'(; ~ .. ·~ \') % - j . ~ \"' ;:::. ~ ~ 0 0 1. Napa Superior Court-Court Ordered Programs Criminal Courts Building Post Court Services 1111 Third Street, First Floor- Room 101 (707) 299-1181 0 2. California Service Bureau Criminal Courts Building 1111 Third Street, First Floor- Room 100 (707) 251-0724 0 3. Public Defender's Office (temporary location) Napa County Public library 580 Coombs Street (707) 253-4442 0 4. District Attorney's Office (temporary location) Napa County Public library 580 Coombs Street (707)253-4211 0 5. Napa COunty DUI Program 2020 Jefferson Street Napa, CA 94559 (707) 255-8300 Monday-Thursday 10:00 AM to 7:00PM Friday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM 0 6. Alternatives for Better Living Misdemeanor Alternatives Program 701 School Street (707) 226-1248 0 7. Probation Department (temporary location) 1111 Third Street, Second Floor, Room 202 (707) 253-4431 0 8. Napa County Department of Corrections Hall of Justice 1125 Third Street, Third Floor {707) 253-4401 0 9. Jefferson Law Cent er 845 Jefferson Street (7007) 255-5150 0 10. Juvenile Court (see reverse) 2350 Old Sonoma Road (707) 299-1291 · ~ " & ~ c; :;;o~ 'ji--10 Nc:w TeCYiok>gy H.gh Sel'oool , 't .. H. ~ tSl ../ " .J I ,- ' c.-.' ) ~ ~ • (II ~1ft ~ .- \ · eQQIC$\on S\ ... ~ - ~x j S\ o.L ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~J - A~S\ t I I - Alroy? c<-. Ccmref.·St ·1 ....... --- ~ .'!.~.-, l - Cf4;. Sr ~ 1 \ f -~ . ll .. ... , - ~ -......._ g ~ #~ · Cmtstou~ 4vo -.;;..,::~ w n-' ·~{ , ~€ob . ,I ,l:...~, ·~ \ --..._,. \ ' .....__,_.. ' -' . ~,'!_<;r. 0 ·L.r ~~ li) I 5 ~G~raa~ ~ ·'...'/' /' ~ .,. TP ::::"" i e ....~'b" ", s <;\ ,J. ~ . 3rC'JSt \ t .E E t; iii i ~~~ ¢ ~- \ \ '-. ----. ~~=~~ ~ c\\hS\ ,;; ,. .s~ '\..{ Balna 8 \ ~~ \ 1-~ .2nost ...,>i!> ~ ~ ..,. ··• ''!\'·· j.'}.t ..... ....,.. ,~ I ~ . ¢. ,.~~ .c 3rdSt . . ; Bi!i:ro S.lbor fl . -.1'-' ... iii - •.f'1st St A ~?'·, •• • ., J• • •._, ,WCmysf OCiaystreet -..:;~ ~ 1 ¢. Gamllo ";_' (!- 3 '¢> Pe4!rl SU"e& . ..,, - V1 ~ Po& St " (,'\ j' ~ ~ t!J'~\ Oivl$10t\ St t.t;p l:rt:.a 4'2012' Gc.c.Qit • Edit in OOOQI!\ .. (_ .. . ....... ,.,. .,,.., ,_,,~ As the resu lt of th e earthquake, public access is restricted to the Hall o f Justice . All tho se seeking information on alternat ive sentencing should fill out the attached questionnaire and either mail or fax it back to the Napa County Department o f Corrections. This packet must be received by th e Napa County Departm ent of Corrections with in one w eek f rom t he dat e on the Minute Order for it to be accepted. Within two weeks from receipt of your questionnaire, you will be contacted by phone from one of our Classification Specialist s. All question s sho uld be direct ed to th e Class ifica tion Specia lists regarding any altern ative sentencing options. Napa County Department of Corrections Classification Specialists: 1125 Third Street Erline Geske Sunday-Wednesday 707-253-6016 Napa,Ca.94559 Kim Jensen Wedn esday-Saturday 707-253 4042 Classification Fax: 707 253-4677 Stu art Vosburg Tuesday-Friday 707-299 1408 Por ca usa del teremoto, nose permit en acceso a el publico en el Departmento de Correcion es. 5i necesitan informacion sobre opciones de inca rce lamiento pueden con tester el formula rio y devolver lo . Napa Depart ment of Corrections 1125- 3'd Street , Napa, CA 94559 0 Po r FAX- 707-253-4677 Para ace ptar el formular io necesitan devolver el fo rmulario adentro una semana de Ia fecha de corte en el Orden de Ia Corte Un de las Esepcialista de Classifi cacion te avisa por telefono, normalmente adentro dos se manas. Ellos tam bien pueden con tester preguntas sobre opcionces. Erline Geske Lunes M icrcoles 707 253-601 6 Kim Jensen Miecoles - Sabado 707 253 4042 Stuart Vosburg M art ez - Vicrnes 707-299 1408 NAPA COUNTY ADULT PROBATION REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS Due to the earthquake the Napa County Adult Probation Department is now located at the Napa County Juvenile Justice Center at: 212 Walnut Street Napa, CA 94559 (707) 253-4431 Driving Directions: • Go southwest on • Turn left onto Jefferson Street • Turn right onto Old Sonoma Road • Keep to the right toward Walnut Street • Turn right onto Walnut Street • 212 Walnut Street is the first building on the right corner • Go through the double doors and check-in at the front reception window 3rd Street toward Coombs Street
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