Knights of Columbus, Bishop Joseph H. Albers Council 4090 8428 Davison Rd., Davison, Michigan Grand Knight Larry Prevo Web: Phone 810-653-4090 Volume 8 Issue 9 September, 2014 Mailing address: P.O. Box 22 Davison, MI 48423 Faithful Navigator Greg McCarty Proud Home Council of Vice Supreme Master, George Dann Proud Home Council of Former State Chaplain, Leroy White Proud Home Assembly of Former Master David Buick Proud Home Assembly of District 2 Marshal, GK, PFN Larry Prevo Proud Home Council of Former District Deputies, PFN, PGK Eric Wohleben, PFN Joseph Serra, FN Greg McCarty and PGK Mark Smith Proud Home of Ardon F. Dubie Assembly 523 Family of the Year…..Tom and Marilyn Edwards Knight of the Year…Ben Latzy Sir Knight of the Year….Mark Corcoran Grand Knight’s Report Brother Knights & Families Fall is here…. where did the Summer go?... It went by so fast!! It has been a busy Summer, with all the events we had this year. We have a very active Council. Thank you to the entire active membership that helped make this Summer so great. September is here and there are some things I have to have help with to make things happen. PGK Pete Erickson told the Council he is giving up the Bingo Chairman at the end of September. Thanks Pete for being there for me and the Council. I need a brother Knight to help with the Bingo paper work on Monday night. There’s going to be times I can’t be there on Monday night, so if I had a person to fill in for the nights I can’t be there, it would really help me out. We have a lot of brothers showing up to work bingo and it’s always the same brothers every week. If you can, please help out so some brothers can have a break from all the work they do. We had a vote to change the Corporate Communion from Aug 31st to September 7th because it fell on Labor Day weekend and there are a lot of members who are going to be out of town. So the Corporate Communion will be at St. Francis, 10 AM Mass, September 7th There is no breakfast after Mass. The Senior Priest fund raiser will be held September 13th for the new home for our Senior Priests. Dinner Tickets are $15.00 per person. The dinner will be open to all. Doors will open at 5:30 pm . Get your tickets from me, DGK Bill Vandeveer or Carl Knieper. Come join us for a great dinner and auction. To reserve a table of 8, call me at 810-664-0003 or Carl Knieper 810-569-1245. Tickets will be at the Hall, or you can get them at your Church office. Support our Priests, they need our help. October 11th is the date of the Council’s Annual Workers Party and Awards Night. Cost of the tickets will be $20.00 but you will get your money back at the door when you attend the party. The Knight for the month of September is a brother who does a lot for our Council. This PGK works most all of the Bingos. He is always there when you need help. Romano D'Angelo is my choice for the Knight of the Month for September. Thank you Romano for all you do. My choice for Family of the Month for September is Michael & Louise Ambroziak. Mike has been a great help and Louise is always there for him. Thank you both for everything you do for our Council. God Bless this great Council Larry L Prevo GK A Few Words from Our FSC LABOR DAY Labor Day is a break for most of us from our regular routine to getting away for a few days or just getting away from our “Labor”; but, what does that mean to you? The term “Labor” implies the kind of work that requires a lot of energy and is demanding. What is intriguing is that many use more energy pursuing their hobbies or recreation than they do their work. It all depends on the mindset. If you like what you are doing, it is “re-creating” and enjoyable. If you only do it because it is necessary, then it can be draining. If you can think of your job as a means of improving yourself, helping others and pleasing God; then, you will draw energy from it and grow. So, do you work to live or live to work? What motivates your labor? Vivat Jesus Leroy White, FSC Faithful Navigator’s Report Brother Knights, Being a Knight of Columbus member is a great feeling, especially when you get involved and see what GOOD things we do. Building handicap ramps, our MI drive, donations to Guest House, Holy Cross Children Services, to our local churches and special projects in the area are just a sampling. To make all this possible, our fund raisers need to be supported and