SrimmmW-M---J j | :-'*:•-;• <*.'1' '' 4 V f* * » THE LEADER HERALD- A Scrumptious Easter Dessert fe/A^ f/ •X. • * — - "• r « b y , April I I . 1057 -PAGE 2 t Glover*v.l!e and Jnhni — — H> ( IX 1LY RRPU.NSTOM; Associated Pr*** Food Editor Kaater entertaining deserves thi> •weet and airy tort* I f f a lighta»-thi*tledown meringue filled 'with i an orange custard and a topping of whipped cream. ;—-— Easter cornea only one* a y*ar. ao let'* forget about welghW*nijjhing and e a t aomething scrumpti*u»'ly rich! We think hot fragrant eupg of tea. scented with lemon, perfect i accompaniment to thia torte. Try the two together and a** if you d o n t agre*. It** a combination we enjoyed way back in our Canadian childhood and we were delighted, when w* tested thia torte recipe, to find how delicious it is. Th* int«T*atinf point about preparing thia deaaert is that you can j whip up the meringue, put it in an M I C O . N. Y. oven that has been pre-hoated, turn off the heat and forget the whole thing for the next five hours. Then open the oven dodFand youll aec . r C R F S C T EASTER DRMSKRT the meringue beautifully set with a Meringue with orange filling. faint tawny tinge. * T h e four yolka from the whites used in th? Allow to stand in turned-off closed sugar, salt. 4 cup strained ©rang* 12.10 S.rvW 1-1 P. M meringue are put into the orange oven, without opening door, for 6 juice, grated rind of 1 orange.' MetfeecU-Boat th* *gg-yolka. u n t i L hours, Kyi with cool Orange-Eiiifilling. 1 ing and "refrigerate until serving they are thickened and lemonj Mi. Weit M M * Fir* H m i Htnwawa? Torts* (Filling may be ''ninny'' colored. Gradually beat in sugar P * * a * for Res. <• v i l l * 4 - 7 * 1 | Ingredients; 4 egg whites. '* tea- time. when first added but it will set I and a dash of salt, then add ors p o o n salt. V teaspoon cream of tartar. \ cup sugar. Orange Filling, during refrigeration and cut Well.) ange juice and beet enough to com4 cup heavy cream, confectioners' T o p with whipped cream — sweet- bine. Cook in top part of double ened with a aniidgin o f confection- boiler, over hot 'not boiUng' water sugar, vanilla. until thickened. Stir in orang* Method: Pre-heat w e n "to v*iy ers' sugar and vanilla and serve. rind. Cool and spoon into w*ll in hot (45o degrees'. Beat the egg Orange I tiling Ingydicnta: 4 Usst TlUfflii V* cup meringue. Whites, salt and cream^rf tartar together in a large mixing bowl with rotary beater*hand or electric» until frothy. Add sugar, a tablespoon at a time, beating very vigorously by >llW\\e Hou.?e hand or at high apeed with electric m i x e c until meringu^Jioldg verystiff gloaay peaks when beater is slowly withdrawn. Spread bottom With—modern America** year- 7 Sift together fiour, salt soda and and sides of a 3-inch pie plate genHont Barter it Aw Pnct I erouajy Srith butter Turn meringue long supply of fruit* and vege- [apices. Cream shortening and *ugar into buttered pie plate and spread table* and vitamin D enrieh*4 until light and fluffy. Blend in egg evenly, but making a alight well milk, a bitter potion of sulphur and and unsulphured mollasses CJradin the corner. Place in pr*-h*aUd oven, then