OFINDIA GOVERNMENT MINISTRYOFRAILWAYS (RATLWAY BOARD) New Delhi,dated No.201alE(rRG. l/6/30(41nAMP) 19.08.2014 TheGeneralManagers, RWF,RE/Bhubaneswar CR,ER,ECR,ECOR,NR, NER,NCR,NWR,SCR,SER,SWR,SECR, The DirectorGeneral NAIR/Vadodara The DirectorGeneral RDSO/Lucknow The Pay& AccountsOfficer RailwayBoard Ministryof Railways, Sub:- 4L" AdvancedManagementProgrammeto be conductedat & INSEAD/Singapore. NAIR/Vadodara,ICLIF/Malaysia - 03.10.2014 29.09.2014 the final list of officers Furtherto Board'sletter of evennumberdated01.08.2014and 06.08.2014, follows:41s AMP as to attend the are nominated who havebeen S I . N o . Name{Mr./Ms.) DOB 11.05.70 31.05.67 18.L0.70 1L.09.70 ECR IRSE IRSE ;CR IRSE J7.07.70 J4.07.66 05.06.68 RDSO IRSE IRSE 03:07.72 1993 1993 1994 23.L2.66 r994 IRSE IRSE IRSEE IRSEE 0L.06.68 14.L0.67 15.09.72 31.10.69 L994 RB 1 2 3 4 MANOJKUMARDUBEY SIRRASANTHIRAJU AMARJITGAUTAM EERYABHUKYAVISHWANATH 5 6 7 8 9 SANJAYSAHU AKHILESHKUMAR 10 VISHVAS KUMAR INDRAJITKUMAR MISHRA iUJEET NWR M A I WM . M . ANILKUMAR .5.GUPTA RAM NIWASMEENA ER RE/BBS IRSEE IRSEE SWR IRSEE SWR DAs DEBASIS SER 1"8 RAIESHKUMARSINGH L9 RAM NARESHSINGH LAUICHAUDHARY GAURAVAGARWAL 11 L2 L3 14 L5 16 T7 zo 21 KODAVALISIMON SOOD VIVEKBHUSHAN SANIAYKUMARBHAGAT Batch 1.993 L993 Service RA5 IRAS IRAS IRSE Rlv. scR NR SCR RDSO NCR ECR NER 01.06.72 !1.02.72 r994 t992 1993 1994 1994 L994 1994 t994 t994 IRSEE )7.07.67 1L.09.58 NER IRSSE 31.09.69 NCR ECR IRSSE IRSSE )2.0L.70 20.08.71 RB IRSME 22.t0.72 1994 L994 1994 1993 r994 2/- 30.10.68 16.0L.72 1993 28.08.70 09.03.74 22.08.74 1994 t6.08.74 10.08.73 16.07.72 1994i 1,994 L994 IRSS 18.01.58 t992 IRSS IRSS 27.12.68 05.09.70 IRSS RPF JL.L2.69 1L.01.69 15.12.59 L994 7994 L994 L994 1990 RPF t5.04.70 199r S. BAIRVA LAKSHMANRAOKAMLE PRADEEP HEMSINGH BHANOT LALITMOHAN PANDEY JAYANTKUMAR ANIRUDHKUMAR AMIT SARAN RUPESHKOHLI tcR IRSME IRSME IRSME RWF NR RDSO SWR RDSO IRSME IRSME IRSME IRSME IRSME YOGENDERA NATHSINGH KUMAR SANJAY SER NR 34 35 RAJENDRA KUMARSONI RAJESHKUMAR HANSDAH SOMNATH MEENA RAMSWROOP CR NER ECOR SER 36 MUNAWAR KHURSHEED SECR 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 RWF SECR IRSS r994 L994 r994 2. Passport: All the officersmay be directedto report to Under Secretary(Protocol),Room No.l, Rail Bhavan (Railway Board)'s office, Phone no. OtI-23389044 (P&T) and 43773 (RlV.) (email id: of application formalitieslikesubmission [email protected]) immediatelyfor completionof necessary passports form for passport. They should bring with them their {personal/official,if any) for Thosewho do not haveany officialpassportwith them would haveto applyfor a new surrender/validation. passport. Accordingly,these officers should bring at least three unattested passport size colour photographs(in white background) and attestedcopyof their ldentityCardfor applyingfor passport. 3. Bond: The participantshouldexecutea bond (format as per Annexure-llin non-iudicialstamp paper of Rs.100/-vplue for the periodof trainingto servethe IndianRailwaysfor a periodof three yearsafter in safecustody return from abroad. The bond shouldbe kept by the concernedRailwayAdministrations Bond is to be the A copy of for a minimum periodof 5 yearsafter return of the traineesfrom abroad. furnishedto the CourseDirectorin NAIR,Vadodarain confirmationof havingexecutedthe Bond. Release of foreign exchangewould be subjectto submissionof the above mentioned Bond. are alsorequiredto submita Reporton line 4. TrainingReport: On completionof training,the participants throughRUIDon the trainingattendedto E(Trg)Branchwithin 15 daysaftertheir returnfrom their training. and Malaysiais beingarrangedand the detailsof at Singapore 5. Accommodationabroad:Accommodation the same would be communicatedin due course.Roomswould be bookedfor the nightsof 28.09.14to The 03.10.L4(6 nights)at KualaLumpurand for the nightsof 04.10.14to 10.10.14(7 nights)at Singapore. paid our by would be participantsmay be briefedthat during their stay abroad,only the room charges Missions/orthe Ministryof Railwaysas the casemaybe. All other chargeslike room service,lunch,dinner, with the concernedhotel beforecheck-out. telephonecallsetc. shouldbe settleddirectlyby the participants the officer,hotel is liableto chargefor Officersentitlementis