No. 62, April 1963. - H-Net

No. 64
Loyalty .and Devotion Pledged
to Universal House of Justice
Following the close of the International Bah6'i Convention in Haifa and the announcement of the results of
the election of the Universal House of Justice, the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States in session in London April 26, 1963 sent the following telegram to the universal House of Justice:
JUNE 1963
the Faith in a way that would be of interest to all people
of Jewish background. It is suggested that the believers
fully acquaint themselves with the content of the new
pieces in order that they will know how to use them
to the best advantage, and in order to be prepared to
answer questions.
Order directly from Bahi'i Publishing Trust, 110 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois.
"Hail with joyful hearts formation (of) Supreme Administrative Institution (of) Bah6'u'llbh's expanding
World Order. (We) pledge unqualified loyalty (and)
devotion (to the) Universal House of Justice and renewed dedication (to the) aims (and) objectives (of
the) Master's Divine Plan. (We) assure (you of our)
readiness (to) assume (any) responsibilities which may
be assigned (to) our Assembly in (the) further unfoldment (of the) Administrative Order."
Local spiritual assemblies and Baha'i groups throughout the length and breadth of the United States will
wish to send similar pledges of loyalty and obedience
to this newly established, supreme administrative institution of our beloved Faith, and to pray for the neverending outpouring of the divine confirmations and
guidance promised to it in the Sacred Writings of
Bahh'u'llhh and 'Abdu'l-Baha.
Any such communications should be addressed as
follows: Universal House of Justice, P.O. Box 155,
Haifa, Israel.
The National Assembly would appreciate a copy of
any communication sent to that supreme institution.
NSA Recommends
New Literature
To meet a long-felt need for literature that would appeal to people of Jewish background, two new items a r e
now offered by the Baha'i Publishing Trust. (See announcement in May BAHA'~
NEWS,p. 16.)
In view of the heavy Jewish population in this country, especially in the large cities, there a r e many thousands who could be attracted to the Faith by this
material. The National Spiritual Assembly recommends
extensive use of the new literature by communities,
groups and individuals. The cost is not great and the
two items can be mailed together; the reprint being an
"attention-getter" while the Baha'i pamphlet presents
M n r c J ~('011J(~reii(.c~
oJ the Central States area y o ~ ~ t lheld
on campus, Unzversity of Wisconsin, Madison. During
the week end two proclamation meetings were addressed b y Dr. Dwight Allen, thus aiding the efforts of
: the campus Baha'i Club.
Souvenir of 'Abdu'l- Baha
to Be Held June 29
The fifty-first souvenir of 'Abdu'l-BahP will be held
on Saturday, June 29, a t Evergreen Cabin, 126 Evergreen Place, Teaneck, New Jersey. Several hundred
persons attend this event - annually.
The program will start at 3 p.m. with Lionel Gonzalez serving as chairman. John Savage will read
the Master's talk given in 1912, and Mrs. Lee Blackwell will speak on " 'Abdu'l-Bah6 - His Desires and
Prayers." At 5 p.m. Mrs. Ruhieh McComb and Joseph
C. Ioas will lead the devotional hour a t the pine grove
where 'Abdu'l-Bah6 stood 51 years ago.
To those attending the first Unity Feast, 'Abdu'lBah6 said: "This assembly has a name and significance
which will last forever. Hundreds of thousands of
meetings shall be held to commemorate this occasion
and the very words I speak to you today shall be re-
JUNE 1963
peated i n t h e m for ages to come. Therefore b e ye rejoiced, for ye are sheltered beneath t h e providence o f
God. B e happy and joyous because t h e bestowals o f
God are intended for you and t h e l i f e o f t h e Holy
Spirit is breathing upon you." ( P U P , p. 209)
Baha'is, their families and interested friends will
all be welcome. Those attending should provide their
own food. Beverages will b e served b y t h e Souvenir
Committee f r o m 11:30 a.m. t o 2 p.m. and f r o m 6 t o 7
p.m. T h e rest o f t h e d a y t h e kitchen will b e closed.
Since this i s a commemorative occasion, not primarily a picnic, t h e friends are asked to u s e good
taste i n t h e m a t t e r o f dress.
Baha'i M a r r i a g e s
Los Angeles, Calif.: Miss Billie Johnston to Fred J o h n Bennett
on December 15, 1962
West Hollywood, Calif.: Miss Billie Graves to Luis Palos on
February 9, 1963
Davenport, Iowa: Miss J a n e t Gay Franke to William Sawyer
o n April 13, 1963 ,
Kirkland, Wash.: Mrs. Blanche E. L a ~ s o nto Walter B. Jones
on April 7, 1963
Seattle, Wash.: Miss Pauline Dunn to Clyde Johnson on March
18, 1963
Seattle, Wash.: Mrs. Colette Crosnier to Lewis F . Smith on
April 3, 1963
THE t L O ~ : - ~ E R
5. x!
fifth-grade class and shown J o r two weeks
in the f ~ o n thall of an interracial consolidated school zn
Erae, Michigan, this display illustrates a Baha'i ideal.
T h e teacher, w h o i s interested i n t h e Faith, preceded
the making o f t h e exhzbit b y a class study o f t h e oneness of mankind.
11i1 (L
F I V L ' y o u t h I D ~ Owere 1oelcomctl IrLlo lltr' Fnzth at N a ~ o Ruz b y the Costa Mesa (CalzJornza) communzty, where
the Bahci'i Y o u t h Committee has been v e r y active with
a continuing program of attraction and teaching.
In Memoriam
Mrs. Frieda Bryan
Youngtown, Arizona
April 19, 1963
Miss Martha Polson
Sparks, Nevada
March 31, 1963
Miss Ida L. Dixon
Alton, Illinois
March 25, 1963
E d m u n d Ross
Portland, Maine
March.8. 1963
Mrs. Frances Esty
Buffalo, New York
January 13, 1963
Mrs. Annie Stark
Twentynine Palms, Calif.
March 21, 1963
Mrs. Ethel E. Hanff
West P a l m Beach, Florida
March 16, 1963
Miss Ingebord Stiller
L a s Vegas, Nevada
April 6, 1963
Mrs. Vera Kennedy
Oklahoma City, Okla.
March 14, 1963
Mrs. Viola T. Thomson
Sparta, Michigan
February 25, 1963
Miss Meta Matthiesen
Munich, Germany
March 6, 1963
Dr. Cyril F. Turney
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
March 25,' 1963
If you move
. . . be sure to n o t i f y National Administrative
Headquarters and your local secretary (or area
secretary, i f isolated). Please do this promptly
-preferably i n advance of moving.