Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 16 (2014) 6867–6874 Available at Forward Secure Dynamic Direct Anonymous Attestation Scheme Based on Dynamic Accumulator Tao FENG ∗, Huihui WEN, Jing WANG, Yixin LIANG School of Computer and Communication, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China Abstract Direct Anonymous Attestation is a scheme that enables the remote authentication of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) while preserving its privacy .To address the problem of the membership revocation of DAA, based on the Dynamic Accumulator, we propose Forward Secure Dynamic DAA scheme (FSDDAA), our scheme achieved efficient revocation on DAA scheme, i.e., the expense of revoke DAA member is independent on the number of current or total deleted members. Moreover, the utility of forward security mitigate the damage caused by key compromised, and ensure the signature signed by valid member is provided with backward unlinkability. Keywords: Direct Anonymous Attestation; Forward Security; Backward Unlinkability; Dynamic Accumulator 1 Introduction Direct Anonymous Attestation [1] scheme is based on group signature scheme, which solved the problem of the remote authentication of Trusted Computing [2]. It is has been extensive research after proposed DAA schemehowever, there still has several problems, one of them is membership revocation. Traditional DAA revocation membership methods are classified into two types, one is Verifier-Local Revocation (VLR).The other is Re-key based revocation. The former is more commonly used method. Brickell et al. firstly proposed DAA scheme with the enhanced revocation ability: EPID [3, 4]. In EPID scheme, issuer adopted different methods according to different revocation reason, adopted 3 different methods of revocation list to revoke corrupt member; Chen et al. [5] proposed non-interactive Re-key based revocation scheme is a practical one, this scheme re-compute valid member’s credential without DAA issuer. Then Chen et al. [6] summarized current DAA scheme membership revocation mechanism, proposed how to adopt these two revocation mechanism under three types DAA schemes. The drawback of above solutions is not efficient, i.e., the cost of revocation is linearly dependent on the presence of the current number of members or the total revocation of dependence on the total number of members. Dynamic accumulator can achieve efficient revocation [7]. To ∗ Corresponding author. Email address: [email protected] (Tao FENG). 1553–9105 / Copyright © 2014 Binary Information Press DOI: 10.12733/jcis11004 August 15, 2014 6868 T. Feng et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 16 (2014) 6867–6874 address current DAA scheme problems, Based on sign and verify algorithm of the DAA scheme proposed by Feng et al. [8], we propose Forward Secure Dynamic DAA scheme: FSD-DAA. Our scheme achieved efficient revocation on DAA scheme, i.e., the expense of revoke DAA member is independent on the number of current or total deleted members. The utility of forward security can mitigate the damage caused by key compromised [9], and ensure the signature signed by legal member is provided with backward unlinkability. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we will review some cryptographic assumptions, the definition of dynamic accumulator and building block of FSD-DAA scheme. In Section 3 we introduce the model of our construction. Then in Section 4 we propose FSD-DAA scheme, followed by security and performance in Section 5. Section 6 concludes. 