Detroit Bulk Storage PTI Application (189

Schleusener, Paul (DEQ)
Colleen Laginess <[email protected]>
Friday, February 07, 2014 5:11 PM
Schleusener, Paul (DEQ)
Noel Frye ([email protected]); [email protected]; [email protected];
Avery Williams; Teri Whitehead
Detroit Bulk Storage, Inc.'s PTI additional information
L-P Schleusener re PTI additional Information. pdf
Dear lvlr. Schleusener:
Attached is a letter regarding your request for additional information regarding DES' Permit to Install. If you
have any questions, please call our office.
Very truly yours,
Coffeen A. L'aginess
Secretary to 2JavidA. 2Jomza!
AndTeri }f//iitefiead
fYi!llams Acost4 P££C
535 {iriswoMSt., Suite 1000
2Jetroit.. .:Jv!J48226
313-963"3873 X124
To comy[y witfi. 'U.S. Treasury regu[ations, 1ve aavise you any discussion oj
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Neitfier information 6[ock., tfie tyyea name of tfie senaer, nor anything efSe in
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William sA costa
A Professiollal Limited Liability Company
Teri Whitehead
Of Counsel
[email protected]
Attomeys and Counselors
535 Griswold Street, Suite 1000
Detroit, MI 48226-3692
Phone: (313) 963-3873
Fax: (313) 961-6879
Febmary 7, 2014
Via Electronic and First Class Mail
Paul Schleusener, Senior Engineer Specialist
Michigan Depattment of Environmental Quality
Air Quality Division
Constitution Hall, I st Floor
525 West Allegan Street
P.O. Box 30473
Lansing, MI 48909-7973
Detroit Bulk Storage, Inc.
Permit to Install Application No. 189-13
Dear Mr. Schleusener:
In response to your correspondence of February 6, 2013, Detroit Bulk Storage, Inc.
("DBS") integrated information from an existing dry bulk handling facility, The C. Reiss Coal
Company ("C. Reiss") located in Escanaba, Michigan. The Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, granted C. Reiss a permit to install on or about
December of 2012. DBS investigated C. Reiss and selected the data utilized at C. Reiss'
facility as DBS and C. Reiss parallel in the following critical areas:
Processing - DBS and C. Reiss utilize the same procedures for handling various
aggregates, delivered to the site by truck or vessel.
Equipment • DBS a11d C. Reiss utilize the same equipment (i.e., hopper, water
pump (77.5 hp), stacking conveyors (100 hp), trucks, and vessels.
Materials - DBS and C. Reiss handle the same materials, including, sand, asphalt,
petroleum coke, crushed stone, limestone, and trap rock.
WHriams Acosta1 PLLC
Wind Speed 1 - DBS and C. Reiss have the same wind speed throughout the year.
DBS' facility over the course of the year has typical wind speeds that vary from 0
mph to 17 mph, but rarely exceeding 23 mph. The highest average wind speed for
DBS facility is 10 mph which occms around January 18, at which time the
average daily maximum wind speed is 16 mph. C. Reiss's facility over the course
of the year has the same typical wind speeds as DBS, varying from 0 mph to 15
mph, and rarely exceeding 23 mph. The highest average wind speed of 9 mph for
C. Reiss occurs around December 1, at which time the average daily maximum
wind speed is 15 mph.
Climate - DBS and C. Reiss are located in the Great Lakes Region, where both
facilities experience similar weather conditions. For example, the average
temperature of DBS' facility during the winter months is about 34°F as compared
with 29°F for C. Reiss. Humidity is 40-89% throughout the year for DBS as
compared with 44-93% for C. Reiss. And, precipitation for DBS and C. Reiss are
33.5 inches and 28.7, respectively.
Control Technology - DBS and C. Reiss presented analogous fugitive dust
control plans to control fugitive particulate from material storage and operations.
Throughput- DBS and C. Reiss have the same material handling, ship uploading,
truck loading throughput of 4,380,000 tons per year.
For these reasons, DBS submits that the calculations as presented in its permit to install
application are appropriate. If you have any questions, please call me.
Kind regards,
Teri Whitehead
See http:i/; See also,
Williams Acosta1 PLLC
Mr. Noel Frye (via electronic mail)
Ms. Tammy Yaek-Ryall (via electronic mail)
Avery K. Williams (via electronic mail)
Lori Shink (via electronic mail)