515 Loudon Road ааааааааOffice of the RHA

515 Loudon Road
Loudonville, NY 12211­1462
Office of the RHA Executive President Setu Patel, Executive President Telephone (714)­931­5480 Officers Present Members Present Executive President: Setu Patel RHA Advisor: Brittany Grubb Guests Present Senate President: Tom Kaczmarek SEB President: Brianna St. Amour Hennepin Hall RD: Melissa Potocki Sydney Mitchell Executive VP of Programming: RHA/RA Representative: Katie Annmarie Pryor Fitzpatrick Executive VP of Operations: SEB Representative: Megan Travis Brodbeck Zimmerman Executive VP of Leadership and Senate Representative: Jessica Development: Tessa Biskup Calderone Parliamentarian: Matt Pinchinat Public Safety Liaison: Matt SuchoskiKylie Mason NCC/Publicity Coordinator: Kristin Rell Assistant to the Exec. VP of Programming: Matthew Dunn Absent Excused Absence Hines Hall President: Hennepin Hall President: New Hall President: Padua Hall President: Plassmann Hall President: Ryan Hall President: Townhouses President: Executive VP of Finance: Mario Isopo Call to Order ● Executive President Patel calls the meeting to order at 4:15 pm in Sarazen Student Union 241­242. Opening ● Prayer of Saint Francis and Essence of RHA read by the Executive President: Setu Patel Reading of the Minutes ● Annmarie Pyror motions to pass the minutes with amendments from the September 10th, 2014 meeting and Jessica Calderone seconds. Open Forum ● Tom: Thank you to those who served on the SGA committee and please get us the feedback why it did not pass. ● Brittany Grubb: When will the SGA committee meet again? ● Matt Pinchinat: We will convene again eventually to discuss the SGA again. Unfinished Business New Business ● Reports of the Officers ➢ Executive President ­ Setu Patel ● Sign up for elections on Tuesday, September 23rd from 8 am to 8 pm in the SSU Atrium. ➢ Exec. VP of Leadership Development ­ ● No Formal Report. ➢ Exec. VP of Programming ­ Annmarie Pryor ● No Formal Report ➢ Exec. VP of Operations ­ Travis Brodbeck ● No Formal Report ➢ Exec. VP of Finance ­ Mario Isopo ● No Formal Report. ➢ NCC­Publicity Coordinator ­ Kristin Rell ● Follow us on Twitter & Instagram: @sienacollegerha and like us on Facebook: Siena College RHA. I created a flyer for Res Hall Rumble points and description. ➢ Parliamentarian ­ Matt Pinchinat ● I sent out the new constitution with the updates such as the grammatical changes and the consolidation of the NCC and Public Coordinator position. Please let us know what we can do to fix the SGA constitution so we can get it approved. ● Exec. Programming Assistant ­ Matthew Dunn ● No Formal Report Member Reports ➢ RHA Advisor: Brittany Grubb ● Welcome to Melissa Potocki, the Hennepin RD. If you haven’t had a chance to meet her, please stop by Hennepin and say hello. ● Health and safety inspections happening in the next several weeks in all buildings on campus. Health and safety inspections occur on Wednesday mornings every week in the Townhouses. ● St, Francis Week is rapidly approaching. RHA is helping co­sponsor a Friar Appreciation Event on Tuesday, September 30 at 8:30 PM in SSU 240. I’d love to offer Rez Hall Rumble points to halls with the most participation. ● The MRAs are sponsoring a roommate program on Wednesday, October 22 from 9­10 and 10­11 in the Plassmann Lounge. I’d love to give Rez Hall Rumble points for the hall with the greatest participation and for the winners in each group. ● The last several weekends have seen a lot of large crowds in the Townhouses. If you live in the Townhouses please make sure you’re aware of your guests and following all Siena Life policies. Also note that open containers are never allowed. Alcohol in solo cups is considered an open container and will be documented. ● Elections are next Tuesday. It’s my expectation that everyone sign up for as many shifts as possible to make this a successful event. ● I’ll be sending out more information about the upcoming NACA and ACUI conferences. If you’re interested in attending, please email the RHA account by Monday morning. ● Katie Fitzpatrick: Does the MRA program only include First Year Buildings? ● Brittany Grubb: No, we’re looking for ways to include Padua, New Hall, and the Townhouses. ➢ Public Safety Liason: Officer Matt Suchoski ● There is a lot of trash near the townhouses, please reach out to them and please tell them to put it in the garbage bins because we have tours and athletic sponsors who visit. Open containers are not allowed on Siena’s Campus. Yesterday, we performed the Emergency Alert Test, please sign up for Siena Alert if you didn’t get a notification. Be vigilant about locking your doors for theft in all the residential areas, we want to build a community, but we do not want to make it easy for others to take our belongings. Hall Presidents ➢ Town House ­ Vacant ● ➢ Ryan Hall ­ Vacant ● ➢ Hines Hall ­ Vacant ● ➢ Plassmann Hall ­ Vacant ● ➢ Hennepin Hall ­ Vacant ● ➢ Padua Hall ­ Vacant ● ➢ New Hall ­ Vacant ● ➢ Senate Representative ­ Jessica Calderone ● Jessica Calderone: Please inform us about why the SGA Constitution did not pass as anonymously as possible. ● Brittany Grubb: “If you would like to share feedback as to why you voted no, please email me ➢
directly by Monday morning and I’ll share this feedback with Matt and Jess so they can share it with the SGA committee.” ● Jessica Calderone: The grotto will be finished in the middle of October. I was thinking we could possibly incorporate a Commuter Council representative on RHA could be an option to involve more commuters. Student Events Board Representative ­ Megan Zimmerman ● Thursday, September 18th: Singer/Songwriter Jeff LeBlanc at 9PM at Casey's for Coffeehouse. Saturday, September 20th SNL presents Trivia in the Maloney Great Room SSU 240. SEB Movie of the week is Captain America the Winter Soldier on Friday and Saturday at 9 PM in Roger Bacon 202 and Sunday 2PM in Roger Bacon 202. There will be a Kickball tournament on Friday, 9/26 between SEB, Senate, RHA, and Lauren is trying to get a faculty team to compete against Student Government. Resident Assistant Representative ­ Katie Fitzpatrick ● Be aware of crowds in the townhouses, be safe. Public Safety Liaison Officer ­ Matt Suchoski ● Committee Reports ● Last Minute Remarks FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ● Motion to Adjourn: Annmarie Pryor motions to adjourn and Meghan Zimmerman seconds the motion. ADJOURN: 4:52 PM Respectfully Submitted: Travis Brodbeck