CAMPUS SAFETY & SECURITY University of Toronto Scarborough Joint Health and Safety Committee Minutes Date: Time: Location: Present Absent (v) (v) Tuesday, June 3, 2014 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Council Chamber AA160 Name Member Category (*) M UTFA v v William (Bill) Gough Mary Ann Vernon Kerri Kistnasami W W USW (v) USW v v Louise Beckley Arthus Bihis M W Non-union USW Chai Chen Ron Crozier Julie Cuttress Nina Dhir Raafat Helmy Ravneet Kaur Bob King Elsa Kiosses Allison Lee Alex Macaulay Patricia McKenna Jon Hayes W W W W M W W M W M W W USW (v) USW (v) USW USW Non-union (v) USW CUPE 3261 Non-union USW (v) Non-union USW Carpenters & Allied Workers Local 27 CAW 2003 Non-Union USW Non-union OPSEU 519 USW USW USW UTFA Non-union v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v Rajesh Patel Gary Pitcher Ann-Marie Smith Katheleene Smith Natalie Smith David Steele Sobiya Syed Ryan Tomlinson Rongmin Zhao Holly Yuen Certified Member (v) Work Location (Dept., Bldg., Room) Department of Physical & Environment Sciences (Co Chair) Library (Co Chair) Campus Safety & Security (Secretary) Human Resource Services Department of English and Centre for French and Linguistics Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences Physical Education & Athletics Library at University of Toronto Scarborough Department of Psychology Facilities Management IITS- Information & Instructional Technology Services Facilities Management (Maintenance) Health and Wellness Centre Department of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Facilities Management Financial Services Facilities Management W Facilities Management (Engineering) M Campus Safety & Security W Department of Social Sciences M Computer & Mathematical Sciences W Campus Police Services v W Student Housing & Residence Life v W AccessAbility Services v W Design & Construction Management v W Department of Biological Sciences v EHS Campus Safety & Security (EHS) Consultant v Joanne Quinn M External/Guest N'Sheemaehn Child Care Centre (*) W – Worker/Non-management (if unionized, record name of union) M – Management E – Ex-officio *Guest, Jeremy Wills –SCSU Operations Co-ordinator *Guest, Rob Sarson- Facilities- Ground 1. i. Item Discussion 2. Business Arising from the Minutes 3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the meeting March 4, 2014 accepted as written. i. Announcement: Worker Co-Chair Chai Chen (2 year term) Ms. Vernon announced to the committee that in September Chai Chen will be the new worker co-chair of the committee and welcomed him to the position. Mr. Gough also took the opportunity to thank Ms. Vernon for all of her work on the committee and stated that he was happy that she would still be in the committee. (Item closed) ii. Caretaking Concerns Update Air quality handling sample tests were conducted in both day and night hours. The results of the testing were shown to be within the normal range. Additional training material was given to the caretaking staff specifically focusing on procedures for cleaning labs. This item will remain open until all of the items discussed in the meeting where concerns were brought forward are addressed. Currently there is only 1 item left outstanding. Alex Macaulay will be working on updating the caretaking manual to customize and have it reflect UTSC rather than the St. George Campus. (Item open) iii. Proposal for Pedestrian Pathway Mr. Pitcher announced that he is still waiting for more information from the CDD that was submitted, but it seems to be moving forward. Mr. Pitcher also discussed the construction of the bridge that is also proposed to be built above the intersection of Ellesmere and Military Trail. Meetings are currently taking place and many discussions are being had to plan the many upcoming buildings and structures. (Item open) iv. Traffic Study of Ellesmere and Military Trail The results of the traffic study from Toronto Police Services were circulated prior to this meeting. In the document, it is recommended that the status quo remain the same and that it is not necessary to have Campus Community Police directing traffic at this time. The report was a disappointment. The proposed pedestrian bridge may help address safety concerns with traffic at the intersection. New Business i. Quarterly Inspection of First Aid Stations Ms. Kistnasami reported that the email for the quarterly inspections was sent out in May, and all first aid kits have been replenished with any supplies that were requested. Ms. Yuen and Ms. Kistnasami will be having a meeting in the near future to review protocols and first aid coverage for the departments who have employees that work on shifts. This meeting will ensure that all supervisors are aware of the protocols, and that there is adequate coverage and people trained for anyone who does not work during business hours. (Item ongoing) ii. Quarterly Inspection of Spill Kits Ms. Kistnasami reported that the email for the quarterly inspections of the spill kits was sent out, and all kits have been checked and reported to be complete. (Item ongoing) iii. Accident Reports - Confidential There were 4 health care accident/incidents reported from the period of March 1- June 1, 2014. 