A COMIC ANTHOLOGY IN THE MAKING THE PREVIEW DIGEST ステレオ ワールド !!! LO-FI MONSTER IN A HI-FI WORLD 3 J ET PLASTIC IS AN INDEPENDENT COMIC ANTHOLOGY, CURRENTLY SET FOR A RELEASE IN SPRING 2015. IT WILL FEATURE BLACK-AND-WHITE AS WELL AS FULL-COLOR STORIES ON UP TO 350 PAGES. THE BOOK’S MASCOT AND MAIN CHARACTER IS JET PLASTIC, A KAIJU-INSPIRED, YELLOW MONSTERCREATURE, CREATED BY ARTISTS FINT AND VALENBERG IN EARLY 2013. THE JET PLASTIC-ANTHOLOGY WILL BE A CLASH BETWEEN ART- AND COMIC BOOK THAT WILL NOT ONLY FEATURE COMIC STORIES OF VARIOUS GENRES, STYLES AND LENGTH, BUT ALSO ILLUSTRATIONS, PHOTOS, SHORT STORIES AND MORE. FEATURED ARE NUMEROUS ACCOMPLISHED ARTISTS AS WELL AS FRESH, FIRST-TIME TALENT, WHO ALL GAVE IN TO OUR ONE GOLDEN RULE: ANYTHING GOES. WITH MORE THAN 30 ARTISTS ALREADY INVOLVED AND AT WORK ON THEIR RESPECTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS, NEW TALENT AND STORIES ARE STILL BEING ADDED TO THE ANTHOLOGY‘S LINE-UP REGULARLY. THIS PREVIEW DIGEST OFFERS A FIRST LOOK OF SELECTED AND CURRENT MATERIAL. 4 ARGENTINA GREECE SPAIN NICHOLAS BRONDO FRANCO VIGLINO DIMITRIS PAGONAS JAUME MONTSERRAT HONG KONG UK KYLIE CHAN DONNA EVANS JACK HANKINS RICHARD JAMES WINTER RVF CANADA GREIG RAPSON GERMANY BENEDIKT BECK BIRD BERLIN VIKTORIA CICHON MARCO CRONER EBOY FINT FILIP FRÖHLICH IRAVILLE IRU DAVID LEUTERT FELIX MEYER RALPH NIESE THE SMIRK JOHANNES STAHL VALENBERG ITALY FRANCESCO BIAGINI POKA BJORN JAPAN KIM AOTAKI HR-FM MEXICO RAUL TREVINO SINGAPORE XUE TING 5 USA SARAH BRALY RAMIRO R. LETY RZ BABS TARR C.B. WEBB VENEZUELA OSCAR RÖMER ステレオ ワールド !!! A COMIC ANTHOLOGY IN THE MAKING MAIN JET PLASTIC LOGO CREATED BY JACK HANKINS AKA HORRORWOOD CREATED BY FINT & VALENBERG STORY LOGOS CREATED BY FILIP FRÖHLICH EDITED BY MARCO CRONER birth 10 stop the kaiju! 12 slacker 14 hi-fi + 15 electric monarchy 16 fuel 18 hwjp 19 videostar 20 rave 30 ice cream 32 merch: rave mask 33 hidden track 34 the day we fight 36 the big chill 38 yellow: the jet plastic comic strip 40 chicken shit 42 swallow 44 crush 58 merch: jp figurine 60 merch: jp pillow 61 eboy vs. jet plastic 62 jet plastic and the doom of dragons 64 so long, ponyboy 78 summertime 80 corporate identity 82 jet plastic vs. invaders from planet x 86 smog 88 pleasure ground 89 6 7 FANTASTICAL PLAYGROUND IN THE SHAPE OF A MASSIVE AUDIO-CASSETTE. ITS A-SIDE HOME TO AN INFINITE NUMBER OF QUIXOTIC CITIES AND STORIES. ITS B-SIDE – UNDISCOVERED TERRITORY. ITS HERO? A MONSTER! CHAIN-SMOKING – MUTE – YELLOW! CAUGHT IN THE TANGLES OF CIVILIAN LIFE, BEING COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF ITS OWN DESTRUCTIVE POTENTIAL AND AS SUCH... THE PERHAPS MOST SIGNIFICANT CREATURE TO EVER WALK THE CASSETTE-- 8 STEREO WORLD 9 "i don't like working with graphic tablets. the fingers don't get dirty." Johannes THE BIRTH OF A COMIC BOOK UNIVERSE, CAPTURED IN LYRICS BY BRITISH SONGWRITER RICHARD JAMES WINTER, PUT TO THE PAGE BY GERMAN ARTIST JOHANNES STAHL. STARTING POINT FOR ALL STEREO WORLD ADVENTURES! WRITTEN BY RICHARD JAMES WINTER ART BY JOHANNES STAHL UNITED KINGDOM / GERMANY 4 PAGES 10 11 Stahl ARTWORK BY POKA BJORN ITALY 12 13 WITH COMPETITION HIGH AND AMBITION AT AN ALL-TIME LOW, VINYL COULD NOT BE MORE BORED WITH HER JOB AT RECORD SHOP HI-FI. ONLY AFTER ADDING A SMALL + TO THE SHOP‘S NAME – AND A NEW KIND OF OFFER TO ITS SERVICE LIST – THINGS ARE LOOKING UP, AND QUITE LITERALLY TOO... ARTWORK BY VALENBERG「LINES」 GERMANY WRITTEN BY FINT ART BY FRANCO VIGLINO GERMANY / ARGENTINA 6 PAGES 14 15 "because there are far too little comic books featuring glowing guitars and giant desert cocks." CROWN ON HEAD, SPACE GUITAR IN HAND – AND A SEX SLAVE THAT WAS OFFERED TO HIM AS A PRESENT IN TOW – THE COSMICAL KING OF STEREO WORLD SETS OUT TO FREE ALL THE SLAVES FROM THEIR STICKY STRUGGLE. A QUEST THAT LEADS HIM TO A MASSIVE DESERT PENIS MONUMENT AND ITS OWNER, A PISSED-OFF EARTH-BOUND MEGABEAST. A STORY SO LOUD IT CAN ONLY COME FROM JET PLASTIC‘S VERY OWN CREATORS, FINT AND VALENBERG. WRITTEN BY FINT ART BY VALENBERG GERMANY 16 PAGES 16 17 Valenberg ARTWORK BY JACK HANKINS AKA HORRORWOOD UNITED KINGDOM ARTWORK BY FRANCESCO BIAGINI ITALY 18 19 FULL STORY FED UP WITH HER LIFE AS A PORN ACTRESS, A YOUNG GIRL VENTURES ACROSS THE CASSETTE IN ORDER TO LEAVE THE A-SIDE FOREVER. A JOURNEY THAT SEEMS TO HAVE A SIMILAR END FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE... WRITTEN BY FINT ART BY IRU GERMANY 7 PAGES 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 "at its core videostar is very much about the social cage thats inherent in japanese culture, and the power it holds over people" Fint 28 29 THIS IS THE STORY OF A GIRL AND THE SILVER BULL SHE SCREWED. A MATCH MADE IN BESTIALITY-HEAVEN – UNTIL JET PLASTIC, GREATEST BEAST OF ALL, STEPPED ON THE BULL‘S NEON CRIB, LEAVING THE GIRL WITH ONLY HER LOVER‘S HORNY GRIMACE IN HAND. NOW – A NEW HEAD ON HER SHOULDERS – THE GIRL‘S READY FOR RAVING ACTS OF REVENGE, PLAYED OUT ALL OVER THE CASSETTE. WRITTEN BY FINT ART BY RAUL TREVINO GERMANY / MEXICO 10 PAGES 30 ARTWORK BY VALENBERG GERMANY PROJECT BY THE SMIRK GERMANY 32 33 FOLLOW COMIC-ROCKSTAR RALPH NIESE (POPGUN) TO THE B-SIDE! JOIN HIS ÜBER-ARMED GROUP OF SCIENTISTS IN THEIR OVER-POWERED SPACESHIP AS THEY ATTEMPT TO TRAVEL THROUGH THE SPOOL AND RIGHT INTO THE UNKNOWN. STRANGE TALES. FEATURING HOT BABES. STORY & ART BY RALPH NIESE GERMANY 8 PAGES 34 35 THERE‘S A WAR RAGING IN STEREO WORLD – AND IT‘S BEING FOUGHT ONE DAY AT A TIME! EACH YEAR ON THE SAME EXACT DATE JET PLASTIC DISMANTLES THE SAME EXACT CITY AND THE ARMY-FORCE THAT COMES WITH IT. EACH YEAR THE CITY IS REBUILT WHILE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ENEMY‘S MOTIVE REMAIN UNANSWERED. THEN: BATTLE BEGINS ANEW. COME AND JOIN DOG-UNIT IN THEIR TRENCHES AS THEY NAVIGATE THROUGH SHEER, SENSELESS TERRORS. WRITTEN BY MARCO CRONER ART BY FELIX MEYER GERMANY 23 PAGES 36 37 ARTWORK BY FILIP FRÖHLICH GERMANY 38 39 ACCOMPANYING THE MAKING OF THE ANTHOLOGY IS YELLOW: THE JET PLASTIC COMIC-STRIP, SPOTLIGHTING BIG ARTWORK IN SMALL BOXES, THE MOST HUMOROUS CORNERS OF STEREO WORLD AS WELL AS A BRAND-NEW VERSION OF JET PLASTIC WITH EACH EPISODE. WRITTEN BY MARCO CRONER ART BY FELIX MEYER GERMANY 12+ STRIPS MORE COMIC-STRIPS AT WWW.JETPLASTIC.NET 40 41 LOOKING FOR A FRESH START, PETTY CRIMINALS JOAN AND CASH MAKE FOR A PLACE BEYOND THE DESERT. ON THEIR TRAIL IS NOT ONLY NELSON HAWK, THE TRIGGER-HAPPY FARMER THEY STOLE THEIR RATIONS FROM, BUT ALSO JET PLASTIC HIMSELF – OR SO IT SEEMS ... 20 PAGES OF GUNFIGHTS, CACTUS-DRUGS AND A BIRD CALLED CHICKEN. COURTESY OF U.S.