Buffalo NY Courier Express 1960

BUFFALO CUCHlhK-bXPRESS, Thursday, June 16, 1960
I On the Social Scene
Miss Deborah Mann
Sets Wedding Date
Experienced woman for leading ladies' fashion specialty shop, a
suburban store Buffalo area. This is a new branch of well-established, successful Buffalo store. Exceptional opportunity, excellent
salary, cooperative management, real advancement potential*. . .
not just another job, but a rare chance to go places! Write or gall . .
complete background, details; replies confidential.
DAVIDS-495 MAIN ST., Buffalo, N. Y.
•—tmtmmm»•>»»—iw—tommww— w n u ^ m i i " ^pej^WMiMWWi—fr—W
BARE SHOULDERS call for strapless, low-back
Mrs. T»py
ninth annual Harry Yates Memorial Invitation Golf Tournament is scheduled
for today through Saturday at the
Orchard Park Country Club. Joseph L.
Mr. Hutch
Tupy, general chairman of the event,
is being assisted by Stanley 0. Jones,
tournament director. W. Raymond
Mutch, club president, is the honorary
Debutantes Bow at
The weeping willow trees
surrounding the Country Club
of Buffalo were aglow la: t
evening with floodlights whic i
gave a festive atmosphere to
the exterior of the club en
the occasion of a debutante
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Adam and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy H. Hurlbert entertained
to introduce their respective
daughters, Miss » Wende S.
Adam and Miss Barbara J.
Hurlbert, to society.
Summer Flowers
Hurricane l a m p s were
placed on the terrace and at
either end of the out-door
swimming pool and summer
flowers decorated the lower
terrace of the clubhouse in
Williamsville, The entrance
hall of the club and the foyer
were lined with blooming wisteria trees and pale pink
Guests were received in the
Mrs. Jones
pine room befoite shuttered
screening in the liay window.
A three-foot hedge of rhododendrons and mountain laurel
was placed in ffront of the
screening, which, was lighted
witih tiny lights.
In The Grill
Meyer Davis Nuid his orchestra of New f o r k played
for the dancing. "Hie orchestra
stand in the diniig room was
enhanced with an arrangement of summer flowers, including roses, b|Be larkspur,
white delphinium a/id carnations. Yellow lifcgonias centered the tables in the grill
downstairs and brandy snifters filled with pink flowers
centered the supper tables in
the dining room.
Miss Adam v#re a white
peau de soie evjtnipg gown,
fashioned with a round neck
and cap sleeved The gown
was detailed w i t | back panels
The marriage of Miss Deborah Mann, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Kellogg Mann of
Lexington Ave. and Derby,
to Ross B. Mclntyre Jr.. son
of Mr. and Mlrs. Mclntyre Sr.
of Downing St., will be solemnized *i 4 p.m. Saturday,
July 30, at Westminster Presbyterian Church. A reception
will follow at the future
bride's home, Cranford, in
Mrs. Jesse C. Dann will give
a kitchen shower for Miss
Mann on Tuesday, June 28, at
her home in Cleveland Ave.
Mrs. Robert E. Dillon will entertain at a luncheon on Saturday, June 25, at her home
in Meadow Rd. for the future
Mrs. F. P. Mersinger will
entertain at a picnic from 3
to 7 today at? her home in
Lochevan, Derby, for members of Sir David Beatty
Chapter, Daughters of the
British Empire. Mrs. Rose
Mitchell will be co-hostess.
IfDixieland music will be
played in the Buffalo Launch
Club Saturday night for the
New Orleans cocktail party
and dinner dance scheduled
for members and guests of the
Grand Island clubhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Kearn E. McGroder, general chairmen,
have made reservations for a
table where they will be joined by Mr. and Mrs. Donald
J. McCarthy, Miss Kathleen
McCarthy, K. Dennis McGroder. Mr. and Mrs. Weston J.
Durant, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
J. Krebs, Dr. and Mrs. Emile
C. Sauer and Mr. and Mrs.
Darwin E. Meyers Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron R. McKinley will entertain guests
aboard their cruiser. Holiday,
before attending the club
party. Among their guests
will be Mr. and Mrs. Harry J.
Weed, Mr. and Mrs. Richard*
B. Hogue, Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Hurlburt and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert S. Swift.
Attending with Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene R. Schutt will be
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Downey, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
G. Smith and Mr. and Mrs.
John A. Herlan.
PI., preceding the dance which
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Rumsey and Mr. and Mrs. August
Merckens are giving that evening at the Rumsey home in
Summer St. to present their
respective daughters, Miss
Margot A. S. Rumsey and Miss
Alice C. Merckens.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J, Starr
will entertain this evening at
their home in Allegany Ave..
Kcnmore, following the wedding rehearsal of Miss Joanne
L. Callahan and their son
Daniel Phillips Starr, whose
marriage will take place at
noon Saturday at St. Mark's
Church, Woodward and Amherst.
Guests will include members of the immediate family,
the bridal party and out-oftown guests.
Mr. and Mrs. George F.
Hoover and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Harper have issued
invitations SOT a barbecue
supper party Saturday evening, June 25. at the former
Couple's home in N. Lawn Ct,
Town of Tonawanda.
Mrs. Frank E. Ward will entertain guests at tea on Saturday, June 25, at the Park
Country Club in compliment
to her future daughter-,n-law.
