ROTAHY CXUB OF J OHANNB 3HJRG c, e d u c a t io n a l CASE f a c il it ie s HISTORY - o c m m it t b b 1946 OFFICERS: Chairman: Rotarian B .3 . Farrow Vice-Chairman: Rotarian G.M. Brown Secretary: Rotarian Dr. H .G . Luttig Treasurer: Rotarian G .E . Butterworth O .C . Sponsors: Rotarian M .A . Zoccola -0 O0- For INDEX see end of Case History -0 O0 - NQTB: An additional number of lads are being re-sponsored on their return from Active Senrice, particulars of which may be obtained from the O .C . Employment Sub-Committee, Rotarian H . J . I . Goetsch. ■oQo BOYS AT SCHOOL. ^NDERSON, William; 144 Galteemore Street, Born: 2 8 /3 /1 9 3 1 . Malvern. SPONSOR* J . L . CItRK (Brother of Jessie Anderson. Father mentally deficient. Three children. Income £15. Anns contributing £ 3.10.- , per month - £5. from another source. 1944: Attending Jeppe High in Form I . Trys hard and December report very satisfactory - promoted to Form I I for 1945. 1946; Passed into Std. V I I I . ? To continue to Metric* Principal states he appears to favour Engineering. BACKER, Louis James Henry 17 Norfolk Avenue, Craighall Park. Born: 7 /1 0 /1 9 3 0 . Sponsor; Iff. ALLEN Brother to George Backer. At end of 1944 passed Std. V I I I at Louw Geldenhuys Junior High School, Linden, Frther dead; mother a dressmaker - owns cottage in which she lives with four children. 1945: First year - carpentry - at Wit. Tech. Trades School. Bursary obtained by Club. 1946: Bursary granted for Second Year. Good report from Sponsor. BESTER, Raymond James S t . George' s Home. Born: 8 /1 1 /1 9 3 0 . Sponsor: M .A . ZOCCOLA Both parents dead. Two sisters - 23 and 21; brother 9 . 1944: in Std. V II at Jeppe High. October report - •’•unsatisfactory results but has improved greatly recently .» December, 1944 report: promoted to Std. V III on bare passing aggregate. 1946; Decided to keep gt school for another year. Remains in Std. V I I I , Principal reports progress slow and would probably benefit by staying in Std. V III for further year. g0r n . BEUKES, Barend Mathew 29 Fourth Avenue, MAYFAIR. ‘ g 3 /2 /1 9 29. Sponsor: J . J . Strasheim Father a Tram Driver. Boy wishes to become a Presikant or School Teacher family finances not equal to t h is . Started ^t Helpmekaar in 1942. 1943; _iChool reports satisfactory in spite o f much sickness. Has tuberculosis and of course cannot follow a Tr-de. Dr. Strawbaun says he w ill never be a whole man; Reports for 1944 very good. 1945: Continuing at Helpmekaar in Form IV. 1945. Continue to Metric and then to Teaching profession. BOSHOFF, Frederick Wynand: 25 Dover Street, Westdene. Bom : 22/6/1929 Sponsor: P .D . Amm Stepfather a bricklayer. Wishes to be a Predikant. Agreed to assist up to £3.10.- . Another example of parent aiming at career far beyond family capacity to provide. 1942: Good report from Helpmekaar. 1944: In Std. 8 - very'good report; last term was 7th in class after being 32nd st «nd of third term. 1945; To continue to Matric with possibility of obtaining bursary to train for the Church. 1 9 4 6 j To continue to Matric. D .R . Church to be contacted to assist with theological studies. BRIT3> Willem 114 Gold Street, City and Suourban. . 2 2 /5 /1 9 3 1 . Sponsor: F . J . Lang. Father a night-watchman - P .W .D ., earning £4.10.- . oer week. Decided to assist this lad at Kensington High for one year (1944) and then review case. One other boy in family. Amenities and exam, fees - Std. V I . Wants to become a detective. Good reports for 1944 - Principal says he is a very friendly and conscientious boy. 1945: Continue at Kensington High. 1946: To continue at BRITS, Willem (Contd. )j School to Matric. Sponsor to arrange for tram fares, £1. for school fees and also requires certain amenities. DU TQIT. Johan G.W 11 Orange Street, Sunnyside, Father died on Active Service. Mother owns One brother 2 9 . Three sisters - 25, 23 and Rossmore A.M. Jun. High, 1945: First year Mechanic - bursary granted. 1946: Bursary Good report for 1945. Born: 2 7 /5 /1 9 3 0 , Sponsor, H . J . I . Goetsch house; military pension: £192. 9 . Passed Std. VI - 1944 - at at Wit. Tech. Trades School - Motor granted for second year of £14. FRANCIS, Albert. Bom : 1 /1 2 /1 9 2 9 . St. George’ s Home, Sponsor: N , Jones, Father’ s address: Room 8 , Troyeville Chambers, Troyeville. 1943; At Jeppe High in Form I I . Report poor but he is a w illing worker. Will benefit by 2nd year in Form I I . Should matriculate at IV , but if sufficient progress not made w ill send him to Trades School, December 1944: Passed into Std. 8 . 1945: Mr. McDavid hag agreed to accept Francis at Trades School in a course of Structural Engineering but does not think he hss sufficient background. Bursary not granted. Will assist. 1946: Bursary granted for second year of £14. Good report for 1945. GLASS, Ronnie; Bom ; 1 2 /4/1931 St. George's Home. Sponsor: IT. Jones, Mother living in Germiston. 1943: At Jeppe High in Form I . 1944: In Form I I . Has taken to reading and is improving mentally as well as physically, wishes to be an accountant. 1945: In Std. 8 - continuing at Jeppe High, 1946: Still very young and to remain in Form I I I for another year. JOHNSON, D.A 71 Octavia Hill Flats, Pioneer Boad, Fordsburg. Born: 1 6 /1 2 /1 9 3 1 , Sponsor: P .E . Hughes. Case recommended by Mr. F , J . Cronje, Principal of Mayfair Junior High School, Passed Std VI in 1945, Father deceased, 1946: Full Bursary granted(£14,) at Trades School for first year as Plumber, Amenities granted, JOFFE, Samuel: Born: 2 1 /1 1 /1 9 2 7 , Sponsor: Prof. Richards Mother a widow with five children - 2 girls working, 1 at school. 