-ARTIST C.B. WEBB. STORY & ART BY C.B. WEBB USA 20 PAGES 42 43 FULL STORY & INTERVIEW A WOMAN FINDS HERSELF TRAPPED INSIDE WHAT SEEMS TO BE A HELLISH NIGHTMARE SHE CAN‘T WAKE UP FROM, AND THUS MUST RELY ON FORCES BIGGER THAN HERSELF TO SHAPE THE WAY OUT. A SHORT HORROR, BROUGHT TO YOU BY AMERICAN COMIC BOOK ARTIST RAMIRO R. STORY & ART BY RAMIRO R. IDEA BY FINT USA / GERMANY 9 PAGES 44 45 46 47 48 49 52 INTERVIEW RAMIRO R. RED MUSEUM – THAT IS RAMIRO ROMAN, OR RAMIRO R., THE 29-YEAR-OLD LOS ANGELESBASED ARTIST BEHIND SWALLOW, THE FIRST JET PLASTIC-STORY TO EVER BE COMPLETED. Give us a personal fun fact to remember you by. One of my hobbies is collecting odd, religious ephemera. Things like pamphlets or comics, urging people to convert to whatever belief they‘re preaching. I‘m not entirely sure when or why I started doing this. Might be my Catholic upbringing. I’m also really into dinosaurs and extinct megafauna. same school – and actually graduated – might disagree with me, but I felt that there was no encouragement to really experiment or try new things. It was a very stifling and upsetting experience. I majored in animation, and grew to loathe it. I did very well in anything that had to do with actual drawing or storyboarding though. Towards my third year there I was just skipping classes and drawing comics in my sketchbooks. It was around that time that a friend of mine started self-publishing comics. Once I found out that this was a thing, I quickly left the school. Fair enough. Now, comic book artist. Where did that come from? I remember drawing all the time as a child. I distinctly remember wanting very much to draw comics sometime when I was around 11 or 12? At that age I discovered horror comics. Around that time comics were very popular in the U.S., though they were mostly superhero stories and such. Finding out that different genres existed was very exciting to me. I wanted to tell stories, and comics are a fantastic way to do so. What utensils do you work with? Pens and inks. Sakura Microns mostly. I color everything in Paint Tool SAI. Sometimes Photoshop, but SAI is simply easier to control. I’m always trying new software, though. What’s your general process like? Was it different with Swallow? I don’t really tend to over-think any of the stories I come up with. They start out as small ideas and gradually evolve into stories in my head. When the time comes to actually write them, I end up writing way too much. I do a lot of Are you self-taught or did you receive a formal education? I consider myself self-taught, but I did go to an art college. However, it was one of the worst times of my entire life so far. Some of my friends who went to the 54 editing afterwards, and cut out all the things that feel pointless or don’t fit the mood. Lots of dialogue is cut, pointless action etc. Fint provided the general idea for Swallow, and I let it sit in my mind for several days. I was at a restaurant, waiting for a meal, and all of a sudden I started thumbnailing the comic on the back of a placemat. It felt right, so I didn’t question it. As you can see, sometimes I just skip writing altogether! Afterwards comes penciling and inking, and that takes forever… That’s pretty much it, though. with something else. I’m sure there’s something in there about me, but I certainly wasn’t thinking about it. Let’s stay with “getting creative“ and the story’s dreamlike feel. Considering the idea came from Fint, how did you go about making it your own? The interesting thing is: I had a very similar idea years before and never followed up on it. So, I figured this was fate and merged the ideas together. Fint gave me free reign to do whatever, , so I drew something that was a complete stream of the subconscious. It all felt right in the end. Was it always this way, or has this process changed over time? It hasn’t! Speaking