Monday February 2, 2015 1. Please join me in a moment of silence

Monday February 2, 2015
1. Please join me in a moment of silence.
Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all.
3. The healthy tip for today: In honor of Black History Month, Rebecca J. Cole was the first
African American woman to graduate from the Woman’s Medical College in Pennsylvania.
Cole worked with Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first white American woman physician to
receive a medical degree.
4. The Lions and Lady Lions will play Stewart County at 6:00 p.m. tonight at home.
5. Congratulations to the Lady Lions on their win over Creekwood Friday night. That win presently places
them in 1st place in the district. Also congratulations to Kristen Capps and Hunter Vick on being
recognized as passing the 1000 points scoring mark for their career. Kristen passed the 1000 point
mark on December 5th, and Hunter passed the 1000 point mark on January 29th.
6. Pay for Grades is available through February 12th.
7. Senior Night will be tomorrow night, and the Lions and Lady Lions will play Huntingdon at home.
8. There will be no Spanish chorus practice today.