Miss Elizabeth A. Flor/whose
marriage to Lt, Thomas A.
Ward, USA, will take place on
Saturday, Aug. 13, at Christ
the King Church. Main and
Lamarck, Amherst.
Your synthetic fur coat of
Borgana, Glenara, Cloud
9, Ollegro, should be
cleaned the safe, expert
furrier's w a y . We clean
a n d restore the pile to
its o r i g i n a l softness a n d
which extended to the hem of
the skirt. She wore long
white gloves and carr.ed a
corsage of pink daisies and
English ivy.
Mrs. Edwin Milner will enFREE PICK UP Wh 1 0 7 / 1
Pink Daisies
tertain the knitting group of
ft DELIVERY W H . I 0 # * *
j Miss Hurlbert's .presenta- Trinity Episdopal Church at
tion gown had a full skirt and luncheon Tuesday at her home
a shirred cummerbund. The in Deerhurst Park Blvd., Town
whit* silk taffeta dress had a of Tonawanda
portrait neckline and self
bows enhanced the skirt. She
403 Main St. Brisbane Bldg
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson M.
wore pearl accessories and a
ever Kleinhoni
Graves will entertain a few
corsage of pink daisies and
Open Evenings
guests at din er Friday, June
'An aqua peau de sole.evening gown with rolled bandChnose l o u r
ing at the square neckline
was worn by Mrs. Adam. She
wore long white gloves. Mrs.
Robert Coulson, grandmother
of the debutante, wore a pale
green chiffon frock.
Mrs. Hurlbert's evening
gown of pale green chiffon
had a fitted bodice and flowSee our hug* deploy of CHAIRS. RiCilNiRS,
ing panels enhanced the full
shirred skirt.
In Short...
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Russell D
Clark of Richmond Ave. have
announced the engagement of
the latter's daughter, Miss
Lois Irene Farquharson, to
Charles Marshall Hayes, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis H.
Hayes of Holland, Mich.
j Summer-perfect figure flatterers that
I lift, mold, support and hold . . .
[ giting m lovely separation, baring beautifully
to a deep decollete. Right, M£,o-Au#'\
torso-length bra-slette. Nyton lace over nylon marquisette
with nylon satin and Uno elastic, 32-40 B and C, 1 2 . !
July Weddin*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Wieeand of Radcliffe Rd. have announced that the marriage of
their dauchter, Pauline Anne,
to Kirk James Dodman, son
of Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Dodman of Leicester Rd.,
Town of Tonawanda, will take
place on Saturday, July 23, at
St. Joseph's Church, Main St.
(32-44 D, ISM). Left, front-zipper, low back torso length
bn-s'lette with contour cups, light padding and flexion boning.
All nylon with nylon lace; 32-40 B and C, 1 S . O O . In summer white.
l l l W I H I » l M » — — ' » W II W W W W W
H'iy»»" W>"
Alumni Sports Party
Members of the Yale Alumni Assn. of Western New
York, Harvapd Club of Buffalo and Princeton Club of
Western New York and their
wives, will have a joint swimming and sports party and
buffet supper on Friday, June
24, at the summer home of
Mr. and Mr«. Appleton Fryer
in Lorraine, Ont.
4 8 3 MAIM S T .
Home and Garden Pages
«rTo Fete Candidates
A dinner dance honoring
GOP candidates will be given
by the Twentieth Century Republican Women Saturday
night at the Buffalo Yacht
Club on Grand Island.
Iff •
Dinner at Club
The annual invitation dinner dance of the International
Order of the Blue Gavel,
Niagara District Chapter, will
be held tomorrow night at
the Buffalo Yacht Club on
Grand Island Members are
past commodores Of WNY
yacht clubs.
you're In the swim with a
b r a - s i z e d f o r p e r f e c t fit
Darlings of the beach . . . Roxanne*$
help make your
dreams a reality
If you love your home and garden . . . if you are looking for
ways to improve them . . . or perhaps planning to build the
home of your dreams . . . . the informative Courier-Express
Home and Garden pages on Sundays and Fridays are for you!
Dinner for Fiances
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Eighmy of Williamsville will
give a dinner party on Friday,
June 24, at the Treadway Inn,
St. Davids, Pa. The dinner
will honor their son, Thomas
H. Eighmy, and his fiance,
Miss Beverly Anne Burke of
Wynnewood, Pa., whose marriage will take place the next
day at Untitled
the First
Church in Ardmore,
shapely drapes . . . bra-sized and
proportioned to fit as beautifully as if
they were custom made, they follow
the smart lines of your figure.
Sketched from our beauty-on-the beach
collection, the draped sheath in floral
print lastex. Blue or grey;
With the aid of George Abraham, popular "Green Thumb
Gardener," your garden will be a joy to behold . . . and ex-'
perts in home planning, remodeling and decorating will
help you achieve outstanding results on a low budget.
•ues 32-38, A, B, or C cups.
Nuptial in Texas
The marriage of Miss Olive
Shelmire Hershey, daughter
of Mrs. Olive D. Hershey of
Houston, Tex., to Robert F.
Spitzmiller Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Spitzmiller Sr. of
Highland Ave., took place at
7:30 last evening at St. John
the Divine Church, Houston,
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309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
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