1 son at Trades School. Samuel obtained 1st class matric at Forest High School' in 1943 with distinctions in Maths, Mechanics and Bookkeeping, Obtained fu ll University Bursary for 1944 (£72) Faculty of Engineering, Assist with books, etc, 1945: Completed a ll qualifying courses prescribed for first year’ s study for B. Sc. (Eng.) degree in branch of C ivil Engineering and obtained fu ll Bursary. Lade a scholar of the University for 1945. 1946: Obtained fu ll Bursary again for third year. KRUGER, Johannes Lodewickus: C/o Mrs. Botes (Aunt), 29a Kimberley R d ., Bertrams. Bom : 2 1 /3 /1 9 3 1 . Sponsor: P .D . Amm. Boy’ s stepfather and mother are living in Mafeking and he has been committed to the care of Mrs. Botes. Bursary has been obtained for him at Trades School for 1945 - Fitter and Turner - and Club has fixed him up with books and tools. Passed otd, 5 in Dec. 1944 at Cottesloe School. Case recommended by Child Wel fare Society. 1946: Bursary (£ 7 ,) granted for first half year, to be revieired again later. BOYS AT SCHOOLS (Contd.l McGRANAHAN, J-mes Richard Benson: 16 Louis Botha Avenue, Berea. Born: 1 2 /6 /1 9 3 0 . Sponsor: J . J . Strasheim, 1944; Passed Std. V . at Twist Street School, Agreed to put him. to Trades School, Father killed Up North, Mother receives military pension of £ 9 .1 2 .5 . plus £ 1 3 ,7 .6 . from Governor General's Fund, One girl - 7 years old. Principal of Twist Street School reports: "This lad is a brilliant student and a born leader. He is plfeasant, conscientious and worth the very best oppor tunity provided for his secondary education". Was top of his class. Trades School - first year carpenter, second year Fitter & TUrner, Bursary granted for first year - 1945. 1946; Finally decided to continue at Trades School for further year. Bursary granted. McLACHLAN, M .J . : 1 Doris Street, Kensington. Born: 2 3 /4 /1 9 2 8 . Sponsor: H . Williams, Case introduced by Rotarian Williams. Taking four year course at University for B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering. Father in ill-health. Mother working, 1945: Granted £15. assistance for books etc. for his first year. 1946; Good report for y e r ending 1945, Further grant made of £15, for 1946, for his second year. 0EL0FSE, Casparus: 95 East Ro--d, Regents Park. Born: 2 /1 1 /1 9 38. Sponsor: J .C , Merkin, Father suffers from Phthisis and not working. Boy wishes to be a School Teacher. 1942: Attending Helpmekaar in Std. V I . Report f a i r , 1943; In Std, V II made good progress; decided to let him Hiatriculate. 1944: In Std, V I I I - no progress made; position in class dropped considerably. 1945 - Promoted to Std, IX Post-matric assistance cannot be given. 1946: To continue to Matric and then to Teaching profession. PRINGLE, James Archibald. 43 Sixth Avenue, Parktown North, Born: 2 8 /7 /1 9 3 1 , Sponsor: J . J , Walker. Father Up North, One sister. 1945; Carrying on at Parktown High in Form I I I , but sponsor thinks he will not be able to matriculate. Agreed to assist ’^ith books up to- £5. Failed to pass Std. V I I I in 1945, 1946: Decided he should continue at school for another year, ROBERTS, John H a ll: C/o Mrs. H ill (Grandmother) 401A Jules Street, Malvern, Born: 4 /5 /1 9 3 2 , Sponsor: A .S , Furner, Child deserted by parents. Case recommended by Children's Aid and E .B .F . Trade School Bursary obtained for 5 year course - Electrical Engineer. Agreed to supply books and amenities. 1944: First year at Trades School; June report fair but very young for class. December report: Good. 1945: Second year at Trades School. 1946: Bursary (? £ 14.) granted at Trades School. R0Q5, Ockert Rudolph: 112 Juta Street, Braamfontein, Case recommended by Child Welfare Society. Born: 5/9/1930 Sponsor M , Penny. Father's whereabouts unknown for CASE HISTORY, 1 9 4 6 . BOYS AT SCHOOL (C o n td .); SAUNDERS, He nry : Born: S t . George• s Home. Sponsor: 2 3 /9 /1 9 3 0 . A . Thorburn. Father dead. Mother works at S.i-.P. Club, living at 7 Cornwallis Buildings, Hoek Street, City. Two daughters - 14 & 15. 1944; second year in Std VI at Jeppe High. -tents to be Electrician. December 1944 report: Very weak but promoted to Std. V I I , 1945: Transferred to Malvern Jun. High where he will stay to take his J .C . exrm. 1946: Continues at same school to take his J .C . this year. SHENTON, Leonard Dudley: 26 Octavia H ill Flats, M fy fe ir. Born: 4 /9 /1 9 2 9 . Sponsor: G .A . Ashley. Father dead. Mother in Army; another boy younger than Dudley. 1943: Mother obtained bursary at W it. Tech. Trades School where he is taking five year course. Committee agreed to assist with books, tools, clothing. Said to be a very likeable youngster, most polite and courteous, keen on his work. Progress for year fairly gx>d. 1944: June report satisfactory. December report: good. 1945: Third year at Trades School. Bursary granted. 1946: Committee dis agreed with Mother as regards this case, and also as regards younger brother (B .B . Shenton). See letters written to Sponsor. Apparently Sponsor wishes to carry on and continue contact with both cases as he thinks f i t , VAN RENSBURG. P h illip ; 111 George Street, Rosettenville, Born: 2 4 /1 /1 9 3 0 . Sponsor: E .B . Farrow 1942: At Helpmekaar in Std, VI.