of getting it right – that Jet Plastic of yours… Jet was mandatory, but I wanted to do something with him that would make him exist in the Jet Plastic-universe while still look like he could come from the universe I work in. The part of the process you enjoy most? I really like forming the idea. The writing and thumbnailing, designing characters. Creating the feel and look. How much of yourself goes into your work? More than I care to think about. A lot of artists put themselves into their work, sometimes without even realizing it. I never do it consciously. But – art is strange like that. It gets you to reveal things about yourself and the audience, even if you are both unwilling to do so. It knows. What themes do you pursue in this universe, in your art? One thing I’m really obsessive about is coming up with a mood or atmosphere. It’s very difficult to do so without coming across like a pretentious weirdo. I never question too many things in my work. As long as it feels like it needs to be there, I keep it. Which is why I do a lot of editing. I like things to feel as if they unconsciously came about. As if the strange situations are actually natural ones. I really like things that feel like dreams. Where do we find Ramiro R. in Swallow? With Swallow, I wanted to do something really weird. I had been working on a very standard story before, so I was itching to get creative and “dreamlike” 55 As for recurring themes, I’m not sure. I never consciously think about that. group, called the Church of the Red Museum. I have this odd interest in the paranormal, secret societies, cults and religious groups for some reason. I don’t know why I chose that name. It just had an ominous tone to it that I liked. What’s your workplace like? I work at my desk, in my room here in L.A. The room is poorly insulated, and there’s always insects crawling in and out. Very atmospheric! Also, when I work, I try to have some kind of noise on in the background. I prefer if it’s television, specifically something I’ve seen many times before. There’s also a Red Museum book with some of your stories out there. Can we expect a second volume? I’m working on many new comics now, in the hopes that I’ll have new material for a second volume. I’m not sure if there will be one yet. But I would like to make one. That’s interesting – what exactly are you (re)watching? I think TV shows have definitely gotten more interesting over the years, and I find myself watching a lot of new stuff these days. But for when I work I always put on something I’ve seen many times over such as The X-Files, Mystery Science Theater 3000, or anything on RedLetterMedia.com. I’ve pretty much memorized every episode I’ve seen – I don’t have to look up from a page to see what’s happening on the screen anymore. Late night talk shows help too, since it‘s similar to listening to the radio. I suppose it has that same effect. What other projects are you working on? I’m finishing up a story for another anthology. It has kind of a horror/fantasy vibe to it. I’ve also been working on what I hope I can make into an ongoing webcomic – with a planned ending though. It’s a more “traditional” horror story, but set in a dystopian future. It gets really weird. I can’t wait for people to see it! Got a dream project? I would like to work on or be part of a film. I often tell people that I draw comics because I can’t make films. I like doing comics too, though! Tell us about Red Museum. Why that name? Red