Residence Hall Association

Residence Hall Association
2014-15 Candidates
Alfredo Gandara
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Marketing
“I’m running to be your RHA President for the upcoming year. The core values of my
candidacy are vision, passion and experience. My vision is for RHA to play a more
collaborative role with other governing bodies to enhance the USF experience for our
students. I plan to bolster RHA’s presence around campus via having a stronger
collaboration with the CAB and other organizations on UC 4th floor, along with
increasing our role among Loyal Village and Lone Mountain residents. My experience
lies in the fact that I have been and am part of RHA this year and I have had a great
leadership role, due to which I have gained the knowledge and skills necessary to take
RHA to the next level.”
Katerina Levitsky
Major: Dual Degree Program-English
“The Resident Hall Association’s purpose is to design and facilitate programs and
provide an avenue for assisting students to achieve fuller participation in the life of the
college community. As President I will continue to follow our mission statement. I will
use my experiences from the past two years to help restructure the organization and
create a larger presence on campus. In my first and second year I was the
Programming Director and National Communications Coordinator. I traveled to
conferences, where I learned about successful programs. If elected I hope to put my
ideas into action. We will have programs that will not only be for social purposes, but
that will create a change and have an impact on students.”
Vice President
Dalila Arbizu
Major: Psychology
“My name is Dalila Arbizu, a freshman undergraduate student her at USF and I am
running for RHA Vice President. I come from a small town by Sacramento and have
played soccer and volleyball for most of my life. Coming to USF I quickly became
involved with RHC and other leadership activities. Serving as Gillson's RHC vicepresident, I feel qualified for this position because I, along with the other RHC members
were able to make Gillson Hall feel like a home away from home by putting on events
that were not only informative but fun as well. Serving as RHA's vice president, I plan to
create more of a community feeling amongst our campus and to advocate for
residents' concerns and opinions.”
[email protected]
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Vice President of Business and Finance
Kimberly Dena
Major: Accounting
“I want the position because I want to be able to give back to the school. I think that I
am best suited for the position because I have had previous experience in leadership
positions. I really hope to be able to improve RHA by facilitating monetary issues within
RHA and RHC. I also hope to improve the interaction and relationship between both
National Communications Coordinator (NCC)
Victoria Obregon
Major: Communication Studies
“Being a part of RHA seems like the natural step for me to take after being part of
Gillson's RHC. I will be able to take what I have learned in RHC and use it when being a
part of RHA. It will be great to be part of a team that makes such an impact on
Director of Advocacy and Outreach
Sonnie Martinez
Major: Political Science Minor: Public Service and Community Engagement
“My name is Sonnie Martinez and I am a freshman majoring in Politics with a minor in
Public Service and Community Engagement. Being your RHA Director of Advocacy
and Outreach means a great deal to me and I’m grateful for this unique opportunity! I
aspire to contribute to the greater good of the community. In the past, I have worked
with city offices as well as nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles. I am confident that
the skills I learned combined with the knowledge I have gained through my
community will contribute to a successful performance throughout my time as Director
of Advocacy and Outreach. I look forward to someday being a part of the RHA
[email protected]
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