- Has made good progress at school, December, 1944; Passed Form I I I ; position improved to 43rd (our of 120) from 70th at end of third term, 1945: In form IV . Wishes to be a schoolmaster. 1946; To continue to Matric and then to Teaching ' profession. VEENENDAAL, Hendrikes Johannes: la Inverness Road, Westdene. ‘ Born: 2 /7 /1 9 2 8 , Sponsor; J . J . Strasheim 1942: Attending Helpmekaar - June report good. Wishes to take up Mechanical Engineering. 1943: Obtained bursary for first year at Wit. Tech. Trades School - report: Conduct and progress very good. Bursary was obtained for 1944: December report very good. 1945: Municipal Bursary arsrded for 1945 Trades School. 1946; Continues at Trades School, but Bursary not granted (Family income £432.-.-.) YOUNG, Donald Gerald: Born: S t . George’ s Home. 11/2/1931 . Sponsor: M .A . Zoccola. Father's whereabouts unknown. Has three brothers and four sisters nearly all grown up. Jants to be Electrical Engineer. 1944: In Form I at Jeppe High. Tried hard but will never matriculate. Marks - 3 8 /4 0 $ . 1945: Transferred to report11 **1945 ^ 19465 ZWEIGERS, Pieter Andrus: T° COntinue at same Scho° l to J .C . Born: See Principal’ s 4 /8 /1 9 3 0 Sponsor: D r. Monty Lawson. Father a tailor - £10 per week. Parents want son to be a Minister. Good reports from Kensington A/M. School for 1942 /1 9 4 4. 1945: Continuing at High School to matricc 1946: To continue same school. I f Zweigers obtains a first class matric, Rotarian Dr. Luttig has promised to endeavour to find ways of obtaining a University bursary. The Club have not the funds to promise such a long term expenditure as is involved by a course at the University, BOYS WORKING (APPRENTICED ETC.) ALLEN, John Joseph: 91 St. George Street, Bellevue East. Born. 2 2 /4 /1 9 2 9 . Sponsor: ? Case introduced by Mr. J . Guthrie of W it. Tech. Trades School. Attended Trade School sn.'i took National Junior Technical Certificate Std. V I II end 1945. Wanted to be apprenticed as Aeronautical Engineer, but no vacancy possible. Mrs. Allen a widow in poor health, and Rotary Anns in touch and assisting. Grant made by Child Welfare Department. Younger sister of 13, now attending Observatory Girls School. Rotarian Goetsch persevering to have John appren ticed as Motor Mechanic. Has temporary employment at Magistrates* Courts. AXSSL, Joseph Ashton; 7 Hull Street, Vrededorp. Born 1 6 /4 /1 9 3 0 . Sponsor: ? Case introduced by Miss van der Bergh of Social Services. Attended Crossby Junior ochool. Passed Std VII in 1945. Father il l and not expected to live. One other son age 14, and daughter age 20, allowing £8 . per month, minted to be apprenticed as Fitter and Turner but hopeless. Rotarisn Goetsch now trying to fix up as Cabinet Maker. BACHER, George: 17 Norfolk Avenue, Craighall Park. Sponsor; M . Allen Obtained first year Bursary at W it, Tech, Trades School for 1941: did w ell. Completed second year satisfactorily but being too young for apprenticeship continued at Trades School for another two years; parsed P .T .C . and J .T .C . 1944: December report - good. Commenced work in 1945 at the Central Engineer ing Vforks. Good report from Sponsor during 1945. Good report end of year from Wit. Tech. BATaS, Oliver: Sponsor: W. Humphreys. Parents divorced. Father remarried and stepmother did not treat boy w ell. At request of Magistrate of Juvenile Court was admitted to St. George's Home in September 1941. Report from Jeppe High - December 1942 - fairly good. Wished to become a Motor Mechanic. Work improved in Form II - 1943. 1944; Obtained half-bursary at W.T. Trades School as Motor Mechanic, Towards end of 1944 was apprenticed to BURROUGHS Ml CHINES. Bad report end 1945 from Wt. Tech. Boy being efficiently looked after by Sponsor and his manager, Mr, Turton, who reports Bates keen on joining Navy. Final result awaited. B A | M ^ R o M l d _ G .; 6 Rosavel Place, C/o Smit & Quartz Streets. Sponsor: E .B . Farrow Widowed mother applied for guidance in the career of her son - no financial assistance required. As a special concession on account of his age (education bad been set back because of much sickness) Wit. Tech. agreed to admit Ronald to College Residence and Trades School in 1943 - Electrical Engineering - made tq / r y progress. In 1944 (second year) June and December reports very good, +?*+ \ firm of Electrical Engineers - P .G .M . MAGNUSSEN - who oropose thct he be indentured right away. Will continue sponsorship until he has com pleted apprenticeship. Good report end 1945, including from Wit. Tech. ^RGESS, WiUiam John; 252 Jeppe Street, City* Born; e/6/1929. . Sponsor; A, Haak. ? q ^ er a ^ g e s s , sponsored by Rotary Anns. Case introduced by A . Haak, - . attending first year 3 t Wit. Tech. Trades School - Motor Mechanic. work. 1946.' f en itie s* 1944 ^ report - fair - capable of better December report - very good. 1945: Bursary not granted, w ill assist. Apprenticed with Albert Haak as Motor Mechanic. CHURCH, Lindsay (B i l l y ): 12 Clifton Court, Cnr. Smit & Melle Streets, Braamfontein. Born: 1 /1 2 /1 9 2 6 . Sponsor: T .F . G riffin . 1940: Father dead. Attended Athlone High School. Passed Std V I I I . U^nts to be fitter and Turner. 1941: Attending Wit. Tech College. Committee pay fees, books and amenities. 