Dues Payment Options Pav bv Cheque Please make your

Dues PaymentOptions
Pav bv Cheque
Pleasemakeyour $10.00chequepayable(pleasedo not postdate)to BCARTW or BC Association
Workers and REMIT ON OR BEFORE APRIL 30 to:
of RetiredTelecommunications
BCARTW Treasurer
5650Alder Way
Nanaimo,BC V9T 5N4
Email: [email protected]
You can prepay future years.(We do not pro-rate amounts,if you pay in May, December
or later it is still $10.00)
Electronic Bill Pavment
On-linc bill paymenthas now beenset up with:
BC Ccntral Credit Union and Bank of Montreal
For paymentthrough the Credit Union:
Go to: Add a new llill Payee.
Then: Browseby Miscellaneous.
Then: BCARTW (Retired TelecomWorkers)
If you are unableto locatethe BCARTW, pleasecontactyour Credit Union to haveus
addedto their database.Not all of the Credit Unionsusethe BC Central Credit Union
Onceyou haveadded the BCARTW to your list of bill payees,you haveto add your
accountnumber. This is the 4 (four) digit membernumber by your name on your email or
envelope.ie: Miller Dianne0000 If you do not know your member number, pleaseemail
me at [email protected]
or phoneme for the information250-751-1351
If you are an AssociateMember you will havean 'A" after your number, ie: 00004. You
will useonly the 4 digits. Once you are collectinga pension,and notify me, the A will be
droppedand your membershipnumber will be the same4 digits.
You will receivea confirmationnumber when you havecompletedyour payment. Please
keepthis number and date of paymentin the eventof any problems.
The Royal Bank, Scotiabank,CIBC and TD Bank are not includedin the electronicbill
payment as their feesare prohibitive.