DAYALBAGH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE,DAYALBAGH, AGRA ADMIT CARD : RET, Sept-2014 Admission to Program Name Father Name Ph.D. RADHA DEVI RAMRATAN SINGH Application Number 101030670 Roll Number PH-110054-14 Venue Multimedia Extension Building, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Written Test on 21 September 2014 Test Time 09:00:00 AM Personal Interview On AS NOTIFIED ON THE DEI WEBSITE- Interview Time AS NOTIFIED ON THE DEI WEBSITE- RET: Subject / Discipline 1 . EDUCATION ( 34 ) Address : VILL. HARCHANDERPUR, POST - NAGLA JULA, DISTT. MAINPURI ,MAINPURI Mainpuri UTTAR PRADESH-205001 DISCLAIMER 1. The admit card is not a proof of eligibility for admission. Please refer to the prospectus of the institute and latest notifications on the Institute website to ensure that the conditions for eligibility are satisfied. 2. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that they meet the minimum criteria for their respective category before appearing for written test and/or interview. 3. If it is detected at any stage that the candidate does not meet the eligibility criterion for the category and program they have applied for, their application is liable to be rejected at any stage. 4. Candidates who do not belong to the General Category will be required to produce documents in original to prove their eligibility for the category they have declared. DAYALBAGH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) DAYALBAGH AGRA 282 005 INDIA INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please check Admit Card carefully for your name, course and written test venue. In case of any discrepancy, communicate to the invigilator. Please bring the Admit Card with you at the time of the written test and the interview without which your entry in the said tests will not be possible. 2. Candidates are advised to reach the venue at least 1 hour before the examination begins. No candidate in any case will be allowed to enter the examination centre after the commencement of the written test. 3. Please bring BLACK PEN with you to fill in the answer sheet (OMR sheet). 4. Please check thoroughly the sample answer sheet (OMR sheet) present on the website. 5. A candidate can leave the examination hall only after 45 minutes of the commencement of the written test. 6. Candidates must strictly follow the instructions of the invigilators. 7. Candidates are not allowed to bring any rough sheets or any other papers. However, a rough sheet will be provided to you in the examination hall which will have to be returned along with the answer sheet and question paper to the invigilators. Use of any unfair means during the written test and interview will automatically forfeit your right to admission. 8. Mobile phones, calculators or any calculating devices are not allowed in the examination hall. 9. Please carry a photo identity proof (College ID Card ,Driving License, Voter ID, etc.) in the examination hall. 10. Carrying any other baggage in the examination hall is not allowed. The Institute will not be responsible for any belongings being stolen or lost. 11. In case you have not attached any documents in support of your application, please do bring them at the time of the entrance test. 12. Please bring the original documents (Mark Sheets, Certificates, Testimonials, etc.) with you for verification at the time of interview. 13. A candidate who fails to appear in the written test/interview or both, will automatically forfeit candidature for admission to the Institute. 