1942: Attended Wit. Tech for second year. 1943 - 1946: Apprenticed as Fitter and Turner in Johannesburg Municipality, Always good reports from Wit. Tech. DRAKE, A l f r e d .: Octavis Hill F ists. Born: 2 /2 /1 9 4 1 . Sponsori E .B . Farrow 1941: Commenced in January 2 year course in Fitting and Turning at Wit. Tech. Father suffers from tuberculosis. Mother receives £4. per month from King George V fund - is taking employment. Agreed to pay balance of fees, e tc ., approximately £8 . 1942: Second year course at W it. Tech. 1943: Apprenticed as Fitter and Turner with Head Wrightson & Co. 1944/6 Good reports from employers, and generally speaking from Wit. Tech. Sponsor h a s b e e n in regular touch with employers through Rotarian J . J . Walker. FOUR I E , William Scott: 23 Fifth Street, Maraisburg North. Bom : 8 /1 /1 9 2 9 . Sponsor: E .B . Furrow, 1942: In Std. VI at Helpmekaar - report above average, Father and brother in Army. 1943; Passed Std. V I I . 1944: Decided to continue to matric and then decide on career. December report 1944: Did not progress as expected dropped to 54th position in class from 19th at end of third term. Passed into Std. IX . Wishes to study medicine but Club cannot promise University assistance. 1945: Continue at Helpmekaar - Jun. Matric. 1946: Obliged to leave school during 1945 on account of adverse family circumstances. Now employed by Rand Water 3oard, and Rotarian McMurray w ill report progress in future. FULLER, Henry Ray: 5 - 6th Street, M ellville. Sponsor: H .S . Read. Father s Shunter on the Railways. There are two other boys and four girls - all younger than Henry. Started at Wit. Tech. in 1943 but Mr. McDavid gave s poor report and said he was always i l l . Wants to be Fitter & Turner. 1944: ob tained second year bursary. Since found that he had very bad eyesight; this has been corrected and he no longer has complex about his health - it is hoped that he w ill now improve generally. December report 1944 - very weak. 1945: Apprenticeship with General Services. Wit. Tech. reoort end 1945 not too good, Sponsor taking matter up, GUTSTADTHe rry : 62 Octavia Hill Flats Sponsor: G.M. Brown. Mother a soldier's widow - six children - pension £10 per month. In 1942 Harry attended first year a t.W it . Tech. Trades School - Electrical Engineering. * Bursary was obtained for second year. 1943: Club providing books, etc. Report on^his work fa ir . 1944 - third year - December report fairly good. 1945: Apprenticed with Head Wrightson & Co. Benoni Works. Wit. Tech. report at end year not too good. Sponsor and employer to investigate. &JTSTADT?_ Herbert G . : ^ Octavi? Hill Flats. Born: 10/2/1930 Sponsor: G.M. Brovm. Father died in Army. Mother working in Bazaar. Five other children. Club h.-s been sponsoring brother Harry. Passed Std. VI at end of 1943 at Mayfair Junior High. 1944: Obtained bursary at W .T. Trades School - Plumber. Amenities if necessary. Weak in theoretical subjects; special study in Maths suggested by Mr. McDavid - sponsor did not think he would be able to absorb i t . Boy must be encouraged to try harder. 1945; Burs-ry obtained for second year at Trades School: 1946: Left during year and now in Butcher business. Sponsor w i n keeD in contact. ^ CASE HISTORY, 1946. HERBERT, Ws It er; BOYS FORKING (APPRENTICED ETC .) Sponsor: M .A. Zoccola, Living st St. George's Home, attending Jeppe High. Passed his J .C , Tried very hard at school - not a matriculation student. Left in Form IV and is working for firm of Stock Brokers. 1 9 4 5 /6 : Sponsor s t ill in contact. H0T,TELLS t Gu s si e : Sponsor: J .C . Merkin. Old pupil of the Hope Training Home (Cripple). At present emploved by Roterian Goetsch and operating Telephone Exchange. Assisting a t*£3. per term at evening classes to improve mental powers. JOHNSON, Gustaf Arendt: Sponsor: J . J . %0.ker. Recommended by Salvation Army Home st Linden. Passed Std. 8 and was offered employment by He^d, ^Jrightson & Co. L td. - Engineering Dept. Has attended evening classes at Wit. Tech. since 1942. 1944/5:Good progress reported both at work and Technical College, LE ROUX, Johannes A . B . : 32 Ivy Road, Norwood. Sponsor: J .A . Black, Father died in 1942. Mother takes in a few boarders; one other child - a daughter. Club obtained Bursary for him in 1943. 1944: Continued third year at Trades School, Club providing for fees, etc. December report 1944: Good. Apprenticed to iAYGOOD OTIS but wishes to change to firm where general electri cal training may be had. 1945; Awaiting report on Sponsor's return from Active Service. MeINNES, Mi cha e1 Jo hanne s : 89 Kennedy Street, Turffontein. Born 1 5 /7 /1 92 9 . Sponsor: A .R . Thorburn. Mother a widow. 1944: Obtained private bursary first yeas? at Trades School, Fitter and Turner. June and December reports 1944 - good. 1945: Attending second year at Trades School. Bursary not granted; w ill assist. 1946: Apprenticed as Fitter and Turner at Qrown Mines. NOEL, Robert Audrey Sydney: 25 Schuller Street, Forest H ill. Sponsor: F .W . Cooper, Case introduced by Roterian John Leigh (at C airo ). Attending Trades School electrical Engineering. Father in Army; stepmother with three children. Club paid fees for 1943 and amenities, progress fa ir . 1944: Third year - report Apprenticed to Reunert and Lenz - continuing part-time studies. 1945: Sponsor to look into end of year W it. Tech. report. OOSTHUIZEN. Johannes Jacobus: 119 Octovia H ill Fl^ts. Born: 2 1 /7 /1 9 2 9 , Sponsor: A .D . McPhail, Case introduced by J . J . Strasheim from Mayfair Jun. High, passed Std. VI in 1943. Father a Rly. labourer - £11. per month. 