Diary Dates 2015 Saturday 7th February 11.00am: Circuit Prayer meeting @ Ealing Road Friday 20th February 7.30pm: Night of Blessing @ Ealing Road Wednesday 25th February 7.30pm: Worship Committee @ Park Lane. Tuesday 3rd March 8.00pm: Pastoral Committee @ Park Lane. Saturday 7th March: Circuit Healthy Fun Day@ Park Lane. Thursday 12th March 8.00pm: Church Council @ Park Lane. Park Lane Methodist Church Park Lane, Wembley, HA9 7SG Charity No. 1127552 www.plmc.org.uk Minister: Rev H Elaine Joseph Tel: 020 8902 1426 email:[email protected] Tuesday 17th March 7.45pm: Circuit meeting @ Neasden Sunday 19th April Church AGM. Saturday 25th April 10.00am: Synod Westminster. Notices for Today–Sunday 25th January 2015 Regular Weekly Events Tuesday 2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship, meet. Wednesday 10.30am: Bible Study-Evangeline Duah 7.30pm: Prayer meeting in the Chapel. Thursday 6.15pm: Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Association 7.00pm: Bible Study- Georgina BondziSimpson (At Neasden) Friday 7.00pm: Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Association The Lord bless and keep you; The Lord makes His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you! Have an excellent week!!! All items to be included in next week’s notices to Basil Solomon 020 8429 2359 or Email: [email protected] by Tuesday evening please. Mission Statement Park Lane Methodist, the Church on the hill is an evergrowing and aspiring Church, rich in diversity. It seeks to engender a calming and faithful influence that reflects its diversity, its friendly open door approach and its firm conviction of God’s love. Today’s service at 10.30 am: Led by Adrian Perry. Forthcoming Events and Notices Lectionary Reading Today: Jonah 3: 1-5, 10 1 Cor 7: 29-31 Mark1: 14-20 Birthdays/Anniversaries for week commencing 25th January Birthdays: Sabina Sarsah, Sunday 25th January Monique Rochester, Wednesday 28th January Devaneson Robert, Wednesday 28th January Stewards on Duty: Joseph Hagan & Kim Davis The flowers decorating the church today are donated by Paul & Jacquie Rochester Funeral Arrangement The funeral for Ena Marongwe of Ealing Road Church will take place at Ealing Road church on Thursday 29th January at 10.00am, followed by burial at Carpenders Park Cemetery at 12.00pm. Planning Meeting For Healthy Fun Day. There will be a planning meeting for the Healthy Fun Day today, Sunday 25th January after the service.-Gloria Parnell. If you are a visitor or attending this Church for the first time please join us for refreshments after the service. Also, please make yourself known to a steward and sign the visitor’s book in the vestibule. Thank you for joining us; May God richly bless you. Next Sunday’s Service 1st February, 10.30 am: Led Revd. Elaine Joseph, with Holy Communion. Communion Collection: Home Missions. Key Thought for last Sunday 18th January. “God is Good All The Time.” -Local Arrangement Church Collection – Thank you for your generous offering last Sunday. Crèche – A crèche is available during the service for parents and carers with children under five. Please leave the service with the Sunday school, or ask a Steward who will direct you to the crèche. Note: The crèche does not operate when there is a Family service. CHURCH COACH TRIP A £5 deposit for adults and £2.50 for children is required to be paid to collect £135 to secure the date of Saturday 11th July 2015, to go to Clacton-on-Sea. Please see Joseph, or Paul for payment and put your name on the list on the notice board to secure your seat. Walking Fund Raising Event I have organised a Walking Fund Raising Event in Aid of Park Lane Methodist church. This Event will take place at Edward V11 Park, Park Lane. HA9 on Saturday 21st March 2015, 10:30am to 1:30pm. All participants must secure sponsorship for this Walking Event and will be asked to complete 50 rounds of the Park. All participants must register by telephoning Adrian on 07597326383. Participants are not to exceed 50 persons as stipulated by Brent Council.All collected Monies for this Event are to be given to Mr Adrian Perry who shall give it to the named Steward Mr Joseph Kingsley. Come and Walk and support Park Lane Methodist church.- Adrian Perry West African Community (WAC) Fellowship will meet today, Sunday 25th January after the service. Could members please be punctual.
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