Museum is the title of an X-Files episode. The episode itself is not very interesting, but it centers on this strange What advice would you give to an aspiring artist reading this? 56 What artists inspire you? William S. Burroughs, H.P. Lovecraft , David Lynch, David Cronenberg, Guillermo Del Toro, and Alejandro Jodorowsky. These are all writers and filmmakers, and some of my favorite artists. For comics, not too many. Suehiro Maruo had a big influence on me. His comics are always so strange and surreal. Junji Ito and Hideshi Hino of course. Graham Ingels. I like artists that lay the mood on very thick. Any artist that can really take you somewhere else with images alone is inspiring to me. Don’t worry about doing it exactly like the professionals. Just get it done any way you can. Let’s talk comics. What are your favorites? I’m a big, BIG fan of E.C. Comics. They did all these horror comics in 1950s like Tales from the Crypt, Vault of Horror, and Haunt of Fear. They reprinted these in the 90s when I was a child, and I bought nearly everything they put out. Even the non-horror stuff. Horror manga is something else I love, and was a huge influence on me. It‘s dwindled in interest here in the U.S., the only horror manga that people hype up now being by Junji Ito. I love Junji Ito, but I miss the variety. I also buy a lot of weird indie comics from the 80s and 90s. I just like things I haven’t seen before. Let’s end with a cliché: know a good joke? One day a tiny man entered a North Zone café and said, “I want a cup of very hot, sweet coffee,“ adding: “I shan’t pay, because I fear no one.” He drank his coffee, he left. He didn’t pay. The café owner said nothing, he was afraid of scandal. But when the tiny man repeated the trick a few times, the café owner said: “I’ve had it. I’ll get a tough guy to beat up the tiny man if he comes back.” So, on the fourth day, when the tiny man said, “I want a cup of very hot, sweet coffee,“ the tough guy goes to him and says: “So you’re afraid of no one?” – “That’s right.” – “Well, neither am I.” – “Well,“ says the tiny man, “make that two cups of coffee. Very hot and very sweet!” And in other media, what gets to you? Film is a big inspiration. Videogames are also on the list. One of the recent comics I started working on was inspired by a simple phrase in the game Fallout: New Vegas. Music is inspiring too, but not in the way you’d expect. A musician that was a big influence on me was Marilyn Manson. I loved how most of his earlier albums all had this unifying theme and look. Even in their physical CD packaging. I really get a kick out of that! MORE ARTIST INTERVIEWS AT WWW.JETPLASTIC.NET 57 ARTWORK BY HR-FM JAPAN 58 59 PROJECT BY SARAH BRALY USA PROJECT BY DONNA EVANS UNITED KINGDOM 60 61 PREPARE FOR PIXEL-MADNESS AS THE TEAM BEHIND JET PLASTIC AND THE ART GROUP KNOWN AS THE GODFATHERS OF PIXEL JOIN FORCES AND LET THEIR VERY OWN VERSION OF JET PLASTIC RUN RAMPAGE IN AN EBOY-DESIGNED PIXORAMA-METROPOLIS, FILLED TO THE BRICK WITH POP CULTURE! WRITTEN BY EBOY, FINT, VALENBERG & MARCO CRONER ART BY EBOY & VALENBERG GERMANY 4 PAGES 62 63 FULL STORY ONCE MORE DELEBOR, DOOM OF DRAGONS, GETS TO PROVE HIMSELF TO HIS DEVOTED CONVENT BY SLAYING A FIREBREATHING MENACE. ONLY THIS TIME THERE‘S A THIRD PARTY INVOLVED – A YELLOW ONE – AND DELEBOR‘S TITLE IS PUT TO THE TEST IN EARNEST. STORY & ART BY BENEDIKT BECK GERMANY 12 PAGES 64 "doom of dragons and just my style in general are very much inspired by all those 90s animated shows i love." Benedikt Beck 77 “I‘m getting out of here“, she said, and paused, waiting for a reaction that never came. SO LONG, PONYBOY a stereoworld novella by RVF L “Why me exactly, and not some guy before or after me?