1944: Obtained bursary for first year at J .T . Trades School - cabinet maker. June report: Fair - must study harder. Itorked for sponsor during holidays and proved a w illing and hard worker. December 1944 report: Very good. 1945: Bursary obtained. 1946: Started as Plumber apprentice at Crown Mines. SADLER, Frederick: 124 Hunter Street, Be llevue Ea s t . Sponsors: E .B . Farrow & R , Hammond Recommended by Dean Palmer. Father in irmy. Eldest of large family. Passed . . at Observatory Jun. High* 1 1 /2 /1 9 3 3 : Engaged by S .A . Institute for Medical £L0' PeP month* Enrolled for Matric by Roterian Hammond, aiming to write five subjects in December, 1944 and balance in June, 1945. Did and W m self in 1944, but it is hoped he w ill make amends and apply himself end bo able to take exam, at end ©f 1945. No assistance required. i945- Re sults unsatisfactory and it is difficult to know what now to do with this case SAUL, Solomon. 72 Octavia H ill Flats, Fordsburg. Sponsor; D.W . Brough. Total income of family about £22 per month. Mother a very hardworking woman. Soloman passed J .C . in 1942; bursary was obtained for him at Trades School 1943 - first year Electrical Engineering. 1943; Report g3od. Second year bursary was obtained for 1944, December report, good. 1945; Working at Polliacks where he expects to be apprenticed. Good report from Sponsor. TjJERON, Alphonse; 21 Pypye Curve, Jan Hofmeyer Township. Born: 16/9/1930 Sponsor J . J . Walker, Passed Std. VI at Trades School - 1943 - with Distinction (Fitter & Turner.) Father in Army. 1944; Mother did not apply for bursary. We w ill assist. Three other children - Suzanne sponsored by Rotary Anns. 1944 December report; Fairly good. It is felt that he should be able to pass his J .C . easily and complete third year at Trades School at end of 1945. Bursary granted for 1945. 1946; Sponsor advises proceeding to Municipality as Fitter and IMrner. VANVLBIT, Berio; Epworth Home Lad. Born. 5/ 9/ 192g. Sponsor: P .H . Vermey. Attended Sir John Adamson Junior High. Passed J .C . 1945, Has step-father. Mother Mrs. Stidworthy, 32 Beaumont Street, Booysens. Lad staying Epworth Home (Matron Mrs. Ringrose). 1946; Apprenticed with John Barrow *s Carpenter. WAGNER. Helge R . C . ; Epworth Children’ s Home. Sponsor; A. Haak, 1942; Private burssry for first yeat at Wit. Tech, Trades Sohool. Assisting with tools. Did good work during year. Second year bunsary for 1943 was ob tained - Electrical Engineering. 1944; Could not find him a job at this trade; was apprenticed with Albert Haak as Motor Mechanic. 1945; Reoort from employer and m t . Tech. good. GIRLS AT ANDERSON, J e s s ie ; 29 Protea Street, Kensington. SCHOOLS Born: 1 2 /3 /1 9 3 9 . Sponsor: M r s .J . Leigh. 1942: In Form I at Jeppe High. 1943; Promoted to Form I I . Assist with books and perhaps uniform. 1944: Satisfactory reports; passed Std. 8 in December. 1945: Granted a book bursary for Form IV , so w ill only need part uniform. 1946: Granted book bursary for Form V . Should matriculate in December, 1946. B3WLEY, M avis: St. Mary's Orphanage, Rosettenville. Born: 4 /2 /1 9 8 9 . Sponsor: Mrs. M. Allen, Maris is an orphan living at St. Mary’ s Orphanage in the care of the Sisters. Has one sister and a brother in St. George's Home. Prssed Std. 8 at the Sir John Adamson Junior High in 1945. To have one year at the Modern Methods Business College, fees and books. BOTH/,. Martha R . : Langlsagte Orphanage Born: 2 1 /9 /1 9 2 9 . Sponsor: Mrs. Burchmore. 1944: In Std. V II at Club made special donation to Orphanage. Father alive and helps. Made good progress in 1944. Wishes to matriculate and then take commercial course. 1945: In Std. V I I I . 1946: Promoted to Std. 9 good report. CHAPMAN, Margaret: 15 Queen's Ro^d, Maurice Freeman Township, Born: -.:/'/±9Z0 . Sponsor: Mrs. J . J . Walker, Mother a widoxv with five children. Income £24. Will sponsor m d provide amenities. 1945: Attending .Queen's Juhior High in Std. V I . After Std V I I I will reconsider for commercial course. (Sister to Grace). 1946: Excellent report, passed Std. V I , now Std. V III (J .C .) FULTON, Daphne Cecily; Rand Epileptic Farm, Craighall. Born: 2 3 /1 2/19 3 1 . Sponsor: Mrs. Whiteley. Recommended by Child Welfare Society. Father a patient at Epileptic Farm, earning 25/- per week. Four other children; Child Welfare G r a ^ - £8 .12^6. per month. 1945: Received a Bursary to attend Commercial High. Assist wi-th books and uniform. 1946; Passed into Form 2 . Bursary obtained. GOUWS. Maria. Langlaagte Orphanage. Born: ? /lo /l9 2 9 . Sponsor: M rs. Burchmore, 1944: In Std. V I I at Helpmekaar. Special donation made to Orphanage by Club, f il l assis-fc with clothing, sports, etc. Father is alive but does nothing and is not interested in g ir l. Maria wants to be Domestic Science Teacher. Decem ber 1944: Progress satisfactory. 1945: In Std. V I I I . 1946; Good resort now in Form IV . IMMEIALf, Ge rt ru i da : Langlaagte Orphanage. Born: 2 1 /1 /1 9 3 1 . Sponsor: Mrs, Burchmore, i! ?assed into std V I1 at Helpmekaar. Assist with clothes, sports, etc., which w ill be extended to matric i f necessary. No parents. Wishes to be a •io^ c ei"n ^une> 1944: 27th in class of 140; works hard. 1945: In Std. V III 1 — 6 : Good report, now in Form IV . KING, Joan: 9a, 27th Street, Malvern. 