Terms of Reference (ToR) for Verification of CPAs of Nepal Biogas Support Program (PoA) 1. Introduction Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) was established in 1996 with the objective of developing and promoting renewable energy technologies with focus in rural areas of Nepal. Since then, AEPC has been successfully implementing/executing several renewable energy programme/activities in Nepal. From July 16, 2012 AEPC is executing a five years National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme G\fRREP) which has a single programme modality. It is envisaged that no other programmes or projects will be supported or executed outside the NRREP's to updating knowledge on Climate Change committed framework. The AEPC/\IRREP is further well a diversified portfolio of RETs projects using mitigation and adaptation options; further development different instruments and establishing high quality performance assurance and monitoring systems. related to renewable energy promotion in Nepal The Climate and Carbon Unit (CCU) under NRREP is catalyzing the renewable energy programmes in order to better address climate change issues. The CCU also supports government to formulate climate change sensitive RE policies/plans and supports District Development Committees to prepare climate and gender sensitive energy plans. CCU is working on development & management of RETs carbon projects feasible in the country. Under regulated carbon market, AEPC has succeeded in registering 6 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects: 4 biogas projects consisting of about 60 thousands biogas plants, one Micro hydro project with total 450 mini/micro hydro projects and one Biogas PoA with each CPA comprising of maximum 20,000 digesters. Two CDM PoAs have been requested for registration with the LTNFCCC. The details of these projects are available at http://www.aepc.gov.np/. 2. Background Nepal Biogas Support Program-PoA was registered with the UNFCCC CDM Executive Board (EB) on 3l January 2013 (Registration Ref. No. 9572). AEPC is the coordinating and managing entity of this PoA. The start date of this PoA is 22''d June 2007, with a length of 28 years. The technologies used in this PoA are household biogas digesters with different sizes of 2,4,6, 8 and 10 m3. The programmes uses only one design i.e. GGC 2047 model As of now three CPAs are being validated by DOE for inclusion in the PoA and the inclusion of the same are expected by April 2014. Since the Biogas PoA (including CPA1:20,000 digesters) was registered on 31 Jan2013 and three other CPAs are expected to be included in the PoA soon, AEPC intends to procure seruices from the LINFCCC accredited DOEs for the verification of the PoA (a CPAs). The details of the biogas CPAs proposed for verification are presented in the table below: able S.N 1 2 3 4 3. l: CPAs lbr verillcation Title CDM Prosramme olActiv v (CPA) -l CDM Prosramme of Activ v (CPA) -2 CDM Programme of Activ tv (CPA) -3 CDM Prosramme of Activitv (CPA) -4 Duration/Exnected Duration of verification 3l 30 30 30 Jan 2013-30 June2014 Aoril 2014-30 June 2014 April 2014-30 June 2014 Aoril 2014-30 June 2014 Objectives The general objective of the task"is verification of four CDM programme Activities (CPAs) of Nepal Biogas Support Program-PoA (Registration Ref no 9572). 4. Scope of Work The scope of the work includes but is not limited to: T.r-t of Reference (ToR) for Verification of CPAs of Nepal Biogas Support Program (PoA) a An independent and objective review of the Monitoring Reports (lvIR) and supporting documentation. Prepare verification findings as per the guidance provided by CDM Executive Board a Prepare verifi cation rePorts o Submit to UNFCCC CDM Executive Board issuance request based on the final verification outcome. 5. Working Approach a The DoE shall elaborate their working approach indicating the timelines to achieve the milestones shall also be consistent with timeline indicated in the ToR. The methodology for carrying out the study activity. each to complete required time discussed concisely, preferable diagrammatic indicating 6. Inputs from AEPC/NRREP o o NRREp budget and relevant documents/materials and information, in particular: Input from relevant AEPC and NRREP officers 7. Time and budget 7.1 Timing agreement' The DOE is expected to complete this activity within three months from the date of contract 7.2 Budget Contract will be Budget should be prepared in free form indicating the activities, man-days involved, rate etc. in excess of the cost done with the DOE on lump sum basis and is not entitled to receive any additional costs for the contract amount. The DoE is subject to bear itself, the transportation and accommodation local travel assotiated with the assignment. The contract amount will be in Nepalese intemational and Rupees. 