J U N E Official Publication of Assembly No. 1839 Sterling Heights, Michigan 2 0 1 4 3777- Eighteen Mile Road - Sterling Heights, MI 48314 Website: http://www.bvm1839.org PROVINCIAL WEBSITE MICHIGAN DISTRICT #1 WEBSITE OFFICERS OF THE ASSEMBLY Worthy Master [email protected] SK Clifford Wasmund PGK PFN (586) 781-4729 www.hennepinprovince.org www.michigandistrict1.com From the Navigator Sir Knights of the Fourth degree: Vivat Jesus! Faithful Friar SK Rev. Steve Koehler Faithful Navigator SK Doug VanBuren, PGK [email protected] (586) 979-5456 Faithful Captain SK Bogedin, Robert A. [email protected] (248) 225 4614 Faithful Admiral SK Deacon James Gery PFN [email protected] (586) 446-9350 Faithful Pilot SK Mario DiDonato (586) 977-2774 Faithful Comptroller SK John Corbat PGK [email protected] (586) 979-8754 Faithful Scribe [email protected] SK Joe Schanbeck PGK PFN (248) 585-8798 Faithful Purser SK Edward Glowniak, Jr. [email protected] (586) 536-6021 Faithful Inner-Sentinel SK George O’Brien [email protected] (586) 979-6642 Faithful Outer-Sentinel SK Lynn Figg PGK [email protected] (586-202-9628 Faithful Trustees 3Yr SK Michael Krotche, PGK [email protected] 2 Yr SK Jim Morrison PGK, PDD [email protected] 1Yr SK John Morgan [email protected] Appointees Color-Corps Commander SK Lawrence Sulikowski [email protected] Color-Corps Lt. Commander SK Michael Grey [email protected] (586) 264-7608 (248) 585-2324 We are approaching the end of our fraternal year, July, 2014 and with our elections of 2014 – 2015 Officers my two year term as your Faithful Navigator will come to an end. So many changes have taken place since I was elected in June of 2012. We have become financially stable by holding our own charity events. We have relocated down Ryan road a couple of times and found a welcoming home at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church with Father Ben. Our Lord has called quite a few Sir Knights and Ladies home to be with Him, they will be missed. I believe we have a strong and dedicated group of officers to lead our Assembly forward. And I am proud to be a member of Blessed Virgin Mary Assembly 1839 and what has been accomplished by all of my brother Sir Knights. Although our Assembly continues to grow with new members joining, we must actively ask our 3rd degree brother Knights at our council meetings to join the 4th degree. I want to acknowledge a few Sir Knights that have given me advice, council and support during my term as Faithful Navigator, SK Joe Honce, PFN, for advice & guidance,; SK John Corbat for keeping us aware of being financial sound; SK Bob Bogedin, Faithful Captain, for taking on the Captain’s position with little knowledge of what was expected; SK Ed Glowniak, Jr. for stepping into the Purser’s position when SK Charles Jennings unexpectedly passed on; SK Larry Sulikowski, Color Corps Commander, who’s commitment to the Color Corps and for chairing “books for veterans” program is exemplary. Thank you for your support and contributions to the Knights of Columbus and our Assembly. How true these words are “I could not have done this without the support of” my lovely wife, Joan. Not only supporting me as Faithful Navigator, but, taking on the position of First Lady of our LOTA. Thank you for all you do for me and the Knights of Columbus, I am truly blessed. (586) 247-0334 The support that the LOTA gives to our Assembly has certainly not been overlooked by the Sir Knights. We thank you for all that you do for the Assembly. Our Flag retirement ceremony would not run as smoothly or be as successful. (586) 383-4263 Fraternally, (586) 566.0242 Doug Van Buren Faithful Navigator COMMANDER NEWS My fellow Sir Knights, Summer is here, and we have a lot of activities to which we have been requested. May has passed and I want to thank you all for coming out to the assignments. It was a difficult month for me personally because I do not miss many assignments and I enjoy your companionship, but, family matters came first. By the time this article is published at least two major events occurred, one was Fr Val’s 60th Anniversary Mass which was moved to June 1st, and Fr Fabian’s 90th Birthday Mass on June 8th. Again, I want to thank all of the Sir Knights who came out in support. Upcoming Assignments: June 14th (Saturday) 4:30 PM Corporate Communion of Council 11957 @ at St Therese Lisieux Parish (48115 Schoenherr Road Shelby Twp. the parish is between 21 & 22 Mile roads) June 15th (Sunday) 10:00 AM 50 Anniversary Mass of St Ephrem Parish celebrated by Archbishop Vigeron (38900 Dodge Park Sterling Heights Corner of Dodge Park & 17 Mile) June 22nd (Sunday) 10:00 AM Corpus Christi Mass & Procession at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Parish (41233 Ryan Rd. Sterling Heights) June 29th (Sunday) 10:30 AM St Nicholas Council #7011 Corporate Communion Mass @ St Rene Parish (35955 Ryan, Sterling Heights just north of 15 Mile on West side of Ryan) July 1st (Tuesday) Canada Day Parade in Windsor Ontario Canada – Please keep this date open as I know that the invitation is coming but I do not have all of the details yet. July 5th (Saturday) 9:00 AM Ss Cyril & Methodius Feast Day Mass @ Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Parish (41233 Ryan Rd. Sterling Heights) July 13th (Saturday) 12:00 (Noon) American Polish Festival Mass @ American Polish Century Club (33204 Maple Lane, Sterling Heights, MI 48312 – North East corner of 14 Mile and Maple Lane) The CC is requested to fall out at 11:15 AM. July 23rd (Wednesday) 7:00 PM Polish Mass (part of the Novena to Ste. Anne) @ Ste. Anne de Detroit Church (1000 St. Anne Street, Detroit east of Ambassador Bridge between Vernor and Fort Street – 1 block east of the Ambassador Bridge) Aug 10th (Sunday) 10:30 AM The Madonna de Trapani Procession and Mass at Holy Family Parish (641 Chrysler Drive, Detroit 48226 – going South on I-75 exit Lafayette Street, Greektown exit, continue South on Service drive 2 lights to church on right) Please mark your calendars for these upcoming assignments. Important: All the times are actual event start times. Please be there at least ½ hour before event start or at the time that is specified in the assignment. Please check out the 4th Degree Blessed Virgin Mary Assembly web site (http://www.bvm1839.org) or the 4th degree link at St Nicholas Council web site (http://kofc7011sterlinghgts.org/) and attend the meetings to keep up with the latest requests. Please leave your Name, Current Phone Number and E-Mail addresses so that we can contact you in case of any changes. If you have any questions about any assignment call me at Home (586) 756-5147 or Cell (586) 383-4263 or E-Mail [email protected] . SK Larry Sulikowski Commander Captain’s Corner Fellow Sir Knights, of the BVM 1839 Assembly Vivat Jesus! HAPPY FATHERS DAY: Father's Day is June 15, 2014. It is a celebration honoring Fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Father's Day is an occasion to mark and celebrate the contribution that your own father has made to your life. Many people send or give cards or gifts to their fathers. Common Father's Day gifts include sports items or clothing, electronic gadgets, outdoor cooking supplies and tools for household maintenance. However, being a good Catholic Father requires leadership, strength, fortitude and Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our strength will come through the practice of our Catholic Religion. Taking our Family to Church, and leading them through the practice of the Catholic Faith. Jesus would want a Father to be: Be a Father first and foremost. Everything else is secondary. Be gentle, be patient, be loving. Always be there. Love their mother, turn off your cell phone, have a job, have patience, forgive, be tough, love them, save money, and, remember, they watch EVERYTHING YOU DO...EVERYTHING. No matter what happens, never lose faith in God or yourself, and never give up hope. Prayer gives us strength, and through Prayer we can accomplish God’s will. Happy Father’s Day. The BVM 1839 2014-15 Election of Officers: Congratulations to our fellow Sir Knights that have accepted their nominations, and have allowed Our BVM Assembly to vote them into their Office. These Sir Knights have agreed to help navigate Our Assembly through the challenges of the coming year. It is advised, that we support and pray, that they will be able to meet these challenges, and navigate with smooth sailing. Annual BVM 1839 Assemblies Picnic: Friday, August 22nd, 2014: We will have our annual picnic. All are invited and welcomed please come hungry and come ready to enjoy some fellowship. Our annual Picnic will be held in the Rain tree Park Shelter [same as last year]. Rain tree Park is located @ 3775 John R Rd, Troy, MI 48083, West side off John R Rd., Between Wattles Rd [17 Mile] and Big Beaver [16 Mile or Metropolitan Parkway] Annual BVM 1839 Flag Retirement Ceremony: Tuesday, September 02nd, 2014, at 7:00 PM, the BVM 1839 will hold its Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony in the back parking lot of Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic Church at 41233 Ryan Rd. This year we will have fireworks displayed at this Ceremony. If anyone has, or knows of anyone that has worn U.S. flag[s], please bring them to our K of C – BVM room at 3777 18 mile Rd., Sterling Hghts., MI. 48304 2014 Fall Exemplification: The 4th Degree Fall Exemplification will be held