SHAVUN ב"ה Vayeshev Parashat Vayeshev- Talk it through 11 December 2014 Dear Friends, In this week's Parasha we start to read about the struggle between Yosef and his brothers. The story begins with Yosef's dreams, and continues with a “little mission” that Yaacov asks of Yosef: “And Israel said to *Last lesson for 2014 will be held next week on Thursday at the RFL, with a little Chanukah party. The lessons will resume in February 2015 every fortnight at the RFL. Joseph, your brothers are pasturing in Shechem, are they not? Come, I will send you to them. He said to him: “Here I am. And he said to him: go now, look into the welfare of your brothers and the welfare of the flock...” (Genesis 37: 13-14). 19 Kislev 5775 AHC Contact Details: *This is a fantastic opportunity to say Shalom and a huge thank you for our wonderful Shlichim, Yair and Shifra for an amazing two years they gave to our community. Yosef had to look into the welfare of his brothers (in Hebrew- “Shalom Achecha “ the peace of your brothers). This was a result of the hatred between the brothers. After they saw the favouritism that Yaacov showed Yosef, they all hated him: Office: 09 373 2908 [email protected] Rabbi Natti Friedler 021 714 157 Let’s all show our gratitude to them, and come along on Sunday afternoon to their farewell party. I am sure you are all joining me in wishing them a good luck in the future, and with the Bnei camp! *Also a big Shalom, welcome and Mazal Tov to Michelle and Eliran Bitran on the birth of their baby girl as well as Nathan and Danit Lawrence on the birth of their new baby boy. We will officially welcome baby Lawrence on Sunday morning 9:00am with Shacharit and the Bris. May they grow to Torah, Chupah and good deeds! ”His brothers saw that it was he whom their father loved most of all his brothers so they hated him, and they could not speak to him peaceably” Rabbi Yonatan Eibshitz (1690-1764) gives a wonderful explanation for this: The fact that they could not speak peacefully to one another, this is the source of trouble between the brothers. The brothers could have spoken to Yosef and resolved the problem; hatred starts from a point when there is no dialogue, and no listening to each other. This was also the reason why Yosef was now sent to look into his brothers' welfare and look for peace. Last but not least, a happy Chanukah to you and your families, filled with much light and joy! Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach, Rabbi Nathanel Friedler Rabbi’s Shiur @ RFL Unfortunately this hatred was the beginning of the exile to Egypt. How serious and painful could be a machloket (dispute) between brothers! - we must do everything we can to listen to our brothers and sisters. If you feel something wrong was done to you, do not hesitate to talk it through with your friend. Including Mincha / Maariv and a little Chanukah Party!! Mikveh Bookings: 021 714 158 Yair Jablinowitz: 021 488 030 Shifra Jablinowitz: 021 488 050 AHC BoM 5775 Chair Bronwen Klippel Treasurer & Kashrut Certification Garth Cohen Religious & Head Gabbai: Gavin Berman Social: Sharon Brokensha Mark Kantor Security: Sara Nevezie GAD: Henri Eliot Youth & Young Marrieds: Steven Hofman Mark Kantor Property: Joshua Arieli Strategy & Future Planning: Rachel Lerner Thursday 19 Dec @ 7:00 pm: Contents If you think there are things that need to be improved in the community - do not hesitate to talk with me or with the Board. After all, we are here for each other! See you there! 