1943L cannot f ° n. * Junior IL Std* afford. J*Za High. 7 St t e lvern Junior High. 3orn: Sponsor; 1930. Mr3 .G . Brown. Wishes to go to Commercial but mother Mrs. King (widow) works for War Supplies earning £ 17.10. per • rent. Tito sons - at school. 1944: Continued at Malvern 1945: No response. R o a d f n B ° r n a 8 Booysens tqI a ^ Tnn•« ! 2 8 / 8 / 1 9 3 0 Sponsor: Mrs. Farrow. ra *nvalid; on3-y income Old Age Pension and grant from Children's Aid. ln I f* Helpmekaar; reports quite good. Transferred to Frkkel In Std. 7 1 1 . 1946: Commercisl subjects. 4th qtr. 1944: Good report. Promoted to Std. 8 . ( J .C .) good progress. M S S , Yvonne Beryl: Undenominational Home, Observatory. i 2/ Born. ~ Sponsor: 1945: 8/ 1928 Mrs. Cooper Yvonne is an orphan living with two sisters at the Undenominational Home. She t n S e? ° maJr i ° ulate and do Librprianship. Has passed Std. 8 at the ObservsvpoJ- un* or Hlgh\ Now t0 transfer to the Johannesburg G ir l's High for two years. Books, uniform and amenities. Obtained 1st class J .C . McALLISTER, Jo y : 94 Octsvia Hill Fists. SEOn'or/ XenDedy_ Kept by Grandmother, who lives on a phthisis pension. Amenities. 1945: Attending Rarktown High, where she w ill stay to matriculate. 1946 : ^ro-ress quite good, promoted to Form I I . ' MITCHL2Y. L e ttie : S h a n n e Ib jS g !rS 3treSt’ Sp° nSors Mrs« Henwood. Lettie Mitchley wss educated at the Pearson High School, Port Elizabeth wh^rp she todan outsfnding record, obtaining a 1st class j . S . i T l 9« “ n d l ^ S s father n • 1945’ she slso hss P®ss«d the Higher Tsalbond examination" Her father is a pensioner and nnable to further her education. Lettie desires'to become a teacher. Decided that she is to t~ke the four year course three years at the University and one at the Normal College. 1946* To assist with books and amenities, she was granted a Student's Loan for the current year. N0R7AL, Mona Rich: 127a Collins Street, Brixton. ^ n t h 11161? „ , / , 18/ 4/l 9 3 2 . n: Sponsor: Mrs. R .F . Kennedy 8^ 137 Chi1^ iTelfsre Society, who have made a grant of £6 . 9 . 6 . per a l l " t" ' V thf * »«> » • received a M r s J y for commercial High. Aill assist with books and uniform. 1946: I I , progress good, has received bursary for this year. .PAPAS, Margaret: 10 Gamma Place, Born: GLMESK. Sponsor: Passed into T?orm 6 /2 /1 9 3 1 . Mrs. Hammond. Case introduced by Rev. J . Webb, Widowed mother works at Publix as a seamstress, earning £7. per month plus board. One other daughter. 1944; Mother obtained bursary at Wit. Tech. College for Commercial Course. Assist with books and amenities. 1945: Promoted to Form I I at Commercial High. 1946: Progress f a ir . Promoted to Form I I I . RAMSAY, Lucy: 7 Fitzroy Street, New. Doornfontein. Bom : 1 3 /2 /1 9 3 1 . Sponsor: Mrs. R .F . Kennedy. Sister to Muriel. 1 9 4f: Passed into Std. V I I at Athlone High. Reports fair of average intelligence and ability, A transfer has been suggested to Obser vatory Junior High for Commercial subjeots, but this has not yet been arranged (March 1 9 4 5 ). 1945: Continued at Athlone, passed J .C . 1946: Now attending Modern Methods for 1 year. 1946: GIRLS AT SCHOOLS (Contd.) ST. JOHN CARR, Josephine: 18 Cradock Avenue, Born: 1 9 /3 /1 93 1 Rosebank, Sponsor: Mrs. Henwood, Mother a widow, two younger sisters. Case introduced by the Child Welfare. Only income Maintenance Grant and Parents Allowance £ 8.15 . 1 , Josephine passed Std, 8 at Parktown Convent. Wishes to do commercial work. To attend Modem Methods Business College for one year, fees, books. SEFTON-LAMB; Agnes: 257a Market Street, FAIRVIEW. Born: -/1/1931. Sponsor: Mrs. R .F . Kennedy. 1944; In Std. Vi at Jeppe High - wishes to matriculate. 1945: In Std. V I I I Assist with fees, books, clothes to Std. V I I I . 1946: Progress fairly good, promoted to Std. V I I I . ^ 6 ' STEPHENS, Muriel Kathleen I r i s : St. Mary’ s Orphanage, Rosettenville. Born 3 2 /6 /1 9 3 0 . Sponsor: Mrs. M. Allen, Mother a widow earning £4. 9 , per week as cloakroom attendant. One boy and • q11 01der girls married but unable to give any support. Muriel in Std. 8 at the Sir John Adamson Junior High. Wishes to do commercial work. Agreed to sponsor and provide fees, and books to attend Modern Methods College. VAN PER MERWS. Beryl Frances: 33a - 5th Street, La Rochelle, Born 2 0 /3 /1 9 3 1 . Sponsor: JuiiOT S ° rtS<3 e5 ^ acd t ?rree 0ther children- Beryl attends Sir John Adamson Juni r High is in Std. 6 . Wishes to do commercial work. Committee suggested she continue at Sir John Adamson School and complete Std. 8 . Case to be reviewed again then. At present w ill sponsor and provide amenities. No response to letter, child wishes to attend Britzius College. VAN R o o m , M arie: 45 Cambridge Street, Kensington. Born: 2 /8 /1 9 2 5 . Sponsor: Mrs. Hurd. Case introduced by Rotarian Thorburn, Father a discharged soldier working in Cape Town earning £26 plus £ 2 .9 .6 , per month. Mother and two other ohildren IS J° h®n ^ sJ>urg - son employed by Municipality and daughter earns £10, per month at Telephone Department, Marie obtained first class matric in 1943 and has completed 1st year at ™it. University with a first class pass in Zoology and Botany. Wishes to do Medical llZ T o t ™ 4 : r f H ry ° f £f / rQm Pernor G e n e ra P s^d balance of £32. Club has granted £40 in 1945 towards her education. 