possibility to connect multiple notebooks and switch
between them
To speakers: please keep your talk ready by the
break immediately before your slot
Talk time: 20 min
Discussion time: 10 min
Questions/updates regarding accommodation,
payment and reimbursement to!
Kristina Biehl
Questions/updates regarding projection and
submission of talk slides to!
Christine Schulz!
Ylva Schuberth
Questions/updates regarding program!
an SOC member!
Sambaran Banerjee, Melvyn Davies, Douglas
Heggie, Pavel Kroupa, Susanne Pfalzner, Simon
Portegies Zwart, Fred Rasio, Alison Sills
Wednesday, June 4
Maureen van den Berg will speak in place of
Paolo Bianchini (14:45-15:05) on
“Interacting binary populations in old open and
globular clusters as seen by Chandra”