need participation from our members, our catholic congregation and local community. Our fraternal order (Webster: to attain a common goal or to further their mutual benefit) stands strong in our Council. The GREAT thing is that there is no limit to our goals or personnel participation! We have room for ALL that want to help and get involved. It is a good feeling! The Poker room dates we have secured have been put on hold by our State lawmakers. Will keep you updated if any changes. Talk it up, spread the word, invite your friends, buy tickets. We are hosting a New Year’s Eve Party. This is a major fund raiser for us. Please support and volunteer to help, as stated above, we have room for help. Color Guard please take notice of the Commander’s Nov. 9 date for training. If you do not have all your regalia or are interested in joining, you are invited. It is not too early for planning for Valentine’s Day 2015, a perfect fit is our first annual (hopefully) Valentine’s Day Dance, Feb. 13. Our committee is aiming at it being a gala affair. Newsmaker band is booked for our dancing and entertainment, a delicious buffet, all in a “lovely” decorated surrounding. Hope to see you there! Oct. 25, 2014 is the date of the next Exemplification. As a 1 day event, it is the perfect opportunity to become a 4 th degree member. It is going to be held in Westphalia, not too far away. Please, if you are thinking about it, ask a fellow Knight. You 4 th degree members, ask your fellow Knights about joining. Greg McCarty Faithful Navigator Ardon F. Dubie Assembly 0523 Financial Secretary’s Notes Brother Knights, With Winter approaching, our snowbirds are close to leaving for warmer weather. With our new mailing system we should not have an issue with your newsletter. But to help ensure that, please continue to notify me of when you are leaving and anticipated return so that we can help to eliminate more mailing cost. Thanks. I would again like to ask for your help in keeping our birthdays and anniversaries updated. With a council as big and spread out as ours, it’s difficult to keep it current. If you know of someone that has passed away and their name is still on the list, please let me know. We have a goal of 31 new members for the new fraternal year. With the increasing age of our council, we need to continue to bring new members in so that we can continue to do the work that our council is known for. Think back to when you joined, all somebody did was to ask you to become a Knight. The next time you are in church, maybe the catholic gentleman next to you is just waiting to be asked! If you would like to contact me I can be reached at 810-397-8114 or emailed at: [email protected] Fraternally yours, Joel Fournier, Financial Secretary Faithful Comptroller’s Notes My Brother Sir Knights, A few of you have not paid your 2014 dues. Please save the Assembly the postage of sending out a billing notice and send your dues in. Call me if you have questions. Third Degree Brothers: There is still time to sign up to join the Fourth Degree. The next Exemplification is October 25! Call Me or Navigator Greg for more info! Cell: 810-471-7256 Mark F. Corcoran FC The pictures featured here were taken by Mark Corcoran at the recent Lugnuts game on August 8th. Newsletter Patrons September 2013 Danielle Fry in Memory of PGK Edward Fry Tom and Laura Sylvester Ken Osentoski Doris Morin in Memory of Bill Elaine Stange in Memory of Kenneth (2) FN Greg and Joann McCarty (2) Nick and Mary Beth Panchula Thomas Gormley (2) PGK Bob and Rose Marie Hellebuyck Dan and Helen Porter Dan and Dorothy O’Brien PFN Don and Terrie Michalik PFN PGK Carl and Mary Knieper October 2013 Frank and Maureen Smejkal John and Florence Crossen Steve and Margaret Loncarevic In Memory of Norman and Eleanor Morian November 2013 Bob and Velma Jackson Leonard Wranosky Jane Benson in Memory of Howard (1) Daniell Fry in Memory of PGK Edward Fry (2) December 2013 Arlene Dubie in Memory of Former Marshal, PFN PGK Ardon Dubie Roger and Patsy Howard Leo and Kathy Kandal (1) January 2014 Leota Clark in Memory of Louis (2) Don, FFS and Jeanette Susalla (2) PFN Leo Aube and Family (1) February 2014 Matthew and Patricia Jackson Jim and Ginger Baier Harry and Marsha Neminski (1) Paul Lehoux in Memory of Margaret Jerry and Peggy Sylvester in Memory of Steven (1) PGK Tom and Gloria Ruddy Gary and Margaret