PRELAB 3: ELECTRIC CIRCUITRY A. ELECTRIC CURRENT AND CIRCUIT Electric charge Q is a fundamental property of matter. Charges are measured in Coulombs [C], which is a large number. An electron carries a unit of negative charge −e, a proton carries a unit of positive charge +e, and neutrons carry no charge. Each unit of charge is e=1.602×10–19C. An atom is made of electrons orbiting outside a nucleus, which is composed of protons and neutrons, called nucleons. The oxygen-16 nucleus is composed of 8 protons, and 8 neutrons. Thus the charge of an oxygen nucleus is +8e. The radius of nucleus is of the order of 10–14 to 10–15 m, depending on the number of nucleons. Atoms are normally neutral, and thus the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons. The neutral atom of oxygen-16 is made of an oxygen nucleus and 8 electrons orbiting outside the nucleus. Matters can be classified into conductors and insulators. Some materials are called semiconductors. A conductor has “free” electrons that can move in the presence of electric potential, an applied voltage, resembling a ball falling from a height by the gravitational potential. When electrons move in a conductor, we call electric current flows in the conductor. The electric current is I=∆Q/∆t, the flow rate of charge flow per unit time. Since the charge of electrons is negative, the current is flowing opposite to the direction of electrons. As electric potential is applied to an electric circuit, electric current flows from the high voltage point to a lower voltage point, resembling water flows from higher ground to lower position. The electric potential is measured in Volts, and the electric current is measured in Amperes, related by the Ohm’s law: V=IR. Here V is the electric potential in Volts, I is the electric current in Amperes, and R is the resistance (impedance) measured in Ohms (Ω). Major electric circuit elements are resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Resistors are made of materials impede motion of electrons, capacitors are made of parallel plates that can hold charges, and inductors are made of coils that can hold magnetic energy. For example, a car battery is typically 12 V. Connect the battery to a 1000Ω resistor, the current in the circuit is I=12V/1000Ω=12 mA=0.012 A. a. The home electric outlet is typically 120 V. When connected to a light bulb that has filament with 240 Ω resistor, what is the current flowing through the light bulb? I= A. b. Charge of an electron is c. Charge of a carbon nucleus (made of 6 protons and 6 neutrons) is 1 A capacitor (also known n as condensser) is norm mally made o f two conduucting plates.. If ppositive charrges Q are pllaced on onee plate, negattive charges –Q will be induced on tthe oother plate. An A electric potential p V an nd electric field fi will be eestablished bbetween thesse ttwo plates. Thus T a capaccitor can sto ore electric energy! e Thee positive chharge plate hhas a hhigher potential. The cap pacitance C is i given by C=Q/V. C The capacitancee is measuredd in F Farads [F]=[C/V]. Typiccal capacitan nce of capaciitors is measuured in picoofarad or pF, i.e. 110–12 Farad, nanofarad [n nF]=1000[pF F], or microffarad [μF]=11000,000[pF F]. A An inductorr is made of conducting coils. c As thee electric currrent flows, m magnetic fieeld is induced. Wh hen conductin ng wires aree closely wou und around a cylinder, eelectric field is eenhanced at the t inner tub be of the cyliinder, and caanceled eachh other outsiide the cylindder. T Thus the ind ductor can store s magneetic energy. The voltagee between tw wo ends of ann inductor is eq qual to ∆V=L L(∆I/∆t), wh here L is the inductance. The amountt of energy sstored in an inducto or is equal to o (½)LI2, wheere I is the current c in Am mpere, and L is the m in Henry H [H], and a energy stored s in the inductor is m measured in inductance measured JJoules [J]. Ty ypical inductance of indu uctors are measured m in m milli-henry [[mH]=10–3 H and H Henry [H]. B B. PRO