for a singleroom only. lf familyaccompanies the doubleoccupancyand for an extrabreakfast.Any additionalchargeson accountof familyaccompanying officerwould alsobe the liabilityof the officerconcernedand chargesshouldbe settledin full bythe officer before his/her departure. Guidelinesfor the stav at Singapore/Malavsiais attached at Annexure-ll and strict adherenceto the guidelines should be ensured. Officers are requested to sign the UndertakinP (Annexure-lll){if not alreadvsent}. ...................3/_ :3: 6. TravelPlan:The tentativeprogrammefor travelto Singaporeand Malaysiafor the group would be as under: and from KualaLumpurto Singaporeon the Departurefor KualaLumpurin the earlymorningof 28.09.2014 only after in the eveningof 10.10.2014 eveningof 04.10.2014.While returning,they would leaveSingapore or in the morningof LL.I}.2014. concfusionof the programmeat INSEAD/S|ngapore may The details of avaitableflishts and other euidelinesare eiven in the Annexure-lV. However,off'1cers checkthe websiteof Air Indiafor any further details.Officersare requestedto furnishdetailedtrav'el/flight indicatingmode of travel,departure detailsfor all the sectorsi.e. India-Singapore-Malaysia-singapore-lndia Branch. Protocol point the to the TrainingDirectorateand time and arrivaltime at each of Governmentof India,prefixingof holidaysis not permitted. 6.a. As per extantinstructions 7. TransportationAbroad:All transportationarrangementsincludingairport to hotel on arrival,backto airport and hotel to institutionand back (as a group) would be taken care of by the two institutions. and Lumpur/Malaysia However,officer(s)is/arepermittedto travelby road/trainbetweenSingapore-Kuala permissible fare, air limit of ceiling the to in lieu of air travel subject KualaLumpur/Malaysia-Singapore providedit doesnot involveadditionalexpenditurein terms of DA,halt etc. Actualexpenditureincurredby the trainee officer(s)on this account is to be reimbursedto him/her on production of original receipts/certificates. 8. DA etc.: Officersare entitledto DA as per the extant instructionsof the MEA. The authorizationletter etc. will be issuedby RailwayBoardas per their entitlementfor disbursementby the Railway/PU/Board money authorized from any posted. foreign exchange into The samecan be converted where the officeris changingagents(e.g.ThomasCook). would be arranged 9. Ticket: The officialpassportsand air journeyticketsof the nominatedofficers(only) may be DRM/PHOD concerned the by the Protocoloffice. Tour programmeof the officerduly approvedby that tour sent to Protocolfi-rg.Dte. in advancefor ticketing purposes. However, it may be ensured programmeduly approved by the GeneralManager is sent to the Board prior to the officer's departure are to be Visaetc. of the family membersof the officers(if any accompanying) from India. Passports, arrangedby the officersthemselves. 10. Insurance: Officersmay be advisedto get appropriateinsurancecoverageon their own for the durationof trainingabroad. throughmail to all participants LL. Pre-course material: INSEAD sendscoursematerialsand questionnaire at their givenemailid prior to the training. All officersmust ensurethat the questionnairesent by INSEAD officersshouldgo is filled in immediatelyon receipt and sent to INSEAD.For the trainingat INSEAD, throughthe coursematerialsprovided. L2. A copy of the letter has been uploaded on the official website of Indian Railways, www.indianrailways.gov.in. (PaUm5'sharma) Dy.Director(Training) RailwayBoard Copyto:(r) Dy.CPO{Gaz.) AllzonalRailways and Dy.CAO(G), and PUs (2)OSDsto all BoardMembersfor information. (3) US{Protocol)/RB for passport,visaand blockingof air tickets. for makingarrangements (4) DG(RPF), Board AM(ME),Adv.(F)/Railway (5) Nominatedofficersin Board'soffice Annexure-l FORTRAINING ABROADON DEPUTATION PROCEEDING BONDFORPERMANENT GOVERNMENT SERVANTS PAPEROF Rs.1(X)/TO BEFURNISHED ON NON-JUD|C|AI THAT I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRESENT at presentemployedas the districtof _ , resident of in of in the Ministry/Office (hereinafter to pay to the Presidentof India do herebybind myselfand my heirs,executorsand administrators 'Government') 'all chargesand expenses'that shall or may have been incurredby the on demand, calledthe Governmentfor my (Detoilsof troininaproarammeto be mentioned)i.e. all moniespaid to me or expendedon leave my accountduringthe periodof trainingviz.