Ellsworth Joe and Phyllis Boris Kareyn Bade in Memory of Tom March 2014 Maxine Thompson in Memory of Everrett (1) Tom and Faye Novak April 2014 PGK Andy and Vivian Peraino John and Nancy Mazur Paul Wells In Memory of Mary Ann and Terry Wells Margaret Schopieray in Memory of PGK Carl Jim and Peggy Staudacher Tim and Chris Hernandez Lucille Martell (2) Bill and Mary Alvord May 2014 Justin and Doris Piper in Memory of son, David (2) Lois Martin in Memory of Romuald Martin (2) Hugh and MaryAnn Welsh (2) Tim and Chris Hernandez Charles and Cynthia Groulx in Memory of Charles Joseph Groulx Nick and MaryBeth Panchula June 2014 PGK FDD Jim Grezetich Shirley Pincumbe in Memory of Stewart FDD Joseph and Veronica Serra (1) Fr. Andrew Czajkowski (1) Walt and Rosa Schaeffer in Memory of Harry Schaeffer (1) Jim and Catherine Burgess (1) \Jim Cokely in Memory of John Fabris (2) Rosalie Kish in Memory of Joe Kish (1) Gerald Clor in Memory of Priscilla May Clor (1) William and Faith McPherson in Memory of son, Robert and grandson, Zachary (1) Robert and Verda Foy (1)\ Margaret Struck in Memory of Floyd Bob and Dorothy Guidos PFN Edward and Mary Chalut PFN Bill and Marjean Miley Jane Figula in Memory of Steve (2) Edna Bissonnette in Memory of Loren (2) Bill Alvord PGK Denny and Lorraine Denman in Memory of Past Members (2) July 2014 FM David and Paula Buick (1) Thomas and Marilyn Edwards Larry and Regina Maurer (2) Doris Gauthier in Memory of Fred (2) Myrna Kelley in Memory of Frances and Matthew (2) Adolph and Carmella Turchi Clarence Halligan in Memory of Mary (2) Yvonne Brunell in Memory of Gerald Cornelius and Helen Peel (1) FDD, PFN, PGK Eric and Marcie Woheleben (1) August 2014 PGK Harold and Marie Ecker (2) George Kidd in Memory of Betty (2) September 2014 Ted and Helen Nelson (2) Charles and Ethel Howell (2) Joe and Yvonne Masson Mike and Kathy Buhaguir Note: Numbers after your name indicate how many years your subscription is paid in advance Family and Friends In Need of Our Prayers Ted Misak Andy Periano David Buick Annie Pastue Tony Pastue Joe Pastue Leon Kroetsch Jerry Lucas Roger Lucas Janice Roberts Florence Roberts Thomas Roberts Bill Lechman Ron Isaacson Denny Denman Lorraine Denman Gary Gagne Bill Miley Tom Burns John Mazur Ray Larocque Louis Ambroziak Rene Chalut Ray Charland Kristi Belen Helen Diamond Anne Marie Edwards Suzanne Edwards Mary Sue Edwards Wayne Hammerberg Ray Larouque Wymann DePottey Gene Pilarski Steve Kandal Faye Novak Bob Guidos FN Neil Roach Jane Nimcheski Bob Coughlin Ed Golec Kim Golec Bill Sanborn Fr. Ken Bob Hellebuyck Rose Marie Hellebuyck Martha Lloyd Dorian Militante Randy Burghard Bob McDaniel Bill Flynn Ilene Flynn David Datz Madrina Wells Martina Wells Bill Kremski Dan Schlund Fr. Carl Simon Deana Vanderveer Andy Pastue Tony Kandal Rick China Dawn Glenn Michelle Novak Ben Latzy Malinda Wells Repose the Soul: +Marge Richardson +Judy Tinchnell +John R. Moody +Robin Williams +William Malewitz +Maj. Edward Cook Congratulations !! Knight of the Month……...…PGK Romano D’Angelo Family of the Month………..Mike and Louise Ambroziak September 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 September Birthdays 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. Geraldine Willing 1. Mary Hazel 1. Greg Ellsworth 1. Lorraine Denman 4. Justin Piper 4. Mike O’Brien 5. Cindy Lehr 5. Jim Lorencz 6. Roger Lucas 7. Yvonne Masson 8. Geanene Chalut 11. Julie Worrell 11. Nancy Brownrigg 12. Jim Kerkau 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 14. 14. 15. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 21. 23. 25. 27. Lee Kerperien Joann McCarty Laura Sylvester Lucinda McNea Jeffrey Kerkau Kathleen Zalizny Julie Fournier Andy Pastue Beth Brancheau Mike Buhagiar Lynn Sylvester Chris Hernandez Calendar of Events 1. Labor Day ***No Bingo*** 2. Work Bee, 6 PM Building Company Meeting, 7 PM 4. FSC Leroy White Golf Outing Sugar Bush Golf Course, 7:30 AM Free Donuts 8:45 AM Ready to go, 9:00 AM Shotgun Start September Anniversaries Dinner and prizes after golf at our hall 4. Gary & Lori Peppin 5. Ray & Marilyn Fournier 10. Bob and Sue Pike 11. PFN Ed & Mary Chalut 12. Pat & Marcia Fournier 24. Jim & Joann Ruhala 25. Gene & Catherine Burke 28. Dean & Carol Hagler 28. Cornelius & Helen Peel 4. Euchre Games, Doors open 6 PM, Games at 7 PM 7. Corporate Communion Sunday St. Francis, Otisville, 10 AM