1 Mazel Tovs 2 Message from S&Y 3 Yahrzeits 4 Calendar 4 This past Shabbat we got to celebrate with Tobi and her family the big Bat Mitzvah event. It was lovely to see so many people and of course great fun at the party! Bar and Bat Mitzvah classes have come to an end this past Sunday with a final Chanukah class and a summary of the past year. We will truly miss these Sunday mornings.... Bnei Akiva had their last program before camp, as we’re going into Madrichim seminar next week. We all enjoyed a good day down at Silo Park searching for Effie If you haven’t signed your kids up for camp- now is the time to do so. Don’t let them miss out! Parsha Potato Heads had their last practice before the big day this coming Shabbat at 10:00 AM. YOU ALL WANT TO BE THERE FOR THE PPH PREFORMANCE. Don’t miss out on the singing, and Parsha explaining this weekend. L&P had their final session this past Tuesday. We focused on consistency and how L&P was developed and became such an important thing throughout the youth and young adults of the community. As we’re getting near to ending our Shlichut, we would love for you all to join us on Sunday at 3:00 PM for a farewell and to thank you all for always being here for us. We learn in this week’s Parsha the importance of family through the story of Joseph and his brothers who come down to Egypt looking for food. Even though the Auckland Jewish Community is quite small (compared to communities in the rest of the world) it is unique by having a special family feeling to it. Cherish that like Joseph did! Shabbat Shalom and farewell to all. We will miss you and hope to see you in Israel! With love, Shifra & Yair AHC and BA Shlichim Mazal Tov & Welcome to the youngest additions to our Kehilla! Last week not one, but two families were blessed with the safe arrival of their little bundles of joy… Mazal Tov to Michelle & Eliran Bitran on the birth of a little princess. Mazal Tov also to Danit and Nathan Lawrence on the birth of their little prince. Mazal Tov to the extended mishpochas as well! Mazal Tov to Danit Lazarus, daughter of Marti and the late Boeti Lazarus, on her upcoming Chupah to Gilad Beer in Haifa on 22 December! Mazal Tov also to the rest of the mishpocha! Mazal Tov to Judi and David Hoadley on the engagement of their son Benjamin to Alana Bruce from Melbourne. Yom Huledet Sameach!! Happy Birthday!! Greys Ave Deli: Holiday Hours We will be open for shop items & challot only on: Sunday 21st December 9am-11am Sunday 28th December- closed Sunday 4th January 9am-11am Sunday 11th January 9am-11am Sunday 18th January 9am-11am 2 Neville Glaser Hymie Nates Danny Phillips Avon Cook Azriel Glick Natalie Miller Avraham Stern Helen Heppner Jacob Lerner Eden Simhony Esther Green Michael Harris Theo Nates Jonathan Rose Rebecca Stiassny Jacqueline Berman Kerry Knight Amnon Schwarz Jocelyne Benatar Eliran Bitran Ariel Jona 3 YAHRZEITS FOR THE WEEK: Name: Remembered by: Sonny Baker Lina Benatar Else Blumenthal Hilda & Maurice Burns Ella Valerie Green Franciska Heilbron Malcolm Lerner Hannah Moss Leo Phillips Paula Picker Max Ponemoni We wish you Long Life… Our thoughts are with all our congregants who are unwell at the moment. Leon Shenken is particularly in our thoughts. Relationship: Raymond Baker Jocelyne Benatar Edith Ruth Black Joseph Burns Gail Resnick Hans Heilbron Robert Lerner Elaine Silverman Joan Estelle Goldwater Arlene Lazarus Hilda Gosling Vicki Ross Fay Wouk Sarah Wouk Brother Mother Mother Parents Mother Wife Brother Mother Brother Mother Brother Uncle Grandmother YOUR WEEKS AHEAD: FRI 12 20 Kislev SAT 21 Kislev 13 Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am SUN 14 22 Kislev MON 15 23 Kislev TUE 16 24 Kislev WED 17 25 Kislev THUR 18 26 Kislev Shacharit @ Greys Ave: 9am Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave 7pm Stiebel 6:30pm Rabbi’s Shiur @ RFL 7pm Hanukah in the Park 5:30pm Candle lighting at 8pm 8:15pm 19 27 Kislev Chanukah: 1 Candle 9:16pm 28 Kislev 20 Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am 21 29 Kislev 22 30 Kislev 23 1 Tevet Chanukah: 2 Candles 24 2 Tevet Chanukah: 4 Candles Greys Ave 7pm Stiebel 6:30pm 8:20pm Chanukah: 5 Candles Chanukah: 6 Candles 9:20pm 4 25 3 Tevet Public Holiday Shacharit @ Greys Ave: 9am Bar Mitzvah Joshua Korpus Kabbalat Shabbat Chanukah: 3 Candles Chanukah: 7 Candles Chanukah: 8 Candles Chanukah: 8th Day
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