14. A list of selected candidates will be notified on the date as given in the Prospectus of the Institute at the notice board of the concerned Faculty /College besides the website of the Institute. 15. Selected candidates will have to register in person for the Course and deposit fees, etc at the time and on the date as notified on the notice board. 16. Regular teaching will commence on the next working day following the designated day of fee collection. 17. If a candidate who has been admitted after selection and payment all dues, remains absent for more than seven days without permission during the first two weeks, from the fee collection day, his/her admission will be cancelled and no money will be refunded. Phone: (0562)2801545; Fax: (0562)2801226; Web Site: funsZ'k 1- izos'k i= esa viuk uke] ikB~;Øe vkSj izos'k ijh{kk LFky ls lacaf/kr fooj.kksa dks /;ku ls ns[k ysa A fdlh Hkh folaxfr ds ekeys esa fujh{kd ls lEidZ djsa A d`Ik;k vius lkFk izos'k ijh{kk vkSj lk{kkRdkj ds le; izos'k i= vo'; yk;sa A fcuk blds mfYyf[kr ijh{kk esa vkidk izos'k lEHko ugha gksxk A 2- vH;FkhZ ijh{kk LFky ij ijh{kk vkjEHk gksus ls 1 ?kaVk iwoZ igq¡ps A ijh{kk vkjaHk gksus ds ckn fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa mUgsa ogk¡ izos'k ugha djus fn;k tk;sxk A 3- d`Ik;k mRrj iqfLrdk vFkkZr vks0,e0vkj0 'khV dks Hkjus ds fy, vius lkFk dkyh L;kgh okyk ckWy iSu yk,sa A 4- d`Ik;k osclkbV ij nh xbZ uewuk ¼izfrn'kZ½ mRrj iqfLrdk vFkkZr vks0,e0vkj0 'khV dk Bhd izdkj ls v/;;u dj ysa A 5- vH;FkhZ fyf[kr ijh{kk vkjEHk gksus ds 45 feuV ckn gh ijh{kk d{k ls ckgj tk ldrs gSa A 6- d`Ik;k d{k&fujh{kd ds crk, x;s funsZ'kksa dk ikyu djsa A 7- vius lkFk fdlh izdkj dk dkxt ;k isij uk yk,a A ;)fi ,d [kkyh dkxt vkidks fn;k tk;sxk tks ijh{kk lekIr gksus ds ckn vkidks mRrj iqfLrdk ds lkFk d{k fujh{kd dks okil nsuk gksxk A ijh{kk ds le; fdlh Hkh vuqfpr lk/ku dk iz;ksx vkids izos'k ds vf/kdkj dks Lor% gh lekIr dj nsxk A 8- vkosnudrkZ dk eksckby Qksu] dsYdqysVj ;k fdlh Hkh izdkj dh x.kuk djus okys ;a= ds lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa izo's k oftZr gS A 9- d`Ik;k vius lkFk dksbZ QksVks igpku i= ¼dkWyst vkbZ0Mh0 dkMZ] MªkbZfoax ykblsal ;k oksVj vkbZ0Mh0 dkMZ] bR;kfn½ vo'; yk,a A 10- fdlh Hkh izdkj dk vU; lkeku ijh{kk gWky esa ykus dh vuqefr ugha gSA vkids fdlh Hkh lkeku dh {kfr gksus ;k mldh pksjh gksus dh fLFkfr esa laLFkku blds fy, mRrjnk;h ugha gksxk A 11- ;fn vki vkuykbu vkosnu djrs le; vius fdlh lgk;d nLrkost dks ugha yxk ik,¡ gSa rks mu dks vius lkFk izos'k ijh{kk ds le; vo'; yk,a A 12- d`Ik;k vius lkFk viuh lHkh vad rkfydk;sa] izek.k i=ksa bR;kfn dh ewy izfrfyfi;ka lk{kkRdkj ds le; vo'; yk;sa ftlls fd mudh tkap dj yh tk;sA 13- fyf[kr ijh{kk@lk{kkRdkj ;k nksuksa esa vuqifLFkr gksus ij fdlh Hkh vH;FkhZ dh laLFkku esa izos'k dh ik=rk Lor% gh lekIr gks tk;xh A 14- lQy vH;FkhZ;ksa dh lwph izkLiSDVl ¼foojf.kdk½ esa nh xbZ frfFk ij lEcfU/kr ladk;@dkyst esa lwpuk iV vkSj laLFkku dh osclkbZV ij n'kkZ nh tk;xh A 15- lQy vH;fFkZ;ksa dks O;fDrxr rkSj ij lwpuk iV ij fn;s x;s le; vkSj frfFk ij ikB~;Øe esa iathdj.k djkuk gksxk vkSj fu/kkZfjr Qhl bR;kfn tek djuh gksxh A 16- Qhl tek djus dh fu/kkZfjr frfFk ds vxys gh fnu d{kkvksa esa fu;fer i<+kbZ vkjEHk gks tk;xh A 17- fdlh lQy vH;FkhZ ds fu/kkZfjr Qhl tek djus ds ckn igys nks lIrkg esa lkr fnu rd vuqifLFkr jgus ij mldk izos'k fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxk vkSj Qhl ;k vU; dksbZ Hkh /kujkf'k okfil ugha dh tk;sxh A DAYALBAGH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE (Deemed University), DAYALBAGH, AGRA -5 INSTRUCTIONS: FILLING OMR ANSWER SHEET (funZs”k: vks-,e-vkj- mRrj i= dks Hkjuk) 1. Please note that the OMR Answer sheets will be evaluated by Computer System, which is very sensitive and reads properly filled black colour bubbles only. d`i;k uksV djsa fd vks-,e- vkj- mRrj i= dk ewY;kadu dEI;wVj rduhd ds }kjk fd;k tkrk gS tks fd cgqr laosnu”khy gksrh gS rFkk dsoy mfpr izdkj ls Hkjs gq, dkys fcUnqvksa dks gh i<+rh gSA 2. Please note that the computer will not accept any alphabet, half filled answer bubbles, stick mark or cross mark as your answer in the circles provided. d`i;k uksV djsa fd dEI;wVj mRrj fcUnq esa fdlh v{kj] v/k Hkjs xksys] lgh ;k xyr ds fu”kku dks vkids mRrj ds :i esa Lohdkj ugha djsxk A 3. Please affix your signature on OMR Answer Sheet at defined place. d`i;k vks-,e- vkj- mRrj i= eas mfpr LFkku ij vius gLrk{kj djsa A 4. Please use Black Ball point pen only on OMR Sheet. d`i;k vks-,e- vkj- mRrj i= ij dsoy dkys cky ikabV isu dk iz;ksx djsaA 5. Specific spaces or boxes are provided in the OMR Answer sheets to fill the required information like Name, Roll Number and Subject Code. Write each at proper place only. vks-,e-vkj- mRrj i= esa uke] vuqØekad] fo’k; dksM vkfn fy[kus ds fy, lgh LFkku vkSj pkS[kkus cuk, x, gSaA çR;sd dks fn, x, mfpr LFkku ij gh fy[ksa A 6. A Candidate has been issued a 6 digit Roll Number, which is mentioned in the Admit Card. izR;sd ijh{kkFkhZ dks fn, x, izos”k i= esa 6 la[;k dk vuqØekad fn;k x;k gSA 7. Please write your NAME in CAPITAL LETTERS in the Name column. d`i;k vki viuk uke cMs v{kjksa esa uke ds fy, fn, x, LraHk esa gh HkjsaA 8. In OMR Answer Sheet, each subject is provided a separate column. vks- ,e- vkj- mRrj i= esa izR;sd fo’k; ds fy, vyx&vyx LrEHk gSaA 9. The correct way of filling Roll Number and subject code is as shown below: vuqØekad rFkk ijh{kk ds fodYiksa dks Hkjus dk lgh fof/k uhps fn, x, mnkgj.k esa n”kkZ;k x;k gS: 10. Please do not write anything else on the OMR Answer sheets or do not make any specific symbol or sign otherwise your candidature will stand cancelled. d`i;k fdlh Hkh izdkj dk fpà ;k ladsr vkfn vks- ,e- vkj- i= ij u cuk,a vU;Fkk vkidh ik=rk fujLr gks tk;sxhA 11. Please do not fill more than one option for any of the question, because there is only one correct answer. izR;sd ç”u dk ,d gh lgh mRrj gS blfy, d`i;k ,d ls vf/kd fodYiksa dks u HkjsaA 12. Please do not temper or scratch the OMR Answer sheet. d`i;k fdlh Hkh izdkj dk jax vkSj [kjksp a vks- ,e- vkj- mRrj i= ij ugha yxk,aA 13. Please read the Question Paper carefully and answer by filling one of the options ABCD available on OMR Answer Sheet. d`i;k iz”u i= /;kuiwod Z i<sa] fn;s x;s pkj oSdfYid mRrjksa A B C D esa ls ,d dks vks- ,e- vkj- mRrj i= ij fpfUgr djsaA 14. Please do rough work on the question paper only. Do not use OMR Answer Sheet for rough work. d`i;k viuk jQ dk;Z iz”u i=ksa ds [kkyh txg ij dj ldrs gSaA vks- ,e- vkj- mRrj i= ij dksbZ jQ dk;Z u djsAa 15. Please note that the Crossed or erased answers on the OMR Answer Sheet will be treated as cancelled. d`i;k uksV djsa fd vks- ,e- vkj- mRrj i= ij dkVk ;k feVk;k x;k mRrj fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxkA 16. Please obey the instructions given by the Invigilator from time to time. d`i;k fujh{kd }kjk le;≤ ij fn;s x;s funs’Z kksa dk ikyu djsAa 17. Please do not leave the Exam Room without submitting the OMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. d`i;k vks- ,e- vkjmRrj i= fujh{kd dks tek fd;s fcuk ijh{kk d{k u NksMsa A ---xxx---
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