1946sse _,nd year subjects at University, agreed to grant £40 for 1946. WINTER. Dolores: Epworth Home, Malvern. Born: 2 8 /1 /1 9 3 2 . Sponsor: Mrs. Hurd, Mother a widow earning £12. per month at 0 ,K . Bazaar. Four other children, two girls in the Epworth Home. Dolores in Std, 5 at Kensington Ridge School. Wishes to do Commercial work. Applied for Bursary at the Commercial High, Agreed to sponsor, fees, books and amenities. Bursary granted for 1946 at Commercial High. ZAMPET, Ruby : 110 Doran Street, Born 2 9 /1 /1 9 3 1 . ^ , Sponsor: Mrs. R .F , Kennedy: This case was introduced by Rev. Holden, Methodist Minister at Victoria Churoh, Jeppe. Mother remarried to an invalid only income a.pension of £ 4 ,1 3 . per month. Mother unable to work owing to a disability. Ruby passed Std. 5 at John Mitchell ocnool and is now at Malvern Junior High, She wishes to pass Std. 8 . and do Commercial work as a career. Tran fares and uniform. AFRICANS. MASEKO, Sidney: Sponsors: J.D.R heinallt Jones Mrs. Ray Phillips Principal of School. Case introduced by l^te Rotarian Rev. Carter, Taking 4year course part time study at Wit. University for B. Sc. degree, 1942: Grant £20. 1943; Grant £18. 1944: Grant £20. 1945: Grant £20. Finds it very difficult to study efficiently while teaching. End 1945: Reported he has still two courses to complete his degree. Awaiting to see i f application made for further assistance in 1946. MOTKIBA, D-'Vid; Sponsor: Dr. Ray Phillips. 1943; Awarded burs ry of £45. per annum for two years to attend Jan Hoftneyr School of Social fork, 1944: Very good report; continue for 1945 with further £45. bursary./ Mr. Bull gave a gaod report, and stated that the policy of the school is now to extend the course for a third year. The student had completed two years, and the Committee agreed to sponsor him for the third year, providing the sum of £45. as previously, MOETI, Simon: Sponsor: G»M, Brown, Passed J .C . in 1943. Wss awarded burs~ry of £20 per annum for two years. Is studying at Orlando School for Matric. December 1944: Principal says he is a good and conscientious student - passed 1st in class. 19.45s Sponsor reported that this student was outstanding, he has completed his second year st the Orlando High School, and passed his matric. Thereafter, he w ill be going on to Fort Hare, and as there are bursaries provided by other bodies, it was agreed that Rotarian Gordon Brown should make all necessary enquiries before further financial assistance is agreed upon, 1946; Proceeded to Fort Hare, Sponsor to contact as to whether further assistance necessary, RIBANE, Stephen: Sponsor: Mrs, Ray P hillips, 1945: Bursary of £20, given to Stephen Ribane, of Bantu High School, Western Native Township, Johannesburg, Stephen had the highest symbols ^t the comple tion of his J .C . He is now working for his Matric. He is an orphar, and very poor. He has been working at odd jobs during the last years to put himself , through 3 years J .C . Course. I know this additional help is going to make it possible for him to concentrate on his studies, and do even better work at schorl. He realises that his receiving the bursary the second year depends on this year's record. Good report at end of year. 1946: Bursary of £20, granted for second year. MDZIBA, Ro S3 e-;.t: Sponsor: Gordon Brown. 1945: Bursary £30. granted. Rossett has a first class pass in his J .C , exams. He is a student at Orl'ando. He also comes from a poor family. His father is at Svaton receiving training for the ministry. Having a lad of this age (Rossett is just 16 yeaisold) at school is a great sacrifice for this family. He realises that i f his record is not good this year, he will not get the bursary the second ye^r. Good report received. 1946: Bursary £20 granted for second year, .DI5FKL00F REFORMATORY: The Chairmen explained that the bursary at this In sti tute has been provided by private funds. Mr, Allen Paton, Principal, had unfortunately reported that the student had proved a complete failure. The private funds were s t ill available, however, and the Chairman trusted that Mr. Paton had better luck with his next selection (November 1 9 4 5 ), MOTSA, Stephen: Sponsor: F r. Huddleston, 1945: Obtained 2nd class J .C . Club granted bursary of £15, for fees, books, clothing etc. Taking a teacher’ s course at Diocesan Training College, Pietersburg. 1946: Poor report for 1945. At Father Huddleston’ s request further grant of £15, agreed to for 1946. AFRIC/NS (Contd.) RASEBITSE, David: (Age 20, 1946) Sponsor: F r . Huddleston 1946: Bursary granted £15. Completed Std. V I 1945. Proceeding to Diocesan Training College, Pietersburg. Training for Teacher. MOKOSE. Coin: Sponsor: L . I . Venables 1945: Bursary granted £15. Passed Std VI in 1944. Requires 2 years to pass J .C . and 2 years teacher’ s training before receiving his Diploma. At Orlando Secondary School. Rotsrian Venables reported. The candidate selected was COIN MGKOSE, who is training to be a teacher. His report is very satisfactory, and it w-s agreed to continue the same assistance for s further year. As Rotarian Ven-bles stated that there might be a credit balance of £15. provided, the Committee agreed that this might be expended on clothes which the candidate needed badly. NON-EUROPSAK B^IND BURSARY: (Report at November, 1 9 45 ). The Chairman explained that £45 had been paid to the Jan Hofmeyr School for a burs-ry to train a student in