2 Preliminaries Definition 1 (Strong RSA Assumption) It is computational hard, on input a random RSA modulus n and a random element u ∈ Z∗n , to compute value e > 1 and v such that v e ≡ u mod n. Definition 2 (DDH Assumption) There is no probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that distinguishes with non-negligible probability between the distribution D and R, where D = (g, g x , g y , g z ) and R = (g, g x , g y , g z ) with x, y, z ∈R Zu . Definition 3 (Dynamic accumulator) Fk is the family of functions that correspond to exponentiating modulo safe-prime products drawn from the integers of length k. Choosing f ∈ Fk amounts to choosing a random modulus n = pq of length k, where p = 2p′ + 1, q = 2q ′ + 1, and p, p′ , q, q ′ are all primes. Denote f corresponding to modulus n and domain χB,D by fn,B,D . χB,D is the { e ∈ primes : e ̸= p′ , q ′ ∧ B ≤ e ≤ D } where B and D can be chosen with arbitrary polynomial dependence on the security parameter k, as long as 2 < B, D < B 2 χ′B,D is the set of integer from [2, B 2 − 1] such that χB,D ⊆ χ′B,D . For f = fn,B,D , the auxiliary information tf is the factorization of n. For f = fn,B,D , Uf = {∈ QRn : u ̸= 1} and Uf′ = Z∗n . For f = fn,B,D , f (u, x) = ux mod n. Note that f (f (u, x1 ), x2 ) = f (u, {x1 , x2 }) = ux1 x2 mod n. 3 The Model of FSD-DAA Scheme 3.1 Description of FSD-DAA scheme FSD-DAA scheme consists of 6 algorithms, and includes 3 Participants: user (Host/TPM), issuer and verifier. • Setup: Divided time into T time periods, generated the security parameter for the whole system and output group public key and signing key. • Join: User and Issuer interactive, user proved to issuer that he is a valid, the issuer issue DAA credential to User (Host) and signing private key to User (TPM). T. Feng et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 16 (2014) 6867–6874 6869 • Evolve: Key update algorithm fi + 1 = fi2 mod n. • Sign: Input credential and DAA signing key, generated DAA signature σ = (V1 , V2 ). • Verify: Check whether credential prime e is in the accumulator, if it is, the signature generated by valid DAA member. Then check the correctness of the signature. • Revoke: Revoke the credential of compromised TPM’s private key. 3.2 Property of security • Correctness: Signature produced by a user (Host/TPM) member using Sign algorithm must be verified by the Verify algorithm. • Unforgeability: Only FSD-DAA members can sign messages on behalf of the group. • Anonymity: It is computationally hard to identify the real TPM of a signature unless this TPM is on the revocation list. • Unlinkability: It is computationally hard to link two different signatures of the same TPM. • Forward Security: Given a TPM’s private key for the current period, it is computationally hard to obtain TPM’s private in previous time period. 4 Forward Secure Dynamic DAA Scheme Let ε > 1, and lρ be security parameters, and let λ1 , λ2 , γ1 , γ2 denote lengths satisfying λ1 > ε(λ2 + k) + 2, λ2 > 4lρ , γ1 > ε(γ2 + k) + 2, γ2 > λ1 + 2. 4.1 Setup The probabilistic polynomial time algorithm takes as input security parameters, outputs group public key and its secret key. (1) Issuer randomly choose lρ bits prime p, q, such that p = 2p′ + 1 and q = 2q ′ + 1 are all primes. Set n = pq. (2) Randomly choose a, b, g, h, u ∈ QR(n), compute ϕ(n) = (p − 1)(q − 1). Choose a random integer s, such that gcd(s, ϕ(n)) = 1, choose x ∈R Zp′ q′ , dictate y = g x mod n. (3) Construct a dynamic accumulator, set the initial value of accumulator is v = u. When the new join in DAA or DAA member is deleted from DAA, updated the accumulated value. Then, construct list Edel and Ez . Edel store TPM’s credentials prime e which has been revoked. Ez records every period accumulated value and all the credentials prime product πa . The initial value of Edel is voidEz ’s is u. (4) FSD-DAA public key is (n, a, b, g, h, s, u, y), and the corresponding secret key is (p, q, x). When public key is still valid, divided time into T time periods. 