Digest of online reports Curriculum Development March 2014 Back_to_top 2013 Algebra I and Geometry Curricula: Results From the 2005 High School Transcript Mathematics Curriculum Study Brown, J.et al National Center for Education Statistic, March 2013 Aprender a emprender cómo educar el talento emprendor Carmen Pellicer et al. Fundación Príncipe de Girona, 2013 Arts education in Azerbaijan: synthesis of traditions and modernization innovations serving to the development of the creative potential Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2013 Russian Assessing tolerance in the curriculum Jan Dobbernack, Bristol University, February 2013 ANNEX Marie Gaussel. Dossier d'actualité Veille et Analyses, n°81 janvier 2013 Beyond 2012 - outstanding physical education for all: Physical education in schools 2008–12 Ofsted, February 2013 Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development Institute of Education Sciences, National Science Foundation, August 2013 Preschool curriculum … for many disadvantaged children tion artistique et culturelle « » Marie Desplechin, et al. Ministère de la culture et de la communication, janvier 2013 Coordination de l'enseignement des langues en Suisse. Etat des lieux – développements – perspectives S. Hutterli, Conférence suisse des directeurs cantonaux de l'instruction publique, janvier 2013 The Curriculum debate: why it is important today. IBE working papers on curriculum issues 10 M. Amadio,R. Opertti, J.Tedesco, UNESCO IBE, 2013 Curriculum reform in Europe: The impact of learning outcomes Cedefop, Research paper No. 29, 2012 (vocational education and training) IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 1 2 Designing for scale: How relationships shape curriculum change Natalie Pareja Roblin et al. AERA annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada. 2012 Educación sexual integral: derecho humano y contribución a la formación integral UNESCO Peru. Ministerio de Educación, 2013 Education for 'global citizenship': a framework for discussion S. Tawil, UNESCO Education, research and foresight: occasional papers no 7, 2013 Education for Values in Schools: A Framework National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2012 Educational neurosciences: more problems than promise? I. Tuomi, UNESCO Bangkok, 2013 v élèves à « risque » - Étude longitudinale y h z J.Lurin, Service de la recherche en éducation, novembre 2013 The Future of mobile learning: implications for policy makers and planners C. Shuler et al. UNESCO working paper series on mobile learning, 2013 Health and wellbeing 3-18 curriculum impact report Education Scotland, September 2013 It All Starts Here: Fixing Our National Writing Crisis From the Foundation S. Graham, Saperstein Associates, 2013 The Learning Curve: lessons in country 2012 report Performance in education Economist Intelligence Unit, 2012 Learning Outcomes Assessments: A Human Rights Perspective Right to Education Project, February 2013 Maintenir et encadrer des élèves aux besoins particuliers étude de dix situations d'intégration dans des classes vaudoises g .U K. Bachmann Hunziker, P. Pulzer-Graf Unité de recherche pour le pilotage des systèmes pédagogiques, Canton de Vaud, 2012 Middle East Public Sector National necessities - Education Deloitte, November 2013 Morale laïque : pour un enseignement laïque de la morale A. Bergounioux et al. Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, avril 2013 The Negative Consequences of Overambitious Curricula in Developing Countries Lant Pritchett, Amanda Beatty, Center for Global Neurosciences et éducation : la bataille des cerveaux M.Gaussel, C. Reverdy. École normale supérieure de Lyon, septembre 2013 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 2 2 Le niveau de compétences de base peut-il expliquer le déclassement ou le surclassement sur le marché du travail ? Aline Branche-Seigeot, Jean-François Giret, Institut de Recherche sur l’Education, mai 2013 Numeracy in key stages 2 and 3: a baseline study Estyn, June 2013 Physical Education and Sport at School in Europe. Eurydice Report European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2013 Porqué importa hoy el debate curricular IBE Working Papers on Curriculum Issues; 10 Massimo Amadio, Renato Operttii, Juan CarlosTedesco, UNESCO-IBE, 2013 Progression in Student Creativity in School: first steps towards new forms of formative assessments Bill Lucas et al. OECD Education Working Papers No. 86, 2013 L education prioritaire dans les etablissements scolaires vaudois : analyse des besoins et description des projets P. Gilliéron Giroud, L. Ntamakiliro, Unité de recherche pour le pilotage des systèmes pédagogiques, 2012 Recommended Annual Taught Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe 2012/13 Eurydice, 2013 Reflexión sobre las competencias básicas y su relación con el currículo urrado e et al , entro acional de Innovaci n e Investigaci n Educativa, octu re 2013 Religious