±1L LONG ISLAND STAR-JOURNAL, TUESDAY, APRIL 30. 1957 Qu«*ns Goal $550,000 Lundy to Open Drive For New York Fund The Queens campaign of thedocay, Matthew T. Janiero, Greater New York Fund will Stanley S. Weiser, all of Asbe launched Wednesday by toria, members of committee Borough President Lundy at in Zone 3, the Long Island City ceremonies in Borough Hall, area. Kew Gardens. Howard D. Amann, district manager of the Brooklyn Union Gas Company, Queens fund chairman, will also take part in kicking off the 20th annual campaign. The borough - wide goal is $550,000. The record $11,000,000 drive in behalf of the world's largest network of hospital and health and welfare agencies will be si multaneously opened in Man hattan by Mayor Wagner, who will proclaim M a y as "Greater MEMBERS FOR LIFE—Charles Zeller of Astoria (right) and Mrs. Marie J. Hannan of Long Island City receive life membership cards from James J. Paretti of Astoria, leader of the James Paretti Association, at the dinner held in their honor at the association clubhouse in Long Island City. Looking on is Ray Loiacona of Beechhurst, association president. Barry Named by Chamber New York Fund Month." • • * MORE THAN 10,000 volunteers will seek contributions— in places of business only — from business and labor groups. North Queens civic loader.* active in the drive include: G. Arthur Wilson, and Harold S. Bird, both Maspeth, members of the special gifts committee. Elroy T. Juber of Woodside, chairman of Zone 5, covering Corona, Elmhurst, Forest Hills, Jackson Heights, Kew Gardens and Woodside. Albert Dangler, C. Edward Dean, Edward Mulcahy, John A. Kleinschnitz, Mac M. Mor- Sid Barry, president of the Todd and Edward P. Winters, Donald, Henry L. Oeding and GONE FISHING . . . SOON Filtron Company of Flushing, vice-presidents; John A. Burns, Philip Zole, directors. Area vice presidents nomiThe Men's Club of Temple treasurer, and Franklin F. has been renominated for a nated were State Senator Walter Emanu-El, 91-15 Corona "avenue, Regan, William W. Voelckers, •econd term as president of the G. McGahan, Bayside; O. F. Elmhurst, is busy these days Flushing Chamber of Commerce. Albert O. Stark, Ralph D. Elliott, Broadway-Flushing; Ed- harmonizing on "Gone Fishing" Other nominees are Thomas Hague, Edward II. Seamann, win D. Marks, College Point, in anticipation of a fishing trip F. Kearns, Municipal Court Jus- John M. Gleason, Douglas G. Robert S. Lee, Fresh Meadows, planned for Sunday. The club tice David L. Dugan, Robert J. Hargrove, A. M. Hepburn, Rus- and Louis O. Trilsch, White- will leave for the day's outing Gill, Robert E. Malito, Leon L. sell MacGrotty, Allen G. Mc-stone. at 8 A. M. from a Nassau dock. YOU OPEN HOUSE Friday, May 3rd Saturday, May 4th UIHITESIOflE sRumcs a n d Loan Association SEE OUR BIG AD ON PAGE 6 Can Be One of 15,001 Winners I SPARKLING SILVER DOLLARS awarded Just for telling us w h y . . . WhiteHock quality out-sparkles them all I First prize . . . $ 5 , 0 0 0 1 5 0 4th prizes of 10 silver dollars each! Second prize, $ 2 , 5 0 0 • and 1 5 , 0 0 1 Third p r i z e . . . $1,OOO Thousands of Silver Dollars Awarded Each Week! Dont miss this grand opportunity to enjoy the sparkling flavor of White Rock beverages . . . and win sparkling silver dollars too! Look how easy it is to be a winner in this heal area contest! Merely finish this statement in 25 simple words or less. "White Rock quality oat-sparkles them all I like White Rock becanso ." It's as easy as thai! And best of all, each refreshing bottle of White Rock will inspire enough ideas for a whole bushel of entries! So enter now . . . and enter week after week! The sooner you start playing, the better your chances of winning. prize$ of m sparWln s f l w m r * * mlL CONTEST IDLES FOR WMNtm LBCKT S U B •OUIRS 1. Just fin!* Bill M r t M t t In 25 wordt or I n s . "White Roc* Oweftty aet> tparklet them i l l . I Ilk* White Rock because . . ." (Hieti Teal! find lots of clues right on t M white Rock labels!) 2. Use this entry blank below ar let additional Met at wjar White Rock dealer*! - or submit your entry on plate theet ol paper. 1. Submit is maty entries as you wtah eaek weak, bat sack entry matt OS accompanied by a picture of the Waits Rock |lrt froai the label at aay t i n White Rock bottle. <UAn entries become the) property af Watte Rack. Istrtee matt aa artfkul work of contestant, they win be jsdirad by R. K DaaaatMy Cars, aa baats of simplicity, sincarity, srif fcaiity and i ' Contest limited to Hew Tort State. Nam Jersey and Cmamctteat-aml ste> fect to ail Federal, State, and Local refutation*. Employee* at White Rack Company and Ma advartlsbic (fancies are aat eHflWe. 8. There are amen weekly contest! with 2.143 whwier* at tHver dollar* each week. Winmnf entries m these eevoa weekly contest* wax be M l * * for the (rand prlie* above. Duplicate prize* to case at ties. S. weekly contests close Sundays, April 14th. 21st 2Sth. May Sth, 12th. 19th and 26th, 1957. Entries will be Indies each week at receiva*. Final contest closes with mail postmarked not later than may 24th, 1157. 7. All Prtie winners win be notified partwiatty ar by mak. Get TEXACO Ski/Chief Su-preme For SU-PREME PERFORMANCE! Texaco Sky Chief Su-preme, supercharged with Petrox, gives you Su-preme octane performance... all the knock-free power your engine, new or old, can deliver...a real bonus in extra gasoline mileage... engine life extended up to 60%. Remember... Petrox is Texaco's exclusive additive that cuts harmful deposits, prevents engine wear. What's more, Texaco Sky Chief Su-preme is the premium gasoline 100% Climate-Controlled in all 48 states, for quicker starts, freedom from stalling, wherever you drive. * yfhifeHock^ * * Fer " r t g i l a r " - s e r f . . . famous Texaco Fire Chief is far and away the finest gasoline you can buy. Now, the highest octane in its history . . . to give you more lively power, long mileage at the "regular" gasoline price. And it also is 100% Climate-Controlled in all 48 states. • ILVIft DOLLAR I n f r y Blank Mill r»- White feet, f. 8. Hx 431 M M rsfRM 18, Htw Ttrt "Whits Rock Quality Out-Sparkles Them i l l Like White Rock Buy the Best • •. always at ***** TEXACO Afaawni esjkifhu aaaSbati a^ntLfa^anthatsaW kieaathSt- aa^aaa^akay4i ITWaf Wiaff a f l e ! W W I I M l e f i O i e f t W ^QmJ ERS j Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com TMi TIXAJ COM»awr
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