PQC - ONGC Videsh Limited

Tender No:
OVL/Bangladesh/Block SS 04 & 09/EIA/895/2014-15
Brief Description:
Hiring of services for IEE, EMP and EIA study in Blocks SS04 and SS-09, Bangladesh offshore
Tender Originating Location :
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Type of tender:
LT, two bid system
Tender Document issuing office
Country Representative
ONGC Videsh Limited
Concord Tower, Level- 8.Suit No- 804.
113, Nazrul Islam Avenue.
Dhaka- 1000
Pre-Qualification Criteria:
• Bidder should have sufficient expertise and experience to
conduct environmental examinations, assessments and
studies required under Bangladesh law including Initial
Environmental Examination (IEE), Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan
(EMP) as per prevailing acts and regulations of the
Government of Bangladesh for conducting Petroleum
Operations in the Bangladesh offshore / onshore projects.
• Bidder should have sufficient experience in providing similar
services and executed at least two contracts of IEE, EIA and
EMP studies in Bangladesh onshore / offshore areas in the
Bangladesh offshore / onshore projects.
Vendors to whom Tender Enquiry
has been issued:
Request for issue of Tender
This Tender Enquiry has been sent to following 4 vendors
1. SMEC International Pty Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2. Department of Botany, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
3. Environmental Conservation Management Consultants Ltd
4. BETS Consulting Services Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Tender Enquiry may be issued to those firms who meet the
Pre-qualification Criteria and request OVL for issuance of the
tender enquiry. Such requests along with supporting
documents received up to 23.08.2014 shall be entertained.
Tender Enquiry shall be issued to only those bidders who are
considered to be fulfilling the pre-qualification criteria based
on the examination of the documents by OVL
Bid Document can be viewed and downloaded from the
website for reference purpose only
Contact person for request for
issue of tender enquiry
Country Representative, ONGC Videsh Ltd, Dhaka at the
address mentioned above.
E mail id : [email protected]