(troininqperiodto be mentioned)suchas pay and allowances, cost of internationaltravel and cost of trainingabroadmet by salary,cost of fee, travelingand other expenses, the govt./agencyconcerned,etc. at (ploce of troinina/venueto be mentionedl in (Nome of the Countrvto be mentioned)togetherwith interestthereonfrom the date of demandat Governmentrates,for the time beingin force on Governmentloansor, if paymentis made in a country other than India,the equivalentof the said amountin the currencyof that countryconvertedat the officialrate of exchangebetweenthat countryand lndia with all costsbetweenthe attorneyandthe client. ANDTOGETHER am beingdeputed for the (Detoilsof trainina proarommewith venqeond WHEREASI Governmentof India, dote to be mentioned)by the Ministryof Railways, for the better protectionof the GovernmentI have agreedto executethis bond with such AND WHEREAS conditions aswrittenhereunder:lSTHAT,in the eventof my failingto resumeduty,or OBLIGATION NOWTHECONDITION OFTHEABOVEWRITTEN resigningor retiringfrom serviceor otherwisequitting service,without returningto duty after the expiry or terminationof the periodof the saidtraining,OR failingto completethe trainingprogramme,OR quittingthe serviceat any time within a period of THREEyears after my return to duty, I shall forthwith pay to the Governmentor as may be directedby the Government.On demandthe saidsum togetherwith interestthereon from the date of demandat Governmentratesfor the time beingin forceon Governmentloans. AND upon my makingsuch paymentthe abovewritten obligationsshallbe void and of no effect,otherwiseit shallbe and remainin full forceandvirtue. The Bond shall in all respectsbe governedby the laws of Indiafor the time being in force and the rightsand determinedby the appropriateCourtsof India. liabilitieshereundershall,where necessary, be accordingly Signedand deliveredthis the by anddelivered Signed day of month of the yearTwo Thousandand Fourteen' (Nameanddesignation) Witness: L. 2. Signatory) Authority{Authorized of Indiabythe CadreControlling ACCEPTED on behalfof the President ANNEXURE.II participants of the AdvancedManagementProeramme Guidelinesfor HOTELS:Hlgfr is beingarrangedin the hotelsby the Ministryof Railways/lnOian The accommodation panels. respective in their from amongthe ones countries in the respective Commissions lncidentalcharses:HotelschargearoundSS500 per room as a guaranteeupon checkin, whichshallbe returned upon upon checkout. Guestsalso havethe option to providecreditcard pre-authorization with cash. checkin if they choosenot to guarantee Cookine:Cookingin any form by use of electriccooker,rice cookeretc. is not permittedin the rooms. Participants must avoidcookingin the rooms. Any deviationwould be viewedseriouslyand penal recoveryand/or DARaction. may attract Useof ElectricalAppliances:providedby the hotelin the room is to be usedwith extremecare Theelectrickettle/appliances so that water/tea/coffeedoesnot spillon the carpet. Any suchsoilingwould invitepenaltyfor damageby hotel authorities.ln any suchevent,the bill shouldbe settledby the participant before/atthe time of check-out. Numberof occupantsper room:: rooms,as per the concernedwould be bookingonly singleoccupancy The HighCommission entitlementof the officers.Thefollowingarethe norms:- Onepersononly o Singleoccupancy - Two personsand one childbelow5 years o Doubleoccupancy o Tripleoccupancy Two personsandone childabove5 years o Extraroom is to be bookedin caseof two personsand more than two childrenas four membersin one room. the hotelwill not accommodate o TheHighCommission's liabilityis to payto the hotelfor singleoccupancy. CheckinlCheckout timinss:Standardcheckin time is 1400hrs.and the checkouttime is 1200hrs. Latecheckouttill 1800 earlycheckin a full hrs.can be arrangedat an additionalhalfday chargeand for a guaranteed nightchargeshallbe applied. .2/- i2: BreakfastCharses:Breakfast with standarditemsis includedin the room rate and any other additionalbreakfast item not listedwouldbe chargeddirectlyto the guest.Thiswouldbe settleduponcheckout. INFORMATION OTHERRELEVANT {Breakfast:Breakfastwould be availableat the commonbreakfastroom (therewould be no room service and even if there is, it would be chargedfor). Therefore,officersmay checkbeforeordering food to the room. roomonly. in the commonbreakfast Breakfast is meantto be consumed Mini Bar:of itemsfrom the Mini Baris chargeable.Usuallyif any item is removedfrom its Consumption billed. in the mini bar),it getsautomatically time (indicated slot in the mini barfor a designated not to touch it. lf anythingis Therefore,unlessyou wishto consumeany item, it is advisable checkout. consumed,the bill is to be settledbefore/atthe time of Televisionin the rooms:pleasecheckaboutpaidchannels.In somehotelsthey blockpaid Beforeusingthe television, channelsbut in somethey do not. Soone must be doublysureotherwiseyou end up payinga hugeBill(that too in foreigncurrency) Internet:it must be The hotel roomswould normallybe web enabled.Beforeuseof the web services, payments have to be will All for the same. charges checkedfrom the hotelreceptionregarding settledbeforecheckout. lroninePress:lroningPressmay be availableat the hotel. The hotel receptionwould guideyou about it' Pleasecheckbeforeusage. TelephoneCalls:calls Evenlocalcallsfrom the hotel roomsare expensive.lf you makeany local/international from your hotel rooms,you needto settlethe billsbeforeyou vacatethe room. Tiooine:of the bill in a restaurant.But it is a personaldecision At the hotel Tippingis generallyLQ%, also,it is not mandatoryto tip. ******{.+** ANNEXURE.III UNDERTAKING for AMPcourses issuedvideAnnexure-ll the guidelines 1. I havefully readand understood {and Malaysia. beingheldin Singapore 2. I intendto actfullyon the laiddown normswithoutanydeviationor departure. would not only 3. I also understandthat failureon my part to adhereto the guidelines attractpenaltyclausebut I am liablefor D&Aaction. of Railwayofficersas 4. I undertaketo do nothingor act in a mannerwhichis unbecoming (Conduct) providedin the RailwayServants Rules,1966asamendedfrom time to time. (Signature with date) Name: Designation: Railway: ANNEXURE-IV I N S T R U C T I O N S / G U I D E L I NFE OSR F O R E I G NT R A V E L in India Flightsavailablefor travelto and from Singaporefrom variousdestinations are given belowin the tablefor readyreference. ! Departure time 0 11 0 2330 2220 2350 Departure Citv Arrivaltime ArrivalCity Chennai Delhi Mumbai Kolkata 0755 Sinqapore Sinqapore Sinqapore Sinqapore Days Departure time Departure Citv A r r i v a l t i m e ArrivalCity Dailv Dailv Dailv Dailv 1,3,5,6 0 9 15 Sinqapore Sinqapore Sinqapore Sinoaoore Singapore 1025 F l i g h tN o . Days A 342 A 380 A 342 A 7261 Dailv Daily Dailv 1 , 3 ,5 , 6 F l i g h tN o . At 343 At 345 At381 At 343 At 7262 0825 0825 0915 2100 0720 0755 0635+1 0945 1135 1345 2235 Chennai Chennai Delhi Mumbai Kolkata 2. Officersmay take any flightof Malaysianairlines(MH),Singaporeairlines(SlN)or Air Asia for Singaporeand KualaLumpur(to and fro). However,flight bookings are to be made for both ways (returntickets)and not for one way only. 3. Officersmay finalizetheir tour programmeon any of the above flights. Optionsof flights once exercised would be treated as final and no request for change subsequentlywill be entertained. 4 Officersmay note that Tour Programmesduly approvedby their respectiveGeneral Membersin case of officersposted in RailwayBoard)may be Managers(Additional submittedto ProtocolBranchfor issuanceof air ticketand foreignexchange.Tickets would be handed over by Protocol Branch only on receipt of tour programme approved by the General Managerof the concernedRailway.However,for blocking seats,tour programmesapprovedby DRM/PHODmay be furnishedas an advance copy. Officersmay please note that in terms of extant instructionsex-lndialeave cannot be period. However, closed availed before the commencementof deputation/training may be allowed to be leave during such ex-lndia holidays (Saturday/Sunday) implicationslike financial prefixed/suffixed,subject to the condition that no extra paymentof hotelcharges/per etc. are involved. diem allowances Scannedcopiesof passportand tour programmemay be sentto Protocolthrough / fax no. 011-23389044. emailifaxat [email protected]
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