2 of these incidents resulted in loss of time. 3 incidents were categorized as slips/ falls on the same level and 1 was a reaction/allergy to food. This one particular incident occurred when someone microwaved their lunch in the department, and an employee had an allergic reaction from the fumes. This person has a severe allergy, and so WSIB did approve the loss time. The department has communicated the allergy to all of the employees, and nobody is to bring that type of food in the office or the departmental kitchen. Ms. Yuen informed the committee that if they or anyone that they know has a severe allergy, it must be reported to the supervisor so that accommodations can be made. (Item ongoing) iv. Mandatory Health and Safety Awareness Training The office of Environmental Health and Safety are working closely with Human Resource Services to comply with the new regulation under the Occupational Health and Safety st Act. In this regulation, it states that as of July 1 , 2014- all employers must ensure that their employees and supervisors complete a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program. An email has been sent out by UTSC’s EHS office with instructions of how to access the 1 hour on-line course. Ms. Yuen will also be holding 4 in-class sessions for those who prefer to take it in a class setting or for those employees that do not have access to a computer. At this time, we have approximately 200-250 employees that have completed the test. An update will be given at the next meeting. (Item open) v. Ministry of Labour Visit Ms. Yuen informed the committee that UTSC has recently had a visit from the Ministry of Labour to investigate a worker’s complaint. The complaint was regarding someone that did not have a sink to wash their hands in their lab room. When investigated, the ministry of labour determined that the particular lab did not require a sink. While on site, more complaints came up from the same employee, and 2 orders were written. As a result of air quality concerns, tests were run. The results indicated that it is well within the acceptable limits for the Ministry of Labour. Mould was also identified in a laboratory fridge cupboard and was cleaned with the appropriate agents. Chemical storage practices in the lab were also improved. The University has completed all recommendations from the ministry regarding the issues, and is now in compliance under the Ministry of Labour’s standards. If anyone wants details to the orders, they can contact the UTSC EHS office, or view the orders that will be posted for 6 weeks on all of the Campus Safety & Security Boards on Campus. (Item closed) 4. Workers Interior Workplace Inspection Reports a) Bob King- Caretaking Closets Mr. King was not able to complete his inspection for the June meeting. –Deferred for nd the 2 time, but will be ready in September. b) Chai Chen- Physical & Environmental Sciences Ms. Chen submitted his inspection on May 2, 2014.There were a few discrepancies found regarding eyewash stations, and a broken asbestos tile. Ms. Kistnasami is following up with the items. c) Rongmin Zhao – Bio Sci & Associated Offices th Mr. Zhao submitted his inspection in on May 29 . A few rooms had ventilation issues. Ms. Yuen will be taking some temperature and air testing in the near future. Room SW 432 has a light bulb that frequently blows out. It was recommended that this be looked into to see if there is an underlying cause. Nothing major was noted. d) Nina Dhir- Psychology Labs & Associated Offices Ms. Dhir completed the inspection in the Psychology areas, and found a few issues but noted that they weren’t significant. Ms. Kistnasami will follow up with the items. Some of the temperature issues that were long standing had been investigated, and monitored through the new Temperature Protocol, but was found to be within the normal ranges. rd e) Ron Crozier- 3 Floor Science Wing Admin Office Spaces Mr. Corzier was not in attendance at this meeting. The item will be deferred for the next meeting. f) nd Ravneet Kaur – Telecom Rooms & 2 Floor Bladen Wing IITS Rooms th Ms. Kaur submitted her inspection on May 30 , and has also met with Ms. Yuen. There were a few areas that were noted to have housekeeping issues with cables and equipment that were sticking out making it impossible to close the closet door leading to the council chamber. There were also a few room numbers that were not labelled correctly. If there was an emergency with people working in these rooms, campus police may have a hard time locating them. Ms. Kistnasami has already had a meeting with Ms. Darlene Petke, and has sorted out some of the room numbers. Ms. Kistnasami will request that Facilities Management make the proper door locater signage. A big gap was noted in the floor to 2 of the rooms as well. Ms. Yuen is investigating to recommend a suitable solution. (Item ongoing) 5. Mould and Quarterly Inspection Reports Mr. Macaulay was not at this meeting. This item will be deferred for the next meeting. (Item ongoing) 6. External Grounds Mr. Sarson gave a quick update on the ice storm damage that occurred in January. Grounds had immediately removed any of the dangers that could cause immediate harm and focused on the residence area. All trees and wood have been removed since then, and corrective pruning is now being completed down by the Valley where a lot of damage had occurred. Mr. Sarson also noted that carpenter ants had been identified on one of the trees, and the tree has now been removed as well. (Item closed) 7. Deferred Ongoing Items a) Miller Lash Pathway b) Workplace Violence Assessments c) Traffic Study of Ellesmere and Military Trail- (quick update discussed in other business) d) Outdoor Lighting on Campus- Final Plan NEXT MEETING: Date: September 9, 2014, Time: 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Location: Council Chamber AA160 (Item ongoing) Kerri Kistnasami, Secretary SIGNATURES: William Gough (Management Co-Chair) cc: Mary Ann Vernon (Worker Co-Chair) Department Heads Safety Bulletin Board in the Meeting Place at UofT Scarborough Office of Environmental Health and Safety, 215 Huron Street, 7th Floor cc: Unions – Wayne Dealy, Chair: Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3902, Teaching Assistants Allan James, President - Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3261 Full-Time & Part-Time, Service Workers Mike Yorke, Business Representative/Recording Secretary - Carpenters & Allied Workers, Local 27,Carpenters Brian Stevens, National Representative - CAW – Canada and its Local 2003, Operating Engineers B. Sandy Habus, Recording Secretary – CAW – Canada and its Local 2003, Operating Engineers Cecil Beckford, Staff Representative – Ontario Public Service Employees Union, Local 519, Campus Police Paul Tsang, President – United Steel Workers of America USWA, Local 1998, Staff Appointed & Casual Admin Staff
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