8. Taxes and the tax The DOE is subject to pay 28o/otaxof the contract amount as per the applicable tax laws-ofNepal will be deducted from'the DOE's receivables while making the payments after the delivery of milestones' The payment schedule is given in annex I. 9. Deliverables(output) Reporting of the work shall be done as per following: . . o Initial review of MR and submission of draft protocol through email Submission of the Verification Reports for the CPAs of the PoA under consideration Communicate AEPC during each stage of the verification assignment 10. Qualification of DoE and auditors scopes and sectors is sought' of CDM rules and procedure. A competent team with relevant knowledge and experience in the specific The team shall compose of verifiers/auditors as per the requirement Terms of Reference (ToR) for Verification of CPAs of Nepal Biogas Support Program (PoA) 1L. Documents to be submitted by the DOE The DOE should submit the technical and financial proposals in separate sealed envelopes and the both should be sealed in an outer envelope. The documents submitted by the bidder should include: Technical Proposal a. Authorized certification of DOE b. Signed CV of proposed auditors/verifier c. Working Approach d. List of similar experiences e" Time frame indicating the specific activities. f. Any other relevant documents Financial Proposal g. h. Budget sheet in separate sealed envelope indicating details, for example, the activities, man-days involved, rate etc. Budget may be proposed in Nepalese Rupees. The cost of services, if indicated otherwise than Nepalese Rupees, will be convefied to the Nepalese Rupees as per the exchange rate for the final day of the proposal submission deadline' 12. Selection Procedure The consultant selection method is the Ouality and Cost based method as stipulated in sub-rule 4(a) of rule 71 of the Public Procurement Rules of Nepal. Detail criteria for the selection of DOE are given in annex II. An illustration of selection procedure with Quality and Cost based method is given in annex Il1. f..-t of Refeience (ToR) for Verification of CPAs of Nepal Biogas Support Program (PoA) Annex I - Payment Schedule lnstallments I st installment (advance) Percent 20o/o 2nd installment 3rd installment 40% of Contract Amount Expected OutPut Contract signed followed of Contract Amount 40% of Contract Amount Total Amount NRs bY Invoice Submission of verifi cation findines after initial review Submission of final verification reoort l00o/" uld be understood as the total contract amount indicating the Tax and not as the total receivable amount' (ToR) for Verification of CPAs of NePal Biogas SuPPort Program (PoA) ffie Annex II - Selection /Evaluation Criteria Thefollowingwillbethemarkingofthetechnicalandfinancialproposals. ProPosal B. Financial ProPosal A. Technical 10% 30% 70 A. Technical ProPosal 5 OverallExperience of the DOE in verification i. e*p..i.*e of DOE in verification of similar projects/programs region :. g*p.ri.n.e of DOE in working in South Asia project verification cDM in 4. overal experi"n"e. of veriReistAuditors projects/programs similar of in verification 5. Experienc. of V.tntt'AuJl'o" 6. Clarity on working aPProach 7. Work schedule with manning 1. 10 10 10 15 5 15 30 B. Financial ProPosal B. Financial Proposal proposals will be DOEs securing toP scores in the technical The financial ProPosals of the toP three opened for further assessment' C. Selection uP and the DOE t7 nical and financial ProPosals will be summed The marks obtained by the DOE in the warded with the task. securing the highest marks in total will [e P rocu rement as pects checked ; "z'ft' t',--d P6curen Approved Recommended bY: ffiokharel Sr. International Technical Adviser AEPCAIRREP D^r",U7.0q. i? Executive Director AEPC Date : Terms of Reference (ToR) for Verification of CPAs of Nepal Biogas Support Program (PoA) Annex III - Illustration of DOE selection approach with the Quality and Cost Based Method Under quality and cost based method the technical proposal is evaluated first and the top three DOEs will be selected. After that the financial proposals of the top ranking DOEs will be opened quote will receive full and the scores will be assigned based on the leist quote such that the least quotes higher than score. Based on relative 1rlightug. of quotes, scores will be assigned to the given by adding be will the least quotes. Once financial scores are given, the cumulative scores the technical and financial scores. The DOE securing highest cumulative score will be awarded task. is For example 4 DOEs (A, B, C, and D) have applied for the assignment. Their technical proposal opened and they receive the technical marks as follows: Rank DOEs Technical Score (out of70) A B 62 C 65 1t' 63 2"d J 61 D the hnical luati .ad -N. the followi DOEs will be considered for further evaluation: DOEs Technical Score (out of70) C 65 1t' D 63 2'd A 62 J Rank quotes are as Now, the financial proposals of the above three DOEs (A, C and D) are opened the financial follows: DOEs Financial Ouote (NPR) C 300,000.00 2s0.000.00 250.000.00 D A Now, the financial scores will be calculated as follows: Financial Score: (Lowest Quote X 30) / Proposed Quote DOEs Financial Score :(2s0000 x 30y300000:25 :(2s0000 x 30y250000:30 :(2soooo x 3oy25oo0o:30 300,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 C A D ncial scores as follows technlca landfi nanclal be assigned by adding the techni Rank Score (out of 100) Total Technical Score Financial Score (out of30) Final scores DOEs will be as follows: f inancial Ouote (NPR) Hence. the financial scores of the DOEs will (out of70) C 65 D 63 A 62 Hence, the DOE 25 30 30 "D" will 90 ^rd J 93 92 2'd be awarded with the task after the completion of evaluation.
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