education: realising the potential Ofsted, October 2013 Report summary Revisiting Learning: The Treasure Within. Assessing the influence of the 1996 Delors Report S. Tawil, M.Cougoureux, UNESCO Education Research and Foresight, Occasional Paper no. 4, 2013 Science in key stages 2 and 3 - June 2013 ESTYN, June 2013 Secondary school students' attitudes to nanotechnology: What are the implications for science curriculum K. Murcia. Teaching Science, Sep/Oct 2013 (ProQuest) Sexuality education: a ten-country review of school curricula in East and Southern Africa UNFPA, 2012 A Skills beyond School Review of Switzerland Mihály Fazekas, Simon Field, OECD, 2013 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 3 2 A study of causes of decline in citizenship education in Pakistan: at secondary level Kaukab, Syeda Rakhshanda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business V.4 (8), Dec 2012 (ProQuest) Towards a learning culture of safety and resilience: technical guidance for integrating disaster risk reduction in the school curriculum; Pilot version UNESCO, UNICEF, 2012 UNESCO policy guidelines for mobile learning R. Kraut, UNESCO, 2013 UNESCO Regional consultation in sub-saharan Africa: Why teach about genocide? The example of the Holocaust, 10-11 Septembre 2012, Cape Town, South Africa: report UNESCO, 2013 U g , g h g communication (MITIC) au Secondaire II - Comment tenir compte des acquis du Plan L h 21 ? Marie-Thérèse Rey, Jean-Claude Domenjoz. Société suisse de l'informatique dans l'enseignement, 2013 Year 3 of Implementing the Common Core State Standards: State Education Agencies' Views on Postsecondary Involvement J.McMurrer, Center on Education Policy, Sept 18, 2013 2012 An Assessment of Pre-Primary School Programme Activities in Kwara State, Nigeria Amali, I. O.O. et al. European Scientific Journal, V.8(8), (April 2012) Bringing About Curriculum Innovations: Implicit Approaches in the OECD Area Kiira Kärkkäinen, OECD, August 2012 Citizenship Education in Europe Eurydice, May 2012 L , e ar ieu , E et al inist re de l’ ducation nationale, ao t 2012 Comparer les systèmes éducatifs européens. Une entreprise complexe mais indispensable emeuse, Institut d’ dministration Scolaire, niversit de ons, uillet 2012 Des compétences meilleures pour des emplois meilleurs et une vie meilleure. Une approche stratégique des politiques sur les compétences OCDE, 2012 English < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 4 2 The curricular reform of art education in primary school in Slovenia in terms of certain components of the European competence of cultural awareness and expression Bracun Sova, R. Kemperl, M, CEPS Journal No. 2 2012 Le défi de l'évaluation des compétences Olivier Rey, ossier d’actualit Veille et nalyses, n°76, juin 2012 Developing Key Competences at School in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Eurydice Unit EACEA, November 2012 Desconectados Habilidades, educación y empleo en América Latina Marina Bassi et al. IDBD, Marzo 2012 Developing Skills for Life and Work: Accelerating Social and Emotional Learning across South Australia Lauren Kahn et al. The Australian Centre for Social Innovation and the Foundation for Young Australians, 2012 Une dimension cachée du curriculum réel de l'école maternelle: la littératie émergente? Christophe Joigneaux et al. Centre de Recherche sur les Médiations, octobre 2012 Disaster Risk Reduction in Curricula - Mapping 30 countries UNESCO and UNICEF, July 2012 Educating the essential self: The AQAL Model in Socially Conscious Curricula Schmidt, Martin E. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice V.7(1 ), 2012 (ProQuest) The Effect of Curriculum for Developing Efficient Studying Skills on Academic Achievements and Studying Skills of Learners Demir, Semra et al. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education V4(3) 2012 (ProQuest) Entrepreneurship Education at School in Europe: National Strategies, Curricula and Learning Outcomes Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, 2012 Evaluer les politiques d'éducation prioritaire en Europe: un défi méthodologique M.Demeuse, N.Friant, Institut d’ dministration Scolaire, niversit de ons, ao t 2012 Eurobaromètre spécial n°386 : les Européens et leurs langues Commission européenne, juin 2012 Families make all the difference Helping kids to grow and learn Australian Institute of Family Studies, Factsheet, 2012 Influence of the quality implementation of a physical education curriculum on the physical development and physical fitness of children Gregor Starc, Janko Strel, BMC Public Health V.12(61),2012 Innovating Learning: Key Elements for Developing Creative Classrooms in Europe Stefania Bocconi, European Union, 2012 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 5 2 International Qualifications Loukas Zahilas,Centre européen pour le développement de la formation professionnelle, July 2012 Is Working Memory Training Effective? A Meta-Analytic Review M.Melby-Lervåg, C. Hulme. Developmental Psychology, May 2012 The Path so Far: Introducing Moral Education in Botswana Senior Secondary Schools Baamphatlha Dinama, International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, June 2012, V.5(2) Preparing 21st Century Learners: The Case for School-Community Collaborations M.Lonsdale, M. Anderson, ACER Occasional Essays, March 2012 Primary School Curricula on Reading and Mathematics in Developing Countries UNESCO UIS, 2012 Propositions pour une évolution du baccalauréat Buchaillat Laurent et al. Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et de la vie associative, mars 2012 Relato de una investigación: enseñanza de la historia y educación para la ciudadanía en el contexto de la crisis del año 2001 Talia Meschiany, La Historia Enseñada, número 15, 2011 Report on New Senior Secondary Japanese Curriculum and Current Situation of Japanese Language Education in Hong Kong Secondary School 2010-11 Society of Japanese Language Education, Hong Kong, 2012 Rethinking education: investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes European Commission, November 2012 The Road to a National Curriculum: The Legal Aspects of the Common Core Standards, Race to the Top, and Conditional Waivers. A Pioneer Institute White Paper Robert S. Eitel and Kent D. Talbert. The Pioneer Institute, February 2012 The Role of Education in Peacebuilding: A synthesis report of findings from Lebanon, Nepal and Sierra Leone M. Novelli, A. Smith. UNICEF, 2011 Le sport à l'école et le sport scolaire Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et de la vie associative, février 2012 Rural high school mathematics teachers' response to mathematics reform curriculum integration and professional development Cox, Teodora B.. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009 (Proquest) (PhD Dissertation) Schools Open Doors To New E-Learning Rules, Ideas Education Week, 29 August 2012 Survey and Thought of Financial Management and Education in High School Students in Nanjing Su, Weiyi; Deng, Mengting. Creative Education V.3(2), Apr 2012 (ProQuest) < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 6 2 A Survey on the Hierarchy of Values System of High School Students Sadeghian, Alireza et al. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, V.3(9), Jan 2012 (ProQuest) 2011 Comment accroître la place du sport à l'école ? Ambassadeurs du sport à l'école (UNSS), 2011 Curriculum and assessment models for the home language, ages 11-17. (Final overview report for Ofqual) Filmer Sankey, C. et al. NFER, 2011 Curriculum implementation exploratory studies 2. Final report Hipkins, R. et al. Ministry of Education, New Zealand, February 2011 Curriculum implementation in early primary schooling in Singapore (Research brief) Rita Silver et al. National Institute of Education, 2011 Does Detracking Work? Evidence from a Mathematics Curricular Reform T. Domina et al., University of California, August 2011 Enseignement des mathématiques et composition sociale des classes F. Baluteau, Théories et recherches, 18 octobre 2011 Enterprise in The New Zealand Curriculum August 2011 Education Review Office, October 2011 GaIT Working Paper: Curriculum, participation and performance in senior secondary Computing and IT subjects in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia Charles Sturt University, 2011 Learning to reinvent the school curriculum Rosemary Hipkins, NZCER, 2011 A Regional Exploration of Pathways Toward Harmonization of Math & Science Curriculum in the East African Community: Discussion Paper The World Bank, Sept 2011 Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Languages (Draft paper) Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2011 S h curriculum in Edo state h y h Okobia E.O, European Journal of Educational Studies, V.3(2), 2011 Taking a "future focus" in education—what does it mean? R. Bolstad, NZCER, 2011 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 7 2 Teaching approaches that help to build resilience to extremism among young people J. Bonnell et all, Department for Education, May 2011 T Y S b T b k S R g V Center for Religious Freedom, Hudson Institute, September 2011 Teaching the movement the state of civil rights education in the United States 2011 Southern Poverty Law Center, September 2011 Thematic probe: Curriculum specification in seven countries INCA, July 2011 (Australia, Canada, Finland, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore, and South Africa) When defining learning outcomes in curricula, every learner matters (Briefing note) CEDEFOP, April 2011 Other languages 2010 The Arts and Australian Education: Realising Potential Ewing, R., Australian Council for Educational Research, 2010 Behind the Curtain: Assessing the Case for National Curriculum Standards N. McCluskey, Policy Analysis 661, Cato Institute, 2010 Challenges facing headteachers in implementation of AIDS education