OPERTIE ES OF A RESONA ANCE: O Often a systeem has naturral frequenciies of vibratiion. In a collumn of air in the PVC tuube, tthe natural frrequencies are called thee harmonic frequencies, fr f 1, f2,…. A vibrating soource, ssuch as the speaker, can drive the column of air. As the freqquency, f, off the driver ((speaker) is slowly s varied, the amplittude of the driven d system m (air colum mn) gets largeer aand larger un ntil it reaches a peak at one o of its ow wn resonant ffrequencies, f1, f2,…. W When w we sweep thee speaker freequency pastt one of the harmonic h freequencies off the air coluumn, w we hear the increase i in amplitude a off the vibrating air columnn as an increease in loudnness oof the radiateed sound from the tube. At resonancce the drivinng system paasses energy very eefficiently on n to the driveen system an nd the ampliitude of the ddriven system m reaches a m maximum caalled Amax. (See ( Rossing g, the Sciencce of Sound, Ch. 4.) A grraph of the aamplitude ass a function of o frequency y is shown beelow. 2 The reson nant amplitud de peaks at frequency f f0 and that thee peak has a width, ∆f caalled the line-width h. The line-w width is usuaally measure d at amplituude of 71% oof Vmax. For a system which losses energy raapidly throug gh damping or friction, tthe maximum m amplitudee, Vmax, is small and d the line-wid dth large, an nd the resonaance is said tto be broad. Similarly, ffor a resonating g system wh hich loses energy very sloowly, the maaximum ampplitude is veery large and the lin ne-width is very v small. The resonannce is said too be sharp. The quality, Q, characcterizes the sharpness s off one of the rresonances. For examplle, for the fundam mental frequ uency the Q value is: f Q 0. (1.0) f A high Q system is on ne with a shaarp resonancce. Once sett oscillating it loses enerrgy very k is an exam mple of an obj bject with a vvery high Q. To drive ann object slowly. A tuning fork with high Q, the driviing frequenccy must be veery close to the resonantt frequency, f0. C. ELECTRIC L C RESONA ANCE OF F LC CIR RCUIT A system of electric circuit c can allso have a reesonance. Sinnce capacitoors can store electric energy an nd inductors can store maagnetic enerrgy, a circuitt made of a ccapacitor, a rresistor, and an ind ductor in serries can beco ome a resonant circuit. Ressembling sim mple harmonic oscillators that t can transform m gravitationaal potential energy to kinetic enerrgy and vice versa, LC C circuit can transform electric en nergy to mag gnetic energy y and vice versa. v Such a circuit form ms a resonancee circuit. Ressistors are dissipativ ve, resemblin ng friction. The T RLC electric circuit iss shown belo ow. 1 nance frequeency of this circuit c is f 0 The reson 2 LC Here the capacitor c C is i in Farad [F F], the inducctance L is inn Henry [H]], and the ressulting resonancee frequency f0 is in Hertzz or [Hz] or [[1/s]. Typicaal number off L is in mH H (10–3H) to H, and C is 100 pF to 10000 pF F, where 1 p pF = 1×10–122 F. As the frrequency of the sine wave generator is varried at constaant input volltage Vin, thhe output volltage Vout shhows a maximum m at the reson nance frequeency f0, whicch is analog to the resonaance frequenncy of a simple haarmonic oscillator. Find the t resonancce frequencyy of the folloowing RLC ccircuits with a) L= = 100 mH, C=1000 C pF, b) L= = 1 H, C=1000 pF, f0= f0= 3 D Data shown below b is a ty ypical experiimental dataa for an RLC C circuit. Plot Voltage vss ffrequency an nd find the resonance r freequency f0 and a find the Q Q-value. (Yoou can make a bbetter bby using the wh hole scale of ho orizontal axis from f 200 to 80 00 Hz, and the vvertical scale ffrom 0.5 V to 33.5 V.) Frequency y (Hz) 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Output volltage (V) 1.19 1.32 1.52 1.82 2.27 2.83 3.00 2.43 1.78 1.33 1.03 0.834 0.692 T The resonancce frequency y of the abov ve data is f0= T The Q value is Q= 4
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