“, he asked, though he knew the answer already. exi‘s container was designed to be the acme of cute. Your basic Lolita shtick: lots of pink, lots of pillows, lots of pink pillows and bubblegum and plush and dildos. What was suppossed to feel all cheerful and “easy“ not only made it quite hard to get hard, it actually got him sad. An aftertaste that became even more intense upon hearing Lexi‘s damped voice through the bathroom door, encouraging him to take a look at her revised list of services. She had to add some stuff, she said, “to keep up with the actual 18-year-olds, you know?“. He knew. IN A CITY ALREADY RESTING UPON A MASSIVE MECHA-PILLAR THERE‘S NO MORE REACHING FOR THE STARS. ESPECIALLY NOT FOR A YOUNG PROSTITUTE LIKE LEXI. LONGING FOR A REGULAR LIFE ON THE GROUND FLOOR, THE GIRL TAKES A FATAL DECISION – FATAL FOR ONE OF HER MOST FAITHFUL COSTUMERS, THAT IS. A STEREO WORLD SHORT STORY, ACCOMPANIED BY ILLUSTRATIONS. WRITTEN BY RVF ILLUSTRATIONS BY VALENBERG「LINES」 UNITED KINGDOM / GERMANY 4 PAGES 78 79 HEATWAVE IN A HOLIDAY RESORT – AND A HITMAN IN A ROOM WITH A VIEW. ENTER JET PLASTIC, STROLLING TOWARDS THE PICTURE SCENERY. BUT IT CAN‘T POSSIBLY BE THE YELLOW TITAN THE HITMAN IS AIMING FOR – CAN IT..? A REVEALING PLAY OF PULP, PUT ON STAGE BY BREAKTHROUGH ARTIST BABS TARR (BATGIRL). WRITTEN BY KIM AOTAKI ART BY BABS TARR JAPAN / USA 6 PAGES 80 81 CURTAIN UP FOR STEREO WORLD‘S FIRST AND ONLY NEO-NOIR-ODYSSEY: THE STORY OF VINCENT, AD-MAN IN THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY, WHO AFTER HIS LAST CAMPAIGN CAN ALREADY SEE HIS RESIGNATION LETTER FLASH FROM THE CITY-BILLBOARDS. SLURPING THROUGH HIS VERY LAST STRAW HE ATTEMPTS TO GAIN NO OTHER THAN BAD-BOY JET PLASTIC AS AN ADVERTISING CHARACTER – STANDING TO LOSE EVERYTHING HE HOLDS DEAR IN THE PROCESS. WRITTEN BY MARCO CRONER ART BY DIMITRIS PAGONAS GERMANY / GREECE 17 PAGES 82 83 84 85 INSPIRED BY THE CULTIC GODZILLA-FLICK INVASION OF ASTRO-MONSTER PIXEL-ADVENTURER VALENBERG HAS JET PLASTIC BEING CAPTURED AND BEAMED RIGHT INTO STEREO WORLD SPACE IN THIS BIT-BY-BIT-SIZED SHORT. PLANET-WARFARE INCLUDED. STORY & ART BY VALENBERG GERMANY 4 PAGES 86 87 ARTWORK BY FRANCO VIGLINO ARGENTINA ARTWORK BY XUE TING SINGAPORE 88 89 CREATED BY FINT & VALENBERG FINT’s 2008 directional debut, a 10-part series discussing arthouse films and their directors, received widespread critical acclaim. Ever since he has kept busy by working as a designer, writer, director and actor withing various media outlets, from helming documentary features and music videos to publishing books. Currently he is directing his first feature film with shooting taking place in Tokyo, Berlin and the USA. www.justfint.com VALENBERG has been engaged in work for daily newspapers for many years, having had published a successful weekly compic-strip from 2008 to 2012. His designs and illustrations can be seen on film- and music-merchandise alike. As a storyboard artist he will once more contribute to a high-profile movie project for Fint’s feature film debut. www.mrvalenberg.com 92 JETPLASTIC.NET EDITING: MARCO CRONER I DESIGN: FINT I IMAGE PROCESSING: JUDITH MACKOWSKI © 2014 FINT & VALENBERG [email protected] 94
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