North carolina Departm€nt of Health and Human Handout s€rvices #I Division of Public Health Women's & Children's Health Section Special Nutrition Programs SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM (SFSP) SPONSOR APPLICATION PREAWARD COMPLIANCE Agreement #: Sponsor Name: 'the following information must be included in the Sponsor Application. l. Estimate data on the ethnic and racial makeup of the pqlglllially illgihlg population to be served. Please enter the number ofindividuals, not the percentage ofthe potentiallv eligible population to be served. f,thnicity: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Race: American Indian or Alaskan Natrvc Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White 2. Describe the efforts to be used to assure that minority populations have an equal opportuniry to participate. 3. Describe efforts to be used to contact minority and grassroots organizations about the opportunity to oarticioate. 4. List any Federal agencies currently providing financial supporl to the institution. 4a. Has the Sponsor ever been found to bc in noncompliancc by those Federal agencies? Il'ycs. explain and provide dates. Nutrition Sewices Brdroh SI:SP 2014 SF'SP Pr€-Alyard ComDliance (11/13) Pagc I ol I Handout #2! ETHNIC AND RACIAT DATE FORM Sponsor Name: Agreement Number: Site Name: Site Address: Ethnic coteqories Hispanic or Latino: A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race, Not Hispanic o. Latino: All persons not fitting in the above category. Number of Children Roce Cotegories Number of Children American Indian or Alaska native: A person having origins in any of the original people of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition (includes Aleuts and Eskimos) *lndividuols of the Hisponic or Lotino Ethnicity ore considered port of the Americon lndion or Aloska ndtive Roce. Asian: A person having origins in any of the original people of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine lslands, Thailand, and Vietnam. Black or African American: A person having origins in black racial groups of Africa Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific lslander: A person having origins in any o the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam. Samoa, or other Pacific lslands White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. Sponsor's Authorized Representative 4'" week Monitor Review Revised 10/26111 Date Original: Keep on File, Copy: Site Supervisor Handout #2b Instructions for Completing the Ethnic Racial Data Form o The Sponsor/Sponsor Representative should complete the is form for EACH site every year o The Sponsor/Sponsor Representative may use visual identification to determine a participant's racial and/or racialcategory. A participant may be included in the group that he/she appears to belong, identifies with, or is regarded as a member by the community. . . o Each participant should be counted under only one category for ethnicity. The total number of participant marked under the ethnic category should equalthe total number of participants in attendance on the day the form was completed. Each participant maybe be counted under more than one category for race. The total number of participants marked under the race category may be larger sum than the total number of participants in attendance on the day the form is completed. The Sponsor/Sponsor Representative must retain ethnic and racial date for 3 years and must safeguard this information. Access to Program records containing racial/ethnic date should be limited to authored personnel only. 4'" week Monitor Review Revised 10/25l11 Original: Keep on File, Copy: Site Supervisor Handout #3 SAMPLE CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY Purpose To establish a protocol to prevent unauthorized persons access to confidential data. Policy l. 2. 3. The shall maintain all data in the strictest confidence. (lnsert title of responsible party) All records containing confidential information will be maintained securely in locked files accessible onlv to reoresentatives of (lnstitution's Name). Ethnic and racial data are used for reporting purposes only and are not used for any discrim inatory purposes. Procedures l. The following data is collected for each participant upon enrollment and annually thereafter while pafticipating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and is considered confidential. . o . 2. Ethnic Data Racial Data Income Eligibility Data Data is stored in 3. Access to data is restricted to the following _ (specify location) staff(list positions with access to data): 4. Ethnic and racial dala is used for reporting purposcs only. 5. Data collected will be maintained on file for 3 years. 6. At the end ofthe retention period, data shall be destroyed on site (for example: shredded and discarded). Sample Confidentiality Policy 1/l 2 Handout # 4a Summer Food Servicc Program- MEDIA RELEASE - Open Sites AGREEMENT NUMBER: SPONSOR CONTACT NAMf,: SPONSOR CONTACT NUMBf,R: lhe (Namc ol'Sponsor) Program. Meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children regardlcss of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the rncal service. Meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows: Meals will be provided at the sites and times as indicated on the attached page(s). To file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, wrile or call immediately to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director Office ofAdjudication 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250 -9 4 | 0 (866) 632-9992 or (800) 877-8339 (rrY) Or complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://$ w$ fi Iing_cusl.html. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 8'77 -8339: or (800) 845-61 36 (in Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Sponsor Use Only Sent To: Media Outlets Date: / (mm/dd/yvyv) Routing: Submit original to media outlet and one copy to State Agency. Relain one copy lor your files. ( l2l13) Handout # 4a Summer Food Service Program- MEDIA RELEASE Site Address and Phone Name of Site Contact Person Number - Opcn Sites Start Date/ End Date Meal Service Start Time Meal Service End Time USE ATTACHMENT SHEETS IF NECESSARY Routing: Submit original to media outlet and one copy to State Agency. Retain one copy for your filcs. (12l13) Handout #4b Summer Food Service Program- MEDIA RELEASE - Camps and Closed Enrolled Sitcs AGREEMENT NUMBER: SPONSOR CONTACTNAME: SPONSOR CONTACT NUMBER: is participating in the Summer Food Service The (Namc ol'Sponsor) Program. Meals will be provided to all eligible children free ofcharge. To be eligible to reccive free meals at a residential or non-residential camp, children must meet the income guidelines for reduced-price meals in the National School Lunch Program. The income guidelines for reduced price meals by family size are below. Foster children and children who are part of households that receive Food and Nutrition Services (FNS), otherwise known as Supplernental Nutrition Assistance Prograrr (SNAP, forrnerly foods stamps) bencflts, or benefits under the Food Distribution Program on lndian Reservations (FDPIR), or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) are automatically eligible to receive free meals. Acceptance and participation requirements for the Program and all activities arc the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, scx, age or disability, and there will be no discrirnination in the course of thc meal service. Meals will be provided at the sites and times as indicated on the attached page(s): To file a Civil Rights prograrn complaint of discrimination, write or call immediately to: U.S. Depaftment of Agriculture, Director Office of Adjudication 1400 lndependence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250 -9 41 0 (866) 632-9992 or (800) 877-833e (T1'Y) Or complete the USDA Prograrn Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at cust.html. lndividuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (in Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Income Guidelines HOUSEHOLD SIZE YEARLY MONTHLY TWICE PER MONTH EVERY TWO WEEKS WEEKLY I 21,257 1,712 886 818 2 28,694 I,196 I,104 J 1,506 1,390 409 552 69s 4 5 36,131 43,568 51,005 2,392 3,0t I 3,631 1,816 |,676 E38 4,251 6 58,442 4,8'71 2,126 2,436 7 65,879 73.3t 6 5,490 2,7 45 3.055 1,962 2,248 2,534 2.820 |,267 l.,l t 0 +310 +287 +144 8 For each Household mcmber add: Sent ced-Price meals - 18570) Effecti ve July I. 2013-June 30.2014 +1,4J7 To: Media Outlets 6 0 +620 Date: / Routing: Submit original to media outlet and one copy to / 981 |,124 (mm/ State Agency. Retain one copy for your files. (12l13) Handout ll4b Summer Food Service Program- MEDIA RELEASE, - Site Address and Phone Name of Site Contact Person Number Camps and Closed Enrolled Sites Start Date/ End Date Meal Service Start Time Meal Service f,nd Time USE ATTACHMENT SHEETS IF NECESSARY Routing: Submit original to media outlet and one copy to State Agency. Retain one copy for your liles. ( l2l13 ) i !.is+=Eri 'giiiEii:,xEis* *grr cr ''GB x E: a:€ sr- .g;tti?: ti+ii:EEE:IE€{H tgii g€gE rs'ii€i EE. Eq$a iE€qi€fE A;Es€f gF ;e,s: E€EJ $! ;ffs!;€br r; ,EEit{ *fEs gfr3*Ef,E€ ilFFHEEE fl F: i*qt3iEi EE s#?iE *c!Ef.H*E 5d eEi€c i€ X v r-l r') c x.,^ t-! \' tr@ (, .^. F.! \-./ (, .^ ec6 '() 00 \JJ : ^r\ b@ l^\ >: r+;co \-,/ p., lJ ll.( (1 tr l+.) Ar{1, 0) ,-{ aJ .) ; cl bO o) .r< '-1P \1, lfi 1l \ ia :i 1=> \J N 4.. ve -1 t\.. r-r x +J -4 cg t4 .1 C J -n{.{ (+rH€ gs H€rit i€aat$€i FHEHsHSJ C)..j €a^ ETE€S cdqFr -i '71 \qxx a\ - r- ,-l t: rv r+r ^ \,t/ F< r-+): Y) 1\+ Eooo) o a^i c I-C,-: rn '-r-( ^i Fl .F<.=< a.r C.r 'n l-l : l-l E cn H.CI H F-.\ t-{ lJ -;v) -\ - North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Nutrition Services Branch Special Nutrition Program Complaint Form Date of Complaint: Handout #8 Sponsor Number: Name and address of Institution. Is this a Civil Rights Complaint: ( ) Yes ( ) No. If "Yes," please indicate the type of Civil Right Complaint: ( ) Race ( ) Sex ( )Color ( )Age ( ) National Origin ( ) Disability; and give the date the civil right complaint was sent to the Food and Nutrition Services please state the nature of the complaint below: Nature of Complaint: Result of lnvestigation: ls further Investigation Warranted? If "Yes," explain. ( ) Yes ( ) No Investigator's Signature: Date: Unit Manager's Signature: Date: DHHS-CAC Complaint Nutrition Services ( I /12) Handout Multiple Webinar Participants Sign-ln Special Nutrition Programs Civil Rights Training Date Sponsor Name: Agreement Number: Cou By the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Apply civil rights requirements and policies as they relate to the Special N utrition Programs; 2. Describe the responsibilities, requirements, and procedures necessary to ensure compliance at the federal, state and local leve ls; 3. ldentify minimum program requirements to ensure compliance; 4, Explain the Civil Rights Policy for the Special Nutrition programs outlined in FNS lnstruction 113-1. Print Name Signature 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Keep on tile: Make a certificate for all attendees: Only submit one certificate with your SNP application. as #9
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