Taller de Transporte Urbano de Carga 13-14 Octubre de 2014 Dr. Jose Holguin-Veras Dr. José Holguín-Veras is the William H. Hart Professor and Director of the Center for Infrastructure, Transportation, and the Environment; and the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations’ Center of Excellence on Sustainable Urban Freight Systems at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He holds a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo); M.Sc. (Universidad Central de Venezuela); and a Ph.D. (University of Texas at Austin). He has held faculty positions at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; City College of New York; and Rensselaer. Current research activities focus on three major areas: freight transportation demand modeling, sustainable freight policy, and humanitarian logistics. His research blends field research and measurements, applied and basic research to ensure that theory relates to reality; and, ultimately, to a set of actionable policy recommendations that contribute to the betterment of the economy and society. His career has evolved through his experiences as a faculty member, public sector official, and practitioner in developing countries. His interest in fostering the design and implementation of sustainable practices across the world has led to active roles facilitating research collaborations with developing countries. Taller de Transporte Urbano de Carga 13-14 Octubre de 2014 Dr. Russell Thompson Dr. Russell Thompson is currently an Associate Professor in Transport Engineering in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at The University Melbourne. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Transport from The University of Melbourne, a M.S. in Transport from Monash University, and a B.S. in Mathematics from RMIT. Russell has been active in City Logistics research since 1998. He has been Vice-President of the Institute for City Logistics since 1999, which has involved organizing International Conferences, short courses on City Logistics and collaborative research projects. He has research interests in intelligent vehicle routing and scheduling, fleet optimization, evaluation methods and collaborative distribution systems. He was a member of the OECD Working Group on urban freight logistics and currently chairs the International Research Group on City Logistics for the East Asian Society for Transportation Studies. Dr. Thompson works closely with a number of government organizations on urban road freight projects, including the City of Melbourne, Vicroads, Department of Transport and the National Transport Commission. He is involved in local planning as a member of the executive committee of the Melbourne Town and Country Planning Association. Taller de Transporte Urbano de Carga 13-14 Octubre de 2014 Dr. Michael Browne Dr. Michael Browne is a Professor of Transport and Logistics at the University of Westminster. At Westminster he has been a course leader, head of a department and director of the Graduate Centre for the Built Environment. Currently his focus is on directing research and consultancy projects concerned with freight transport and logistics. He is a visiting professor at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. He serves as Associate Editor of Transport Reviews and Regional Editor of Logistique et Management. His research focuses on issues of sustainable distribution and logistics at both the urban and regional scale. Recent projects include: best practice in urban freight initiatives in European cities; potential energy savings from city logistics strategies; mapping energy use in global supply chains; forecasting future trends in freight transport and distribution; benefits from improved city logistics strategies; how partnerships can be sued to promote improved urban freight operations and strategies and the freight transport implications of the Olympic Games in London. He represents the University on many external committees and boards and chairs the Central London Freight Quality Partnership. Taller de Transporte Urbano de Carga 13-14 Octubre de 2014 Dr. Miguel Jaller Dr. Miguel Jaller is an Assistant Professor at the University of California Davis, and a Research Associate at the Center for Infrastructure, Transportation, and the Environment, and the VREF’s Center for Sustainable Urban Freight Systems at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). He received his BS and MS in Industrial Engineering from Universidad del Norte, Colombia; his ME in Transportation Engineering, MS in Applied Mathematics, and PhD in Transportation Engineering from RPI. His research interests are: freight transportation, sustainable transportation systems, humanitarian logistics, supply chain management, and operations research. He is the recipient of the Thomas Archibald Bedford Prize from RPI for his high scholastic ability and substantial contributions to the field. He has strong theoretical foundations and practical experience in industrial and transportation engineering. He is a member of multiple professional organizations, has published several scientific and technical publications, and has made presentations at different international venues. Dr. Jaller has been part of a number of important research and consulting projects funded by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, the National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB), among others. Taller de Transporte Urbano de Carga 13-14 Octubre de 2014 M.S. Johanna Amaya M.S. Johanna Amaya is a researcher at the Center for Infrastructure, Transportation, and the Environment and at the Volvo Research and Educational Foundation’s Center of Excellence on Sustainable Urban Freight Systems at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) located in Troy, NY. In addition, she serves as Assistant Professor and researcher at Universidad del Norte in Colombia. She received her Bachelor, Specialization and Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Logistics, from Universidad del Norte, and currently is enrolled at RPI as a doctorate student. She is recipient of the Fulbright – Colciencias – DNP Scholarship that let her to pursue a M.Sc. from University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. She has strong theoretical foundations and practical experience in industry, transportation engineering and management. Her research interests are oriented to the areas of sustainable freight systems, humanitarian logistics, supply chain management, and operations research. She has been part of multiple projects funded by the National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP), the National Science Foundation, USAID, and Colciencias, among others. Taller de Transporte Urbano de Carga 13-14 Octubre de 2014 Angélica Lozano La Dra. Angélica Lozano es Investigadora Titular “A” del Instituto de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), responsable del Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística de este mismo instituto, y Profesora de Análisis, Diseño y Modelación de Redes de Transporte del Programa de Maestría y Doctorado en Ingeniería, UNAM. Obtuvo el título de licenciada en Matemáticas Aplicadas y Computación, y el grado de Maestra en Ingeniería (Investigación de Operaciones), por la UNAM, ambas con mención honorífica. Es Especialista en Sistemas de Información Geográfica por el Instituto Geográfico "Agustín Codazzi" y la Universidad Distrital "Fco. José‚ Caldas", Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Tiene el grado de Doctora en Investigación de Operaciones, con orientación a redes de transporte, por la Universitá degli Studi di Roma - La Sapienza -, Italia. Sus áreas de investigación están orientadas al Análisis de Sistemas de Transporte, en especial a tráfico vehicular, diseño de redes de transporte, redes multimodales de transporte urbano, transporte urbano de carga, transporte de materiales peligrosos y sistemas avanzados de información al viajero. La Dra. Lozano ha sido responsable de más de 30 proyectos de investigación patrocinados por organismos públicos en todos los niveles de gobierno y organismos empresariales. Taller de Transporte Urbano de Carga 13-14 Octubre de 2014 Dr. Juan Pablo Antún Dr. Juan Pablo Antún es Investigador Titular del Instituto de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), co-responsable del Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística de ese mismo instituto y profesor de Logística en el Programa de Maestría y Doctorado en Ingeniería (campo de conocimiento de Ingeniería de Sistemas: Ingeniería Industrial, Ingeniería de Transporte, Investigación de Operaciones, Planeación e Ingeniería Financiera) de la UNAM. Ha desarrollado numerosos convenios de investigación con organismos públicos, empresas líderes y asociaciones sobre problemas de cadenas de suministro, logística estratégica, plataformas logísticas, distribución urbana de mercancías, distribución física internacional , carga aérea y megadistribución transfronteras; ha innovado en métodos empresariales para la auditoría de procesos logísticos, la reingeniería de prácticas logísticas en distribución física internacional y la realización de exitosos benchmarking de procesos logísticos. Ha colaborado con el Programa de Asentamientos Humanos (Habitat) de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medioambiente (PNUMA), Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Banco Mundial, entre otros.
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