6870 4.2 T. Feng et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 16 (2014) 6867–6874 Join The Join algorithm is an interactive protocol between TPM and issuer. First, assume TPM and the issuer communicated with a authentic channel. (1) TPM chooses a random private key f0 ∈ [0, 2λ1 ], and store it. sT ′ (2) TPM chooses a random secret t′ ∈R [0, 2λ2 ], computes C = af0 bt mod n, sends it to the issuer, Moreover, TPM proves to the issuer knowledge of f0 and t′ , TPM executes the protocol sT ′ U = E − SKROOT REP [(f0 , t′ ) : C] = af0 bt (mod n)](′′ ) to the issuer. (3) Issuer checks whether C ∈ QRn . If it is and U is correct, the issuer randomly chooses ′′ t′ ∈R [0, 2λ2 ] and a prime e ∈ (2λ1 − 2λ2 , 2λ1 + 2λ2 ) ∩ (B, D). Then computes A = (Cbt )1/e ′′ mod n. Finally, the issuer sends (A, e, t ) to the host. (4) User gets DAA credential (A, e) and the witness u, send (A, e) to User(Host), u is the witness to User joined DAA group, then updates current period accumulated value v1 = f (v, e) = f (u, e) = v e mod n = ue mod n, witness is w = ue . And the witness of e is updated into w = ue1 , i.e., update the user “i′ s” witness by: w = uπa /ei . sT (5) User verifies Ae = af0 bt mod n and stores t. 4.3 Evolve Issuer divided time into T time periods, user updates its private key fi . (1) When the current time period is i(0 ≤ i ≤ T ), the private key of TPM is (fi , t), in period i + 1, updates new private key fi+1 = fi2 mod n, namely (fi+1 , t). (2) Deletes the private key of period i, (fi , t). sT −i (3) Verifies updated private key, Ae = afi 4.4 bt mod n. Sign Host and TPM generate the signature of knowledge on credential and private key. (1) Assumes private key is (f0 , t), credential is (A, e, u), to sign in the message m at period i, first chooses w ∈ {0, 1}2lρ , computes T1 = Ag w mod n, T2 = g w he mod n, T3 = y w mod n, sT −i TPM computes T4 = afi mod n. Send T4 to Host. (2) TPM and Host generated the signature of knowledge of the commitment of T1 , T2 and T3 for credential, T4 is generated by (f0 , t). Computes the signature of knowledge: V1 = SP K{(e, t, w) : T1e g −ew = T4 bt ∧T3 = y w (mod n) ∧ T2 = g w he (mod n) ∧ T2−e hee g ew = 1 (mod n)e ∈ (2λ1 − 2λ2 , 2λ1 + 2λ2 ) ∩ (A, B)}(m). T. Feng et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 16 (2014) 6867–6874 6871 sT −i (mod n)}(m) V2 = SKROOT LOG{(fi ) : T4 = afi The computing of V1 and V2 signature of knowledge as follow: a. TPM chooses random integer rt ∈ {0, 1}ε(λ2 +k) and computes Rˆ1 = b−rt (mod n). TPM sends Rˆ1 to Host. b. Host chooses random integers, re ∈ {0, 1}ε(γ2 +k) , rw ∈ {0, 1}ε(2lρ +k) , rδ1 {0, 1}ε(2γ1 +k+1) , rδ2 {0, 1}ε(γ1 +2lρ +k+1) then computes R1 = Rˆ1 T1re g −rδ2 (mod n), R2 = g rw hre (mod n), R3 = y rw (mod n), R4 = T2−re hrδ1 g rδ2 (mod n). c. Host computes ch = H(g||h||n||s||T ||a||b||T1 ||T2 ||T3 ||T4 ||R1 ||R2 ||R3 ||R4 ), sends ch to TPM. d. TPM chooses a random value nt ∈ {0, 1}k , computes c = H(H(ch ||n||t )||m) and sends c, nt , st to Host. e. Host computes se = re + c(e − 2r1 ), sw = rw + cw, sδ1 = rδ1 + cee, sδ2 = rδ2 + cew, the signature V1 = (T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , c, nt , se , st , sw , sδ1 , sδ2 ). f. TPM computes sT −i t∗i = axi the detail of the computing refers to [8], the result of V2 = (c′ , w1 , ..., wl ). Therefore the signature is δ = (V1 , V2 ). 