Laughing For The Health Of It!

Laughing For The Health Of It!
September 13, 2014, 6pm to 9pm
Avon Washington Township Park Pavilion
Dear Friend of Mental Health America of Hendricks County,
The need for education, treatment, and support for people with mental illness is crucial. One in four people in this
country will have a diagnosable mental illness during their lives. There are people all around each and every one of
us who are suffering. Many are afraid to seek treatment for fear of the stigma attached to mental illness. We as a
society must do a better job of breaking the stigma and the discrimination that often accompanies it. With your help,
we can make a difference in so many lives!
Mental Health America of Hendricks County is hosting our second annual Laughing For The Health Of It! fundraiser.
We are hoping that you will consider sponsoring this event. Listed below are some of the services that we provide to
the community and some of the ways that you can help make a difference.
How Mental Health America helps
How you can help
We offer a variety of educational classes to adults
and children.
You can become a sponsor of our fundraiser, Laughing For The Health Of It!
We assist the community with information and referral.
You can purchase a table or ticket(s) to Laughing For
The Health Of It!
We provide suicide prevention training.
You can donate a silent auction item.
We offer training on the prevention of sexual violence
against children.
You can make a cash donation.
We host a variety of support groups.
We offer a holiday program providing gifts to those
who would otherwise be forgotten.
We offer a Youth Advisory Board whose focus is on
teen suicide prevention.
We would sincerely appreciate your support. The need is great. For more information about
Mental Health America of Hendricks County, to view sponsorship levels for Laughing For The
Health Of It!, or to make a donation , please visit
Tammi Jessup
Executive Director
Mental Health America
of Hendricks County
Laughing For The Health Of It!
75 Queensway Dr
Avon, IN 46123-9701
[email protected]
September 13, 2014 from 6pm to 9pm
Avon Washington Township Park Pavilion
Sponsorship Form
___Pla num Sponsor — $5,000+
___Gold Sponsor — $2,500
Two premium loca on tables, sea ng eight people at each. Two premium loca on tables, sea ng eight people at each.
Recogni on as Pla num Sponsor on all forms of adver sing.
Recogni on as Pla num Sponsor included with invita ons
and programs, with name and logo.
Recogni on at event from emcee as Pla num Sponsor.
Recogni on as Gold Sponsor on all forms of adver sing.
Recogni on as Gold Sponsor included with invita ons and
programs, with name and logo.
Recogni on at event from emcee as Gold Sponsor.
One free QPR suicide preven on training session for staff.
One free QPR suicide preven on training session for staff
OR one free educa onal puppet show for staff and family.
One free educa onal puppet show for staff and family.
4 Morty’s Comedy Club ckets to use at a later me.
Opportunity to present for five minutes on their organizaon to guests at the event.
8 Morty’s Comedy Club ckets to use at a later me.
___Silver Sponsor — $1,000
One table sea ng eight people.
Recogni on as Silver Sponsor on all forms of adver sing.
Recogni on as Silver Sponsor included with invita ons and
programs, with name and logo.
Recogni on at event from emcee as Silver Sponsor.
___Bronze Sponsor — $500
One table sea ng eight people.
Recogni on as Bronze Sponsor included with invita ons
and programs, with name.
Recogni on at event from emcee as Bronze Sponsor.
Company Name____________________________________________________________________
Contact Name_____________________________________________________________________
Contact Email____________________________________________________________________
Company Address______________________________ City___________________________
State______________ Zip______________ Contact Phone number_________________
All sponsorships must be received by July 14, 2014 to be
included in all printed materials.