on September 20, 2014 at De Carlo's Banquet and Convention Center located at 6015 East Ten Mile Road (E. of Mound Road), Warren 48091. The price for the candidate will remain at $70.00 and priests are free. There will be a Ladies Program which will remain free of charge for those ladies wishing to attend. The cost of the dinner for wives and/or friends will remain the same at $30.00 per person. Should the candidate choose to purchase a class photograph, which is optional, the cost is only $6.00. All Sir Knights are encouraged to ask a 3rd Degree member from their Council to become a Sir Knight this coming Fall. Our Class Honoree is yet to be determined. SK Bob Bogedin, Faithful Captain [email protected] Cell 248 225 4614 Hello Ladies, Our next meeting will be on the third Thursday in June, which is the 19th. We had a good attendance at our May meeting and we were able to vote on some things. We did conduct nominations and all those currently holding positions in our LOTA agreed to continue. The only position not filled was First Lady. Sir Knight Michael Gray was elected Faithful Navigator but Lady Joanne Gray will not be able to assume the position of First Lady for health reasons. So it was agreed that Lady Joan would continue to fill that position. Please prayerfully consider your participation in our LOTA, it can be and will be a wonderful way to support and encourage our Sir Knights. We were also able to vote on a donation to Michigan Military Moms. Lady Sonia agreed to contact them and inquire as to what form our donation would take, either monetary or items to stock their hospitality room. We voted to contribute $100 to help them out. Lady Sonia also suggested we again collected canned food and non-perishable items to the Vietnam Veterans Pantry. She and Sir Knight Joe Honce became aware of the fact that they help lots of people, not only Vietnam War Vets. Have a wonderful and Blessed Summer. Lady Joan Van Buren Ladies Celebrating June Birthdays Lady Paula Schmidt 6-04 Lady Judie Schanbeck 6-14 Lady Joyce Nowakowski 6-15 Lady Bernice Corbat 6-26 Many blessings! FIRST LADY: SECOND LADY: PURSER: SCRIBE: SGT AT ARMS: TRUSTEE: TRUSTEE: TRUSTEE: LOTA OFFICERS 2013-2014 Joan VanBuren Vacant Sylvia Bieniek Sonia Honce Bernice Corbat Paula Schmidt Estelle Mandell Patricia O’Brien (586) 979-5456 (586) 739-2852 (248) 879-8972 (586) 979-8754 (586) 978-9118 (586) 979-6642 JUNE 2014 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 14 15 Father’s Day 16 17 18 19 20 21 BVM and LOTA Business Meeting 7:30 PM 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 July 1 July2 July3 July4 July5 Corpus Christi Mass & Procession Ss. Cyril & Methodius 29 St Nicholas Council Corporate Communion St Rene Ss Cyril & Methodius Feast Day Canada Day Parade in Windsor Please support our advertisers ~ Thank you! Hopcroft Funeral Homes Art Hopcroft, Founder Hazel Park 23919 John R. (248) 543-6687 Madison Heights 31145 John R. (248) 585-7770 Monday-Friday 8am-6pm Saturday 9am-4pm A & A Auto Service 3951 Rochester Road Troy, MI 48083 DAVID HOPCROFT OWNER Daniel Finley Director Joe Schanbeck Pre Need Counselor (248) 619-7050 Paul Thompson: [email protected] Newsletter Deadline the 1st of each month. [email protected] Remember us in your prayers…. Please remember in your prayers those who are sick, or in distress…. SK Deacon Jim Gery, PFN SK Jerry Schmidt SK Dan Looby SK Dan Weaver, PFN SK Norman Podgorski SK Jerry Schmidt Lady Theresa Gery Lady Connie Conner Lady Anna Di Donato Lady Dee Figg Lady Denise Mercier Lady Mary Pawlik Lady Susan Rondeau Lady Kathy Staskowski Lady Marianna Welsh Lady Fran Janick Lady Diane Sulikowski Lady Beverly Baird Blessings to all Sir Knights Celebrating June Birthdays! SK John Szczerba SK Fawzi Tomey SK Jan Krzysztalowicz SK Kenneth Forrest SK Phillip McCown SK Frederick Schanbeck SK John Messina SK Richard Poupard SK Bryan Whittle SK James Jaczkowski 6-05 6-09 6-15 6-15 6-18 6-23 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-30 Pray for all our friends, extended family members, and for all the men and women serving in our Armed Forces; that they may return to their families unharmed. SAVE THE DATE Annual BVM Picnic 8-22-14 1839 Flag Retirement 9-02-14 Fall Exemplification 9-22-14 JUNE WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES SK George & Lady Patricia O’Brien 6-07 SK Jerome & Lady Paula Schmidt 6-04 SK Michael & Lady Joanne Gray 6-18 SK James & Dana Stempnik 6-19 SK Lynn & Lady Dee Figg 6-23 SK Lawrence & Diane Sulikowski 6-28 Thank you for the loving example of God’s love in the sacrament of marriage. Contact Kate Messina, Editor at 586-979-3222 for corrections.
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