the field of Prevention of Blindness had not yet been allocated, the student vras to be selected after the completion of the course, and i f the student, during his studies proved a suitable candidate, he should take a Post-Graduate Course under Rotsrian Reverend Blaxall. This bur sary to be held in abeyance to await developments, ^ i3 an'fcioiP5'ted this bursary may be utilized in the person of Howard MEHLC&'iAKULU of the Jan Hofmeyr School. I f this materializes fu ll particulars will be obtsinod and given la te r. INDEX Student Anderson, W. Backer, L .J .H . Bester, R .J , Beukes, B.M. Boshoff, F.W. Brits, W. Du Toit, J .C .W . Francis, A . Glass, R. Johnson, D .A .M . Jo ffe, S . Kruger, J .L . McGranahan, J .R .B . McLachlan, M .J , Oelofse, C, Pringle, J .A . Roberts, J .H . Roos, O .R . Saunders, H. Shenton, L .D . Van Rensburg, P . Veenendaal, H .J . Young, D .G . Zweigers, P .A . TO CASS BOYS AT Date Intro duced 1944 1945 1944 1942 1942 1944 1944 1943 1943 1946 1944 1945 1943 1945 1942 1945 1944 1945 1944 1943 1943 1942 1944 1942 HISTORY 1946 14, SCHOOLS. School Jeppe High W it. Tech. Trades Jeppe High Helpmekaar Helpmekaar Kensington A.M . Wit. Tech. Trades Wit. Tech* Trades Jeppe High Wit. Teoh. Trades Wit. University W it. Teoh. Trades Wit. Tech. Trades Wit, University Helpmekaar Parktown High Wit. Tech, Trades W it. Tech, Trades Malvern Jun. High Wit. Tech. Trades Helpmekaar W it. Tech, Trades Malvern Jun. High Kensington A.M. Refer ence ■Page Sponsor J ,L , Clark M, Allen M .A, Zoccola J . J . Strasheim P .D . Amm F ,J , Lang H . J . I . Goetsch N . Jones N . Jones P .B . Hughss Prof, C .S , Richards P .D . Amm J , J . Strasheim H, Williams J .C . Merkin J . J . Walker A .S , Furner M» Penny A , Thorburn G .A . Ashley E .B , Farrow J . J . Strasheim M .A. Zoccola Dr, M. Lavraon 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 / BOYS Student Allen, J . J . Axsel, J .A . Baoher, G. Bates, 0 . Baymen, R ,G . Burgess, W .J. Church, L . Drake, A. Fourie, W.S, Fuller, H.R. Gutstadt, Harry Gutstadt, Herbert Herbert, W, Howells, G. Jonnson, G .A. Le Roux, J .A .B . Mclnnes, M .J . Noel, R .A .S . Oosthuizen, J . J . Sadler, F. :TORKING Date Introdue ed . 1946 1946 1941 1942 1943 1944 1940 1941 1942 1943 1942 1943 1944 1946 1942 1943 1944 1943 1943 1944 (APPRENTICED I:t c . ) Place ’/forking ? ? Central Engineering ' Works Burroughs Machines P .G .M , Magnussen Haaks Motors Jhb. Municipality Head, Wrightson & Co Rand Vfcter Board General Services Head "fcightson & Co. Some Butchery Firm of Stockbrokers General Services Head brightson & Co Waygood Otis Crown Mines Reunert & Lenz Crovjn Mines Institute of Medi cal Research Sponsor Refer ence ^age ? ? 5 5 M. Allen W. Humphreys E .B . Farrow A .J . Haak E .B . Farrow E .B . Farrcnv E .B . Farrow H .S . Read G.M. Brovjn G M . Brown M .A . Zoccola J .C . Merkin J . J . Walker A , Black A . Thorburn F.W . Cooper A .D . McPhail E .B . Farrow R. Hammond 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 i INDEX: BOYS FORKING (Contd.) Student Saul, S. Theron, A. Van V leit, B. Wagner, H .R .C . Date Intro duced. 1948 1943 1946 1942 Place forking Polliacks Jhb. Municipality J , Barrow Hasks Motors Sponsor D .W , J .J . P .H . A .J . Re'ference Page Brough Walker Vermey Hsak 8 8 8 8 -©Oo-GIRLS Student Anderson, J . Bewley, M . Dete Intro duced. 1942 1945 Botha, M .R . Chapman, M. Fulton, D .C . Gouws, M. ImmeLnan, G. King, J . L;- Roux, K . Lines, Y .B . Mitchley, L . McAllister, J , Norval, M.R. Papas, M. Ramsay, L . 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1943 1944 1945 1946 1944 1945 1944 1944 St. John Carr, J . Sefton-Laab, A. Stephens, M .K .I . 1944 1944 1945 Van der Merwe, B.F Van Rooyen, M . Winter, D. Zampet, R. 1945 1945 1945 1946 AT SCHOOLS School Jeppe High Modern Business Methods. Helpmekaar. Queens Junior High Commercial High Helpmekaar Helpme'ksar ? Fskkel Junior High Jhb, Girls High Wit. University Parktown High Commercial High Commercial High Modern Business Methods ditto Jeppe High Modern Methods Business ? /it. University Commercial High Malvern Jun. High Sponsor Refer ence Page Mrs J . Leigh Mrs. M. Allen Mrs. S.M , Burchmore Mrs. J . J . ’’’alker Mrs, ‘Thiteley Mrs. E .M . Burehmore Mrs. E«M. Burohmore Mrs G, Brown M rs, Farrow Mrs, Cooper M rs. Henwood Mrs, vj.j . Kennedy Mrs. R .F . Kennedy Mrs. Hammond 10 10 10 10 Mrs, R .F . Kennedy Mrs, Henwood M rs. R.F? Kennedy 10 11 11 Mrs. /lie n ? Mrs. Hurd Mrs. Hurd Mrs . R .F , Kennedy 11 11 11 11 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 --------------- >o0o—- — AFRICANS Maseko, S. 1942 W it. University Mothiba, D. Moete, S. Ribane, S. Maziba, R. Motsa, 3 . Rasebitse, D. Mokose, C. Mehlomakulu, H. 1943 1944 1945 1945 1946 1946 1945 1.S46 Jan Hofmeyr Fort Hare Bantu High Orlando High Diocesan Training College Orlande Secondary re : Non-European Blind and Jan Hofmeyr School VKB/2368. Rot. Rheinallt Jones Mrs. Ray Phillips Dr. Ray Phillips G ,M . Brown Mrs. P.ay Phillips G.M . Brown Fr. Huddleston Fr. Huddleston L . I , Venables 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 Collection Number: AD1715 SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS (SAIRR), 1892-1974 PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013 LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal and/or educational non-commercial use only. 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