turn off heat at once. molasses no longer need alert the • well. Chill in refrigerator J hour. body after a winter shortage of Roll put •» inch thick on lightly j vitamin* and mineral*. However. f floured bo*raor pastry cioth.Tceep| unsulphured molasses , a n out- iftg remaining dough chilled. Cut . standing-.source of iron i« still a good addition to the daisy menu. "'"> 3-inch cooRle CutterT^aJte oW A tablejpoon of this sweet, aroma- ungreaaeoTcootcie sheertrr a moder- ' tic jnolassps stirred into a ..gia.^ ate oven. *376 degree* F.» Yield: » ' A 5. Main ' PttJO 4-1024 124 S,M » n St. of milk ,xupp!ie-R iron and'gives the dozen cookies, milk a taffy flavor Accompanying cookies are e.vciung enough to I s i n g I p Egg Yolk* •caua* a c a n wheel of joy. Giants What to do with those leftover in sine, they are crisp and delicate egg yolks" Add them to egg* you" '• of .mnlaBaes and a p l e c .ate.1 planning' to scianible o r to a~ M.'»»»., (art Wheel* custard-type,pie filling or pudding. 2 cups sifted ali-purpos'e flour. ^—teaspoon aatt^ ^ J e a s p o o n soua, Kf«»h grapefruit * teady For Tim Owim a , T':aspooif Ktng«-r. »t teaspoon ; j , i > t the rig-ht tang to canned pineTitlliTAvf,. ;cinnaraon.'l cup shortening. S cup | a ppip. r j s e t t u . two f r u i u for a f sugar 1 eg* • cup Hfisulphured J mmpanv compote. mo 1M >.-->. GULDENS Mustard ^ T h e ELMS Now Open Sundays CHICKEN OF THE SEA Full Course Dinners HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE Chunk S t y l * TUNA White House Unsulphured Molasses Add* Iron to That Milk Drink w .m Coffee Coffee LEMENTE'S MARKET 79! EAL THINS u 49c u. 98c URKEYS ITALIAN SALAMI ; l y i n * Chsmk DOVE S O A P 39c sixe DOVE SOAP 2 S 49c IhickenWingt u. 9k Ihicken "• •S ^ 29e e s tl HAM NABISCO Devils Food Sqs. * i ? 39c Pur* Oliv* OH GREEN GIANT KEEBLER S PEANUT BUTTER CREAM SANDWICH T4-4W. Con &49c RIVAL NIBLETS BRAND DOG FOOD v?Ql. $198 Corina Tomato Paste 18 10c Ci ailLLU • 2 rolls 400 COUNT 55c Lb 'Z 31c Wu^mM <&? FOTTIICOTtl U-oz. 2 *» 45c mmm *1nwi YAJL SHURFINE FACIAL TISSUES WRAP m< Con DOVALETTES REYNOLD'S ( 2 Limit) 14' 12-oi W h o l e Kernel 2 <-. 27c • 10°. 14-ox. — Boiled GEMMA OIL CAMPBELLS PORK AND r*Kj. ^AMIN-ENWCHEfr and FRESH CHEESE *OZ. JAR ORANGE JUICE mm F i l . I SAT. REG. 34c Tn^ BEST CATCH RED SALMON Mb. Toil C e n DIAL 5-1419 „?£„ SNOW WHITE M2 W. FULTON ST. A FAVORITE Shurfine PINK or WHITE SEEDLESS 16 O I Both L««* CAMAY Z ior lie IVUKT L».. cons i >., Requlor FANCY FLORIDA SWEET NAVEL EGGPLANT ORANGES CAMAY 3 „ 27c COMET 2 * TIDE DREFT • " 3 3 c sS 33c si.'. 75c IVORY SNOl si.* 77c MESH TENDER ACPARAfilK Sixe V*fC and SPA! 83c ' ? 28c RIPE GOLDEN PEACHES N CHEER BANANAS 33c ci," 35c Six* 2ESTV (.iinRMNl •WTWfl|T»V«W FLORIDA RED FLORIDA JUICE PEPPERS ORANGES 77c J.?. 33c Pltej Six* 4/C I DC ORDER YOUR RICOTTA «aW MUZZARELLA N O W FOR EASTER Wt Will Alio Have ft CampUta Line of Flowers for Easter S** SH PRICES AT THE S AG Stores Ad For Our Groctry Specials = 1 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 • - - - - - - ^^^~^^^^^^^ ^ * ^ ~—^ ~ SBBBBBBOBBBBS*BMB>BSBBBl ; ^ , :. ... . , .^.. .
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