in secondary school curriculum in Kenya: a case study of Busia, Bunyala and Samia districts Carolyne Aor Kwedho et al., Educational Research, V.1(10), November 2010 Could do better: Using international comparisons to refine the National Curriculum in England Oates, Tim, Cambridge Assessment, 18 November 2010 Curriculum Implementation Exploratory Studies: Final Report Cowie, B. et al. Education Counts G v plurilingue et interculturelle nion euro enne, œ v onseil de l’Euro e, 2010 History in the Curriculum Eurydice at NFER, 2010 Learning outcomes approaches in VET curricula: A comparative analysis of nine European countries Research paper n°6, 2010 Pedagogical Innovation in New Learning Communities: An In-depth Study of Twelve Online Learning Communities European Commission, July 2010 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 8 2 Thematic Probe: Curriculum Review in the INCA Countries Sargent, C.et al. International Review of Curriculum and Assessment Frameworks Internet Archive, 2010 Working with the National Standards within the New Zealand Curriculum Education Review Office, 2010 2009 Arts and Cultural Education at School in Europe: Curricula and initiatives EURYDICE, September 2009 Curriculum and Teaching Innovation: Transforming Classroom Practice and Personalisation Williamson, B. and Payton, S. Futurelab, 2009 Harmonization of the East African Education Systems and Training Curricula: Final regional Report The Inter-University Council for East Africa, 2009 (Also: Final regional Report validation workshops in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, Feb. - Aug. 2010). Implementation of the K-12 Education Reform in Qatar's Schools Rand Corporation, 2009 Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum: Final Report Rose, J. DCSF, 2009 OSH in the school curriculum: requirements and activities in the EU Member States European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2009 Quelles relations entre jeu et apprentissages à l'école? Une question renouvelée INRP, Dossier d'actualité n° 48, Octobre 2009 2008 L" h ", h g la formation professionnelle au Québec g gq . Le cas de Cereq, Février 2008 Assessment Practices and Aspects of Curriculum in Early Childhood Education: Results of the 2007 NZCER National Survey for ECE Services Mitchell,L. NZCER, 2008 Comparison of the Core Primary Curriculum in England to those of Other High Performing Countries Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2008 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 9 2 Course innovation in the senior secondary curriculum: A snapshot taken in July 2007 NZCER. December 2007 Currículo al Servicio del Aprendizaje Ministerio de Educación, El Salvador, 2008 Curriculum Changes, Priorities, and Issues: Findings from the NZCER Secondary 2006 and Primary 2007 National Surveys Schagen, S. and Hipkins, R. New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 2008 Enquiring Minds: Schools, Knowledge and Educational Change J.Morgan, B. Williamson, Futurelab, 2008 Impact of the Better Schools Fund on Curriculum Development Estyn, June 2008 The school curriculum – proposals for change (SPICe briefing 08/08) K. Berry, C. Kidner Scottish Parliament, 2008 2007 ACT National Curriculum Survey 2005–2006 ACT, 2007 Aligning Postsecondary Expectations and High School Practice: The Gap Defined Policy Implications of the ACT National Curriculum Survey Results 2005–2006 ACT, 2007 Answering the Question That Matters Most: Has Student Achievement Increased Since No Child Left Behind? Center on Education Policy, 31 May Building on the best: final report and implementation plan of the review of 14-19 workrelated learning Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2007 Choices, changes, and challenges: curriculum and instruction in the NCLB era Center on Education Policy, 2007 Creative partnerships and the curriculum. Eleventh report of session 2006-07 UK Parliament. House of Commons Education & Skills Committee, October 2007 A curriculum for excellence. Building the curriculum 2. Active learning in the early years Scottish Executive, 2007 E F E O N S h 2007 National Council on Economic Education, 13 June 2007 History in the balance: history in English schools 2003-07 Office for Standards in Education, 2007 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2014 10 2 The Key Stage 4 curriculum: increased flexibility and work-related learning Ofsted, May 2007 Making effective use of curriculum flexibility in primary schools: final report HM Inspectorate of Education, 2007 The New Zealand Curriculum. A submission on the draft for consultation 2006 Donnelly, K. Education Forum, 2007 Rigor at Risk: Reaffirming Quality in the High School Core Curriculum K. Ash, ACT, May 2007 < Back_to_top > INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION www.ibe.unesco.org Tel +41.22.917.78.00 – Fax +41.22.917.78.01 Postal address P.O. 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