4.5 Verify First, verifier needs DAA member prove its e is contained in accumulated value, while cannot expose e, adopted to zero-knowledge proof prove concerning the commitment of e is contained in accumulated value is the same as the e contained in current accumulated value Zi . (1) User chooses r1 , r2 , r3 ∈R Z⌊n/4⌋ , computes C e : = g e hr1 , Cu : = uhr2 , Cr : = g r2 hr3 , then sends Ee = g1e hr1 , Ce , Cu , Cr to verifier. (2) User and verifier interact with the following proof of knowledge: SP K{α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ, φ, ψ, η, ς, ξ) : Ee = g1α hφ1 ∧ g1 = ( Ee γ ψ ) h1 ∧ g1 = (g1 Ee )ς hξ1 ∧ Cr = hε g ς ∧ Ce = hα g η ∧ g1 ′ v = Cuα h−β ∧ 1 = Crα h−δ g −β ∧ α ∈ [−B2k +k ′′ +2 ′ , B2k +k ′′ +2 ]}(′′ ) k ′ is the bit length of challenges in the SP K protocol, k ′′ determines the statistical zeroknowledge property of SP K protocol. If the signature of knowledge is correct, it means User is the DAA valid member;if not, checks the period that e belongs to, namely repeat the membership verification above. 6872 T. Feng et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 16 (2014) 6867–6874 The Verifier uses group public key (n, a, b, g, h, s, u) verify the signature σ = (V1 , V2 ) = (T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , c, nt , se , sw , sδ1 , sδ2 , c′ , w1 , ..., wl ) on the message m, computes: R1′ = T1se +c2 g −sδ2 b−st (T4 )−c r1 R3′ = y sw −cw (mod n), R2′ = T2−c hse +c21 g sw r (mod n), R4′ = T2− (se + c2r1 )hsδ1 g s δ2 (mod n), (mod n) (3) Verify c = H(H(H(g||h||n||s||T ||a||b||T1 ||T2 ||T3 ||T4 ||R1′ ||R2′ ||R3′ ||R4′ )||nt )||m), se ∈ {0, 1}ε(γ2 +k)+1 , st ∈ {0, 1}ε(λ2 +k)+1 , sw ∈ {0, 1}ε(2lρ +k)+1 sδ ∈ {0, 1}ε(2γ1 +k+1)+1 , sδ2 ∈ {0, 1}ε(γ1 +2lρ +k+1)+1 (4) computes: { ti = e awi , if c′ [i] = 0 wie T4 , otherwise verify c′ = H(m||T4 ||a||sT −i ||t1 ||...||tl ). (5) If all the above verifications succeed, the verify algorithm outputs Accept. 4.6 Revoke When TPM’s private key was compromised, and was found, issuer use its secret key (p, q, x), open suspect member signature T2x /T3 = hex , gets suspected member e, then −1 (1) computes: D((p, q), v, e) = v e (mod ()p−1)(q−1) (mod n), accumulated value has deleted e. (2) Then updates witness u′ : = W (u, ei , ej , , v, v ′ ) = ub v ′a . When there are lots of users join DAA or be deleted from DAA, πd is the product of all the deleted members’ e. The accumulated −1 value updates v ′ : = v πa πd (mod (p−1)(q−1)) (mod n). the witness updates u′ uaπa v ′b (mod n), aandb satisfied ax + bπd = 1, x is contained in v ′ . 5 Analysis of security Lemma 1 Let n be a special RSA modulus, u, g ∈ QRn and g be a generator of QRn . Under the strong RSA assumption. If g x ≡ uy (mod n), for given x, y ∈ Zn . Then gcd(x, y) = y. Proof: Refer to [8]. Theorem 1 Under the strong RSA assumption, the interactive protocol underlying the Sign and Verify is a statistical zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of a membership credential (A, e, u) and the corresponding secret key (fi , t). T. Feng et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 16 (2014) 6867–6874 6873 Proof: Let signature σ1 = (V1′ , V2′ ) = (T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 , nt , c′ , s′e , s′w , s′δ1 , s′δ2 , V2′ ) and σ2 = (V1′′ , V2′′ ) = (T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 , nt , c′′ , s′′e , s′′t , s′′w , s′′δ1 , s′′δ2 , V2′′ ) be two accepting tuples. Then we have s′ +c′ 2r1 −s′δ R1′ = T1 e g ′ 2 ′ s′ +c′′ 2r1 −s′′ δ b−st (T4 )−c = T1 e ′ ′ ′ r ′ g ′′ ′′ R2′ = T2−c hse +c 21 g sw = T2−c hse +c R3′ = y −(s′e +c′ 2r1 ) s′δ R4′ = T2 ′ ′′ h 1 ′ s′w −cw 2 ′′ 2r 1 ′′ ′′ g sw (mod n), (1) (mod n), (2) (mod n), (3) ′′ ′′ −(s′′ e +c 2r1 ) sδ g s δ2 = T2 ′′ b−st (T4 )−c h 1 gs (s′ −s′′ )+(c′ −c′′ )2r1 ′′ δ 2 (mod n). ′ (4) ′′ T2C −C = h(se −se )+(c −c )2 1 g sw −sw (mod n)(5), T2 e e = hsδ1 −s δ2 (mod n)(6), Let ∆c = c′ − c′′ , ∆e = (s′e − s′′e ) + (c′ − c′′ )2r1 , ∆δ1 = s′δ1 − s′′δ1 , ∆t = s′t − s′′t , and ∆w = s′w − s′′w . Due to Lemma 1, we find gcd(∆c, ∆e) = ∆c, gcd(∆c, ∆w) = ∆c, andgcd(∆c, ∆t) = ∆c, Then from the Eq. (4), we have T2∆e = h∆δ1 g ∆δ2 (mod n). Since Eq. (5) holds, we further obtain . h∆e∆e g ∆w∆e = h∆δ1 ∆c g ∆δ2 ∆c , and then ∆δ2 = ∆w∆e ∆c ′ ′′ ′ ′′ r ′ ′′ From the Eq. (1), we have T1δe = g recover (A, e, t) = ( T1 ∆w g ∆c ∆w∆e ∆c b∆t T3∆c , and further obtain T3 = ( T1 ∆w g ∆c ∆t ∆e − ∆c ) ∆c b sT −i , ∆t ). Likewise, we also can cover fi such that T4 = afi , ∆e ∆c ∆c . Finally,we mod n. Lemma 2 Under strong the RSA assumption, the Dynamic Accumulator constructed by Setup algorithm is secure. Proof: Detail proof refer to [7]. Correctness: By inspection. Unforgeability: This is an immediate consequence of Theorem 1. Anonymity: Given a valid signature σ = (V1 , V2 ) = (T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , c, nt , se , sw , sδ1 , sσ2 , c′ , w1 , ..., wl ), identifying the actual signer is computationally hard for everyone but the group manager: Because of Theorem 1 the underlying interactive protocol is statistically zero-knowledge, no information is statistically revealed by (c, nt , se , sw , sδ1 , sδ2 , c′ , w1 , ..., wl ) in the random oracle model. Deciding whether some group member with credential (A, e, u) originated requires deciding whether the T /A T /he three discrete logarithms logy 1 , logg 2 , logyT3 are equal. This is assumed to be infeasible under the decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption and hence anonymity is guaranteed. Unlinkability: Deciding if two signatures σ1 = (V1 , V2 ) = (T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , c, nt , se , sw , sδ1 , sσ2 , c′ , w1 , ..., wl ) and σ2 = (V1 , V2 ) = (Tˆ1 , Tˆ2 , Tˆ3 , Tˆ4 , cˆ, n ˆ t , sˆe , sˆw , sˆδ1 , sˆδ2 , cˆ′ , wˆ1 , ..., wˆl ) were computed by the same group member is computationally hard. Similar as for Anonymity, the problem of linking T /Tˆ T /Tˆ T /Tˆ two signatures reduces to decide whether the three discrete logarithms logg 1 , logg 2 2 , logy 3 3 , T /Tˆ logg 4 4 are equal. This is, however, impossible under Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption. Forward security: Detail proof refers to [9]. Backward unlinkability: Member a was found its private key was exposed at period i, then deleted its credential by using dynamic accumulator. Then the interact with verifier by its e is in the period i, and the accumulated value is Zk (k < i), due to the interactive protocol is zero-knowledge, based on the conclusion of Anonymity, although a has been deleted, the signature signed is still anonymous, after verifying, the signature is correct. Given two signatures, σ1 and σ2 , after Verify logarithm, the signature was signed before private key was exposed, based on Unlinkability, both of the signatures are all valid. It is feasible to link two signature are signed by the same TPM. 6874 T. Feng et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 16 (2014) 6867–6874 Efficiency analysis: T represents divided a time frame into T time period, N represents the number of DAA members, S represents square computation, E represents Modular Exponentiation. Our scheme achieved forward security need only O(1) Exponentiation, revocation Exponentiation needs only O(2) Modular square Exponentiation, the calculated amount of revocation is not liner with the number of DAA members or revoked members. In our scheme, we need N multiply operations and 2 Modular Exponentiations can revoke N members, revocation efficiency is better than others. Table 1: Comparison of DAA scheme 6 Scheme Forward security Backward unlinkability DAA[1] × × × EPID[2] × × O(N)E Chen[5] × (s/2)S × √ O(N)E Feng[8] FSD-DAA 1S √ Revocation × O(2)E Conclusion In this paper, we propose FSD-DAA scheme to achieve the expense of revoke DAA member is independent on the number of current or total deleted members, with the forward security to reduce the damage of compromise of the signing key, and ensure the backward unlinkability of the signature which is signed by legal member, and satisfies the desired security properties. 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