ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED ABSTRACT Estt. – APGENCO – ES – Certain Assistant Executive Engineers(Civil) – Promotion and posting as Executive Engineers(Civil) – Orders – Issued. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G.O.O.No.775/CGM(Adm.)/2013 Date:13.02.2014. Read the following:1. 2. 3. G.O.O.No.231/JS(Per)/2008, dtd.02.08.2008. Cir.Memo.No.CGM(A)/DS(A)/AS(Panels)(Techl.)/PO-C1/1061/2009, dtd.30.07.2009. G.O.O.No.438/CGM(Adm)/2013, dtd.05.10.2013. *** O R D E R: Under Reg. 14(a)(1) of APSEB SRs Part-II, as adopted, 08 (Eight) Assistant Executive Engineers/Civil mentioned in the Annexure appended to this order are promoted temporarily to act as Executive Engineers/Civil with effect from the date of assumption of charge after issue of these orders. 2) The promotions ordered in para-1 above are purely temporary and liable to be terminated at any time without notice and without assigning any reasons thereto. 3) The promotions ordered in para-1 above are liable to be reviewed based on the outcome of ;a) the Judgment to be delivered by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the appeal filed against the judgment in W.P.Nos.2360-91/1983; b) the Judgment to be delivered in W.P.No.13572/91 pending before the Hon’ble High Court of A.P; and c) the Judgment to be delivered in W.A.No.2013/2002 pending before the Hon’ble High Court of A.P.; 4) The 8 (Eight) Asst. Executive Engineers (Civil) on temporary promotion as Executive Engineers(Civil) ordered above and 07 (Seven) existing Executive Engineers(Civil) are transferred and posted to the places noted against their names in the Annexure appended to this order. 5) The concerned controlling officers are requested to relieve the above Asst. Executive Engineers/Civil by making local arrangements within 15 days from the date of issue of this order, otherwise the promotees shall be treated as deemed to have been relieved of their duties after expiry of the stipulated period. ::2:: 6) The Asst. Executive Engineers(Civil) are requested to assume charge on promotion as Executive Engineers(Civil) at the place of posting. If, they fail to join or evade joining within stipulated period or proceed on leave from the date of receipt of this order, their promotion rights shall be forfeited for the current panel year and the name of such candidate shall be placed before the next DPC for consideration in the next panel year subject to availability of vacancy in terms of G.O.O.1st cited. Necessary departmental disciplinary action as deemed fit shall also be initiated against them for non compliance of orders issued above. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OFA.P.POWER GENERATION CORPN.LTD) K. VIJAYANAND MANAGING DIRECTOR To Sri ……………………………………….. Through ………………………………… Copy to the: Chief Engineer/Civil/Thermal-I/VS/Hyd. Chief Engineer/Civil/Thermal-II/VS/Hyd. Chief Engineer/TPC-I/VS/Hyd. Chief Engineer/Civil/Hydel/VS/Hyd. With a request to serve the G.O.O. Chief Engineer/Civil/GS/VS/Hyd. forthwith on the promotees and obtain Chief Engineer/O&M/KTPP their dated acknowledgement of having Chief Engineer/O&M/RTPP received the same and forward the same to Chief Engineer/O&M/KTPS-V&VI this office. Chief Engineer/O&M/NSHES Chief Engineer/Const/SDSTPS Chief Engineer/O&M/Srisailam Chief Engineer/O&M/LSHES Superintending Engineer/O&M/Pochampad PS to Managing Director/APGENCO. Deputy CCA to Director(Finance&Comml)/APGENCO. ADE/Techl. to Director(Hydel)/APGENCO. AS to Director(Projects)/APGENCO. ADE to Director(Thermal)/APGENCO. ADE to Director (Coal & Logistics)/APGENCO DS to Director(HR&IR)/APGENCO. PA to Executive Director(IS)/APGENCO. PAs to Chief General Managers(Adm.||HR)/APGENCO. All Chief Engineers//All Superintending Engineers/APGENCO. All FA&CCAs//All Deputy Secretaries/ APGENCO. Company Secretary//Chief of Vigilance & Security/APGENCO. Divisional Engineer/MPP/APGENCO. Pay Officer//Accounts Officer(CPR)/APGENCO/VS/Hyd. Asst. Secretary(Adm.||Vig.&Rectt.)/APGENCO. Stock File/Spare. C.No.CGM(Adm.)/DS(Adm.)/AS(Panels)(Techl.)/PO-C/544/2013. //FORWARDED :: BY ORDER // PERSONNEL OFFICER Annexure to G.O.O.No.775/CGM(Adm.)/2013, Sl. No. Name of the AEE/Civil dtd.13.02.2014. Present place of working Place of posting on promotion as EE/Civil SE/O&M/Pochampad SE/O&M/Pochampad CE/Civil/Hydel/VS/ Hyd. CE/O&M/LSHES CE/O&M/KTPP CE/O&M/KTPP CE/Civil/ThermalI/Vs/Hyd. CE/O&M/NSHES Sarvasri 1 M.Srinivasa Reddy 2 P.Venkata Satyanarayana 3 K.Narotham Reddy 4 G.Sri Ravindra 5 K.Babu Rao CE/Civil/GS/ VS/Hyd. CE/O&M/KTPP 6 T.Sudhakar Pulichinthala. O/o.CE/O&M/NSHES SE/O&M/SRBPH 7 B.Pratap Kumar CE/Civil/Thermal/ VS/Hyd. CE/O&M/RTPP 8 K.Suryanarayana CE/Civil/GS/V.S/Hyd (Environment Cell) CE/Civil/GS/V.S/Hyd (Environment Cell) Transfer and posting of existing EEs/Civil Sl. Name of the EE/Civil No. Present place of working Place of posting on transfer as EE/Civil Sarvasri 1 K. Srikanth CE/O&M/LSHES 2 K.K.V. Prasanthkumar PCHES. O/o.CE/O&M/NSHES 3 A. Jaganmohan Rao SE/O&M/Pochampad SE/Quality Control/VS/Hyd. 4 B. Mokshaveer CE/Const/SDSTPS CE/Civil/Thermal-I/VS/Hyd 5 N. Suryanarayana CE/O&M/KTPP CE/Const/SDSTPS 6 G. Ravindra SE/O&M/SRBPH CE/O&M/KTPS-VI 7 M. Satyanarayana CE/O&M/NSHES //FORWARDED :: BY ORDER // PCHES, Vice Sri K.K.V Prasanthkumar, EE/Civil Transferred. CE/TPC-I/VS/Hyd CE/Civil/GS/VS/Hyd (Asset Manager) K. VIJAYANAND MANAGING DIRECTOR PERSONNEL OFFICER
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