Mass 8. Monday Night Bingo, 6:30PM 9. Council Meeting, Officers, 7 PM, Members, 8 PM 13. Senior Priests Residence Dinner/Auction Congratulations!! Belated Anniversary greetings to Charles and Ethel Howell who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary 0n July 3rd. Doors open, 5:30 15. Monday Night Bingo, 6:30 PM 16. Assembly Meeting. Officers, 7 PM, Members 8 PM 22. Monday Night Bingo, 6:30 PM 23. Council Social Meeting, Rosary, 6:45 PM 29. Monday Night Bingo, 6:30 PM October 26, 2014 9AM– 4PM Building Company News Brother Knights, The tables and chairs in our storage barn are for members to use and in order to use them you need to contact Carl Knieper to set up a pickup and return date. We must be considerate of our other members by not taking more than you need and by returning them on the scheduled return date. It is especially important during the summer months when there are a lot of graduations, reunions and other parties. Our annual Workers Party/Columbus Day dinner will be held on October 11, 2014. Those who have qualified for a free ticket will be receiving a letter this month. If you do not receive a letter and feel you should have qualified you can contact me at (810) 6536738. This party is open to the public and everyone is invited to join us. Hope to see you there it is an excellent way to get to know your fellow Knights. Carl A. Knieper, President, Kasey Building Co. The Knight Times Official publication of Knights of Columbus Bishop Joseph Albers Council 4090 Davison, Michigan 48423 Editor………...Tom Novak…….810-743-7648 [email protected] C i r c u l a t i o n …………… . . J i m Sheldon Labels, Birthdays, Anniversaries and sick list… . ………… . . . F S J o e l F o u rn i e r 8 1 0 - 3 9 7 - 8 1 1 4 Patron List……….Joe Serra, FDD Council 4090 Officers Grand Knight………………….PFN Larry Prevo Deputy Grand Knight………….Bill Vanderveer Chaplain…………………………..Fr. Carl Simon Assembly 523 Officers Faithful Friar……….Fr. Andrew Czajkowski Faithful Navigator…..…FDD Greg McCarty Chancellor…….............................Bob McDaniel Faithful Captain…………….Mark Campbell Recording Secretary………………..Bill Conroy Faithful Admiral...............PFN Don Michalik Financial Secretary.…… ………...Joel Fournier Faithful Pilot….…………....Mike Ambroziak Treasurer………..……..………...Ronald Groulx Faithful Comptroller……….Mark Corcoran Advocate…... …..……………….Greg Ellsworth Faithful Purser…...….......Thomas St. Martin Warden……….………………………...Rudy Bolf Faithful Scribe……..…………...Rich Roberts Lecturer…….………………………..Bob Conroy Faithful Inner Sentinel……..Gerald Rouleau Inside Guard….................................Jim Sheldon Faithful Outer Sentinel…….Gary Ellsworth Outside Guard……………………….Leo Kandal Faithful Trustees: Trustees: PGK Gary Lehr……………………..3 Year PGK Pete Erickson…………..…….2 Year PGK Romano D’Angelo……..…….1 Year Ron Crawford…………………………3 Year Jim Burgess……………………………2 Year Larry Prevo, GK,PFN…………..…...1 Year Building Company Officers Carl Knieper, PGK,PFN….……..........President Pete Erickson, PGK………...…...Vice President Joel Fournier, FS……………….……...Secretary Greg Ellsworth…………...…...…...….Treasurer Building Company Directors Larry Prevo, GK, PFN Bill Vanderveer, DGK Romano D`Angelo, PGK Gary Lehr, PGK Don Michalik, PFN Dan Porter Tom St. Martin Bill Flynn John Charron Hall Rental Agent Richard Roberts...810-820-7908 Caring for Our Treasured Gifts Flint Area/Genesee County Senior Priest Residence Fundraiser Knights of Columbus Davison Council 4090 is hosting a fundraising event to support our Pastor and Fundraising Chairman (Fr Andrew) for the Senior Priests Residence at the Blessed Sacrament campus in Burton Please invite your friends and family to support a DINNER and AUCTION at the Knights Hall on Davison Rd (just East of Irish Rd) starting at 5:30pm Saturday September 13, 2014 All proceeds go to build the Senior Priest residence. Tickets are $15 each; reservations are required as this is a catered event. Tables of 8 can be reserved in advance. To donate items for the Auction --or for tickets and reservations please contact Carl Knieper at 810.653.6738 or Larry Prevo at 810.664.0003 Our Priests need our support to make this fundraiser a success, please pick up tickets to sell. We need auction items too! Fr. Andrew Czajkowski, Fundraising Chairman, Fr Jerry Ploof Co-Chair RSVP Call 810.653.6738
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